Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 714: Peak showdown!

In the Nanliang Palace, Liang Zhihuan looked nervously at Auntie Tie beside him.

"Senior, what happened? Has the queen changed her mind?"

Aunt Tie's face looked dark and icy, and she shook her head slightly: "Not yet! All this is also expected by the old man. The girl is stubborn and can't pull the nine cows back. It seems that she is determined. Fight against the old man to the end."

Having said that, Aunt Tie faced Liang Zhihuan, "Emperor, do you really like my disciple?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't insist on making her a queen."

"Then you'd better be mentally prepared. After my third soul chasing bell rang, she will definitely come back, but she may not be the original Ning Qingxuan when she comes back. The good situation is amnesia. If it's bad, you may become an idiot."

Speaking of this, a cold-hearted person like Aunt Tie felt cold all over, a super warrior who had practiced beyond the longevity realm was ruined by the bell. How cruel it was.

Liang Zhihuan gritted his teeth fiercely: "I've already said it, I'd rather she be crazy and stupid, as long as she is still by my side, she must not let her go with Lin Zhen, seniors just let it go."

"Then, Rong Laoshen adjust it. Five minutes later, the soul chasing bell rang for the third time. When the bell is over, it's time for your queen to go home!"

"I look forward to that moment very much!"

Liang Zhihuan’s eyes were a little crazy, he was ready, not only to find Ning Qingxuan, but also to ruin Lin Zhen. Now it seems that everything is going in a good direction. At least in the star of God's Punishment, Lin Zhen seems not. Qin Jianfeng's opponent is now.


It's not just Liang Zhihuan who thinks so, but people in Metaverse think so.

Especially in the eyes of some longevity realm warriors, Qin Jianfeng is already a warrior at their level, let alone Lin Zhen is just a domain king, even if he is a realm king, he is definitely not an opponent.

In the streets and alleys of Nanliang, people no longer dare to watch the big screen.

Don’t look at Lin Zhen now getting the second place in the Star of God's Punishment, but according to the rules, there is no essential difference between the second and tenth places. They are both high-level divine bodies. Only when they get the first place can they get the super divine body. !

Can their heroes perform miracles?

A little girl picked up a coin, and said in her mouth: "The omnipotent god! I hope you bless our Nanliang brother Lin Zhen to win the first place. If you think he can do it, it will be a human head. Face up, if you can’t do it, just face up."

The people around them looked kindly. The little girl is not a fortune-teller, but children's words are often effective. Although no one still thinks that Lin Zhen has the possibility of a comeback, they are still willing to take a look.

The coin is tossed up and down, head up!

"Oh! Mom! You see, I'm out of the fortune! This shows that Big Brother Lin Zhen can get the first place."

"Well, Nini is awesome, your divination will definitely work." A woman gently touched the girl's head.

At this time, a older girl next to him said disdainfully: "You haven't gone to kindergarten yet. This kind of thing has a half-to-half chance, 50% of which can get the results you want. What's so great?"

The little girl, Nini, flushed, "No! That's what a **** meant."

"Cut! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lin Zhen is going to be bad. This kind of result can't explain much. If I can stand the coin, I will believe it."

"Just stand, this is what God meant! Big Brother Lin Zhen will definitely win!"

Nini angrily tossed the coin up again, and then fell.

On the ground of Guanghua, the coin turned a few times, and it actually stood firmly.

The two girls and the people around them were dumbfounded. Could Lin Zhen really perform miracles?

Just after Qin Jianfeng swallowed the pill, a voice rang from the Star of Punishment.

"The number of undead creatures has been equal to the number of warriors. There are still ten minutes before the end of the star of punishment, and the countdown begins!"

Hearing this news, Lin Zhen and Qin Jianfeng were both taken aback.

It's about to end!

At this time, the other warriors had stopped fighting, and these warriors all found a place to rest, paying attention to who came first.

A smile appeared at the corner of Qin Jianfeng's mouth: "It's easy to come back to it, Lin Zhen, I'm very sorry that you have to draw rests all the way to this place!"


The long sword flicked, and Qin Jianfeng had already killed with the sword!

"Who can't brag, you can't do it Qin Jianfeng!"

Lin Zhen laughed. Although he was at a disadvantage, he did not lose the slightest momentum. He stepped on the plum blossom pile, and the snow lotus bloomed behind him, waving his sword to greet him!

In the face of Qin Jianfeng, who had already exploded, Lin Zhen chose to carry it without fancy!

This battle may be unprecedented in Metaverse. A top realm king powerhouse, and a most powerful super domain king in history, are fighting life and death in one day!

Lin Zhen's current star power is 17.5 million. With the blessing of the divine body, he can display 90% of his strength, which is almost equal to the 30 million star power of a general martial artist.

Qin Jianfeng's star power was 37 million, although it was stronger than Lin Zhen, but his star power could not occupy an overwhelming advantage.

Although Qin Jianfeng's aura was like a rainbow at the moment, he didn't know until after fighting that he would have to spend some time to defeat Lin Zhen.

Moreover, this kid Lin Zhen is like a stone in the pit, he is obviously not his opponent, but he is so strong, he actually holds Qingfeng firmly on the ground three feet, and he will not retreat!

Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng~~~! ! !

Two people fight fast, fight to the death in a square inch!

With his powerful star power, Qin Jianfeng successfully suppressed Lin Zhen's swordsmanship, and finally found an opportunity to stab Lin Zhen in the chest!

Without waiting for his sword to deepen, Lin Zhen actually pierced his throat with the sword backhand directly. In desperation, Qin Jianfeng withdrew the sword to block, and Lin Zhen also picked out a blood ditch on his shoulder!

The angry Qin Jianfeng fought the sword with both hands, beheading desperately! After suppressing, beheaded with a sword!

Lin Zhen sneered, and also swung the sword horizontally, you cut me and I cut you too, see who is afraid of death!

Qin Jianfeng had the advantage at this moment, how could he be willing to die with Lin Zhen, and helpless Hengjian to block again.

"Lin Zhen, you lunatic, do you fight like this?"

"It's less **** fart! Come if there is a seed, I am afraid that you will not be called Lin Zhen!"

Even though Lin Zhen didn't take advantage of the two dying of the same game, but Qin Jianfeng had just swallowed the violent thunder pill, and the rainbow-like aura was abruptly suppressed.

With his body twisting, Lin Zhen turned his back on the defense, and Taiyuan sword technique used again!

Even Qin Jianfeng couldn't underestimate this kind of swordsmanship, because he did not want to die with Lin Zhen because he had the advantage, but Qin Jianfeng was somewhat restrained by his hands and feet, and he evacuated back.

Lin Zhen was in his arms this time, and a martial skill he had comprehended back then came in handy right now.

That is the tide!

This martial skill was realized by Lin Zhen in the star fruit tree. Yi's attack was like a wave that never stopped. Qin Jianfeng took a step back and gave him the space to display. The light of the shuriken sword turned into a tide, and the sky was overwhelmingly pressed towards Qin Jianfeng.

Inadvertently, Qin Jianfeng lost all the games. Qin Jianfeng was in this situation. He didn't dare to fight Lin Zhen desperately, because he was afraid of losing the first place. The more he fought, the more passive he became.

For three full minutes, Qin Jianfeng didn't take any advantage, instead he won two swords one after another. If this goes on, let alone win, he is lucky not to be eliminated by Lin Zhen.

In the palace of the State of Qin, the monarch of the Great Qin Empire finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The king of the Kingdom of Qin was named Qin Wushang, because he had been injured many times since he was a child, and his mother gave him this name.

Qin Wushang has been hundreds of thousands of years old so far, he had obtained a super divine body in the star of punishment!

To fight experience, Qin Jianfeng is far inferior to him.

Sitting cross-legged on the dragon seat, Qin Wushang's body was as vast as a sea of ​​star power, and a thought straddling the void, unexpectedly entered Qin Jianfeng's mind directly!

This is his unique skill of Qin Wushang, Xinghe Sound Transmission, even the **** barrier can penetrate likewise!

It's just that this is an illegal behavior, and Qin Wushang has been reluctant to use it. He believes in his son, but now in such a situation, he can't take care of the violation.

What's more, Qin Wushang himself is super strong, and he doesn't have much fear of the gods!

"Jianfeng, if you surpass him, what's the fear of getting the same? I've seen the rules. Even if you get the same, you will get half of each other's points equally, and the ranking of the standings will remain unchanged according to the previous ranking, because of his The points did not surpass you! So don't think about the points, give me a hard hit!"

This voice was like a divine enlightenment, awakening Qin Jianfeng, who was shrinking!

Yes! Each half of the opponent's score is the same, because Lin Zhen does not surpass him, he is still first, and Lin Zhen is second.

Thinking about it this way, all the previous fears disappeared.


Qin Jianfeng changed his style of play at once, all his previous fears disappeared, and he slammed out with a sword in his hand, reducing his strength for ten times!

A piece of blood bloomed on his body, Qin Jianfeng hit Lin Zhen with hundreds of swords at this moment, but there was no fatal injury, and his sword flew out Lin Zhen fiercely!

Lin Zhen spouted a mouthful of blood in the air, and Qin Jianfeng already followed like a ghost.

"Lin Zhen! You are really over this time, die!"

When the two sides fought again, Lin Zhen knew that his tactic had failed.

Qin Jianfeng suddenly opened his mind for some reason. In fact, death in the star of God's Punishment was not terrible. He was afraid of ranking in the standings and dared not die with him. Now without this scruples, this battle is difficult to fight.

But Lin Zhen has always been a temperament who prefers not to Jianfeng is really strong now, and Lin Zhen wants to beat him down.

Seeing Qin Jianfeng kill again, Lin Zhen gritted his teeth, and the long sword beheaded again!

Taiyuan come again!

Qin Jianfeng sneered: "Repeat this trick is no longer useful to me! Hua Guang Zhan!"

The star force drives the sword energy, the space crack is twisted between the two, they are about to collide head-on!

Lin Zhen's eyes were cold, and within the black hole of the dantian, the second **** of destruction thunder attached to the phantom light sword.

"Come on then!"

Within a ray of sky, black clouds skyrocketed and the mountains trembled. Among the peaks that were originally only one road, they were blasted out of the three-way intersection by the Destroying Thunder!

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