Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 761: The last blow of desperation!

Facing the aggressive offensive of the black-robed warrior, Lin Zhen's fierceness was also aroused.

The power of ice that had never been used before was also used at this moment.

In an instant, the power of ice and fire appeared on the ring at the same time!

Ice is a low temperature of more than 200 degrees below zero!

Fire is a deadly flame of bright cyan!

Only Lin Zhen could use this trick, making it extremely difficult for his opponent to resist!

Ice and fire are two completely different elements. Even if you can fight firepower, you may not be able to fight ice power, because apart from Lin Zhen, few people can cultivate these two elements to this point!

With two swords, this move is extremely powerful!

The offensive of the black robe warrior finally suffered a setback.

Facing Lin Zhen's fierce blow, he could only resist with star power, so that the offensive in his hand slowed down.

Having gotten a chance to breathe, Lin Zhen is like a tiger that has broken free from the reins, urging the power of the ice and fire to the limit, covering the sword gang, and starting to swing freely!

At this moment, no matter who his opponent is, no matter what realm he is, he must release the depression in his heart as much as he can!

The situation that had just been forced to a desperate situation by the opponent's move was finally reversed, and the power of ice and fire filled the space of the ring, and actually pressed the black robe man to beat it!

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhen's supporters uttered a huge cheer, cheering for Lin Zhen!

The people of Qin State were silent again. Couldn't such a powerful black-robed man kill Lin Zhen?

The sonorous impact sound on the ring was endless, and it spread to all parts of the Metaverse through the big screen.

Among the crowd, Machin and Chang Shan Chang Ling frowned and watched this scene.

"Machinery, something is wrong, what's the matter with this black bone? He was actually crushed and beaten by Lin Zhen?"

"Yes, although Lin Zhen's elemental power is indeed strong enough, Hei Bone's strength is definitely more than that. I feel that he seems to have reservations."

Mechanic looked a little irritable at this time. Seeing that the murderous enemy was in front of him, he couldn't avenge him. In addition to the amazing first move, Hei Bone actually cringed and flinched and didn't show his style at all.

"You two ask me, I don't know who to ask? Why do you say he is like this?"

"In my analysis, this black bone may have the intention to escape." Chang Shan said in a tone of voice.

Seeing the machine looking over, Chang Shan continued to analyze: "You can imagine that Black Bone has been trapped in the Starfall Lake dungeon for countless years, and finally ran out. Can he not worry about leaving here? And he is now in another holy place. He did not dare to expose what he had learned in the Holy Land in the arena competition that he participated in as a disciple."

Chang Ling also clapped his hands: "Yes, each martial artist can only learn martial arts in one holy place. It is not allowed to go to the second holy place to learn. If he is exposed, he will definitely attract the attention of the fifth brothers. The trouble is big."

Mechanic also suddenly realized at this time: "Yes! Even if he defeats Lin Zhen with the Holy Land method, he will definitely not be able to leave afterwards. Exposing is tantamount to seeking death. No wonder, this kid has been reluctant to use the Holy Land method, just relying on the previous method. Some methods are used against Lin Zhen, and it will be difficult to win if this continues."

Chang Shan snorted coldly: "He thinks of beauty so much. After swallowing soul medicine, everything can't help him."

Machinery also nodded: "Yes, he is thinking about running away from the ring, where there is such a good thing, when I brought him out of the dungeon, I didn't plan to keep him alive, so I wouldn't do it, right? ? Then don't blame me!"

As the machine said, the mind turned, and the method of soul control had been performed.

There is a protective cover above the ring, which can isolate all attacks from the outside world, but this kind of control from the depths of the soul cannot be isolated, let alone they are close at hand.

The Black Bone who was resisting Lin Zhen's offensive suddenly had a stop, and he was hit by several swords in a row!

The wound bleeds, and the energy of the icy fire rages on it, looking at Lin Zhen, it seems that he is about to win.

The people who supported him below burst into cheers again, but Lin Zhen was not surprised.

Because he can clearly feel that under the black robe, this person's eyes have turned crimson!

Lin Zhen's soul power is extremely powerful, and looking at this person's situation, Lin Zhen knew it was not good.

If the eyes of a normal person turn into this color, it means that they have lost their nature. It is reflected in the eyeballs. This person is probably controlled by others!

In the battle just now, Lin Zhen always felt that this person had reservations, but Lin Zhen still didn't know, so now it seems that there are many insiders.

But at this moment Lin Zhen couldn't trace who was behind him, because the black-robed man in front of him had already run away!

"Go! Use your strongest means to get rid of Lin Zhen in front of me, do everything you can at all costs, and be sure to win! If you win, you will be free!"

The mechanical voice kept echoing in Hei Bone's mind. At this moment, he no longer had his own Xiao Jiujiu in his heart. The only idea was to kill Lin Zhen!

"Kill him! Kill him and be free!"

Hei Bone suddenly let out a beast-like roar from his mouth, and his star power suddenly soared, suppressing the power of the ice and flame, and rushed to Lin Zhen!

