Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 780: The rebellious actions of the unicorns

Once they came to the shore of the lake, someone was already waiting for Lin Zhen and handed him a dolphin.

Stepping on the back of the dolphin, the dolphin immediately began to swim, heading for the distant misty area.

Compared with the blue whale in the Holy Land, this dolphin was faster, and rushed into heavy fog in the blink of an eye.

After a while, the light flashed around him, and the dolphin had passed through the portal and appeared in the huge wave area of ​​Starfall Lake.

After walking for a while in the wind and waves, the mainland of Qin has already appeared.

Lin Zhen saw the mall page in the Dimensional Universe.

For the current Lin Zhen, there is no difference between inside and outside of the Holy Land, and you can practice anywhere.

The most important thing is that he needs to get a clone as soon as possible, so that he can comprehend the two practices.

After looking for a while in the mall of Dimensional Universe, Lin Zhen closed the mall.

"To change the clones this time, we must find a fit. Although these clones are also good, they are no longer suitable for me."

The most suitable for Lin Zhen at the moment should be the Galactic Behemoth. The stronger the better, only this way, when Lin Zhen is suitable for promotion in the realm, the realm of the clone will also be promoted.

The difference between the clone and the ontology should preferably be around a big realm, because Lin Zhen's ontology is too strong, if the clone is weak, it will become tasteless, and a big realm is just right.

Seeing that he had arrived on the land of Qin Kingdom, Lin Zhen decided to visit the Qilin family first.

Since joining the Kylin clan, Lin Zhen has never returned. The Sakya Patriarch also told him to go back if he had a chance and get to know the people.

Sakya was preparing to train Lin Zhen as the future patriarch. Although Lin Zhen didn't want to be a patriarch, it was necessary to go back.

Xuan'er was not alarmed by the Alchemy Master Association, because Lin Zhen saw that her Dimensional Universe was in a semi-closed state, and she could only accept her own information. He and Xuan'er had an agreement. In this state, she was practicing. when.

Lin Zhen only stayed outside for ten months and will soon return to the Holy Land, so don't disturb her cultivation.

Putting the dolphin into the body world and placing it in the ocean of Dark Star, Lin Zhen summoned the two-headed magic dragon and headed towards the fire-burning unicorn family.


The territory of the Fire Qilin clan is above Tianling.

Tianling spans hundreds of countries, and Liberty City is located in Tianling. Not only the territory of the fire unicorns is in Tianling, but also the Phoenix clan, part of the dragon clan, and many galaxy beast races.

The vast natural environment here is very suitable for the survival of beasts.

Lin Zhen arrived at a teleportation formation in Qindu and teleported to the Tianling border area through the teleportation formation.

After passing the teleportation array, take the magic dragon and head towards the direction of the burning unicorn.

"Elder Qin, everything is almost ready."

Among the Fire Qilin clan, Elder Qin and his son, Ke Xiangdong, and Ke Xiangnan were gathering to discuss matters.

Elder Qin said solemnly: "Have you found all the people you were looking for?"

Qin Dong, the son of Elder Qin, was the first to speak: "I was in charge of looking for someone from the Shui Qilin clan and found one, the pinnacle of longevity. He has already agreed to our request."

Ke Xiangdong said: "I'm looking for a member of the Moqilin family, that is, the earth element Qilin family. A wandering Moqilin warrior agreed, and I have given him the money. Speaking of which he no longer belongs to the Qilin family, but It has not been announced to the public. He can do anything for money."

Ke Xiangnan said: "The Feng Qilin people have come, and they are currently in my residence. This kid is also a defector of the Feng Qilin clan. He is not a good person, but he is very suitable for this plan."

Elder Qin nodded: "Huo Qilin, Mo Qilin, Feng Qilin, plus me, there will be four people. The people of Jin Qilin are already on the way. I just talked to him and can be there today."

Qin Dong said in a puzzled way: "Father, why do we have to spend such a big battle to find everyone from the Qilin tribe? We will randomly find some masters to set up an ambush, and then make an appointment to leave Sakya. Wouldn't it be enough to kill him as soon as I started it?"

Elder Qin shook his head: "It's not that simple. Sakya has a defensive heart for me. He wouldn't agree to come out for a banquet without sufficient reasons. This time the five-element unicorn gathering, he invited him in the name of discussing the great cause. He won't refuse when he comes out, this old thing is cunning."

Ke Xiangdong said uneasy: "Elder, but including you, this time people are only in the realm of longevity, even if they do it, they may not be the opponent of Sakya, the old guy is in the realm of Sanhua."

Elder Qin chuckled: "Of course I thought about this, but don’t forget that everyone is a unicorn. The battle between us can be determined by the unicorn. When the unicorn transforms, we can only fight with our physical strength. No matter how many methods Sakya has, he can't use it. We rushed forward. He has great ability and can only be killed alive!"

