Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 649: Elder Lin Zhen!

On the way, Lin Feng asked Lin Zhen: "Boss, I think your act of giving the little girl pill is inappropriate."


"The two men will definitely cheat the pill from the little girl. The look in their eyes looks like a wolf. I'll just find a chance to kill it."

"Haha! Of course I know that Xiaoman can't hold back those pills. She has just entered the Star Territory stage and does not need to dissolve the erysipelas. Those who need it will find her, and eventually the pills will fall into the hands of others. ."

"Then boss, do you return it?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, I gave it, and I also said that the pill can only be taken by Xiaoman, and other people will die of poison if they take it."

Lin Feng's eyes stared at the boss: "What? Boss, what you said is actually true?"

"Of course it's true, why do you think I'm joking?" Lin Zhen asked.

Lin Feng scratched his hair: "It's not just that I think, I'm afraid everyone thinks you said that on purpose, lest other people grab Xiaoman's medicine."

"Haha! This is a misunderstanding of thinking. People always like to be smart, so even if you die, don't think about blaming anyone. I said everything clearly. They just don't believe I can do anything."

Lin Feng thought for a while, "Boss, what if Xiaoman takes it?"

"First, she hasn't accumulated erysipelas in her body, so she can't take it. Second, even if she is poisoned, she can still contact me. Can I take the poison, can't I detoxify it? As for other people's poisoning, that's not good Looking for someone to detoxify!"

Hearing Lin Zhen finished, Lin Feng couldn't help giving Lin Zhen a thumbs up: "Boss, I think you are a pervert. Everything is considered to be a complete solution. This makes me think that sometimes my brain is better than force. Use it."

Lin Zhen waved his hand: "It's better to use force. When you have absolute strength, you don't need any tactics."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment: "What is absolute strength?"

"When no one can threaten you anymore, that's absolute strength."

Lin Zhen's words made Lin Feng yearning, but he felt that it was impossible for him to do it. On the contrary, it was Lin Zhen by his side. He felt that Lin Zhen had hope.

There are too many things that people can't see through this cheap boss.


Located in Nanliang City, a manor surrounded by mountains and rivers was purchased by Lin Zhen.

The location is very advantageous. The homeowner didn't want to sell it, but Lin Zhen's 1 billion cash smashed the manor, and the homeowner immediately happily rolled away.

Lin Zhen liked this because the manor was separated by a street from the Alchemist Guild in Nanliang.

After the house was bought, Lin Zhen shut himself up and did not go out for a month.

During this period of time, he refined all the pill that Gu Yunting had been familiar with, especially the two ancient pill prescriptions, each of which was cultivated to the point of proficiency.

He has the memories of two alchemists at the same time, especially Gu Yunting is the sixth-rank peak alchemist and the sixth-rank dark alchemist. After accepting their memories, Lin Zhen's alchemy has reached an extremely high level.

He felt that he was stronger than the original Gu Yunting, and he had even stepped into the gate of the seventh-rank alchemist with one foot.

However, it was still a little worse. Seventh-Rank was not so easy to achieve. In the entire Nanliang Alchemist Guild, only the president and vice-chairman were seventh-Rank alchemists, and the remaining few big elders were only sixth-Rank.

If you want to be promoted to the seventh product, you must have your own unique pill that is extremely helpful to people.

The specific standard is that this kind of pill can be ranked among ancient pill prescriptions in the future.

Lin Zhen still lacks an opportunity, as long as he has a good opportunity to refine the pill of exquisite grade, he can break through the sixth rank.

"Unless I acquire the memory of a seventh-rank alchemist, or I will create a unique pill of my own."

"Compared to devouring memories, I still hope to create my own, because my black hole beast body will digest for several years after devouring its soul. Now what I lack the most is not alchemy, which is incomparably excellent in the eyes of others. My talent and massive funding skills are nothing to me. What I lack at present is force!"

Lin Zhen has secretly decided that when he swallows his soul next time, he will choose a super powerful warrior and absorb his memory for his own use, and force is the strongest trump card of the warrior.

After practicing the art of alchemy to the extreme, Lin Zhen was about to leave home and go to the Alchemy Master's Guild to obtain a Rank 6 status.

Before he went out, the Dimensional Universe rang.

I thought that Zhao Xiaoman might have something to do, but I didn't expect it to be the challenge information.

That double-sword imperial challenger had made up another 10 billion, and once again challenged Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen didn't have a reason to not want this kind of pie that fell from the sky, and immediately entered the dimensional universe.

After a battle, Lin Zhen won a dangerous and dangerous victory this time.

Liang Chen had already made all preparations, thinking that he would never give Lin Zhen another chance, but he didn't expect Lin Zhen to use a hidden weapon to sneak attack from behind when he attacked wildly.

Liang Chen chose to advance boldly, trying to follow Lin Zhen's example, ignoring the flying knife behind to kill him first.

However, he did not expect that Lin Zhen's heart position added a thick protection this time, his knife did not pierce, and Lin Zhen was killed by a flying knife.