Arm round, another iron claw blasted towards Lin Zhen again in a self-destructive manner!

Lin Zhen brandished his sword gang and cut it down with one sword!

But the black-robed man made another long sword from nowhere.

This long sword and iron claws were given to him by a few mechanical people, just for combat purposes, and the long sword was used to prevent accidents and let him use them to his heart's content.

A student of the Tianban from the Soul Locking Stage, a warrior who had once comprehended the Silla Excalibur, finally burst into strength!

The long sword was swung, and an evil spirit descended on the ring!

When he shot with a sword, several people present had their eyes widened in an instant!

"Holy land martial arts! Absolute sacred martial arts!"

Jin Nuo, the fifth senior from the Holy Land, had his pupils enlarged at once. He had felt that this black-robed man had an inexplicable familiarity before. At this moment, the opponent was fully capable, and the black robe was also floating open, revealing the terrifying person inside. face.

After countless years of wind and frost attack, this person has been ugly and disgusting, but Jin Nuo knew this person, this turned out to be the soul-locking platform warrior trapped in the water prison!

"Sure enough, it's Black Bone, how come I feel familiar, who is it? Who released this guy? And given him weapons to let him participate in the ring match, what do you want to do?"

Jin Nuo's fingers were trembling. This incident was definitely a stain on the Star Lake trials.

Unless there are people inside the Holy Land, it is impossible for others to release the Holy Land to commit crimes. With such a person participating, this challenge has become unfair.

Lin Zhen is very strong, very good. Jin Nuo is more interested in him. Before, he thought that there would be another young genius in Falling Star Lake, but no matter how strong Lin Zhen is, he might not be the opponent of Black Bone.

In this way, Lin Zhen must not be able to pass this level, because Black Bone itself is a powerful holy land martial artist, and these people who fought hard to enter the holy land are not at the same level!

And in the face of all this, Jin Nuo is still at a loss for the time being. The protection of the holy ground is provided by the teacher. No one else can interfere with the warriors inside. That is to say, before the victory is determined, Lin Zhen can't interfere even if he is killed. .

"Lin Zhen! Hurry up and smash the talisman out, this person is not something you can fight against!"

Jin Nuo, who has been impartial since the start of the game, finally made his voice. He has determined that Lin Zhen can enter the Holy Land. Hei Bone can be disqualified for the competition, and Lin Zhen will automatically win as long as he comes out.

But above the ring, Lin Zhen could no longer do all this.

The Black Bone sword fell, Lin Zhen didn't even make a response, his right hand had already been cut off!

He was still holding the talisman in the palm of his right hand, Black Bone was the first move to cut off Lin Zhen's back.

Senluo swordsmanship is one of the supreme martial arts of the four sacred places, and when the black bones in front of you are shot, three flowers bloom on the top of your head, which is clearly the pinnacle of the three flowers!

With Sanhua Peak using the Swordsmanship, Lin Zhen is absolutely invincible!

One sword cut Luo Linzhen's right hand, and the second one struck again!

One sword out, left hand down!

Lost his arms, Jian Gang has been unable to display it!

Even if Lin Zhen has an immortal spirit body, it will take time to recover. The black bones can definitely be turned into ashes before Lin Zhen recovers!

The people who supported Lin Zhen in the audience couldn't bear to look at them anymore, closing their eyes one by one, tears in their eyes.

At this moment, the people of Qin were cheering wildly. They didn't care what the black bones came from, and then died or alive. As long as they could kill Lin Zhen, everything was worth it!

"The man in black! Give him another sword!"

"Cut off his head!"

"Kill! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

Hei Bone's face showed a hideous look, and the third sword was about to be issued!

Lin Zhen, who had lost his arms, did not admit his fate. He exerted force under his feet, and his whole body rushed towards the black bones, the stars all over his body bloomed, like a white dwarf about to explode!

"I want to explode! It also depends on whether you have that chance, I will pierce your dantian with a single sword, and there will be no chance for you to explode!"

The Black Bone's third sword turned into a thorn, and went straight to Lin Zhen's Dantian!


The long sword passes through!


The machine couldn't help but fist Lin Zhen's dantian was pierced, facing the fierce offensive of the black bones, he was dead!

But just when everyone thought the outcome was determined, an amazing scene happened!

In Lin Zhen's dantian, a thick thunder burst out!

Some people have seen Lin Zhen destroy God Thunder before and know that Lin Zhen still has a back hand, but no one has ever seen such a powerful Thunder Light!

Thunder, which is bigger than a train, blasted out loudly, and at this moment even the protective shield of the ring was cracked!

Lin Zhen's body rushed directly to Hei Bone's body, his feet closed, and Hei Bone was firmly locked, and then the three-in-one destruction thunder light crashed down!

Everyone who was dazzled by the dazzling light couldn't open their eyes, and through the shield, the earth-shaking voice still came out!

The earth trembled at this moment!