Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 657: 4 levels in a row!

Lin Zhen had already thought about it since Ke Jianglong started the Qilin Force Field.

Qilin talks about fighting, he can use few methods, but after taking the divine power pill, his star power exceeds 1.5 million, that is to say, life forms with star power below 3 million can't escape his black hole. .

But he didn't swallow Ke Jianglong at the beginning, because he still had a unicorn bone. Once Ke Jianglong was swallowed, everything about him would become history, and would only be annihilated in the black hole.

Therefore, Lin Zhen fought desperately and finally bit a bone in Ke Jianglong's front paws.

For this reason, he is also seriously injured, but with this thing, then everything is worth it.

So he didn't need to entangle with Ke Jianglong anymore, he directly started the black hole swallowing, and directly enveloped Ke Jianglong!

Ke Jianglong roared, kicking his feet in the void, fires shot out aimlessly, but all these struggles were in vain, the black hole still swallowed him alive with incomparable swallowing power .

To be precise, he entered Lin Zhen's stomach.

The black hole storm swept across, and Ke Jianglong, the realm king who was invincible in the New Territories, was killed by Lin Zhen's black hole storm, and he could no longer find his presence.

No, there is still a little breath, that is, Ke Jianglong's soul is still floating in the black hole.

This time Lin Zhen didn't search for the soul for Ke Jianglong. Although Ke Jianglong was a powerful realm king, he didn't have any skill and no ancient secrets. It was not worth Lin Zhen's soul search.

Because if Ke Jianglong was searching for the soul now, Lin Zhen might not be able to use the soul search again for several years, so he had to choose a suitable target.

When the black hole storm rolled, Ke Jianglong's soul was completely wiped out.

Lin Zhen thought this would be the end, but after Ke Jianglong's fire unicorn was completely swallowed, Lin Zhen actually felt a powerful blood surging from his dantian!

"This is... This is Ke Jianglong's bloodline power, which was assimilated by my black hole beast!"

Lin Zhen didn't expect such a change, but after thinking about it, he immediately understood the clues of the matter.

When he bit Ke Jianglong, he had already drunk a lot of the opponent's blood. Although the black hole directly swallowed Ke Jianglong, it also entered Lin Zhen's body.

They belong to the same family of unicorns, and are connected with blood and aura, and he is swallowed by Lin Zhen, and his power is assimilated!

The bulging star power began to fill Lin Zhen's dantian, and the powerful blood began to wander through Lin Zhen's veins.

At this moment, Lin Zhen seemed to have taken the world's No. 1 tonic medicine. He had not reached the peak of his power before, but now he could not control his breakthrough to the domain king stage!

"This Ke Jianglong didn't come to kill me, but gave me the world's number one panacea!"

Lin Zhen couldn't suppress his power anymore. The Qilin force field disappeared, and he turned into a human being, sitting among the ruins on the ground, and began to break through.

What he can do is to channel this force and perform the exercises in accordance with the movement of the meridians.

The star power like the ocean tide surged outwards, impacting the inner wall of Lin Zhen's dantian.

The galaxy period and the star field period are a major level. This level is different from the general small realm. A small galaxy in the body will truly become a large star field.

This is a qualitative leap in strength, which will greatly enhance the strength of the martial artist.

Generally speaking, after this stage, the martial artist's star power can be increased by at least 30%.

For better ones, it can increase by 50%.

The more genius may be above sixty seventy.

If it can reach 80%, it can be called a super genius.

As for the 100% improvement, it can only be regarded as a legend, there is, but too little, too little, so little that people do not believe there will be a 100% improvement.

Lin Zhen didn't know how much his genius level could be, but he felt that this time his breakthrough, the improvement of star power should not be too small.

The diaphragm of the original galaxy phase and star field phase finally shattered under the impact of huge star power!

Great changes have taken place within the dantian, and the void has begun to expand outward, as the star power continues to expand, as if the boundary of the universe is moving.

A new void appeared, new stars began to flicker, evolving rapidly, forming, emitting light and heat to provide Lin Zhen with new star power.

This star power was so huge, supplemented by Ke Jianglong's star power, Lin Zhen's breakthrough this time was exceptionally violent.

Lin Zhen's original star power was 1.1 million, of which about 300,000 came from the dark star space, his own star power was actually around 800,000.

In Lin Zhen's heart, he believed that his improvement this time was at least 50%, or even 78%.

But before the result came out, he was still very worried.

Chrissy also appeared automatically at this time, and began to remind Lin Zhen how much star power had increased.

