Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 698: Disappear in place

Lin Zhen teleported away, but the warrior here did not stop.

Over there, Ramotti and Shengyan leaned against a destroyed house, panting between the broken walls, but no one dared to approach them.

They all knew that Lin Zhen was already going to do it. If they could catch up with Lin Zhen and kill him, they would get a lot of points, and the opportunity to refine the divine body was not a dream.

In order to temper the divine body, these warriors can do everything.

Although Lin Zhen Continent was teleported away, there were too many warriors here. They made phone calls, looking for their friends, and asked them to find a heroic warrior to see if Lin Zhen went to that war zone.

There are one hundred war zones on each continent, and four hundred on four continents, and the number of warriors gathered here alone is seventy to eighty thousand. When contacting friends everywhere to find out, Lin Zhen has nowhere to hide!

Moreover, Lin Zhen killed too many hero flags in this battle, and the hero flags of other theaters did not want to let Lin Zhen go.

News came back soon.

"Lin Zhen is in the No. 1 Theater of the Western Mainland!"

A large group of warriors began to teleport to the Western Continent. Although the mainland teleportation would consume half of the points, many people didn't have too many points. As long as they could kill Lin Zhen, they would return everything.


In the Western Continental War Zone No. 1, Lin Zhen randomly appeared somewhere in the city, and then immediately went straight to the teleportation formation.

His luck was not bad. The place where he appeared was not far from the teleportation array, and it also took time for others to find him. Before a large number of warriors came to chase him, he teleported again.

Spend half of the points again and go to the northern continent!

He knew that he couldn't stay at all at this moment, if he stayed, he would not be able to leave.

On the map, he could even see some heroic warriors rushing to the teleportation array.

There were waves of weakness in his body, and the feeling of losing strength made Lin Zhen extremely uncomfortable.

After killing the four secret gate gods before, Lin Zhen had already entered the top 20 of the standings, but after two consecutive mainland teleportations, he fell out of the 200th place!

This was not over yet. He had just arrived in the northern continent, and he went to the teleportation formation to wait, and soon found that a warrior was chasing him.

Teleport again, from Theater 1 to Theater 11!

The points are reduced by one tenth again.

Soon someone chased him over, and Lin Zhen gritted his teeth and went from the 11th theater to the 100th theater.

Five minutes later, Lin Zhen teleported again, this time directly to the southern mainland.

He would rather spend all his points and get rid of chasing soldiers. As long as he lives as much as possible, he will be safe!

In the Southern Liang Palace, La Xia quietly watched Lin Zhen's situation.

Because Lin Zhen's situation will be broadcast throughout Nanliang, all Nanliang people can see that Raxia and Liang Zhihuan are together, and of course Lin Zhen's situation can also be seen.

He saw it, Ramotti saw it, and then Ramotti notified others to chase Lin Zhen, so he could not escape his sight no matter how Lin Zhen runs!

Only the warriors of the Kanon tribe can cheat by such means.

"This kid really can run. He has changed three continents in a while, but it's almost the same. His ranking has fallen beyond 10,000. After running for a while, his points will be lost. See if he is there. How to run?"

Liang Zhihuan nodded slightly next to him: "Yes, you can follow the number I gave you to contact our warriors in Nanliang in the Star of God's Punishment, and order them to hunt down Lin Zhen."

"Okay, but if the hunt is successful, the money that should be given to me still cannot be less."

"Don't worry, I am also an emperor, so I still have some credibility."

La Xia watched Lin Zhen's escape route, and over there, La Moti notified Nan Liang who was in the Star of God's Punishment.

These people are Liang Zhihuan's subordinates, who have been accounted for a long time ago. They are now under the command of Ramotti. As long as Ramotti utters the signal, they will obey unconditionally.


More and more warriors were left behind by Lin Zhen.

This Lin Zhen is also too cunning. He has never stayed in any place. They chased and killed him. Lin Zhen hadn't seen the shadow, but he was about to use up his points.

Many people calmed down, feeling that it was not their turn to hunt down Lin Zhen, and gradually gave up.

But there is still a group of people who can always catch up with Lin Zhen the fastest. Almost Lin Zhen’s front foot arrives, and their back foot arrives immediately. Lin Zhen was even intercepted by them once, not because of his mental strength, Lin Zhen. It's over.

There is no sign of nationality or war zone on the person who is chasing him, and he has been obscured.

But Lin Zhen instinctively felt that these people belonged to Nanliang, because people from other countries did not need to be sheltered.

Although I don't know what went wrong, it doesn't matter anymore. What's important is that Lin Zhen's points will be gone.

