Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 673: Enthroned

When the two-headed magic dragon was tens of millions of kilometers away from the ground, the princess, who had softened into a puddle of mud in Lin Zhen's arms, gently pushed his chest, motioning him to let go.

Lin Zhen just let go of her hand that caused the mischief, let go of her swollen lips that had been kissed.

"Lin Zhen, I'm leaving now. If I go further, there will be more starry sky detectors. I don't want to be seen by people at this time."

"Yeah." Lin Zhen was also in a bad mood.

"Don't worry about me, since I promised you, I will protect myself. Although I can't fight this fate, I have already made a breakthrough in the longevity realm. As long as I don't want to, no one can force me."

"I will go to see you in the palace."

"Oh! Then I really look forward to it. What kind of identity will my little lover enter the palace?" Obviously Ning Qingxuan doesn't believe it. Once she enters the palace, she is likely to be the queen. How could it be easy? Meet other men.

"Definitely, you will just wait. Also, remember to open your dimensional universe. If you miss me, you can meet me in the dimensional universe."

Ning Qingxuan nodded slightly and summoned a five-color deer.

Looking at Lin Zhen deeply, the eyes of the princess who had just begun to love her had crystal tears flashing, and she didn't want to separate from her sweetheart as soon as she made her love.

"Goodbye, Lin Zhen!"

The five-color deer ran with four hooves, and quickly disappeared into the starry sky.

Lin Zhen also sighed as she watched the beautiful woman go away. Such a beautiful woman can't live up to it.

He adjusted himself quickly, cleared up his mood, and headed towards the ground. The Star of God's Punishment was about to begin, and he had to prepare quickly.

In Nanliang’s Regent Palace, Prince Liang Zhihuan had finished handling government affairs and was staring at the window in a daze.

Ning Qingxuan has been missing for more than two years. Even if his power is almost equal to that of the emperor, he still has nothing to do with those who have disappeared in the cracks of space.

The identity of the other man who disappeared with Ning Qingxuan was also found out. His name was Lin Zhen, a martial artist from the New Territories, and he actually served as the chief elder in the Alchemist Guild.

However, according to Liang Chen, Lin Zhen is probably a clone, and his real body is Huahua Taisui.

That being said, it is no wonder Ning Qingxuan would chase him to the depths of the stars.

The scene of Lin Zhen holding Ning Qingxuan being swallowed by a crack is still vivid, although he knew that it was an instinctive reaction at the time, but Liang Zhihuan was still uncomfortable.

His fiancée is so beautiful, he is really a little worried.

"Qing Xuan...Where are you?"

Just as the prince was a little sad, suddenly a report from the servant came from outside.

"Report~~~~~! Report to His Royal Highness, the Princess is back!"

The waiter who had been calm and steady by his side almost ran in, his face full of joy.

Liang Zhihuan was even more excited. He strode to the side of the servant and grabbed him: "What did you say? Say it again?"

"His Royal Highness, I said that the prince is back. The first news that the city defense army got when she came back, has now returned to Qin Yin Xiaozhu!"

Before he finished his words, Liang Zhihuan had already thrown away his servant and disappeared in place!


Inside Qin Yin Xiaozhu, Liang Chen came to Ning Qingxuan excitedly, and gave a deep salute: "Mother, you can count as coming back. My child knows that you are a lucky person, and there is definitely nothing to do."

"Well, I haven't seen you for more than two years, and you have made progress. You are the domain king."

Liang Chen is now a second-level domain king, and his strength has improved a lot. Hearing Ning Qingxuan's praise, he immediately patted his chest and said, "My boy has never slackened these days. To prepare for the star of God's Punishment, I tell my mother, I have defeated several realm king masters, but it's a pity that Lin Zhen that **** is gone now, otherwise I will beat him all over the floor."

Ning Qingxuan glanced at Liang Chen. During this time with Lin Zhen, she was extremely shocked by Lin Zhen's potential. In two years, he was able to soar from the fourth level of the domain king to the eighth level of the domain king!

Moreover, before Lin Zhen was only in the same realm as his son, at the ninth level of the galaxy, his son had been a genius from the ninth level of the galaxy to the second level of the domain king in two years, but compared with Lin Zhen, he was simply scumbed by the second. Not left.

In addition, Liang Chen called Lin Zhen one by one, making Ning Qingxuan feel a little uncomfortable.

No matter how close Liang Chen was, it couldn't be better than Lin Zhen's position in Ning Qingxuan's heart. What's more, Ning Qingxuan was unhappy when they heard someone say this to him just now.

"Chen'er, don't be too arrogant. You have to know that there are outsiders and there are outsiders. Now you are definitely not Lin Zhen's opponent."

"Mother! How can you raise people's ambitions and destroy the prestige of the child like this? Just that **** Lin Zhen...Huh! Mother and Lin Zhen were swallowed by the space crack together? How about that bastard? Is he dead? ?"

Ning Qingxuan did not pay attention to Liang Chen again, got up and walked to the back garden.

It is the first time that Ning Qingxuan has always been doting on Liang Chen, and it is the first time to express her dissatisfaction in such a straightforward manner.

At this moment, the outside figure flashed, and his father Liang Zhihuan had appeared in front of him.

