Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 763: The holy land jerk

Ning Qingxuan took Lin Zhen back to the bed in the inn, placed it, and waited patiently for Lin Zhen to wake up. :乐:文:Novel 3w.しWxs520.CoM

And Lin Zhen is now clearing the memory of Black Bones.

Apart from cultivation, Hei Bone's life had no other highlights.

Lin Zhen automatically expelled those conspiracies, tricks, and playing with women, leaving only what was useful to him.

The most worthy of the black bones, naturally martial arts!

It can be said that this is a martial arts madman, he has learned a lot of stunts in the hundred years of the Holy Land Locking God Platform.

Among them, there are three sets of martial arts such as Taiyuan swordsmanship!

There is also the mental power control method that Lin Zhen has always wanted to learn but has no time or opportunity to learn. There is also that when he dealt with Lin Zhen, that move relied on the force to send out a lock attack, but this move is not a holy land martial Learning, but Hei Bone's own understanding.

In addition, there is a set of strongest stunts, which is the Seng Luo swordsmanship.

Senluo swordsmanship is divided into four parts, which are located in the four sacred places, which is an unspoken secret.

Hei Bone learned the Seng Luo swordsmanship on the Suo Shentai, which was his biggest gain in a century. You know, even for Tianban students, people who can learn Seng Luo swordsmanship are rare!

The more you know this set of swordsmanship, the greater its power, and if you can learn another one, its power will double!

There is even a legend that after all four sets of Senluo swordsmanship are learned, the gods can be killed!

Of course this is just a legend, no one knows whether it is true or not.

After Black Bones learned the swordsmanship of the Locking God Platform, he was eager to learn the other three sets. For this reason, he even ventured to Starfall Lake, but was captured and locked in a dungeon for thousands of years.

At the end of the memory, Lin Zhen finally knew where the black bones came from.

It turned out to be the ghost of the king of machinery!

This man was Ye Hua's father at the time. Lin Zhen killed Ye Hua in the New Territories. He was naturally worried about revenge for his son.

And the person who encouraged the king of the machine world was actually Ke Xiangnan from the Kylin clan!

"These people are really wicked, and I will never give up unless I kill them, but it is a pity that I let you down again. This time I entered the Holy Land and had a lot of opportunities to meet with the machine. As for Ke Xiangnan, our account is also It will be liquidated sooner or later."

The whole night passed, and it was not until the early morning of the next day that Lin Zhen had absorbed the memories of Black Bones.

As long as he is familiar with it, Lin Zhen can use Black Bone's martial arts. If he uses Black Bone's holy land martial arts, Lin Zhen is confident that he can go a long way in the next battle, but it is a pity that Lin Zhen can't do that.

Because he couldn't explain how he learned the martial arts of the Holy Land, once it was discovered, it would definitely be a big trouble.

However, Black Bone's powerful blow can still be used, this is not part of the Holy Land Martial Arts.

However, as long as he entered the Holy Land, Lin Zhen would have no problem using these things. It could be said that it was his own understanding.

After absorbing the memory, removing the useless things, Lin Zhen naturally woke up.

Both the injuries of Dan Tian and his arm were completely healed. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was Ning Qingxuan's worried and tired face.

Seeing Lin Zhen opened her eyes, Ning Qingxuan was overjoyed: "Lin Zhen, you are awake."

Lin Zhen sat up, "What time is it?"

"There is more than an hour before the third day of the ring match begins. I am still worried that you will not be able to wake up, Lin Zhen, do you know that you have entered the Holy Land?"

Lin Zhen nodded, and rolled over and pressed Xuan'er under her body: "Then should we do something to celebrate?"

"Ah! How come you just woke, time is too late."

"It doesn't matter, let's go to the back of the dragon, and don't be idle on the road."

Ning Qingxuan, who has always followed the rules, was shy and almost fainted. She had never had such a ridiculous time before, and now she committed herself to Lin Zhen, and she was going to be ruined by him.

But in front of Lin Zhen, Ning Qingxuan had never been able to resist. The fiery kiss pressed her up, and her dizzy body became weak, and then she was hugged by Lin Zhen and went straight out.

Lin Zhen was extremely interested, and finally entered the Holy Land, which was the most important step.

A frame was placed on the back of the double-headed magic dragon, and there was even a big bed inside, and Lin Zhen walked in with Ning Qingxuan.

Ning Qingxuan severely warned the double-headed magic dragon when she entered. If she dared to look and listen, she would definitely kill it to make a hot pot.

It's a pity that the two-headed demon dragon, an intransformable monster, was threatened by the great demon king Ning Qingxuan, and she lost her temper at all.

The goddess whispered softly under Lin Zhen, and flew slowly to Fallen Star Lake again.

Some passing dragon carts saw the double-headed dragon from a distance, but saw the huge dragon's body trembling, and the frequency was extremely fast, some people who understood could not help but secretly move their thumbs.

The owner of this dragon cart is awesome and capable!

The number of people here in Falling Star Lake did not decrease significantly today. Today is the third and last day.

On this day, there will be seven rounds of knockout matches to determine the position of the students in the eight classes of the universe and the universe.

