Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1254: Scorching sun

After listening to Baozi's introduction, Lin Zhen looked around.

On the streets, roofs, and corners of the town, some figures can be vaguely seen.

Those are the quasi-dominant powerhouses who are cultivating. After all, there are close to 100,000 quasi-dominances in the fantasy town, and there are only more than 10,000 cultivation points. Most people can only choose to practice in the wild.

And this field practice is not so arbitrary. People will instinctively choose some hidden places. Few people will openly choose to practice on the street, because they may be attacked at any time.

Good positions are all sought-after, and they can only be occupied by strength. Without such a strong strength, they can only hide like a mouse, accumulate strength, and wait for the strength to be strong to grab a high position.

Baozi led Lin Zhen slowly along the street.

"Brother, this is the southern part of the town. I used to mix here for a while. The strongest training site here is in a police station. The training site has achieved an 80-fold acceleration effect. It is currently dominated by the sky. The sixth mountain in the monument is occupied."

Of course Lin Zhen wouldn't be arrogant to **** there right now, dominating the Tianbei ranking sixth, this man is absolutely incredible.

"In addition to the police station, there are also some public areas that also have training sites. In short, the bigger and more prosperous places, the more popular the public, the stronger the training sites, such as the hospital in the town, the school in the north of the town, and the school in the east of the town. Stations, etc., all have strong training sites. Of course, the strongest is the town’s site, which is currently occupied by the ancestor Jinpeng. With one hundred times the training speed, no one can **** his position."

Bao Zi was talking about Lin Zhen's side. His biggest idea at the moment was to find a residential house. Under Lin Zhen's occupation, it would be best to help him and **** a residential house.

Because cultivating inside a residential house is much safer than outside. After all, there are still far fewer people who dare to attack a residential house than outsiders. He is content even if he can cultivate ten times more at ease now.

Two people walked across a street corner, only to see someone sitting behind a trash can, with white light flashing slightly on their bodies, obviously they were practicing.

Seeing Lin Zhen and the other two approaching, the man glanced at them coldly and didn't move. On top of his head, a stele of Domination was transformed, with the words ranking 28733 on it.

"Brother, it's better not to get close. Although this person hasn't snatched the residences, he is also capable of dominating the Tianbei's ranking of more than 20,000. Such a person is not easy to provoke. Let's not show the meaning of robbing him."

Lin Zhen nodded and followed Baozi past here.

This way of turning the sky stele is a kind of warning, warning ordinary people not to provoke me easily, after all, the ranking symbolizes strength to a large extent.

After walking for a while, there was a community in front of him. Lin Zhen walked in and found that in the central square of the community, six quasi-dominant powerhouses were sitting in a circle and cultivating, all ranked at about forty to fifty thousand. There is even more than sixty thousand.

But the six quasi-rulers surrounded together is obviously also a form of alliance. If someone dares to come over to grab a position, they will definitely be besieged by the six of them, which is very dangerous.

"Big brother, such alliances are also very common. Some people who are not ranked high will choose to practice this way. They do not seek to **** practice points, but only want to be able to stay in the fantasy town safely. After all, no one wants to be Elimination is too costly."

Lin Zhen glanced at Baozi: "Are we two counted as an alliance?"

"Of course we don’t count. I follow Big Brother. Although I am currently ranked more than 50,000, Big Brother has not yet ranked, but Big Brother has huge potential. Follow Big Brother, as long as I can stay here safely and securely. In the past five hundred years, I am absolutely confident that I can improve my ranking to within 30,000!"

"So you haven't ranked to 30,000 yet?"

"It was almost here, but it was eliminated and fell out again. Being eliminated here not only loses half of its points, but also loses half of its own points. It is very difficult to kill here. After all, a person is too arrogant and easy to be forced. Attackers, so the points are not growing fast."

As he was speaking, the sound of fighting suddenly came from ahead.

I saw that the six-man group that Lin Zhen and Lin Zhen had just passed by was being attacked by three people.

One of the warriors who took the lead had eight arms, and each arm had a high-grade armor, and the attack was like a thunderstorm, swift and violent.

With three to six, he played three alone, forming an absolute advantage.

After a halberd in the hands of the eight-armed warrior stabs the last resister to death, the battle is over and the trio wins!

The eight-armed warrior laughed: "Six junk guys even dared to practice in the center of the community, thinking that no one can do anything to you in the team? Laozi South District Eight-armed Shura, refuse to accept it!"

Baozi hurriedly pulled Linzhen's hands: "Boss, go!"

The two quickly flashed out a long way, and stopped when they reached a hidden place.

"Why are you pulling me away in such a rush?"

"If you don't leave, you may be attacked. Eight-armed Shura is a ruthless man who ranks within a thousand. The black blood and the scorching sun around him are all masters within the five thousand ranks. These guys are used to rampant domineering. I don’t know how many people have been eliminated in the past few years. Those with low rankings like us are probably an appetizer for him."

Lin Zhen checked the name, and sure enough, the eight-armed Shura was ranked more than 840, while the black blood ranked 3.9, and the sun was ranked 440.

"They are all masters within five thousand ~ no wonder it is so rampant."

At this moment, a sneer suddenly came from behind.

"Haha! The two little mice run quite fast, do you want to run away like this without leaving your points?"

"The sun is like fire!"

Bao Zi couldn't help but touch his forehead: "It's over, I was actually chased by this guy, brother, I'm afraid the two of us will be eliminated just now."

The blazing sun is a demon warrior, with a pair of silver corners on his head, a golden armor on his body, and a huge ghost knife in his hand. Standing there, the whole person is as unshakable as the world. feel.

This is the oppression brought by the strong, Lin Zhen did not expect that, just entering the town, before he had time to experience the feeling of cultivation here, he was targeted by the strong here.

But Lin Zhen was not afraid, the big deal was being eliminated, he was never afraid of fighting.

But at this time, Baozi suddenly stopped in front of Lin Zhen, and said loudly to the scorching sun: "If you want to do it, just face me. My eldest brother just came to the town and currently has no points. You are eliminated. He won't get anything."

After speaking, he turned to Lin Zhen and said, "Brother, if you release the Domination Monument, it will show that you are ranked first from the bottom. No one will be interested in you."

Lin Zhen was a little speechless. For so many years, when did Lin Zhen use this method to save his life? This method is feasible.

The scorching sun looked a lot ugly.

"Damn! One ranks more than 50,000, and one is a newcomer. They are really no-nutritive. They are bad luck! But I am in a bad mood today, even if you two are unlucky, get ready to get out!

Having said that, the other party waved a long knife in his hand and was ready to do it!

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