Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 629: Huahua Tai Sui

Shen Ying opened his eyes, and a trace of bronze mental power began to appear in the forest of spiritual consciousness.

Spiritual Consciousness of the Sea is the home of Shen Ying. He has been born, and he has automatically re-entered the Bronze Elementary Level.

It's just that the newly born Bronze Grade mental power is stronger than Lin Zhen's previous Cuimang Grade mental power.

Shen Ying looked at a white and fat baby, and felt Lin Zhen looking at him, and suddenly opened his mouth and made a giggle.

A seven-color spear was swinging in his hand, greeting Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen's mood was also filled with excitement. This divine baby was conceived by him through untold hardships. During this period, Lin Zhen even had the idea of ​​giving up, but when I saw him today, I felt that everything was worth it.

"Ah! Ah!"

Lin Zhen's mental power kept teasing the God Infant. The God Infant was smiling, his spear swayed back and forth, and various energy flowed on it. This gun was not a physical entity, but it was extremely lethal to other God Infants.

After a while, the **** infant seemed a little tired and started to rest.

When the **** infant fell asleep, Lin Zhen's mental strength began to slowly increase.

Lin Zhen finished work contentedly, and quickly got up to check his physical condition. After two months, Lin Zhen could take Juyuansan again and be promoted to the ninth level of the galaxy.

The expansion of the dark star space has also been further improved. It is estimated that within three years, Lin Zhen will be able to light up the third star, the Five Ghost Star.

The future is bright.

After cleaning up, Lin Zhen walked out of the room.

As soon as I came out, I saw Lin Feng lying on the bed outside, asleep.

"Hello~! Get up, your father came to catch you and go home."

"Um~! Where is it?"

Lin Feng got up all the time. He stayed outside well, but didn't want to go home. Even if he slept, he would immediately get up and prepare to escape.

"Ah, boss, you are out."

"Yeah, haven't seen it for a long time."

Lin Zhen glanced at Lin Feng, Lin Feng froze, and then covered his eyes with his hands: "Boss, your eyes are so terrible, I feel like my eyes are going to be stabbed by your gaze."

"I have made some breakthroughs in my mental power, maybe I haven't controlled it too well."

"That's really congratulations to the boss, what are we going to do now? Leave Xianle County?"

"Why leave Xianle County?"

"The shop has no business anymore. That Gu Yunting and us have smashed to the end. The five shops accompany us to play. He doesn't care about the wealth of money, but we can't afford it if we continue like this. My salary is all spent."

"You can spend millions of salary every month, it's really enough."

"Alchemy requires money, boss, I don't have the high success rate of yours, I basically can't make money, and millions of dollars are enough for something. If you don't come out, I will go out to beg for food."

"Okay, okay, let's go out and eat something delicious. I haven't eaten seriously for ten months. I'm almost starving to death."

"Well, well, I've been optimistic about a few restaurants, and I will wait for you to come out to celebrate."

"Hehe, then you pay the bill."

"No, I'm just a follower, where is the reason for the follower to pay?"

The two people quarreled all the way and walked out of the Alchemist Guild.

Lin Zhen originally wanted to see Thomas, but was told that Thomas had gone out, so he had to take Lin Feng and two of them to the street.

The place Lin Feng chose is really good, called Taste View, with exquisite dishes and delicious taste. It is one of the most upscale restaurants in Xianle County.

This place consumes hundreds of thousands at a time, and those who can come here are basically warriors of a certain level. The Star Territory Phase is very common, and realm king experts will often come.

In the Metaverse, people below the black hole stage are regarded as ordinary people, and only after the black hole stage can they be regarded as warriors.

This view of taste is not open to ordinary people. All those who can come here to eat and drink are warriors.

The two ordered a table of dishes and ate and drank while listening to the talks of the people around them.

"Hey, a relative came over from my hometown. He had to tell me how strong a realm king in their hometown is. At that time, I laughed at me. The guy who looked like a bunny had seen what he was really strong. He knows what realm king is the real master?"

"Then what do you think the real world king is like?"

"There are as many kings in the metaworld as the crucian carp that crosses the river. Among them, there are countless geniuses. But as far as I can see, the real kings of the strong are divided into races. Only those races with super talents can be born. The strongest realm king."

At this time, other people joined the debate: "I think the human race is very strong, with the largest number, and the strongest."

"No, no, no, the base of the human race is too big, and at the stage of the world king, I think the world king of the dark demon clan is the strongest below the same level, with strong physical fitness, strong natural mental power, and evil. The spiritual body is much stronger than the human race."

"Then I said that the angel family is strong, especially the Seraphim, which is simply a pervert among the realm kings."

"Can angels beat the Titans? Are you kidding me."

