Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 682: Runaway!

"The nickname is extra! The latest news from the Star of God's Punishment, Qin Jianfeng is far ahead in the twelfth theater of the Western Mainland, and the first man is unshakable!"

"The king of the Southern Continent, Boston has cut seven masters in a row, the first in a strong and stable theater!"

"Competitions are fierce in various districts of the northern continent. The saints of the Phoenix clan are truly astonishing, and they have become goddess-level figures in the Metaverse!

"In the 68th theater of the Eastern Continent, Lin Zhen, who was once considered a courageous rat, went violently, and his ranking has risen continuously. He has already reached the top 1,000 in the theater, sir, do you want a newspaper?"

Every place in Yuanjie, bars, restaurants, and teahouses are all about the news of God's Punishment Star.

Compared with the information in the dimensional universe, newspapers are also very popular. After all, holding a newspaper to read slowly is also a leisure way that many people like.

"The star of God's Punishment is so lively recently. It's really a lot of heroes. There are so many geniuses like dogs!"

"Yes, but I think that the final place for super tempering the divine body may be taken by the Daqin prince Qin Jianfeng."

"Yes, I am also an iron fan of Qin Jianfeng. He is too strong. Have you heard that? Since the day Qin Jianfeng competed with a sword, he has always challenged by leapfrogging, and he has never lost. Never lost!"

Another person also joined the discussion: "Is there such an exaggeration as you said? He is a prince. Who would dare to beat him? Maybe it was let him."

"Hahaha! This is how you are ignorant. After Qin Jianfeng took the sword, he left the Qin country alone. He has been rushing and fighting. He once swore an oath to lose, and he would cut his long hair. He has short hair, but now, his hair has reached the ankle, and he has to wrap his hair around his neck, and he can't lose if he wants to lose!"

"Yes, I also think Qin Jianfeng is the strongest, but it's not easy to say that Boston in the southern continent is also very strong, and it has never been defeated in his life. This time it is a challenge to defeat the seven masters in a row, and the number one in the theater is unshakable."

"You like heroes, I like beauty more, Feng Qingluan! Since seeing her, I have been insomnia for several nights. Not only is strong, but also beautiful, if she can be my girlfriend, I You can live less than a thousand years!"

"You better save the time, Feng Qingluan's kind of woman can't be imagined by everyone. If you want to marry home, you can't live without two brushes."

"Why did you say that Lin Zhen suddenly got beaten up with chicken blood? At first, I was laughing at that kid, but recently he started to get mad from the penultimate star of All God's Punishment, and has already reached the top 1,000 in their battle zone. Now, is it possible for this kid to win a spirit of spirit in the end?"

"It's hard to say, but Lin is really from the New Territories. This kind of civilian warrior counterattack is also supported by a lot of fans, ha ha! Many people still regard him as an inspirational idol in this battle of the **** of punishment. He is really lucky. "

"Well, but I think Lin Zhen will stop here. I heard that his behavior is too unscrupulous. The big bosses in their district are chasing him. Some people say that in the past two days, the 68th theater of the Eastern Continent will definitely be big. The news came out."

"Let's wait and see, I hope the busier the better, hehe!"

Discussions like this are happening anywhere in the Metaverse, and there are a lot of people who support those warriors who are ranked high.

A small theater like Lin Zhen ranked in the top 1,000, being so famous is entirely due to the fact that he started to win the bottom of the Metaverse, but attracted a lot of attention.

But Lin really didn't care about this kind of attention. What he cared about now was the people who had been chasing after him.

Werewolves and Black Widows!

Since killing the man who mocked him, Lin Zhen has had a bunch of little tails.

The black widow has a talent for tracking, called a clue, able to chase down according to a little bit of human scent, without giving Lin Zhen any chance to breathe, so that Lin Zhen has not returned to the convenience store to rest for many days.

It's not that Lin Zhen didn't want to stay and fight. If the werewolf led a group of men and horses, if Lin Zhen faced the battle alone, he was not completely sure. He didn't want any accidents and could only temporarily avoid it.

Lin Zhen was fed up with the days of hiding in the city for more than ten days.

"Can't go on like this!"

In a residential building, Lin Zhen ate something hastily, and watched a group of warriors hull into the residence outside the window. The leader in front was the Black Widow, who had caught up.

Among the crowd, the tall werewolf was particularly eye-catching, and Lin Zhen hadn't fought him yet.

"My rankings have been improving these days. I am now 920th in the war zone, but this is not enough. If you want to fight the werewolves, the first person to clean up is the black widow, otherwise this woman will lead the team. Keep tracking, I can't really rest at all."

"It seems that some means need to be used."

Lin Zhen secretly made up his mind and took a look at this residential building. It was completely deserted and could be used for ambushes.

After observing the path of those people for a while, Lin Zhen had already figured out some patterns.

