Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 754: Amazing reversal!

In the early morning of the next day, the sky over Qin was suspended for two days and the weather was pleasant.

As soon as the day lighted up, the crowd at the ring became agitated.

Yesterday there were more than one million contestants. Among them, fewer than 10,000 died in the arena. Most of the remaining people did not leave immediately. They did not miss a day of cultivation. Everyone wanted to see who could enter the Holy Land in the end.

Especially Lin Zhen, after what happened last night, today is even more concerned.

If someone else went through this incident, they would retire in shame, but no one thought Lin Zhen would retire.

In the eyes of the people of Qin, this guy is already a full-fledged villain, and his face may be thicker than the barriers between the Metaverse and the New World. This kind of thing is not unusual at all. How could he retire because of shame.

I have to say that Lin Zhen is really wronged sometimes, not only from Qin, but even people from other countries don't have a very good impression of him.

The matter of the little Phoenix, the princess, the wanted criminal, the downfall of the Nanliang imperial family, the downfall of the Qin imperial family, and now he has done bribery to others. This guy is simply unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals.

However, poor reputation also has its advantages, and people accept this kind of thing relatively flatly.

But many people already think that this game must be tricky.

They will stare at Lin Zhen, if there is any problem, they will definitely ask the Holy Land to disqualify Lin Zhen from the competition.

It's finally time to start.

Amidst the boos of people, Lin Zhen took the stage.

The noisy sounds around are unbearable. Most of them are saying that Lin Zhen cheated, but Lin Zhen automatically filtered out these sounds. Maybe his face is really thick. As a warrior, he can avoid being caught by foreign objects. Disturbance is the basic quality.

At the same time, he appeared on the ring with the Black Dragon Supreme Elder Soaring from the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance.

This year was more than 200,000 years old. Soaring, who had almost entered the realm of Sanhua, felt like facing a child when facing Lin Zhen.

Soaring is tall and tall, with a black coat covering his burly body, and his eyes emit a stunning light.

Looking up and down Lin Zhen for a while, Soaring proudly said: "Junior of the Fire Qilin clan, do you know who I am?"

Lin Zhen also looked at Soaring: "It looks like my mount, but it has a head less than it."


Soaring roared and danced with long hair and no wind: "Lin Zhen, you don't use your lips to cover up your guilty conscience here. Yesterday your patriarch found me and wanted me to give you some tricks in the ring, the best It’s taking the initiative to retreat. In this matter, you found the wrong person."

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

"Don’t pretend to be confused in front of me, I don’t believe this. You don’t know, your patriarch offered me 10 billion, hehe! It’s such a big deal, Lin Zhen, but before you acted, didn’t you ask? What kind of person am I flying?"

Lin Zhen didn't worry about fighting, and asked with slanted eyes, "What kind of person?"

"My dragon clan is the best race in the Galaxy Behemoths Alliance. The black dragon clan is the incarnation of integrity, bravery, and fearlessness. I never rub the sand in my eyes. I soar with these creeds to teach my younger generations. Those flies win over. Bringing the things in front of me is simply humiliating oneself!"

Seeing the awe-inspiring soaring in front of him, Lin Zhen coughed: "Old sir, I think you may have made a mistake."

"whats the matter?"

"I know that our patriarch went to find you."

"Of course I know in my heart that you, Lin Zhen, a notorious guy, can't do anything."

"Yeah, I said to our patriarch that the old man Soaring is very old, and he just happened to be able to come to the ring, and my hand is not serious or serious. If I accidentally beat him to death, wouldn’t it hurt? The feelings within our alliance! So I will let him tell you that you surrender automatically. I would rather spend 10 billion to make you surrender than kill you in the ring!"

Hearing what Lin Zhen said, Soaring trembled all over.

"Okay! If you reverse the black and white, you dare to say that you are afraid of killing me in the ring? Okay! So today the old man can kill anyone in the ring!"

After speaking, Aoxiang directly took out the amulet in his hand, released a real fire, and burned the amulet directly.

"Lin Zhen, if you want to confirm what you said, dare you burn the talisman like the old man? Neither of us is allowed to surrender. If you want to leave the ring, only one can live!"

Hearing the words of Soaring, everyone under the ring was shocked.

From the beginning of the game to now, this is the first time anyone has done so.

Cut off the back road directly, or die in the arena, or win the victory, there is no third road to go.

But in this way, it was tantamount to directly driving Lin Zhen to the corner.

You want to prove that you didn't mean to cheat, so well, dare you to bet your life with me!

Including the big figures on the back of the blue whale are all in their spirits at this moment, wanting to see how Lin Zhen chooses.

A person from the First Bank of the Universe sneered: "This old black dragon head is so funny. If Lin Zhen doesn't burn the talisman at this time, wouldn't he be mad at him?"

Qian Tong glanced back at him: "You are wrong. If Lin Zhen does not dare to burn the talisman at this time, then his aura will plummet. This battle will be lost without fighting."

Zhu Ziheng also looked at Qian Tong: "The national teacher meant that Lin Zhen would still have a chance to burn the talisman."

