Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 719: The emperor's counterattack

It's been a long time since I watched Dimension Universe, Lin Zhen opened the forum.

After opening the forum, Lin Zhen was surprised to find that there was a top post here that actually hacked him.

These days, the people of Nanliang have been calling for rewards for Lin Zhen. The enthusiastic people even listed many rewards, hoping that the royal family can reward heroes who have won glory for the country.

But just when the call reached its climax, the black post was updated.

Being able to put it on top of the forum means that this is the meaning of the royal family, or the meaning of Emperor Liang Zhihuan.

"Who is Lin Zhen!"

Big posts, eye-catching headlines, and content is even more amazing.

First, the post tells that Lin Zhen is from the New Territories. After entering the Metaverse, he cleverly took advantage of him, suppressed his colleagues in the medicinal material market in Xianle County, and made money.

As for why Lin Zhen, a poor boy from the New Territories, understands alchemy, here is an explanation.

Lin Zhen is not Lin Zhen at all. This person is actually the **** king who bathed in the Nanliang Imperial Concubine, Huahua Tai Sui!

Here is more detailed information to prove that Lin Zhen is Huahua Tai Sui.

It also involved the crown princess who infiltrated the silver needle into Huahua Tai Sui's body, and later the crown princess went to the Star of God's Punishment in person to help him untie the silver needle.

During this process, Lin Zhen was even described as a deceiver, using various means to deceive the crown prince's trust, turning the black ones into white ones, making the prince concubine trapped in him and trapped in love.

After all, if a woman is seen by others, even if this person is a bad person, she will feel a little different about her, not to mention the fact that the crown princess is not deeply involved in the world and it is very normal to be deceived by a veteran like Lin Zhen.

In the end, the crown prince was even punished by the teacher, and now she has become unconscious, and this is all caused by Lin Zhen.

You must know that the princess Ning Qingxuan is the pride of the people of Nanliang. Nanliang may not be better than other countries, but if it is better than women, then the princess Ning Qingxuan is definitely the best. How many countries nearby, the national strength far exceeds Nanliang. , But the best women belong to Nanliang, which is the pride of Nanliang people.

Lin Zhen deceived Ning Qingxuan about this, which made many people resent Lin Zhen.

Seeing this, Lin Zhen couldn't help but stunned secretly. In order to deal with him, Liang Zhihuan really didn't want to face him. He actually voluntarily admitted to cuckold. An emperor could do this, showing how much determination and courage he had made.

After arousing people's resentment, there was another breaking news, which is whether Lin Zhen can represent Nan Liang?

Lin Zhen's quota came from the Alchemist Guild, not through the hands of the Nanliang Royal Family.

And more importantly, Lin Zhen himself is a wanted criminal!

Here is also the fact that Lin Zhen killed Gu Yunting, the president of the Chinese Medicines Chamber of Commerce in Xianle County. The chain of evidence is complete and the links are completely irrefutable, and the county guard of Xianle County personally testifies.

The county guard released the news and said that many of the evidence was personally found by Prince Liang Chen.

As a wanted criminal, he should not participate in various activities. Lin Zhen's original identity should be a prisoner!

So the post's point of view is that Lin Zhen is not worthy to represent the Nanliang royal family, even if his grades are good!

Later, there was even news that Lin Zhen entered the Nanliang Alchemy Masters Association and suppressed his peers and expelled an elder and a deacon from the guild. Then both Elder Wang and Deacon Feng came forward to testify in person, tearfully accusing Lin Zhen of atrocities.

This shows how meticulous the imperial family's preparations are, so that Lin Zhen cannot stand up.

The post is over here, and it is considered to have caused an uproar in Nanliang.

In a short while, most people in the dimensional universe began to turn black towards Lin Zhen.

The most important thing is that Lin Zhen deceived the princess's feelings, which caused her to lose her memory and become confused.

There is also the identity of the wanted criminal, which is also contemptible.

Of course, there are some people who are still quite Lin Zhen, thinking that these things are not proportional to the results he has obtained, and there is no need to hold on.

However, this view is untenable. If Lin Zhen is supported, does it mean that Nan Liang is facing the fact that the queen remarries? The fact that the wanted criminal is not pursued?

The wanted criminals matter is fine, but if Ning Qingxuan is allowed to go with other men, this is not acceptable to many people.

When Boquan Hei struck, all the people who had praised Lin Zhen before changed their faces and demanded that Lin Zhen be severely punished and put him in jail. Some even said he would be put to death.

Regarding the voice of the people, the royal family's statement is under urgent study, and the results will be announced immediately when the results are available, and the people are required to automatically supervise to prevent Lin Zhen from absconding from abroad.

The Teleportation Array in Quannanliang has ceased to be open to Lin Zhen, and immediately report to Lin Zhen when he finds out.

After all, Lin Zhen was in an inn before, and no one knew where he went, so now Lin Zhen is the most wanted criminal in the history of Nanliang.

There are also posts on the forum telling the public that there is no need to be too afraid of Lin Zhen’s force. He performed so well on the Star of Punishment because of his star power transfer and pill. Now Lin Zhen cannot continue to use these two. Trick, his strength is equivalent to a slightly stronger world king.