Liang Chen felt that he had lost injustice, so he refused to accept it. After making some harsh words, he went back to raise money again.

Lin Zhen happily accepted the 10 billion sent to the door, thinking that if this guy loses again next time, he will probably react. This is a little bit of money, and there is no such shop after passing this village. Up.

The room of Chairman Nalan Chenxi of the Nanliang Alchemist Guild.

Both Nalan Chenxi and Vice President Dwyane were watching here, watching this young man who came from Xianle County and was directly going to assess the sixth-rank alchemist.

That's right, in their opinion, Lin Zhen is a young man, and they have never seen such a young fifth-grade alchemist, who is only in his early a thousand.

You know, as the president of the Imperial Alchemist Guild, both Nalan Chenxi and Dwyane are warriors of the immortal realm. Calculating their age, Nalan Chenxi is more than 20,000 years old, and Dwyane is also more than 10,000 years old.

A thousand-year-old galaxy stage is not uncommon in the Metaverse, but the alchemy thing requires accumulated experience and a huge amount of money. What's more, this person named Lin Zhen actually wants to evaluate a sixth-rank alchemist.

This made both of them very interested and invigilated the exam in person.

In fact, apart from them, everyone else is not qualified to invigorate Lin Zhen, because even the other great elders are only six-rank alchemists.

As long as one kind of pill can pass the test, you don't need to test all the basic things for the six-rank alchemist.

What Lin Zhen wanted to refine was the Shenli Pill.

This is the ancient medicine on the auction house, which can increase the user's star power by at least 20%, but the side effects are not small and there are limitations.

Lin Zhen is mainly studying this pill these days, and now he has finally learned something, so he will try it here.

As long as he refines the magic pill, he will actually pass, but Lin Zhen wants to make a breakthrough.

Under the gaze of the two seven-rank alchemists, Lin Zhen started to act.

Seeing Lin Zhenru's movement with Yun Liushui, Nalan Chenxi and Dwyane looked at each other and nodded frequently.

Lin Zhen's basic alchemy skills were not even under the two of them, and he could tell at a glance that he would definitely not be able to do this without the hard-working experience of alchemy.


The dark blue flame burned in Lin Zhen's hands, and the firepower was no less inferior to them.

Dwyane suddenly asked at this time: "Elder Lin Zhen, you are not old this year, but this skill is very pure, does the New Territories also have an excellent alchemy environment? How did you develop your skills?"

He was testing Lin Zhen, an excellent alchemist, who could make alchemy even in a complicated environment.

This is not only a matter of mental quality, but also requires alchemists to have strong spiritual power.

Lin Zhen smiled: "The environment of the New Territories is not better than that of the Metaverse. At that time, it was particularly difficult to learn something. When I was studying alchemy, I once wanted to give up because of being too boring, but then I went to study and started to discover With the joy of alchemy, I won’t feel boring anymore. I usually have these things in my mind and I’m used to it.”

Lin Zhenshun was nonsense, saying that there was no pressure, and Dwyane would never be able to distract him.

The pill was gradually formed under the scorching fire, and Lin Zhen and Dwyane Haikan did not stop their efforts at all, adding drugs to remove impurities and resolve erysipelas.


A cloud of frozen air bloomed in the palm of my directly into the furnace!

This is the benefit of Lin Zhen's fellow practitioners with ice and fire. It is impossible for ordinary people to decompress erysipelas with cold gas.

Nalan Chenxi was also taken aback: "What a pure cold air, you have actually mastered the ice atom, no wonder you have the confidence to assess the sixth product, the pill that comes out like this will surely double the effect!"

Dwyane also praised: "Able to be a fellow practitioner of Ice and Fire, Lin Zhen, you should have cultivated a technique that has the world inside your body, I really don't know how you obtained this technique in the New Territories."

Lin Zhen didn't say anything. In front of the longevity martial artist, it would be better to say less, otherwise I am afraid that no secrets can be kept.

Seeing the pill forming once again, Lin Zhen suddenly pointed his finger!

A beam of thunder light directly hit the pill!


Under the bombardment of thunder, the pill did not shatter, but became a pill!

Lin Zhenyi beckoned. In order to ensure success this time, he only refined one pill, but this one pill has a warm breath, neither cold nor hot, and there is a faint thunder light flashing on it, which looks like it is A piece of art.

Passing the pill to Nalan Chenxi, the guild leader's pupils dilated instantly!

"This.... The pill made from this ancient pill recipe can actually increase the star power by 40%! And the side effects are very small. The weak period can be recovered in only three days, and the weak period is only Weakened forty percent of the strength!"

Lin Zhen smiled: "The last thunder light to get rid of toxins was a new idea I came up with. Luckily it succeeded."

"No! Not a fluke!"

Nalan Chenxi waved his hand: "A fellow practitioner of Ice, Fire and Thunder can do this. Lin Zhen, with this improved ancient divine power pill, I formally grant you the status of a sixth-rank alchemist and become the elder of our guild. Two immortal warriors will be dispatched immediately as your direct guards!"