Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 764: Fighting king!

Facing Zhao Lihua's angry rebuke, Ning Qingxuan's pretty face suddenly turned pale.

In her bones, she was still the woman who followed the rules. Maybe she had been willful once in her life, choosing the love she wanted and the person she liked.

Lin Zhen won a battle with Aunt Tie, but Ning Qingxuan instinctively didn't want to avenge Aunt Tie. Even during the period of amnesia, she couldn't get close to Master.

Not to mention the restoration of her memory later, the Qingye Sect's soul-suppression technique and the soul-chasing bell made her abhorrent. Thanks to Lin Zhen's alchemy methods, she was completely cured.

As a result, she didn't even think about revenge for Aunt Tie, and completely plunged into the arms of her sweetheart.

But in her heart, this matter is not over, she still has a heart disease, that is Zhao Lihua in front of her.

Zhao Lihua is already a figure in the ancient times. When Ning Qingxuan met her when she was a child, she felt that this master had a strange temper and was a little terrifying cold.

In the face of Zhao Lihua, she was even a little scared instinctively.

Just trying to explain something, Lin Zhen suddenly stopped in front of Ning Qingxuan.

"This old woman, what are you yelling at my wife?"

Ning Qingxuan felt sweet in her heart. This kind of feeling of someone helping herself is so good. Seeing Lin Zhen come forward, she immediately shrank behind Lin Zhen and ignored her master.

Zhao Lihua stared at Lin Zhen, with many white eyes and few black eyes, and said disdainfully: "What kind of thing are you? The stinky hairy boy, get out!"

Lin Zhen immediately sneered: "Then what are you? An old beggar with a rotten smell and serious endocrine disorder. If you lack the nourishment of the old man, I can introduce one to you. Don't come here to let people look at you. I have an old face, I want to vomit!"

Zhao Lihua is the oldest person in the Qingye faction. No one in Nanliang, or even the whole Liang, dares to disrespect her. Ever heard Lin Zhen's straightforward insults like this.

Suddenly trembling with anger, he pointed at Lin Zhen with one finger: "Rice! Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know that the Qingye Sect is old and immortal, but you still don't show off your identity. Xuan'er doesn't owe you the Qingye Sect at all. Isn't your soul chasing bell tortured enough for her? Since she From the moment the master used the soul chasing bell on him, she is no longer a member of your Qingye faction, and you are not qualified to point fingers here!"

Zhao Lihua was so angry that her words were a little uncomfortable: "How dare to speak to the old man like this..."

"What I dare not, no matter what your status is, when you are here, you are just a holy land disciple, and I am also a holy land disciple. We are currently on the same level. Even after the arena, you still have to call me senior, yes What qualifications yell in front of me!"

The anger reached its peak, and Zhao Lihua screamed: "The old man killed you two! Clear the door for Nanliang and Qingye faction!"

Lin Zhen snorted. Although Zhao Lihua is very strong, Lin Zhen is not afraid, because this is a holy land.

Sure enough, when Zhao Lihua was about to start her hands, suddenly a voice came.

"The arena is about to begin. Anyone is forbidden to fight with each other. Those who don't obey the rules will be eliminated!"

A powerful force shrouded in, and directly shook Zhao Lihua's flying 100 meters!

Above Zhao Lihua's head, the spirits and spirits of Sanhua were constantly trembling. This attack was merciful to the opponent, otherwise it would not be as simple as flying.

Looking back in horror, he saw Jin Nuo, the fifth senior brother of the Holy Land standing on the jet of water from the blue whale, standing with his hands on his hands, looking at her coldly in his eyes on the distant lake.

Although Zhao Lihua was arrogant, she still didn't dare to go wild in the face of the disciple of the master of Falling Star Lake, especially the strength of the opponent made him feel unfathomable.

"Brother Five, I'm reckless." Zhao Lihua had to give in.

"Don't leave quickly!" Jin Nuo said indifferently.

Zhao Lihua glared at Lin Zhen and Ning Qingxuan: "Boy, don't meet me in the knockout round."

After speaking, he turned and left.


The elimination rounds after the Holy Land are no different from the previous ones, just win a game and advance to a class.

Each class has to learn different things. The higher the ranking class, the higher the stone monuments can be learned on the island.

The students of the Huangban class can only comprehend one stone tablet, while the students of the Hongban class have two stone tablets to comprehend, and so on.

Tianban students can be said to be everyone's ultimate goal. Eight stone steles containing advanced martial skills, as long as they can truly learn the same, they are all beings of the same level.

Moreover, the most outstanding among Tianban students may even be favored by the master of the Holy Land and be recruited as direct disciples.

Every disciple of the Holy Land has a lofty status. Just look at Jin Nuo, the fifth son of the Holy Land. Whether it is the Emperor of the Emperor of Qin, or the people of other Dimensional Universe companies, you can know one or two things.

Therefore, every battle must be fought as the last one.

By this time, the remaining warriors are almost all elites, and it is impossible for them to win ten consecutive victories.