"Master, congratulations, you have officially broken into the star field stage, and the star power is continuing to grow!"

"Without calculating the 300,000 star power in the dark star space, your current star power has reached one million!"

One million is an increase of 25%, which of course cannot be Lin Zhen's limit.

"It's 1.2 million, congratulations to the master for having increased to 50%!"

Fifty percent is Lin Zhen's bottom line. If you exceed this star power, you can earn more if you improve.

But Lin Zhen still underestimated his potential, and his star power was unstoppable all the way, and it quickly rose to 1.4 million.

At this time, the speed of the promotion slowed down a little, but it was still very fast. Chrissy reminded Lin Zhen that his star power had increased to 75%!

At 80%, even if he is a super genius, this standard is still somewhat low for Lin Zhen.

When the body star power reached 1.6 million, Lin Zhen's promotion had doubled!

One hundred percent improvement! This is the limit of domain king promotion!

At this time, Lin Zhen was already a standard first-level domain king, and still the pinnacle.

But the promotion did not end here, the star power that Ke Jianglong injected into his body was more than that, and it continued to hit the barrier of the second-level domain king!

Breaking through the big realm, these small realms are no longer enough to block Lin Zhen's breakthrough. Dan Tian roared again and rushed directly from the first-level domain king to the second-level domain king!

Xingli began to grow again, although slow, but still firm.

When the star power reached 1.9 million, Lin Zhen was a second-level peak domain king.

But this is not a stop, his star power continues to soar!

I have to say that in addition to the strength factor, luck is also an indispensable part of Lin Zhen's cultivation so far. The arrival of Ke Jianglong this time gave him a great opportunity, and the second-level domain king is not the end!

Sitting cross-legged in the garden, the whole person was surrounded by stars. The powerful star power even spewed out from his facial features and seven orifices, every pore was opened, allowing the star power to circulate in the body.

This time I practiced from late night until dawn.

The sky in the Metaverse is very distinctive. The sun does not necessarily rise from the east, it may rise from the north, or it may rise from the west. There are too many factors affecting the changes in the metaworld.

Those truly powerful warriors even have the ability to quietly change the orbit of the planet.

Moreover, there are express provisions in the laws of various countries in the Metaverse. For example, Nanliang stipulates that planets close to the ground within one light-year are prohibited from living and staying. No one can change the trajectory of the sun, moon, etc. , Otherwise it will be executed.

Every place, there is a unique planet in every place, such as this Nanliang, people are bathed in the brilliance of this star called Sunny, but in Xianle County, the sun Lin Zhen sees is called Huayao.

The area here is too big, unlike Lin Zhen’s hometown, all the planets in the solar system are bathed in the radiance of the sun.

The sunny star emerged from the southern sky, and the sunlight penetrated the dark clouds.

It is like a sword of the gods, falling from the sky and spilling onto the earth.

In the yard of Lin Zhen's house, the protective cover did not know when.

People who get up in the morning and walk on the street feel that the air in this area seems to be different from yesterday, and they take a breath, which is especially fresh.

Everyone in the Metaverse is a warrior, and can clearly feel that there is star power in the air.

"Someone broke through here yesterday, right? I feel that at least he broke through from the domain king to the realm king, and he is a very powerful realm king, otherwise it won't have such a big impact on the air."

"I think so but there is no movement at all. I have to stand here for a while. The smell of star power in the air is really refreshing!"

"Haha! It's really lucky to be able to live in the Metaverse. For example, such a powerful realm king breaks through. It is estimated that it will not appear once in the New Territories in thousands of years."

The people stopped in twos and threes, chatting near Lin Zhen's house.

Suddenly, the surrounding air seemed to be attracted by something, frantically pouring into Lin Zhen's house.

The entire neighborhood becomes a vacuum in an instant!

Of course, this short vacuum will not have any substantial impact on people. When a gust of wind blows, the air is restored.

People looked at each other and left each other immediately.

They were very clear in their hearts that this was a silent warning from the strong inside to them, asking them not to stay here anymore.

In their opinion, one who can achieve this level is a good realm king, a strong realm king, even in the metaverse, there are not too many people, at least there are no realm kings on this street. Naturally to avoid.

Soon there was no one near the block, and it was clean again.

But at Lin Zhen's house, Lin Zhen slowly opened his eyes.

This night of hard cultivation, Lin Zhen had an extremely great harvest.

With the support of Ke Jianglong's massive star power, Lin Zhen once again rose to the third level after breaking through, from the first level domain king to the fourth level domain king!

His star power, without calculating the star power of the dark star space, is already as high as 2.5 million!