What the post said is not bad. Now Lin Zhen's 9 million star power, that is, the realm king, is not top-notch.

And when he didn't get Snow Lotus and the immortal spirit body, Lin Zhen's star power was only seven million.

In this case, it is equivalent to telling the public that if you see Lin Zhen, you are not polite, and you can pack up boldly. Although the royal family's research results have not yet come out, Lin Zhen has actually been wanted.

Seeing this, Lin Zhen sneered.

Liang Zhihuan played a good abacus, and this trick was ruthless.

Now that Ning Qingxuan has amnesia and is still on his way back, he wants to completely reverse the facts, forcibly reverse Lin Zhen's identity, and position him as Huahua Taisui. She has committed many crimes before, but after becoming Lin Zhen, she still remains dead. .

In the future, even if Ning Qingxuan came back, the news she saw would only be that she was deceived by Lin Zhen.

With Ning Qingxuan's temperament, she might hate Shang Lin Zhen, just like she hated Huahua Tai Sui.

But Lin Zhen also had to say that Liang Zhihuan's hand was very useful, at least it made him have no place in Nanliang.

"Very well, Liang Zhihuan, you are forcing me!"

There was a cold chill in Lin Zhen's eyes, if that's the case, then Lin Zhen wouldn't wait to die.

The heart began to calculate silently what he should do.

First of all, Lin Zhen felt that Ning Qingxuan's memory should be restored. In the time of God's Punishment Star, Ning Qingxuan's indifferent eyes made Lin Zhen unforgettable. He didn't want to see Xuan'er become like this.

If you want to restore your memory, you need to understand what the Qingye School did to Ning Qingxuan in order to prescribe the right medicine.

If you change to someone else, it will be an extremely difficult thing, but as an alchemist, it is not that there is no way to recover the amnesia, as long as you find the crux of the problem.

Lin Zhen immediately began to look up information about the Green Leaf School.

The Aoba Sect is not a secret sect. This is the pillar sect of Nanliang. It can be said that the stability of the Nanliang imperial power is supported by the Aoba Sect.

Many officials in important positions come from the Qingye School.

Lin Zhen has the authority of the chief elder of the Alchemist Guild. Although public opinion is extremely unfavorable to him now, the Alchemist Guild has not reduced Lin Zhen's authority, allowing him to still be able to access a lot of things.

"Hmm... I found it, the secret method of the Qingye School, soul-suppression! The soul chasing bell! That's it!"

Soon Lin Zhen found the relevant information, but wanted to continue to check it, but was prompted that the authority was insufficient.

"What's the matter? My alchemy guild chief elder has no right to check the authority?"

Soon the system gave a prompt. The first request to check was the identity of Nanliang, including the emperor, the seventh-rank alchemist, the seventh-rank alchemist, the three-flower realm warrior, the universe bank supreme account, and the title of the king of the dimension arena... ...

Only if these conditions are met, can you look up news about soul-suppression and soul-chaser.

Moreover, this news is a video, and the mystery can only be known by personal experience. It is useless to communicate by others, and its privacy is absolutely guaranteed.

After seeing this string of titles, Lin Zhen closed his eyes slightly.

The emperor is impossible, and the seventh-rank refiner is also impossible, and the three-flower realm martial artist is even more useless in a short time.

The so-called three-flower realm is above longevity. The martial artist's spirit and spirit condenses on top of the three-flower. At this time, the physical potential is developed to the limit. Every three-flower martial artist is an invincible figure, and it is a prerequisite for the achievement of three flowers. It means that you must have a divine body, and it is useless. The limit is longevity.

After Ning Qingxuan broke through the longevity, she was the Sanhua Warrior, and only in this realm could she make the feat of pushing the planet to hit the barrier of the gods.

Lin Zhen is now the pinnacle of the domain king, too far away from Sanhua.

The Universe Bank’s Supreme Account is also difficult. It requires a personal account with ten trillion real estate to apply, and Lin Zhen doesn’t know how many years it will take.

The king of the Dimensional that can only be obtained by warriors above the longevity, and Lin Zhen can't reach it.

The only thing that can be done, is hopeful, is the seventh-rank alchemist.

"I am currently at the pinnacle of the sixth rank, only a short walk from achieving the seventh rank, but at the moment, I am still a bit short of comprehension. Only if I create a pill that is not inferior to the ancient elixir, can I achieve the seventh rank."

To be honest, the seventh-rank alchemist is also super difficult to do, otherwise he won't be tied with the three-flower warrior, that is, Lin Zhen has the talent of the black hole beast, and can deprive others of the memory to achieve the sixth-rank peak in just a few decades.

"Where should I start?"

Lin Zhenzhen was calculating on the bed of the inn, and suddenly there was a communication in the dimensional universe.

Lin Zhen’s Dimensional Universe has only a few friends, and most of them are alchemists. I thought they were some alchemists, but when I opened it, the person who came to the message was actually Liang Chen!

Liang Chen said to Lin Zhen viciously in the dimension universe: "Lin Zhen! You bastard! You dare to soak my mother! I want to fight you! Tell me your address, I fight you!"