"Where is your mother and concubine?"

"Going into the garden, the concubine seems to be upset."

"You are too, such a big person, and you still don't have any seriousness all day long, you know to make your mother and concubine angry, and I will clean up you when I have a chance."

After speaking, Liang Zhihuan ignored Liang Chen and quickly entered the garden.

Entering the garden, she saw Ning Qingxuan, who was wearing a plain dress, sitting on the back of the beauty, holding a book in her hand, but her eyes fell into the void, obviously without focus.

"Xuan'er, you are back!" Liang Zhihuan called out.

Ning Qingxuan moved her beautiful eyes, her gaze fell on Liang Zhihuan, and she stepped down from the top of the beauty and leaned over gently: "Your Highness."

"Hey, just sit down, just sit down."

Asked the maid to move over a chair, Liang Zhihuan sat in front of Ning Qingxuan: "Xuan'er, I have missed you for more than two years. What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I can't get out of the cracks in the space. I didn't get out of trouble until I broke through yesterday."

Liang Zhihuan also saw that Ning Qingxuan's realm had improved again, and he was also secretly shocked. Such Ning Qingxuan could almost be regarded as the top master of Nanliang.

"Then...what about the people you used to hunt down?"

Ning Qingxuan's beautiful eyes fell on Liang Zhihuan's face, and it took a long time to say: "Huahua Tai Sui is dead."

"Dead? That's great! Hahaha! Great!" Liang Zhihuan stroked his palms and laughed, feeling relieved.

"Then I think Lin Zhen is also dead. He is the clone of Huahua Tai Sui. Since the main body is dead, the clone cannot live alone."

Unexpectedly, Ning Qingxuan shook her head slightly: "Lin Zhen is the main body, Huahua Taisui was killed by him."

"That... That Lin Zhen..."

Ning Qingxuan lowered her head slightly at this time, not wanting to talk about Lin Zhen's affairs in front of Liang Zhihuan, but slowly said: "His Royal Highness, don't think about it, haven't I come back safe and sound."

The voice was not loud, but his tone was firm and irrefutable. Even if Liang Zhihuan was the future emperor, he still lacked confidence in front of Ning Qingxuan, and he really didn't dare to ask any more.

And he also knows how to watch girls. Ning Qingxuan's posture is the same, her eyebrows are not confused, she is obviously still a virgin, so she should have nothing to do with Lin Zhen.

Thinking in his heart, Liang Zhihuan decided to test it out.

"Xuan'er, we were supposed to get married at the beginning. It's just a matter of Huahua Taisui. I also swear that Huahua will not die. I will not marry you. Since he is dead now, then we are Not..."

Ning Qingxuan raised her head and looked into the distance: "Your Highness is in charge of these things, and you have always been in charge."

"Okay! Then I will go back to prepare for the wedding. My father has told me many times. When I decide to take over the throne, he can give way to me. In fact, I don't know where he went. , Xuan'er is going to be my queen!"

Ning Qingxuan was noncommittal, and didn't seem to have any enthusiasm for this matter.

"Then I'll go back." Liang Zhihuan stood up.

"His Royal Highness, go slowly." Ning Qingxuan leaned slightly.

"Xuan'er won't give me a gift?" Looking at Ning Qingxuan's charming look, Liang Zhihuan felt a little eager. How long had he waited until this day, but he hadn't even pulled the hand of the beautiful lady.

"I'm tired. Your Highness will leave by himself."

After finishing talking, Ning Qingxuan picked up the book, and didn't show any face to the emperor who was about to succeed.

Liang Zhihuan told himself in his heart that this was the reason why he and Ning Qingxuan had no relationship basis, and they would get better over time.

Some didn’t want to leave, and had nothing to say: “Chen’er has done a lot these Star of Punishment is about to start. I think he can get a good result in it. Maybe it will give us some surprises."

If we talked about Liang Chen in the past, Ning Qingxuan would be more interested. Although she is also concerned today, it is not as Liang Zhihuan imagined.

I saw Ning Qingxuan shook her head slightly: "It's difficult, I just hope he can protect himself inside, and don't cause too much trouble to others."

Liang Zhihuan was taken aback for a moment, but didn't understand Ning Qingxuan's meaning too much.

But these are not important. He is about to take over the throne and marry Ning Qingxuan. This is the most important thing.

Liang Zhihuan left, immediately began to prepare various matters, and moved quickly, three days before the opening of the star of God's Punishment, everything was ready, formally ascended the throne and became the emperor of Nanliang.

And he announced on the same day that he would marry the princess Ning Qingxuan as the queen and formally enter the palace.

People originally thought that Liang Zhihuan, who had double happiness in the morning of the next day, would be pleased, but after the emperor came to the court, he appeared very spiritless and his temper was not very good.

It was not until later that news came out. For some reason, the emperor did not let the emperor in on her wedding night.

It is speculated that the emotions of the emperor and the empress are not yet in place, but who dares to force the empress?

Only Xiaoya, the maid next to Ning Qingxuan, felt that the lady had changed a little. The wedding night was in the room, as if she was studying the dimensional universe. Could it be that she met the emperor in the dimensional universe? This is really romantic.