Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 747: The enemy of Qin

The importance of sacred fighters to a country is self-evident.

Generally speaking, in a small country like Nanliang, it is great that a country can have one or two sacred warriors. Even many countries have not produced a sacred warrior for millions of years. Without the sacred warrior, the country will be weak and will be People look down.

In the entire Metaverse 5 million kingdom, only a few thousand sacred martial artists appeared every ten years. One can imagine the number of sacred martial artists.

More and more people began to gather in Qin, waiting for the beginning of the Holy Land.

The area on the shore of Falling Star Lake has already been set up early for the warriors to fight.

Wanting to enter the Holy Land is not so simple. The knockout must have ten consecutive victories in order to be guaranteed to enter the deserted squad. It can be described as a multitude of troops and horses crossing the single-plank bridge. If the strength is slightly less, it is impossible to succeed.

As the country where Starfall Lake is located, Qin State has the largest number of contestants. Whenever it comes to selection in the Holy Land, Qin State is as lively as Chinese New Year.

Among them, a group of people belonged to a special group in the Qin State, and that was the subordinates of the national teacher Qian Tong.

Qian Tong's status in the Qin Kingdom is detached. As the only holy alchemist in the Metaverse at present, Qian Tong's status even surpasses that of the king of the Qin Kingdom. He is sought after and admired by countless people and enjoys too many privileges.

For example, this time the holy land warrior selection, Qian Tong alone has a hundred recommended places!

At the National Teacher's Office, all the people recommended by Qian Tong have arrived.

Qian Tong sits on the throne of the Great Hall of the National Teacher's Palace. The decorations here are magnificent, comparable to the palace, and no one will say anything.

A golden alchemist robe, three flowers looming above his head.

These three flowers are the flower of energy, the flower of vitality, and the flower of mind.

The opening of Sanhua proves that this martial artist has reached the peak state, and Qian Tong is already at the peak of Sanhua realm!

Looking down, a hundred warriors stood together, Qian Tong nodded in satisfaction.

These people are all his subordinates, and his iron rods are all carefully selected by Qian Tong.

According to his judgment, if there were no major accidents among these one hundred people, at least ten people should be able to enter the Holy Land, which was also his goal.

There are already many sacred warriors under his sect, and every ten years, he will recommend a group of people to enter.

As more and more holy land martial artists gathered under his hand, Qian Tong's position has become more and more stable, and it is almost the same as the emperor behind Qin.

Controlling a large number of high-end military forces, and also mastering the pill market of the entire Great Qin Empire, Qian Tong is a real winner in life.

"The list of the first round of matches is out. I have only one requirement for the first round, and that is to pass all of them!"

Qian Tong's tone is majestic, not angry and self-pretentious, and his long-standing human tolerance is revealed.

"Telling about your first round of the match, is there anyone who has a stronger opponent and has a problem?"

These warriors look at me and I look at you. They didn't say anything. If they didn't say anything, they were fine.

"Oh! Are you all so confident? That's very good, I hope you don't let me down."

"Sage master, please rest assured! I will definitely pass the test!"

Among the seventh row of warriors, a warrior named Jiao Xi checked his opponent in the first round.

Lin Zhen!

Lin Zhen still knew this, he eliminated Qin Jianfeng and won the first place in the Star of God's Punishment.

However, it is not a big deal to be able to eliminate Qin Jianfeng. How old Qin Jianfeng is and how many years he has cultivated, and if Jiao Xi goes, he can easily eliminate Qin Jianfeng.

After all, he is a longevity martial artist, and he is not at the same level as the realm king.

"This time I really got a good lottery. This Lin Zhen is very famous in Metaverse. After he participated in the competition, there were countless fans supporting him. I eliminated him in the first round and immediately became the focus."

Knowing that Jiao Xi played against Lin Zhen in the first round, everyone who participated in the competition with him cast envious eyes on him. It was a round of battle, but he had a chance to defeat a celebrity. It was really a **** luck.

Qian Tong asked about the battle situation of the key warriors above. Among the 100 people, ten were key warriors. Qian Tong believed that they would definitely be able to enter the Holy Land. For this reason, he deliberately controlled the registration time so that these ten people would not Meet in the knockout rounds.

In his opinion, the key warrior is basically guaranteed to enter, and he now hopes that there will be a few more people in the other warriors to surprise himself.

His eyes swept around and fell on Jiao Xi.

"Jiao Xi, I heard that you were the champion of the Star of Punishment in the first round?"

"Yes, Saint Master, that person is called Lin Zhen."

"Very well, this is a good opportunity to be famous. Lin Zhen is not popular in Qin, but it is definitely a concern. When you fight against Lin Zhen, you can tell me that you are from your own sect when you have the opportunity. In the first knockout match, you definitely followed a lot of people."

Jiao Xi understood what Qian Tong meant, and he wanted to take the opportunity to advertise.

