Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 651: Confrontation

Looking at the triumphant Deacon Feng, Lin Zhen couldn't help but said, "Will I have any problems with the Alchemy Master Guild?"

"Of course there is a problem. You are an outsider who is sneaky in my guild and wants to plot wrongdoing. Of course, this deacon, as a public member, can't just sit idly by. You can quickly hand over the space ring and let me see if there are any medicines in it. Things? If there are any, you must explain clearly where the medicine comes from, or you are a thief!"

"What right do you have to check my space ring?"

"Haha~! Just because this is the Alchemist Guild, and I am the deacon here, you are not!"

"It's so funny. A little deacon dared to turn black and white. I really don't know who gave you the courage."

"Lin Zhen! I think Deacon Feng is right. It is not normal for you to appear here. Your Royal Highness also saw you stole the medicine. I can testify to Deacon Feng."

Liang Chen next to him finally saw an opportunity to vent his anger, and immediately began to attack Lin Zhen.

Today, he cooperated with Deacon Feng to speak, and the two of them forcibly accused Lin Zhen of Lai, and he was really able to do this thing. If he could make Lin Zhen bleed a lot, it would be really cool. Winning money in the dimensional universe, after all, there is still no reality. It's so cool.

"Yes, quickly hand over the space ring, kid, let me tell you to be honest!"

Deacon Feng saw that Lin Zhen’s guard of the realm king was not there. As a star, he naturally did not put Lin Zhen’s ninth level in his eyes. If he wanted to perform in front of Liang Chen, he wanted to pick Lin Zhen in the past. Space ring.

Liang Chen also sneered at the back: "Lin Zhen, you'd better not act rashly. This is not the Dimensional Universe. Your Highness and Deacon Feng will join hands. You will definitely not have the power to fight back. If you are acquainted, you will spend 50 billion. Let the matter go, or just wait to be cleaned up! I will definitely throw you into prison!"

Hearing the number of 50 billion, Deacon Feng's eyes suddenly lighted up. He didn't expect that the kid in front of him had so much money. With this amount of money, he could earn several billions.

Seeing Deacon Feng, who was rushing like a wolf, Lin Zhen sneered and suddenly shot!

Time hastened ten times faster, big mouth!

Deacon Feng didn't have time to make any response, he was knocked to the ground by Lin Zhen's palm!

The blood was directly flew out along with a few teeth, and the teeth flew to the wall dozens of meters away, and they were directly inlaid on the wall, which shows that Lin Zhen's palm is fierce.

Deacon Feng was stunned by the slap, staring at Venus, his brain buzzing and blank.

And Liang Chen behind him couldn't help but squint. He felt that Lin Zhen's slap was incredible just now, and this was the first time he had doubts about Lin Zhen whether he still had reservations.

Although he pulled out the double knives, Liang Chen didn't dare to go forward and fight. He came here to fight too many sequelae. Secondly, he suddenly felt that his confidence was not so full.

There is another point, that is, he feels that he still has reason. Lin Zhen dared to beat the alchemist in the guild, which is a big crime.

You must know that the Alchemist Guild is a self-contained system and is not affiliated to any country, and the strength of the Alchemist Guild can even be comparable to the most powerful empire in the Metaverse.

Even if he is the grandson of Nanliang, speaking in the Alchemy Master Guild is not necessarily useful, otherwise he would not come to Deacon Feng to discuss this matter.

"Lin Zhen! You are so courageous that you dare to beat the alchemist in the guild, this time the gods will not be able to save you!"

Liang Chen shouted loudly, Lin Zhen didn't use much star power with this slap, otherwise he might have killed Deacon Feng. The kid struggled to get up from the ground, even screaming.

His domain king with more than four hundred thousand stars was actually defeated by Lin Zhen's palm. He was a little afraid that Lin Zhen would not dare to do it with force, but he could make things worse.

"That's not good! Come on! Someone has committed a crime in the Alchemist Guild. Look at the one who beat me. The teeth flew to the wall, and I couldn't pull it off."

Hearing Deacon Feng's howl like a pig, a large number of people around were attracted.

In addition to the people who came to buy pills to do things, many alchemists were also there.

There are a lot of apprentices of rank, the number of low-level alchemists of rank two, and there are many alchemists of rank three, and there are also several deacon-level alchemists who have gathered around, seeming to know Deacon Feng.

"Brother Feng, who is this beating you like this?"

"It's him! This brave and shameless madman, stealing pills in the guild, was caught by me and scolded, but when he became so angry, he started to beat him, knowing that I am a deacon and dare to beat me. It's arrogant. ."

"Oh! So bold, you dare to be wild here."

"This is really weird every year, not more than this year, boy, the Alchemy Master Guild is not your home, you are in serious trouble, and the longevity martial artist can't save you."

"Yes, our Alchemy Master Guild has never been bullied before, the security guard, call the security guard over!"

Seeing that everyone around him was supporting him, Deacon Feng became more and more mad, thinking that you just slapped me, you will definitely want you to return all the benefits.