"Black Widow is one of the top 100 players in this area, and her star power should be higher than I am now. Relying on her own star power is high enough, she has always acted publicly, even if she came to catch me, she was ahead."

"The distance between the werewolf and her is about 100 meters, but if you are in a complex with a complex terrain, the distance of 100 meters is like the end of the world, enough to do a lot of things."

"Here! Faster!"

The black widow ran at the forefront of the team. In order to avenge her brother, she wanted to kill Lin Zhen herself.

The werewolf hung far behind. He believed that the black widow's ability was not enough to guarantee that Lin Zhen would be killed, Lin Zhen would never think about how to deal with her in a short time, and would be entangled by her and unable to escape.

The Black Widow felt Lin Zhen's breath more and more clearly, she was on the seventh floor in front.

Without waiting for the companion next to her, she had a pair of hands and two spider silks flew out, firmly pulling on the window lattice over there, and volleyed her body to fly up!

Enter the room flexibly and land lightly!

Before he landed, he saw Lin Zhen clenching his fists and sneered at her.

"It's such a cold day, isn't it cold for you to wear so little? Let me help you warm up!"

Snap the sword!

Except for the thumb of each hand, the other four fingers flicked repeatedly at extremely high speeds, and a series of sword air roared like a machine gun!

At such a close distance, even if the black widow's body could twist as desperately as a snake, she couldn't completely avoid Lin Zhen's sword energy, and she quickly hit her leg.

A blood hole appeared, and the black widow let out a stern howl, and the spider silk all over her body burst out like a goddess's flower, instantly filling the whole room.

"Lin Zhen! If you want to kill me, turn me into a cocoon first!"

The appearance of layers of spider webs actually blocked Lin Zhen's sword qi abruptly.

"Huh! Little bugs! Break it for me!"

With a wave of his hand, Lin Zhen shot a seven-star knife of flame power, and the dark blue flame raged on it, instantly burning the surrounding spider webs.

A powerful breath came from outside the window, and it was a werewolf who was about to arrive.

Time waits for no one, Lin Zhenxing is able to transfer!

The four million star power instantly turned into seven million, with a spear, killing the black widow.

Faced with Lin Zhen's sudden increase in strength, the Black Widow immediately realized that it was not an opponent, but now it was too late to escape, she simply pulled off her corset, and the two white flowers jumped in the air. Looking at Lin Zhen's chest, he cast a wink: "Handsome guy, come on!"

I thought it would distract Lin Zhen, but I didn't expect that the opponent's spear stabbed him without stopping, killing him instantly!

Seeing the black widow's body lifted into the sky, Lin Zhen spit out, "Bah! If you look like Qingluan or Xuaner, you might have succeeded, but unfortunately, there are two future wives of mine, Zhuyu in front. What are you!"

After killing Black Widow, Lin Zhen's ranking soared from more than 900 to 101!

Black Widow is a master in the top 100, earning half of her points, plus her own points, so that Lin Zhen once again soared by more than 800, and he was about to enter the top 100!

Seeing that the black widow was eliminated from the game, the werewolf who was about to enter the building was almost out of breath.

Not only because she was eliminated, but because the black widow flew out with her upper body naked!

No matter what race he is, as long as he is a man, he doesn't like his woman being seen by others, and werewolves are no exception.

At this moment, he felt that his wolf head seemed to turn green!

He didn't think it was the clothes that the black widow took off herself, maybe it was stripped off by Lin Zhen.

Recalling the legend of Lin Zhen cuckolding the emperor of Nanliang, the werewolf only felt angry and roared: "Lin Zhen! You are a pervert who specializes in playing with other people's wives, I will eat you!"

Lin Zhen had already shifted his star power at this moment. It was at the peak of his state. He originally wanted to fight the werewolf, but when he heard these words, a drop of cold sweat fell on his head.

When did he get such a reputation?

If such a name spreads in the entire universe in the future, I am afraid that anyone with a beautiful wife will have to keep his wife away from him.

Although Lin Zhen was already satisfied with Anning Su Mingyue, Xiao Fenghuang and Xuan'er, such a reputation still made him feel wronged.

"I'm pooh! Even if I like women, I still look down on your woman like that! Die!"

Originally, after Lin Zhen wanted to kill the Black Widow, he would not meet with the werewolf for the time being. It would be more certain to wait until he was promoted to the ninth-level domain king. But at this moment, he didn't care about that much anymore. He jumped out of the window and shot straight. The werewolf stabbed down!

Shaking Mountain Spear Technique!

It is impossible to use the powerful ultimate move of Planet Fall, but the marksmanship can still be used. If this move is issued, it still has the power to shake the mountains!

And more importantly, the werewolf felt that Lin Zhen had fired a shot in an angry state at this moment.

He couldn't help but hate in his heart, you took off someone else's wife's clothes, and I just said that you are so angry, you get a bargain and sell well, it's really shameless! 8)