Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1133: Ghost Face Man Arrives

Chiyan Mountain is a volcano that has not completely stopped erupting.

Flames are sprayed intermittently here every day, and the eight sledgehammers are here to get treasures.

The news of Xuan Huang Yan has been disseminated. They used a technological method to send radio waves to the dimensional universe of some designated people, and it seemed to have been released accidentally.

With the intelligent life authority of these people, I am afraid that there is still no way to decipher such radio wave means.

The leader of the Eight Hammers is called Zhu Chuang.

Zhu Chuang is the son of Iron Hammer Zhu Yuanhu. This kid and Wang Chong were born almost at the same time, and the relationship between the two has been very good since childhood.

One is called Wang Chong and the other is called Zhu Chuang, just to hope that the two of them will advance bravely.

But Wang Chong couldn't stand up, and gradually became a second-generation ancestor, while Zhu Chuang was advancing all the way, and now he was a high-ranking god.

This time the parties have joined forces to make arrangements, and the spokesperson of the Eight Hammers is Zhu Chuang.

Zhu Chuang has seen the list of possible ghost-faced people this time, but in fact he most hopes that the ghost-faced person is Lin Zhen.

He knew that Lin Zhen was the one who killed his friend Wang Chong, and he hoped to avenge Wang Chong.

But it wasn’t out of any childhood feelings. If he avenged Wang Chong, then Tong Hammer Wang Xingba would owe his father, Iron Hammer Zhu Yuanhu, a favor. In this way, maybe the next chance to be promoted to God King would be Falling on his father.

Among the current eight sledgehammers, Lussman of the Golden Hammer is already the King of Gods, and Zhang Huang of the Silver Hammer is attacking the King of Gods. As long as Zhang Huang succeeds, the next King of Gods will be born between Wang Xingba and Zhu Yuanhu.

So Zhu Chuang hopes to help his father, taking this matter as a condition.

But he felt that Lin Zhen really didn't have much hope, after all, Lin Zhen was just a lower **** and shouldn't have such a powerful strength.

"I don't know who of these seven people is the ghost face? But can they not be moved by the news of Taki Xuan Huang Yan? No matter who comes, they can catch it all in one go."

Just make a full set for the play. There are indeed treasures to be born in this Scarlet Flame Mountain. They studied hard and finally selected this place.

And the reason why they used the name of the Eight Sledgehammers is because the Eight Sledgehammers are not strong here, and they are more able to attract the arrival of the ghost face.

"This bunch of **** actually use our eight sledgehammers as bait. When my parents are all successfully promoted and all become kings, I see this vast universe, who else dares to underestimate us!"

Zhu Chuang thought to himself, and kept yelling at the people under his hands.

"Go hard! This time the baby is very important. Don't be afraid of the volcanic ash. Let the people with the energy shield go first. Prepare all the energy blocks. The people in front can't resist the people behind and immediately relay! "

The people below worked hard, his eyes swept into the distance.

All the accomplices have been hidden, and now they are waiting for the ghost face man to get the bait.

"Attention! Someone has invaded the scope of the space detector!"

Including Zhu Chuang, Feng Xiao and others, all the leaders of this operation received a prompt.

"Report location!"

"Coordinate location XXX.XXXX!"

"Check it out now!"

Soon the Space Detector reported back news that the person who came was a secretive person who was indeed one of the targets they were targeting, but this person did not have a grimace mask, and he was not invisible, but moved very quickly, with the help of the location. The side approaches.

"Damn! Here comes a ghost."

"It doesn't matter, find a few people and move quietly to get rid of this guy who is only a middle-level god."

The special operations team quietly shot, and quickly solved the person who thought he had a chance to fish in troubled waters.

"Excluding one, there are still six remaining. Fortunately, the target range is getting smaller and smaller."

Several leaders chatted through the dimensional universe.

Just said a few words, the space sounder reported again that someone invaded this area.

But the results of the investigation were still not ideal. This time it was actually the pinnacle of a lower god, and I didn't know what way such a person could be a lone ranger.

The special operations team once again tackled the problem, narrowing the target range to five people.

Immediately afterwards, two more people appeared almost simultaneously.

These are two mid-level gods, appearing together without being completely invisible, appearing in the area where Feng Xiao is responsible.

Feng Xiao waved his hand, a few high-ranking gods shot, and silently killed.

"It's fucking...none of these are Guimianren, there are only three people left. Isn't the Guimian being one of them at all? Did we get the wrong direction?"

"Here again! See who it is this time?"

"Huh! Can't you see people? It's just a vague shadow."

"Attention! The Ghost Face is here!"

Even under the space probe, this person is just a vague shadow, which is drawn out based on heat, wind direction, air flow, etc., and proves how stealthy this person is.

More importantly, these people's wide-eyed eyes looked over there, and they didn't notice the slightest.

There is no doubt that the Lord they are looking for has appeared.

Everyone was extremely The radio news sent this time was really powerful, and Xuan Huang Yan really attracted the ghost face.

"Don't be anxious, the ghost face person is not as easy to deal with than others. We must wait until this person enters our encirclement and is ready to take action before doing it. Once you do it, you will never give him a chance."

"Okay, everyone. Check the time. I guess the ghost-faced man showed up when the treasure appeared. Let's wait until that time to do it again. We must not startle the snake."

"I don't know what treasure was born this time, but after the Ghost Face Man grabs it, he will be very disappointed! Hahaha! I really want to see his expression at that time."

"Me too, I can't wait any longer!"

These people even discussed the matter of dividing the wealth of the ghost face people, and made a detailed plan.

In order to solve this confidant problem, they have paid a lot of money. The space detector alone has exchanged more than 200 million points.

Everyone held their breath and waited for the moment when the ghost face man shot.


After Lin Zhen came here, he felt a little uneasy.

His instinct tells him that there is danger here.

Lin Zhen had intended to retreat, but the rhythm from the treasure hunting vine in his hand made him dispel this idea.

The treasure hunting vine points straight to the direction of the volcano, where treasures are about to be born!

According to the response of the treasure hunting vine, this treasure is definitely not simple.

"It seems that this trip has to go. Even if it is really dangerous, I still have the protection of the Xuanhuang Pagoda. Even if I die in battle, my soul can escape into the God Realm. If the opponent does not have a God King level master, it is not It might kill me."

Yi Gao is bold, Lin Zhen has such ample self-confidence.

Seeking wealth and danger, Lin Zhen faintly felt that this might really be an opportunity!