This time the gambling players didn't make much money. It was mainly those who supported Lin Zhen who actually bought a large amount of money from Lin Zhenhui's entry into the Holy Land. Everyone made a fortune.

So today for the unknown factor of Lin Zhen, cautious casinos no longer set high odds.

However, after Lin Zhen entered the Holy Land, Qin people's attitude towards Lin Zhen did not change much, but they became more cautious.

They began to face Lin Zhen's strength, especially after sending out that shocking divine thunder yesterday, some people even predicted that Lin Zhen had the strength to enter the Tianban.

If his kind of divine thunder can be used unlimitedly.

However, many people refuted this view. The kind of attack that clearly exceeded their own strength would be worth it if they could be used indefinitely. I am afraid that Lin Zhen would have crushed it all the way long ago, without having to fight so hard.

This attack should be a one-off, at least in a short period of time.

The third day of the ring battle disrupted the lottery, and the numbers were no longer numbered.

Everyone's serial number was thrown in a box that cut off all prying eyes, reached in, and the number that was caught was the number.

Now that the big box is ready, we are waiting for the draw to determine the order of the battle.

Almost all of the more than 2,000 warriors now have become sweet cakes, and many forces have begun to recruit them.

Some small countries even directly extended an olive branch, saying that as long as anyone changes their nationality to join their country, they are willing to recruit as a national teacher, grant fiefdoms, and have huge wealth.

But few warriors can be moved by these things. Everyone who comes to the holy land is strongly recommended by the country where they are located. There is not enough bargaining chips to make their hearts beat, and few people will betray.

But at this point, there are not many things that can make their heart beat.

Even Lin Zhen, the public enemy of the State of Qin, was recruited by many countries.

Not only small countries, but even some large empires have recruited Lin Zhen.

"Mr. Lin Zhen, I hope you can consider my suggestion. Our Daikin Empire is willing to give you ten counties of fiefdoms! And grant you the position of prince, the right is only under our Majesty, and give you the right to recruit guest officials. , As long as you now agree to change your nationality in the dimensional universe."

Seeing Lin Zhen's silence, the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin continued: "We think you are the biggest dark horse in this holy land selection. Other people entering the holy land are at least in the realm of longevity. Only you are a realm king and you can see your potential. It’s great. If you think the conditions are not enough, we can talk about it."

"Well, well, I will consider it, and if I think about it, I will contact you."

Daikin's messenger left unwillingly.

Lin Zhen rubbed his forehead and felt a headache. Now he has sent away the sixth wave of envoys.

In fact, the country of Nanliang doesn't make much sense to Lin Zhen. The country is not strong, and it is quite hostile to him. It is not his hometown either. If there is a good place, he can change it.

But the things given by these messengers weren't what Lin Zhen wanted. It's better not to replace them. At least the reputation will be better.

There are still many envoys in the dimensional universe who want to add Lin Zhen, and Lin Zhen makes Kris refuse one by one.

"Don't think about too much. Now you should concentrate on preparing for the battle. As long as you break through the deserted class, you will be successful." Ning Qingxuan spoke softly to him next to her.

The two of them are in the team of supporters, and now these old friends of his and Ning Qingxuan are also familiar with each other, and they can communicate a few words with each other.

Ning Qingxuan is usually quite deserted, but now she is very polite, smiling and talking to others.

With her face and personality, she soon became friends with Zi Qianxia and Zhao Xiaoman.

Zhao Xiaoman even called his sister-in-law directly, Ning Qingxuan's face was slightly hot, but she did not refuse the title.

After cultivating with Lin Zhen, she knew that Lin Zhen also completely trusted and loved herself. This relationship will never be false. It is only a matter of time before they become a husband and wife, and it is not so important even if they are husband and wife. Just agree with each other.

Lin Zhen smiled at Ning Qingxuan: "I'm not in a hurry. Those things are all minutiae. I know the point is."

"Well, don't have any worries about Nan Liang's identity, just follow your wishes."

Before Lin Zhen could answer anything, suddenly a voice came from You are indeed a shameless person. Nan Liang has trained you for many years, don't you have any attachment to your country? If you leave Nanliang ungratefully, everyone will be punishable! "

The voice was a female, she was very old, and she was cold enough to drop ice scum. Ning Qingxuan's body even trembled slightly when she heard this voice.

"Master!" Ning Qingxuan raised her head and looked at the old woman standing not far away. It was Zhao Lihua of the Qingye School.

Being able to teach an apprentice like Auntie Tie, Zhao Lihua can also imagine that in a brown gown, her face is not particularly old. If she only looks at her face, she will look like her forty or fifty years old.

But the clothes that matched her expression, and the gray hair, some people believed that she was 70 years old.

Of course she is far more than seventy years old, holding a bamboo stick in her hand, standing in front of the two.

Hearing Ning Qingxuan calling her, Zhao Lihua's eyes were as cold as a knife: "Don't call me Shizu! Be with the enemy who killed your master, I will be with me, and even I shamelessly commit to her, what kind of face do you have? Send disciples!"