At present, his points are two points, and he is already ranked first in the bottom of the entire God Punishment Star!

Lin Zhen's points ranking is over 435 million! the last place!

After teleporting again, Lin Zhen returned to the Eastern Continent, and his points became one.

"There is only one point, can I still teleport?"

Lin Zhen almost lay on the shield and came to the teleportation formation in the third theater of the Eastern Continent.

Soon, he saw that the chasing soldiers appeared again, and several people with masks covering the signs came to Lin Zhen.

"Hey! Lin Zhen, why don't you run away? There are no points."

"Where do you think you can go? Our brothers take turns chasing you, and you can easily consume your points. Lin Zhen, your fault is that you are too arrogant and offend people who should not be offended. Can you do whatever you want with your combat power? There are too many people who can kill you."

"You have to thank you for being the star of God's Punishment, otherwise you will die now instead of being eliminated."

Looking at the several martial artists who came by, Lin Zhen took a deep breath.

"I know who you take orders, but please tell Liang Zhihuan, what he wants, he will never get it!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! What do we have to do with Liang Zhihuan?" The warrior also tried to cover up.

Lin Zhen sneered, and a mental energy burst out suddenly, and he tore off the cloth strip that had hidden the martial artist in his chest, revealing the sign of Nanliang inside.


Lin Zhen was the last to try. He didn't know if one point could be transmitted, but at this moment he was already at a point where he was exhausted, and he would be eliminated if he didn't try.

Unexpected things happened, Lin Zhen's last point points disappeared, the points became zero, and he himself disappeared in the teleportation array again!

Several Nanliang warriors stood there in a daze, wanting to wait for La Moti's call, but La Moti's phone did not ring for a long time.

Within the Metaverse, all the images of Lin Zhen suddenly disappeared.

Everyone can't find out where Lin really is, and don't know where he is going.

But looking at the names on the overall list, Lin Zhen is still at the bottom of the list. The original Mr. Zero points now has zero points. He firmly holds the bottom-to-last position, absolutely no one can shake it.

Some warriors also tried to use Lin Zhen's method to transmit with the last point, but found that the last point could not be transmitted at all, because there is no decimal point and points cannot be deducted, so they can't go anywhere.

No one knew where Lin Zhen went, he just disappeared.

Instead, at the Nanliang forum, the people of Nanliang bombed!

His Majesty the Emperor personally sent people to chase and kill his own people. Those people were obviously notified to keep following in the footsteps of Lin Zhen. They deliberately masked their faces and covered their chests because they knew they could be seen outside. Of the.

The people who had not dared to speak before are very excited at this moment.

"Day~! What kind of **** is this? Will your Majesty Mao chase down Lin Zhen?"

"Hahaha! What did I see? This is a big joke. Are there any monarchs who don't want a hero in their country? Lin Zhen played so well in it, you don't want to help him but chase him, brain Is there a pit?"

"It's really chilling, the hero of God's Punishment Star beats life and death, and here is His Majesty the Emperor stabbing a knife in the back."

"At the time of the old emperor, such a thing never happened. Why is there such a big gap between father and son?"

"Lin Zhen also saved your son! Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"Is it true that, as the legend says, His Majesty with the green cloud can no longer bear it?"

This kind of thing is afraid that someone will pick the head and say that when the first person is singled out to oppose the emperor, there will be one after another. Some people may be the emperor’s political enemies with ulterior motives, but most people are not used to it. .

Nan Liang finally showed up such a genius. Why did your emperor want to kill someone? Even if you have any private enmity, you shouldn't vent it in the face of such big righteousness.

For a while, the imperial family was a little overwhelmed. The emperor Liang Zhihuan was also the first emperor in the history of Nanliang.

A large number of managers went online and began to clean up the posts in an vain attempt to block your mouth, but how can you really block it?

A large number of non-governmental organizations supporting Lin asked the emperor to give an explanation.

Behind these groups are powerful supporters, who are so powerful that they cannot be resolved at all.

At this time, Liang Zhihuan didn't even dare to release the black material about Lin Zhen, because now Lin Zhenren can't find it, and he might be sprayed to death if he put the black material right now.

The only way is to go all the way to the black and knock Lin Zhen out first.

Although Lin Zhen is the last one at the moment, Liang Zhihuan is not at ease. He wants to know where Lin Zhen has gone.

But no one knows that the entire God's Punishment Star can be seen by anyone else's situation, but Lin Zhen seems to have evaporated from this world, completely disappeared, and he is not in any continent or any war zone, yet he has never left the gods. Penalty star.

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