Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 688: Star power 7 million!

The dark star breakthrough this time was a little different from other times. The dark star space was originally on the verge of a breakthrough, but there was a hint of disharmony that caused Lin Zhen to not be fully sure.

That is the small space from the turbulence of space.

This small space has not completely landed on the dark star, but is floating incompatible.

The small tree that gave birth to the flower of space wandering still shone with shining light, and the turbulent space flow formed a protective layer outside it.

But at this moment of breakthrough, this lack of integration has become a fatal factor.

Lin Zhen could even feel that the power of this small space was fighting against the star power of the dark star space!

And above the sky, the veil of the Star of Seven Kills has been lifted, but now there are signs of shrinking.

"No, if this continues, the Dark Star Breakthrough will fail this time, and such a thing must never happen."

Lin Zhen wanted to abandon this small space altogether, but he was reluctant to bear that tree of star crystals.

"The only way at the moment is to let this small space merge with my dark star."

With a thought, Lin Zhen directly enveloped this small space with mental power, and wanted to force it to land on the dark star.

Lin Zhen's original location was the basin below the small space, but there were waves of rejection from the small space, and it was difficult for Lin Zhen to suppress it.

Seeing that the star of seven kills in the sky was about to go out, Lin Zhen was impatient and didn't think much about it, and directly chose the highest spot on the planet.

The highest place on the entire planet is the star fruit tree.

The only place on the star fruit tree that is suitable for small spaces is Shuxin Lake!

Lin Zhen also thought of this place at the moment of inspiration. This small tree and the star fruit tree both bred star crystals, and their attributes should be similar. Maybe they can merge.

With a thought, the small space has come to the Shuxin Lake, and the spiritual force is pressed down, this time there is no resistance to rejection!

Wow! ! !

Gurgle! ! !

The water splashed, and the small space slowly landed.

The turbulent flow of energy gradually dissipated in the lake water, spreading between the heaven and the earth.

The small hill sank directly into the lake water, forming a lake island above Shuxin Lake.

The little tree is swaying in the wind here, and it fits seamlessly!

Not only that, after the fusion of the small space and the dark star, Lin Zhen's dark star space seemed to be greatly stimulated, and it rumbling outward again, and the star of the seven kills began to brighten again.

"This star power is so powerful!"

The whole star fruit tree seems to have gained a new life again. After merging with visitors from other worlds, this big tree seems to have grown a little bit.

The surging star power swept the entire dark star space like a storm. Before, Lin Zhen thought that if the star of the seven kills was lighted, the maximum amount of star power that could be increased by one hundred and two hundred thousand would be the end, but this time, seven kills. The star lights up, and 300,000 star power seems to be just the beginning!

The huge storm rolled back and forth, and Lin Zhen didn't know how much this star power would increase, so he took out the magic light sword.

Such a stormy scene is just suitable for the comprehension of Taiyuan swordsmanship!

There are seven styles of Taiyuan swordsmanship, Tianchu, Tianhua, Taishi, Taixu, Taiyuan, Ultimate Life, and Divine Burial. One style is more powerful than the other. If you learn the fifth style, Taiyuan, it can be as powerful as Planet Fall. !

Moreover, compared with Planet Fall, Taiyuan sword technique does not require huge star power.

A single strike from the planet can even attack an immortal martial artist, and its power lies between Taiyuan and the eternal life. If Lin Zhen learns the eternal life sword, he can easily kill the eternal life.

With Taiyuan in hand, he can easily kill the realm king!

Therefore, the practicability of Taiyuan swordsmanship should surpass that of the star-fall five styles, but Lin Zhen only understood Taixu now.

Although Tai Xu was good, he was a little weak against the King of Upper Realm.

Lin Zhen wanted to work hard and take advantage of this breakthrough opportunity to directly practice Taiyuan sword technique successfully. If he succeeds, then his strength will almost directly double!

The black hole swallowed as Lin Zhen's trump card at the bottom of the box. He didn't want to expose it when he could not expose it. There was also the Destroying Thunder, which would take a long time to recover.

He intends to use these two samples in the most critical places after the border is opened.

And Taiyuan is the strongest ultimate move of Lin Zhen in a normal state!

The star power was surging, the long swords between the sky and the earth rang, Lin Zhen began the most important insight!


Inside the Nanliang Palace, Liang Zhihuan and Ning Qingxuan seem to sit together on a rare occasion, watching the situation on the big screen.

Liang Chen's kid is also considered arrogant. He performed well in the Star of Punishment, ranking in the early ten thousand in their small battle zone.

But at this time, they did not pay attention to their son, but to Lin Zhen.

"Xuan'er, I advise you not to have any illusions. It has been less than an hour since the opening of the border. The last moment of killing has passed. The small theaters have calmed down, and there will be basically no changes."