"The Titan Protoss may not be the strongest. How about the Bright Protoss that the envoy served that day? Can you suppress the Titans?"

"What about the Three-Eyed Protoss? It has fought against the Guangming Protoss for countless years, and the strength of the strong ones is simply horrible.

A group of strong domain kings argued there, but the last domain king opened his mouth and said: "I think that every race has a strong, even a weak race is an individual with superior strength, such as those wanted domain kings. It’s not that one kills countless people and is superb. This one cannot be generalized."

There was some truth to this sentence, and it temporarily calmed the debate among many domain kings.

Lin Feng was picking up his chopsticks there, and when he saw Lin Zhen stunned, he looked up.

Lin Zhen didn't say anything. The words of the last domain king gave him some inspiration.

For the refining of the clone, what kind of realm king to find is also a matter of opportunity. Lin Zhen has never had any clues, and the realm king said, such as those wanted realm kings, this sentence was given to Lin Really enlightening.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Zhen stopped, and then said to Lin Feng: "Does your dimensional universe have high authority?"

"It's okay, but you are not as high as you now, boss, you are a fifth-rank alchemist, and a guild elder. This status is very high, and you are almost catching up with the wooden king of the wooden palace."

Lin Zhen was stunned, he still didn't get used to his new identity too much. It turned out that the status of a fifth-rank alchemist was so high.

"Well, I can check many things myself."

Lin Zhen put down his chopsticks and began to inquire in the dimensional universe.

The thing he inquired about was a wanted reward order.

Rather than searching for powerful realm kings all over the world, it is better to use this method. Realm kings who can be wanted are undoubtedly very powerful.

"A reward is offered for the wanted king of the Jinwen clan, Bai Fengqi, the reward is 10 billion!"

"A reward is offered for Huang Ba, the wanted white tiger clan king, and the reward is 2.5 billion!"

"A reward is offered for the king of the demon world, Rasuk, with a reward of 4 billion!"

A reward order introduced the situation of these realm kings. These people have done some earth-shattering things.

For example, Bai Fengqi, a group of golden patterns, once broke into a gathering of realm kings and killed 25 realm kings in a row.

For example, Rasuk, the king of the demons, disguised himself as an auctioneer in the world auction house, and swept hundreds of billions of auction items, and finally left behind a bunch of fakes, which made the world auction behavior embarrassing. .

In short, these people are killing people and surrendering goods, robbing houses and robbing houses, they are almost all evil.

Longevity martial artists rarely intervene in battles at the level of realm kings. These realm kings can be called powerful, and it is really not easy to catch them.

When Lin Zhen sees a realm king, he will immediately check his information to see if it meets his requirements.

Because these world kings are basically rampant in Xianle County, they are focused on.

But the more investigation, the more disappointed Lin Zhen.

These realm kings can be regarded as strong, but they are still a little short of their own clone requirements. It is not easy to refine the clone. He doesn't want to leave any regrets, and then wants to replace it.

Lin Feng was eating violently over there. Seeing Lin Zhen motionless looking for something, he finally became curious.

"Boss, what are you looking for?"

Lin Zhen temporarily stopped searching, and said to Lin Feng: "I want to see who can be called the strongest realm king near this Xianle County."

"It's easy, I know! Huahua is too old!" Lin Feng immediately patted his chest.

"Who is Huahua Tai Sui? Why didn't I find it?"

"Boss, you can't find this person in the dimensional universe, because this is a realm king who is wanted by the strong longevity. This matter is only circulated within the longevity realm and has not been made public. I also listen to me. That's why Dad said it."

"The realm king wanted by the strong longevity? Is this person still alive?"

"Of course, how about being called the strongest realm king? There are some stories about this person."

Lin Feng coughed, temporarily stopped eating, and said to Lin Zhen: "Although our Nanliang Empire is a big country, it is not a first-class country. We are dependent on the Liang Empire because we are located in the south of Daliang. It's Nanliang."

"The emperor of the beam empire is the longevity state, the prince is also the longevity state, and the princes who have not yet passed are also the longevity state.

"Speaking of this princess, there is a background, the family is the best choice, and the length is more beautiful than the flowers, otherwise it will not be determined as the princess early, but he has not waited for the princess to pass. But something ridiculous happened!"

Lin Feng suddenly smiled: "A bold realm king sneaked into the palace, secretly filmed the crown prince bathing and broadcast it live in the dimensional universe. Although I didn't see any important points, this incident caused a sensation at the time and made the Liang Empire. The royal family was furious, and many longevity realm warriors joined forces to encircle and suppress them, but they were still run away by this realm king. Do you think it's awesome?"

"A lot of longevity martial artists have not caught a realm king?"

"Yes! So this realm king is called the strongest realm king, known as Huahua Tai Sui, and I also know that this person is now in Xianle County!"