Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 573: The gangster queen returns to the world!

Peacock finally started working with Luo Hu, which immediately relieved Lin Zhen's pressure.

As long as they don't fight with these two people for the time being, Lin Zhen is safe here.

Seeing that Luohu and Peacock couldn't tell the difference at a time, Lin Zhen immediately took the killer.

At this time, Lin Zhen could almost feel that these warriors did not come from this world.

At least they are not from a nearby high-level civilized cosmic country, they may come from a distant country, or even an unknown place.

But no matter who they were, no matter what purpose they came to resurrect Little Phoenix, they couldn't make Lin Zhen accept it.

The avatar's Yajiao spear was also taken out, with two spears in hand, impervious to wind and rain!

At the moment when a condor warrior and Lin Zhen intersected, Lin Zhen shot it out!


The spear shattered his brain directly, and the first headless corpse fell straight down.

"What a dare! Do you know who we are if you dare to kill us?"

A purple guard yelled at the side, and Lin Zhen sneered: "No matter who you are, it's definitely not as important as my own safety. Since you refuse to say it, then don't say it."

"Puff puff~!"

Two shots left and right, and two condor guards were pierced into the heart and killed on the spot.

"Bold! The first team charge with me!"

A purple guard rose into the sky, with dozens of golden warriors behind him. After he lifted into the sky, his body twisted, and then they all turned into the appearance of a galaxy beast.

Looking at the huge purple crane with a wingspan of 30 meters, and the group of condors with a wingspan of 20 meters behind him, Lin Zhen had a certain association.

The condor, the purple crane, and the colored-clothed man who fought Luohu over there seemed to be a peacock.

The galaxy beasts of these birds came here to resurrect the phoenix, the king of birds. What connection do they have?

Even though he thought so, Lin Zhen was overjoyed when he saw that they were preparing to charge together.

When this group of warriors charged down together, the other warriors even stepped aside, leaving room for them to charge. This may be a tactic they used to often use.

This is even more convenient for Lin Zhen, handing both guns in one hand, and waving the other hand.

Space cut!

Pieces of space cracks roared out, allowing these birds and galaxy beasts from the Metaverse to thoroughly taste the methods of the New Territories.

The first Purple Crane guard body flickered with stars, and he finally couldn't hold it in a dozen or so space cracks. A crack cut his neck directly and beheaded on the spot!

Zihe was killed in battle, and the condor guard behind him was almost vulnerable in front of Lin Zhen Space Slash.

Amidst the waves of blood flying, most of the dozens of condors that charged were damaged, and only a few escaped the disaster.

Suffering this heavy damage, the warriors who besieged Lin Zhen dare not continue to rush in droves. This is simply a living target.

But Lin Zhen's methods are still emerging in endlessly, especially the ubiquitous spiritual evil spirit cone, which is even more unpredictable. The time that suddenly appears accelerates, and the deceleration of time is even more unpredictable. Another purple crane warrior fell on Lin Zhen. Under the gun.

There was also the Galaxy Realm that Lin Zhen released with all his strength. Those Condor Warriors did not have the ability to resist the Galaxy Realm, and they fell in batches under the Tianhe Starburst.

Of course, the strongest was Lin Zhen's marksmanship, which collapsed and smashed opponents one by one with a blow from the phantom.

These warriors from the Metaverse also have a lot of methods, and various combat skills are emerging one after another, but they are really not at the same level as Lin Zhen. Basically, the first time to fight Lin Zhen, as long as the star power is not higher than Lin Zhen, There is absolutely no possibility of winning.

As the battle progressed, there were fewer and fewer warriors besieging Lin Zhen.

When the third purple crane warrior fell under Lin Zhen's collapsed marksmanship, there was only one purple crane left on their side, and more than 30 condor warriors.

These people could no longer continue to besiege, but shivered back to the distance, never daring to approach Lin Zhen again.

Seeing that these people had stopped moving, Lin Zhen didn't chase them down.

As soon as the spear was collected, Lin Zhen started his most important thing, resurrecting Little Phoenix.

The dark star power surged, and the deep blue flame hidden in the dark star appeared at Lin Zhen's fingertips.

At this time, Lin Zhen wasn't very confident. Peacocks had failed before. Can his little phoenix be resurrected smoothly?

But anyway, Lin Zhen will do his best.

"Burn it! Burning flames!"

With a wave of his hand in the air, a black hole appeared above Lin Zhen's head.

Like a huge eye in the sky, it exudes a terrifying breath from the depths of the black hole.

"what is this?"

"It's a black hole! How can this person control a black hole?"

"Rewind and rewind! The black hole will swallow everything!"

The surrounding warriors retreated almost at the same time, and no one dared to approach Lin Zhen within tens of kilometers.

Even Luohu and Peacock, who were still fighting fiercely in the distance, stopped the battle unanimously, looking at Lin Zhen with a little shock and some shock, at the spinning black hole.

The black hole bulged in the air, and the fire within the dark star burst out suddenly!


The deep cyan flame swept like a sea tide, and instantly filled the void.

"What's the matter? Does this man actually want to resurrect the goddess? But he can't succeed without the Phoenix blood."

Peacock's eyes narrowed slightly, but soon he was relieved. In his opinion, it was impossible for the goddess to resurrect. He did not succeed, and this ignorant boy would not succeed.

But the flames grew more and more fierce, stronger than the flames he emitted before.