The draw began, and people began to draw the **** in order.

One by one warriors began to take the stage.

Lin Zhen was in the second half according to the number. After going on stage, he reached into the box and quickly found a small ball.

There was a big screen in front. After Lin Zhen touched the ball, he formed a correspondence with one of the people who had already drawn.

The warrior Leiba from the Dimension Arena, a warrior king in the longevity field!

The so-called King of Fighting means that he has completed more than 10,000 victories in the longevity field, and his winning rate is not less than 99%!

Achieve these two conditions, you can become the king of fighting.

Lin Zhen's current strength, although occasionally able to fight Sanhua with some special means, he still couldn't even be invincible in the longevity period.

The King of Longevity Fighting is definitely a formidable enemy!

Seeing that the grouping was completed, Lin Zhen's eyes and Lei Ba's eyes met in the air.

Lei Ba was over two meters tall, his burly body looked like a hill, with four arms on his body, and four gilt sledgehammers on his back!

Seeing this grouping, the dwarf Nicole ran over.

"Boss, this opponent is not easy to deal with. He has won ten consecutive victories in previous battles."

Lin Zhen smiled: "Nonsense, who is able to reach this point, who is not a ten-game winning streak?"

"Oh, no, no! I didn't mean that, I mean, this warrior had ten kills in a row, and the ten opponents he fought with before were all dead!"

"Oh, so strong!" Lin Zhen was also shocked. It is not uncommon to be able to defeat his opponent, but if he does not give people a chance to escape, such an opponent is quite terrifying.

"It's really strong. This person has been in the arena since he was practicing. He uses battles to raise money, earns money and invests in the arena. He has extremely rich combat experience, and he is born with four arms, and his attack frequency is a bit faster than the average person. Bai, and his four warhammers, they are so powerful, no matter what weapons they are swords, swords, halberds, and other weapons, they can't compete with his warhammers at all. This is the most crucial point for him to win. You have to be careful."

At this moment, Ning Qingxuan also showed Lin Zhen the video of Lei Ba's previous battle.

His ten battles can be said to have been crushed and won all the way.

When the battle began, Lei Ba began to charge. The four warhammers in his four hands danced like a windmill. The opponent's weapons could not stop the warhammer's offensive. The wind could not blow in, and the water could not enter.

Moreover, his mental defense seems to be very strong, not afraid of mental shock.

As soon as the opponent makes contact with him, the weapon will be smashed or blown away. Under his ultra-fast attack, he will die under the warhammer before crushing the talisman.

The four warhammers with ultra-fast attack frequency can be described as unstoppable.

Even if your shot speed is a little faster than him, you don't have four hands. Even if your weapon is good, you can't stop the bombardment of four warhammers, the rolling attack, and the crazy attack. This is the tactics of Thundermaster.

This person has fought more than 60,000 games in the longevity field of the Dimension Arena, and has lost less than 100 games!

An absolute pinnacle in the longevity period, he did not expect to encounter such a hard stubble in the first game.

"How? Are you sure?" Ning Qingxuan asked with concern.

"I have some ideas, but I still have to fight and watch, but Xuan'er can rest assured, he can't crush me to win."

"That's good, Lin Zhen, I think you can win this battle, even if you have basically completed the task."

"Then Xuan'er thinks what kind of results do I best achieve?"

"Of course the higher the better, but I don't think it should be too reluctant. If you can enter the yellow class, it will be enough."

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, the prehistoric universe, there is actually a saying in the Holy Land, that is, the Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth can be regarded as the inner door of the Holy Land, and the universe predecessor can only be regarded as a half holy land disciple. If you want to learn true stunts, you must enter the first four classes, so Ning Qingxuan set the goal of the highest yellow class for Lin Zhen.

Of course, if Lin Zhen can fully use the martial arts of the Locking God Platform that he has just learned, he feels that it is possible for him to enter the earth and even the sky, but he can't let it go now.

"Well, since Xuan'er said so, then I will work hard for the yellow class!"

During the conversation, the lottery has all The first round of the ring is about to begin.

The teleportation light flashed, and Lin Zhen appeared on the ring.

Opposite him, a thunder tyrant with four arms and a barbarian figure also appeared.

"Lin Zhen, your experience can be considered legendary, but in my opinion, everything you are proficient in is nothing but fancy. Compared with the real arena strong, you are far worse."

Lin Zhen also looked at Lei Ba with disdain: "Do you think the arena is a real place for experience? I don't think that, in a virtual environment, people are often able to surpass their own strength, but here is reality. , You who have been fighting in a virtual environment for a long time are a scum in reality!"

"Nonsense, you are only a thousand years old, how do you compare with my 70,000 years of combat experience, die! You will be the eleventh soul under my hammer!" Lei Ba snorted coldly, four. The gilt warhammer was pulled out at the same time, and rushed in with a roar!

Lin Zhen's two-handed sword gang blooms, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, speaking of combat experience, right? He just acquired the black bone memory, and speaking of combat experience, he will not lose to anyone!