Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 735: demon!

The battle above the volcano of **** has entered a fever, and the seven longevity warriors don't know if they don't fight with Lin Zhen. Only after they have fought, they realized that Lin Zhen nowadays is no longer the realm king, even in the realm of longevity, there are rare opponents.

If they are still not united, then what awaits them is that they will be defeated by Lin Zhen, and they will all fall!

Including Tie Erniang and Tie Sanniang is no exception.

The only way is to go all out, maybe there is still hope of killing Lin Zhen!

The battle scene where the earth was torn apart should have caused the people around to retreat.

But nothing happened!

One by one, officials from the government, and from the army received the order to shuttle through the crowd, agitate, and give speeches!

"Fathers and folks! What we have in front of us is Lin Zhen, the greatest demon in the history of Nanliang. Let's see what he did! Deceive the queen to deceive the prince, assassinate the squire, steal the medicine! Beat the emperor! Slaughter the civilians! All this is the devil! Can do something, and this person is still alive and kicking in front of us, can we just watch it?"

"No! No! No! No!"

The agitated people waved their arms and let out a loud shout.

"If you have this realization, the warriors are still fighting ahead. Their blood has been spilled on the battlefield. Although Lin Zhen is lingering, but we can't help but prevent our warriors from losing. That's when we are on the battlefield. !"

Military officials pointed to Lin Zhen among the crowd: "I am willing to use my blood to snipe this demon in Hell's volcano. I must not let him extend his claws to Nanliang and to our people."

"That's why I call! All the men present, except the elderly, women and children, must unite and attack Lin Zhen. There are tens of billions of people here, and one person will contribute. It's enough to turn him into dust!"

The strong men were agitated, their eyes red, and they waved their arms to ask for a fight.

Not only men, but also some elderly women are no exception.

"What's wrong with women? We people in the Metaverse are born in the star realm. Everyone is a warrior. After we become adults, the lowest is also the sidereal. We are also powerful."

"That is, my old man is more than nine hundred years old, and there is no hope of going through the black hole. Even if I die, I will bite a piece of meat on this demon!"

"Let the children retreat. All the adults will stay. I don't believe it. Lin Zhen is covered in iron and can hit a few nails. Can he still compete with the tens of billions of us? Don't say he is a realm king. , Even a Sanhua warrior will be piled to death by a sea of ​​people!"

People are right. When everyone is a warrior, weak power is also power. When the number accumulates to an absolute peak, it can even reverse the world!

Isn't it just a powerful realm king? What the realm king here has is that even if it is the galaxy period, even if it is the weekly sidereal period, isn't it true that you, Lin Zhen, have to consume your strength to deal with it? You don't believe that your power is endless.

People's emotions have been fully mobilized. If the seven longevity fighters win the battle, it will be okay. If they fail, it will be the time for these tens of billions of people to go into battle!

The battle in the sky finally changed!

Lin Zhen rushed from left to right under the siege of the seven great longevity warriors alone, and the most threatening to him was Tie San Niang's sword of Zhankong.

This sword is indeed amazing. It is known as the number one divine sword in Nanliang, and it is much stronger than the Longteng in Lin Zhen's hand.

Strictly speaking, it was a Lingbao-level sword!

The so-called Lingbao is the treasure that appeared along with the metaworld when the world was first opened and the metaworld was born.

There were a lot of such treasures in the beginning, but most of them were concentrated in the hands of the top masters, such as the Sanhua Warrior.

A realm of longevity can have Lingbao, as long as the strength is not too bad, it is almost invincible.

Lin Zhen didn't even dare to touch her sword, otherwise the dragon would be broken.

In addition to Zhankongjian, it is necessary to count Tie Erniang's dragon head crutches and the sky.

Tie Erniang took the heavenly listener and cooperated with tacit understanding. This big dog has fully entered the adult stage, even more difficult than the average longevity warrior, and Lin Zhen often had to be distracted.

Without these two old women and relying on Shi Zhonglie's five people alone, Lin Zhen would have won.

"I can't go on like this! You must first solve Tie Sanniang and the sword in her hand, otherwise you may even lose!"

Lin Zhenyi gritted his teeth, now that he has already fought to this level, he plans to fight.

Once Lin Zhen has such thoughts, he likes to fight dangerously. Once it is done, the situation will be reversed.

Swinging the dragon, Taiyuan combo, slashed Tie Erniang back a few steps, and the surrounding realms of longevity were temporarily unable to get close.

At this time, Tie Sanniang cried out strangely again: "Little beast! You must be mad at the old man!"

Zhan Kong waved and swung at will have the power to surpass Taiyuan, bringing up space cracks, killing them like a rainstorm!

This sword is the essence of Tie Sanniang's lifelong skill, Lin Zhen can't dodge it!

In desperation, Lin Zhen had only Hengjian to block!

"Quack! Lin Zhen, you are dead, the emperor, let Lin Zhen be buried with your sword!"

Free~! With a sound, a sword light fell!

The Longteng long sword in Lin Zhen's hand was cut off with a single blow, and it was fragile like a bamboo.