Ning Qingxuan didn't pay attention to Liang Zhihuan, who was here for the weird yin and yang, her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Zhen's name. She didn't want to miss any of Lin Zhen's ranking changes.

She has a strong hunch that Lin Zhen is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to be ordinary, he will definitely appear again!


Most of the stars of God's Punishment stabilized in the small theater.

Those top three masters are not chasing other people, and even choose to take the initiative to form a group to protect themselves.

The other warriors also knew that there was no hope, so they simply gave up this futile move and quietly waited for the moment when the border opened.

And there are some powerful warriors who have already set their sights on the opening of the border.

Qin Jianfeng of the Great Qin Empire was holding a long sword, standing on the TV tower, scanning the entire city, only felt that this small battle zone was too challenging.

In the southern mainland of Boston, wearing a Lingbao armor, holding a golden trident, and walking on the waves, his goal is to super temper the divine body.

The Lord of the Phoenix clan gently rubbed the sword in his hand. There were picturesque landscapes in his heart, and beautiful women like jade in his heart, but the beauty now had his heart, and he would surely cut all enemies blocking him under the sword.

Secret Martial Artist! The strong among the big galaxy beasts, as well as countless unknown strong ones, are waiting for the opening of the border, because in their eyes, the small battle zone in which they are located is no longer worthy of their attention. People exist!


The situation in the 68th theater of the Eastern Continent is basically the same.

In the sword grave, three people sat on the ground.

In the middle was Chen Tianpeng, the man on the right was slaughtered by thousands of people, and the man on the left was a red-haired boy. This was Luo Fei who had confronted the werewolf at the beginning. One man and one sword forced the werewolves and their two dozen people to not move forward.

A gust of wind blew, and the long sword in the sword mound made a crashing sound, like a kind of percussion.

"Time flies really slowly. Why does this half an hour feel so difficult?" Ten thousand people sat for a while and finally couldn't sit still, stood up and walked back and forth.

Luo Fei glanced at Ten Thousand Tuan, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. If it weren't for Chen Tianpeng's shelter, this guy had been eliminated by Lin Zhen, but now he was ranked above him.

"Brother Wan, can you sit quietly for a while, half an hour will pass quickly, five months have been waiting, is it still such a short time? I feel dizzy because of you."

"No, I can't sit still, I don't know why today, I always feel a little uncomfortable, and I can't calm down at all."

Chen Tianpeng said at this time, "Since you lost to Lin Zhen last time, the inner demon has not been driven out. If you can't win a round with Lin Zhen, I am afraid you will not be able to calm down and practice."

"Yes, yes! That's what I meant, brother. Then Lin Zhen hit me by surprise last time. If I had no resistance at all, it would be fine. But I still feel a little dissatisfied in my heart. If I don't beat him, I feel uncomfortable. ."

At this time Luo Fei tilted Erlang's legs and said: "Forget it, now is too late, you can't find where Lin Zhen is, unless he comes to you, otherwise there is nothing."

Wantu sat down in front of the window, looking at the avenue leading to Canglan Street, and sighed: "It must be out of play. Lin Zhen really hid this time. Will appear again."

Looking at the end of Canglan Street, how much the massacre wanted Lin Zhen to appear at this moment.

Perhaps it was his prayer that moved the heavens. At the end of Canglan Street, someone seemed to appear.


In the dark star space, the turbulent star power finally slowed down the speed of improvement.

The gap between Lin Zhen's dark star's power and his body's strength was a bit big before, and his body's star power almost exceeded ten times that of the dark star space, making the power of the dark star increasingly tasteless.

But this time, dark star space is important again!

Originally, Lin Zhen's dark star space could only provide him with 300,000 star power, but the integration of the alien space made Lin Zhen's dark star power soar!

Those overflowing space turbulence turned into a series of star power.

The little tree swayed the star power to its fullest, making the dark star's star power greatly increased.

The star fruit tree was drawn by the small tree, and the bright star crystals began to light up one by one, and it seemed that there were signs of evolution, making his star power begin to climb all the way!

The addition of various factors finally made Lin Zhen's dark star space a qualitative change.

The Star of Seven Kills lights up, bringing Lin Zhen 300,000 star power, making his star power reach 600,000!

Space turbulence evolved star power, bringing him 300,000 star power!

The successful landing of Shuxin Island was a big one, directly bringing Lin Zhen an increase of 1.5 million star power!

Although the change of the star fruit tree is not particularly large, it only has 400,000 star power, but it has unlimited possibilities in the future.

All the power was concentrated, so that Lin Zhen's dark star space power reached 2.5 million!

Adding his 4.5 million star power, Lin Zhen's current total star power is 7 million!

When all the power subsided, Lin Zhen slowly stretched out his hand and grabbed the magic light sword in front of him.

"Out of Taiyuan! Realm King Mie! I'm back!"