"Please rest assured, Saint Master, Jiao Xi will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Every time before the Holy Land, the list of each contestant will be put under a microscope for observation.

When Lin Zhen's name appeared, there was a frenzy in Qin!

It has been more than three years since the Star of Punishment. There are countless major events happening in the Metaverse every day, and there are even countless matches every day. The Star of Punishment has basically been forgotten by people.

But people in other countries can forget, but people in Qin can't.

They deeply remembered that Qin Jianfeng was basically the number one in the Star of God's Punishment back then. He was number one shortly after entering, and was number one right before the end of the straight road.

But in the end, Lin Zhen counted down to kill Qin Jianfeng and snatched Qin Jianfeng's number one.

This incident caused the people of Qin to hate Lin Zhen to their bones. Although Qin Jianfeng was later confirmed to be a member of the emperor, the people of Qin did not hate the emperor.

At least under the leadership of Qin Wushang, the Kingdom of Qin became the No. 1 power in the Metaverse, and even most of the people of Qin State knew that Qin Wushang was an emperor.

In particular, some admirers of the imperial clan have even cursed Lin Zhen black and black on the Internet.

It was a pity that Lin Zhen became a wanted criminal and disappeared without a trace. No one knew where he had gone. This incident gradually subsided, but the people of Qin's hatred for Lin Zhen has never diminished.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhen, who took away the hope of the people of Qin three years ago, unexpectedly appeared in the selection of the Holy Land this time!

In this way, many people in the Qin country have found an opportunity to clamor in the dimensional universe and let Lin Zhen die in the ring!

"Hahaha! Look at who I found. Isn't this Lin Zhen, the champion of the star of punishment? Why did you change your identity to belong to the unicorn family?"

"I don't know, he is just a bereaved dog, who was driven out of Nanliang in a desperate manner."

"Damn wanted criminal, do you think it's okay to run to Daqin? How did our great motherland begin to decline? Because of you, I curse you will get retribution!"

"Don't curse, this guy will get retribution right away, the arena competition is about to begin, if it is a martial artist of the Qin State, this guy must be solved in the arena!"

"Yes, yes! Don't let him have the chance to crush the talisman, he will kill!"

"I am also a contestant, my name is Cai Jie, and I have a number starting with 7. It stands to reason that I have a chance to meet Lin Zhen, but it is a pity that Lin Zhen will not be able to meet me. I guess you will be in the first round. Will be eliminated."

"Hurry up and see who Lin Zhen's opponent is, let's all stand and cheer him!"

"Found it! It's the person recommended by Master Qian! It's Jiao Xi."

"Great, everyone recommended by the sage master is strong, Lin Zhen, you're done!"

"I signed up to form a group, and form a group to watch how Lin Zhen died in the arena. All the people who came were given out snacks and small benches. I paid for it out of my own pocket!"

"You don't need to pay! Everyone pays to see how Lin Zhen died, everyone is very interested, hahaha!"

Originally, there were too many masters in this competition, and people should also focus on those masters.

But here is the State of Qin, and the talents of the State of Qin are the home court. Lin Zhen, a public enemy of the State of Qin, appeared. UU Reading www.uukā immediately aroused the hearts of the people across the country. The Internet spontaneously organized.

Countless people have to go to watch how Lin Zhen failed, some alone, as well as teams, and even many people have made banners to support Jiao Xi or demean Lin Zhen.

The slogan does a variety of things, and it does everything possible to mock.

Even an analysis article appeared in the Dimensional Universe, analyzing the combat effectiveness of Lin Zhen and Jiao Xi.

Such a person is called a data emperor, and he has a comprehensive and three-dimensional analysis, and even showed the past achievements of the two people, the comparison of the stars of the two people, the comparison of the tricks, the comparison of the realm, the comparison of popularity, and so on.

And there are many people who support such posts. After all, everyone is a warrior, and there is still some rational judgment.

And the casino directly opened the handicap. Who won the battle between Lin Zhen and Jiao Xi.

The limelight of all other masters has been robbed by this focus battle, which makes many masters who plan to make a perfect appearance in the first game a bit depressed.

Jiao Xi became the most popular warrior in Qin State for a time. It is said that his Dimensional Universe has gained tens of billions of fans a day!

Of course, this is not because of how charismatic Jiao Xi is, nor even has much to do with Qian Tong. It is entirely because Lin Zhen’s reputation in Qin is too bad. Everyone hopes that he can kill Lin Zhen in one fell swoop and give a sigh of relief to the people of Qin. .

The mammoth action made everyone look at him, and Jiao Xi felt a little floating for a while.

It turns out that fighting Lin Zhen has so many benefits. It seems that this time I am really famous.

Jiao Xi clenched his fists in excitement and made up his mind. In the first game, he must play his own style perfectly, completely stepping Lin Zhen under his feet and accepting the cheers of the crowd.

Grasp it, this is his first step towards the pinnacle of life!