Qian Tong shook his head slightly: "There is a gap in strength. Even if the talisman is burned, the chance is not great, but from the bottom of my heart, I still hope that Lin Zhen can pass this field. In this way, my sect guest may have a chance to avenge Xuehen. Yeah!"

Zhu Ziheng did not continue to speak, but looked at the situation on the ring with interest.

The audience in the audience didn't think so much, all of them were excited.

A duel! This is!

In this way, Lin Zhen was on a dead end, and it seemed that he could finally be destroyed today.

"Elder Soaring is mighty!"

"Come on, old gentleman of the Black Dragon tribe, I was very happy yesterday when you reprimanded the Qilin patriarch righteously. The martial artist should be like you."

"Lin Zhen! Why did you persuade you? Wasn't it pretty happy yesterday? You have the ability to burn the talisman, it's over, hahahaha!"

Those who supported Lin Zhen shook hands nervously. They didn't want Lin Zhen to burn the talisman, but they were worried that Lin Zhen would lose the momentum, and they were very conflicted.

Everyone's eyes focused on Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen took out the amulet in his hand and smiled: "I have not used this amulet until now, and the Holy Land has not sent me a second one. To be honest, I never intended to use it."

"But today, Soaring, you have to make a choice if you are so pressing."

As Lin Zhen said, he took out a lot of medicine bottles from the space ring.

"These medicine bottles are filled with highly toxic substances, which can corrode human flesh and flesh and strip people's souls. I will put them here now, click!"

Lin Zhen smashed all these bottles with his hand, and the black mist filled out.

Wherever the fog passed, the ring was weakened, and the stones rotted!

Seeing the strong poisonous gas, Soaring's face changed drastically: "Lin Zhen, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. Since Elder Soaring decided to die with me, these poisons are not important. Black weapons will fill the ring in three minutes. At that time, whether you or I are dead or alive, they will all be transformed. Because of pus and blood, it is the best that Elder Soaring can solve me within three minutes, and die with me if it can’t be solved!”

Soaring with a grim face: "You mean, you still have a talisman!"

"Okay! If you think I am despicable, then you can keep it and see if you are despicable!"

After speaking, Lin Zhen directly threw the talisman to Ao Xiang, and Ao Xiang instinctively reached out and took it.

In this way, Lin Zhen had no talisman, so Hovering still had another talisman.

Soaring wanted to burn the talisman immediately, but when he saw the black mist, he felt a little bit afraid.

The ring is completely closed, and no one can get out before the battle is over. Soaring feels that he can win, but he is really not sure about solving Lin Zhen in three minutes.

Dare to burn the talisman, it was built on the basis of his victory. Now that there is a time limit, his life will become valuable.

Holding the amulet in his hand, he did not make up his mind to burn it in the end. Instead, he gently held it in his hand, thinking that if he was not afraid of ten thousand, he was afraid that he would be promoted to Sanhua, but he could not be like Lin Zhen A madman is desperate.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Zhen laughed: "I thought you were so kind of flying, but now it seems like that? You are greedy for life and fear of death, this battle is over for you!"

Before he finished his words, Lin Zhen teleported to the front of Soaring, and shot the empty sword in his hand, Taiyuan!

Space cracks appeared, and Taiyuan struck fiercely!

The soaring star power is as high as 40 million. Facing Lin Zhen's Sky Slashing Excalibur, he also took out a long stick in his hand and paid it back!

But Lin Zhen was so fierce that he couldn't imagine. After a sword was blocked, he completely gave up his defense, swiping through the air in his hand, trying his best with every sword!

Lines of rushing lightning and lightning criss-crossed on the ring, and Taiyuan swordsmanship continued to cut!

Kaka Kaka~!

Between the thunder shining, his waist, abdomen and chest were completely ignored, and Xingli reached its limit!

Soaring can resist, the ring at his feet can't resist!

Finally, under Lin Zhen's fierce bombardment, the ring under his feet cracked, and cracks like spider webs began to appear.

At this moment, Aoxiang only felt that Lin Zhen in front of him looked like a mad tiger, and there was a hint of timidity in his heart!

The moment he thought, his feet took a step back!

Just such a step back gave Lin Zhen an even more crazy chance to be presumptuous, with a loud buzzing the sword intent spurred, and a long sword beam spurted out of his palm!

With the sword in the air in the left hand and the sword in the right hand, Lin Zhen's figure flashed, the tide of martial intent erupted, and the offensive surged like a sea tide!

Seeing this scene, Qian Tong closed his eyes slightly on his back.

The battle is over!

Since Soaring was timid and received Lin Zhen's talisman, the battle was over.

This Lin Zhen is really good. In that case, not only did he miss the trick, he flew into the air. Those poisonous mists were indeed poisons, but Qian Tong, who was a holy alchemist, could clearly see that the poisons were nothing more than ordinary poisons. The fossil powder blended on it has no power at all. It's a pity that Soaring doesn't understand this. Lin Zhen flickered to death. It was originally an advantage, but it was a pity that he lost his momentum when he wanted to survive.

"Oh! Stupid!"

For the first time, Qian Tong attached great importance to Lin Zhen.