The space actually showed signs of collapse under the burning of the flame. Although the space has a strong ability to repair itself, at the center of the flame, the space is like a broken mirror, with cracks appearing without gaps.

"The firepower is so fierce that it endangers my life."

A sense of crisis rose in his heart, and Peacock looked back at Luo Hu, only to see Luo Hu also looking at him.

At this moment, the two people reached a tacit understanding.

"A strong man in the New Territories, I have to admit that you are strong, but we have no grudges. And this person killed many of my subordinates. I will get rid of this person first and then leave here. What do you think?"

Luo Hui made a hoarse and gloomy voice from his throat: "I don't know where you came from, but I am sure to kill this person. If this is the case, then join hands to get rid of him, and then go away."

"it is good!"

"A word is settled!"

The two powerhouses quickly reached an agreement and began to turn around in the direction of Lin Zhen, but it was not easy to get close to Lin Zhen. There were dark blue flames everywhere, and even they did not dare to approach it. Look for flaws and approach slowly.

Lin Zhen didn't seem to notice the two people approaching. All his power at the moment was used to set fire.

The temperature in the air had reached the limit he could reach, and just at the center of the flame, the phantom of a little phoenix appeared again!

"Not dissipated! Great! Little Phoenix's true spirit has not dissipated, she is still there!"

"Nine years! More than nine years, I have waited too long for this day, now heed my call and come back from the endless darkness, my little baby!"

Lin Zhen bit his own finger, aroused by the star power, a stream of blood turned into a blood arrow, shooting directly into the void!


The blood was not melted by the flames of the burning sky, but directly shot onto the phantom of the little Phoenix!

The phantom of the little phoenix began to solidify at this moment, Lin Zhen's heart was shaken, and the excitement was beyond words, the star power exploded again, letting the blood in the body spray to the past!

"No wonder that peacock can't resurrect you, because in my little baby's body and soul, there is my Lin Zhen's blood. You are no longer a phoenix in the ordinary sense. You belong only to me and are unique. !"

"This Nirvana journey should be over, my little baby, be born again from the fire!"

The last powerful firepower flew out with a blood arrow, all merged into the center of the flame.

At this moment, above the sky, colorful clouds shone, the flame emptied, and the little phoenix seemed to come alive in the center of the flame!


With two phoenix sounds, all the flames returned to the center, and then a delicate little phoenix flapped its wings in the flames.

Luo Hu and Peacock who were trying to approach both stopped and looked at the sky in horror, because the phoenix's body exuded the aura of the domain king!


Lin Zhen felt a little sore in his eyes, he waited for the moment when the little Phoenix appeared.

All the light and heat converged, and finally flickered in the air, and then...turned into nothingness!

No more~!

"Is this... failed again?"

Lin Zhen looked at the void in disbelief, there was indeed nothing there, nothing left.

"Hahaha~! Overpowering fellow, our resurrection has failed, and you are still alive. It is impossible to succeed. Now you will die!"

"Lin Zhen! The scenery here is pretty good, so let's bury your bones here!"

Peacock and Luo Hu saw that Lin Zhen had also failed, their hearts were relieved, and they teleported to Lin Zhen's side at the same time, sending a powerful blow!

At this moment, Lin Zhen was extremely frustrated. Nine years of hard work failed, and he didn't even want to resist it, but the strong willpower of his martial artist didn't allow him to do that. He resisted the two masters without moving Attack.

But the power of these two people was above Lin Zhen, and under their joint hands, Lin Zhen was directly blasted onto Feng Qixing from the void.

It fell like a cannonball, and the body that was left hit the top of the sycamore tree. 唰唰~!

Luo Hu and Peacock teleported to Lin Zhen at the same time, looking at Lin Zhen condescendingly, they were already in their hands.

"Is there no chance?"

Lin Zhen felt qi and blood surge in his chest. Today's battle continues. No surprise, it may be his last battle.

But Lin Zhen would never allow himself to fail. Even if he died, he still had a way to hold Luo Hu and Peacock back.

Standing up, Lin Zhen's body was shining. He was about to explode Dantian and Dark Star. Dark Star was an entity. In this case, there was absolutely no reason for the other two to be spared.

"Lin Zhen! Realize it!"

"Succumb to death!"

The two didn't know it, ready to make the final blow.

Time seems to freeze at this moment!

A breeze blew, and the sycamore leaves salsa rang.

A faint fragrance fell from the sky, the wind blew the leaves, and angels descended on the earth!

The seven-color brilliance envelops, the fairy descends to the earth!

With black hair reaching her waist, starry eyes and red lips, a woman of peerless elegance gently held Lin Zhen's waist.

He didn't speak, but the emotions flashing in his eyes had exposed the master's deep thoughts.

"wait a second!"

Lin Zhen nodded his head involuntarily. After years of hard work, everything was worth it when he heard this sentence.

The fairy turned around, and a blade of light burst into the world!

Peacock Luohu was chopped to the ground with a single knife, and all the treasures of their bodies and all the things at the bottom of the box were destroyed by this knife!

They vomited blood, they couldn't believe it, they didn't accept it, the two of them couldn't stop the woman with a single blow!

Lianbu moved lightly, Feng Qingluan's tenderness for Lin Zhen was gone, it was full of frost, and the gang boss's domineering attacked the gangster!

"The man who dared to move my Feng Qingluan, you are dead!"