Something forgot to walk towards Lin Zhen, he thought to himself to slap Lin Zhen, and Lin Zhen would definitely not dare to fight back at this moment.

But he just took a step forward, Lin Zhen also took a step there, and slapped again!

It was the left face just now, this time it was the right face!

"Puff~!" The molars here were fanned out by Lin Zhen again, and Deacon Feng's face suddenly swelled into a pig's head.

These deacons looked at Lin Zhen so fierce, and they all took a few steps back in fright.

They are good at alchemy, but they may not be good at fighting, and they really dare not go up and do it.

Liang Chen saw that Deacon Feng had been beaten again, and his heart was full of flames. It was his master who was overbearing, but compared to this Lin Zhen, he felt like an angel.

But at this time, he couldn't keep watching, otherwise no one would refine the new medicinal materials.

I was about to go up and try with Lin Zhen, when someone behind suddenly said, "Elder Wang is here!"

A chubby old man walked into the crowd and looked at Deacon Feng, who was lying on the ground, and hurriedly rushed over: "How is your apprentice? Who beat you?"

"Master... Master, you have to call me the shots!"

Deacon Feng was beaten continuously. At this time, he could not wait to find a place to get in. When the old man arrived, he immediately saw the savior, and started crying to Elder Wang with his nose and tears.

He and Liang Chen discovered that Lin Zhen had stolen the guild medicinal pill. When he stopped it, the kid was still committing a crime, beating himself twice.

After Elder Wang listened, his angry eyes were cast directly on Lin Zhen.

"Boy, do you know where this is?"

"Of course I know, Alchemy Master Guild."

Lin Zhen saw that more and more people were surrounding him. He wanted to show his identity and end the dispute, but when he saw Nalan Chenxi in the distance rushing over, he didn't mention his identity at all.

"It's good to know, you steal the medicine in the guild, beat the alchemist, these are all you have seen with your own eyes, there is nothing to say."

Elder Wang showed cold light in his eyes, and first said to Liang Chen: "His Royal Highness, the rest of this man's life, I think he can only spend the rest of his life in prison."

"Just to my liking!"

Liang Chen agreed that he would immediately call the guard to arrest people through the Dimensional Universe.

"what happened!"

Behind the crowd, President Nalan Chenxi, Vice President Dwyane, and three elders came one after another.

The people around were all stunned. I didn't expect that these big bosses that were not seen all year round would come together today. Could it be that someone will always come?

When Elder Wang saw Elder Charles, his heart became more confident. When he came to Charles, he first saluted the president and vice president, and then said to Charles, "Teacher."

"What are these people making and making noise? This is the Alchemist Guild, not the vegetable market. What kind of style is it!"

Elder Wang hurriedly said: "Teacher, we really don't blame us for this. Your disciple was beaten by someone. You can't see what he was doing when he was beaten."

Talking that Elder Wang had pulled Deacon Feng, and seeing Deacon Feng's miserable appearance, his face was full of beard, and Elder Charles, who had a fiery temper, also frowned slightly: "What happened on earth?"

"It's such a master. His Royal Highness and I caught a thief who stole the pill. When he came out to stop him, this person actually attacked on the spot. First he knocked me over, and then he did it again while the people around him watched. Just beat me like this."

Charles and several people looked at the direction of Deacon Feng's fingers at the same and saw Lin really smiling at them there.

Nalan Chenxi took a deep breath, and then said to Deacon Feng: "Can you guarantee that what you said is true?"

"President, the absolute truth is true. His Royal Highness Sun can testify, and everyone present can testify."

Liang Chen also came to Nalan Chenxi to give salutes at this time. The opponent was not only an immortal warrior, but also the president of the Alchemist Guild, and his status was not much worse than his emperor grandfather. He must maintain respect.

"Chairman Nalan, what Deacon Feng said is true. I believe that Lin Zhen's space ring must contain the union's pill. If you don't believe it, you can let him open the ring and check."

Some people around couldn't help frowning slightly. There is a problem with this. Whose ring hasn't had the medicine in it yet? There is a suspicion of forcibly making false accusations.

Charles couldn't stand it anymore. He pointed to Lin Zhen and said to Elder Wang and Deacon Feng: "Are you sure he is the one who stole the pill?"

"Yes, he must have stolen, this person is a liar, bluffing is his usual method, I dare to guarantee my life!" Deacon Feng bit Lin Zhen to death. Today, if you want to get revenge, you must not be soft.

"You said he was a liar?" Dwyane asked with a weird expression on his face.

"Yes, definitely a liar!" Deacon Feng said decisively.

Lin Zhen coughed at this time: "I am not a liar, in fact, I am also an alchemist..."

"Oh! You are a fart alchemist, do you think the alchemist is Chinese cabbage? Tell you, cheating here is not working, look at your virtue, who would be blinded to think you are an alchemist, ha Haha! Don't laugh so hard!"

Deacon Feng laughed unscrupulously there, thinking that he had taken a chance to taunt Lin Zhen, this kid must have been dizzy, pretending to be something wrong, actually pretending to be an alchemist, this is really killing himself.