Of course Lin Zhen was unwilling to die, the snow lotus on his head opened up, the star power was strong, and he blocked the air abruptly!

This time Snow Lotus was not easy to use, and it was unable to completely block Zhan Kong. Although Zhan Kong's impact was weakened, it was still hit by two swords!

The silhouettes of people in the air were intertwined, the blood burst out, and the crisscrossing sword aura cut Lin Zhen into countless pieces!

Tie Sanniang succeeded with a sword, and wanted to smile long to the sky.

The people around all smiled with joy at this moment. Is Lin Zhen dead?

Great! After such a difficult battle, the demon was finally eliminated. This time the people of Nanliang can celebrate.

Even Liang Zhihuan, who had reached the gate of the imperial palace, couldn't help but stop, his smile began to bloom slowly, and he was about to give a high five to celebrate.

But Ning Qingxuan's eyes flashed with complicated emotions. At this moment, she felt a pain in her heart, as if there was something very important to lose.

"Do I really love him before?"

Time seems to freeze for a second at this moment. If you can choose, the people of Nanliang can't wait to freeze it forever, because what happens next moment is too terrifying.

Tie Erniang was the first to react, and she suddenly yelled: "Third sister, be careful! It was his clone who was beheaded by you!"

Her cry came too late. Lin Zhen had a huge wound on his back, but it was healing quickly. At the moment of his death, Lin Zhen abandoned Long Teng, split the snow lotus, and then abandoned the clone, finally dissolving the Tie San Niang. A sword!

The opponent's moves are old, now it's time for him to explode.


Lin Zhen fiercely appeared in front of Tie Sanniang who was still in time to stop, and slammed her Tianling Gai!

"Old beggar! Your arrogance is over!"

One-handed force, star power burst!

Tie Sanniang's head exploded like a watermelon, and was squeezed by Lin Zhen alive!

Squeezing Tie Sanniang to death, Lin Zhen snatched the sword that she was about to drop.

With a sword in hand, an angry bullfight!

"Ahahaha~! Is it a devil? Then let you see the power of the devil!"

This time, without even using Taiyuan, Lin Zhen stepped forward and slashed at Tie Erniang!

At this moment, Tie Erniang was out of spirits and waved her dragon head crutch to block in an embarrassing manner, but her dragon head crutch was not a spirit treasure, so how could she stop Lin Zhen's sword from the sky.

A thunderbolt of sword light fell, and Tie Erniang was hit by two swords and followed her twin sister.

After slaying Tie Erniang with a sword, Lin Zhen was already out of pressure. At this moment, he did not even take care of the other longevity warriors. He stepped into the void again. With the power of space, he went wherever he wanted to, catching up with the sky. , A sword falls!

"This dead dog, your owner is dead, what are you doing stealthily? Let her go!"

With a stern dog bark, Tian Ting, this super galaxy beast with special abilities, was also beheaded by Lin Zhen.

After continuously beheading Tie Erniang and Tian Ting, there was no suspense in this battle, especially when he killed Tian Ting, no matter where Lin Zhen went in the future, there would be no more chasing soldiers.

With a great heart, Lin Zhen even had the idea of ​​letting go of Shi Zhonglie.

Because he still had to go to the palace to rescue Xuan'er, he couldn't let Liang Zhihuan succeed.

"You guys, get out if you don't want to die!"

Shi Zhonglie these people rolled away, but they didn't get far. They ran to stand in front of the crowd below, and turned to face Lin Zhen and said, "Lin Zhen, don't think that you will win if you kill them. Today is the Emperor Lao Tzu who can't save him. You, see who is in front of you!"

Lin Zhen was shocked, not knowing what he meant.

But the next moment he knew.

I saw the crowds of people present began to move, the sky and the ground, all densely packed with people, even a trace of light could not penetrate in the range of sight.

"What are you guys?"

"Hahaha~! Lin Zhen, aren't you good? Don't you have the ability? If you have the ability, kill all the people here. If you have the ability to kill 10 billion people, then you can be in Yuan Jie is invincible!"

Shi Zhonglie laughed triumphantly, and then came the sound of the crowd whistling and tsunami.

"Slay Lin Zhen! Revenge for the people!"

"Come on, folks! Beat this guy to death to kill the people!"

The charge of tens of billions of people and the charge is towards one person, this kind of scene can no longer be described as shock.

Among the tens of billions of people, Lin Zhen held a sword alone, his face was cold.

He slowly raised a hand, and a gravitational force enveloped the hollowed crater below.

"I told you a long time ago that I don't like to deal with you, but it's a pity that you have no eyes and no brains, and you all eat shit! If you listen and believe, you will kill me. Although Lin Zhen is not talented, he has family. Relatives, can't die so early."

"Since I can't die, you are the ones who die!"

Lin Zhen suddenly roared, and gravity exploded fiercely!

He has formed the inner world, how strong gravity is, this shot suddenly opened up the barrier between the volcano and the magma of the earth!

The volcanic power that has been accumulated for a long time has an unprecedented eruption at this moment!