As his son, Qin Dong considered a lot, and said to Elder Qin: "Father, I'm afraid that the Qilin warriors of the other four races may not be willing to work together."

"My son is right, but don’t worry. Your father is not a fool and he is not fully prepared. Who would dare to do such an act against the sky? I’ve already laid a net for this day. I’m just waiting for this day. Until then, they will regret it. It's impossible."

"Father has a back hand?" Qin Dong asked with bright eyes.

"Of course there is, but it's not convenient to tell you for the time being, you just know that this time the thing is a success, and I will be the new patriarch patriarch by taking the patriarch's token by then!"

Several people looked at Elder Qin with ambitions in their eyes.

"Elder, if you become the patriarch, the first thing you do is to expel Lin Zhen."

"You don't need to say that I will do the same. Lin Zhen currently enters the Holy Land as the Qilin Clan. If he is expelled from the Qilin Clan, he will not recommend it. Then the Holy Land will probably expel Lin Zhen. Then he will be A bereaved dog, we have a way to kill it."

While speaking, Elder Qin's eyes lit up: "The people of Jin Qilin are here, ready to meet."

Their location is the residence of Elder Qin in the Qilin tribe. This is a huge manor hidden in the forest.

A tall blond man appeared at the door.

"Hahaha! Welcome, welcome, welcome to the masters of the Golden Unicorn family to the humble house, it will be brilliant!"

After the warriors of the Jin Qilin clan arrived, the people of Shui Qilin and Mo Qilin also came one after another, plus the wind and unicorn warriors who had arrived long ago, the people were already there.

"Everyone, we are participating in the grand event today. The old man has already transferred 10 billion of each person's cash into your account. After the event is completed, as long as the old man becomes the patriarch, everyone will still have 10 billion remuneration, and then four will be paid. Regardless of whether the rich are enjoying the blessings on the surface of the Metaverse, or going to the buffer zone of the endless star sea to buy a life planet to become the emperor of the earth, they are extremely happy!"

The four Qilin warriors are not good people. Each race has good people and bad people. They are all expelled by the race. It is precisely because of this that they have been invited by Elder Qin.

Killing the Huoqilin patriarch, this kind of major event was accomplished, and it was also something to brag about for them.

"Elder Qin is too polite, not to mention that we collect money, even if we don't collect money, this kind of thing is very exciting to do, and our brothers are very happy." Jin Qilin's warrior is sharp and open. .

"Haha, as expected, they are all in the same way. In that case, the old man invites Sakya over now, and we will get things done today."

Elder Qin began to call Sakya through the Dimensional Universe.

Qin Dong and others are busy setting up a banquet. Since it is a play, it is necessary to make a complete set. It is not easy to get Sakya the bait. They have planned this for a long time, and everything has been seamless. , Just wait for Sakya to arrive.


The two-headed devil dragon spread its wings in the air, and the dense mountain forest on the ground passed by under his feet. Before he knew it, Lin Zhen had gone deep into the Tianling Mountains.

Lin Zhen's double-headed magic dragon has been riding for a long time. Since Huahua Tai Sui was killed by him, Lin Zhen has been riding this guy.

The speed of the double-headed magic dragon is not too fast, nor can it be transformed, and the strength is equivalent to the strength of a realm king. As a realm king, his feet are not bad, but for Lin Zhen today, it is not very qualified. .

It's just that Lin Zhen has not found a more suitable foot strength, so he can only use this for the time being.

After flying for a while, the body of the double-headed magic dragon trembled suddenly.

Don't look at the strength of this guy, but he has a keen sense of danger. His behavior means that danger is approaching.

"what happened?"

Lin Zhen stopped and looked behind him.

I saw a stream of light from the horizon coming straight to Lin Zhen, extremely fast.

"Who can reach this speed?"

Lin Zhen was taken aback. The Metaverse was no better than the New Territories, and almost no one could fly at the speed of light.

But the streamer in front of me flickered, and the speed was infinitely close to the speed of light!

The elements of light and thunder and lightning shrouded A powerful coercion shrouded Lin Zhen.

Seeing the body of the double-headed magic dragon trembling, Lin Zhen had already sensed the identity of a human being, this was a warrior of the dragon clan.

Lin Zhen stopped, letting the dragon martial artist come closer.

When the person stopped, Lin Zhen could see his face clearly. The light flashed in his eyes, and a blond hair was hunting and flying, and a silver snake occasionally jumped and made a soft snapping sound.

This is the first time Lin Zhen has seen a mutant dragon.

The incoming person is the Holy Light Dragon Clan, but the power of thunder and lightning is actually contained in the body, which is obviously mutated.

The dragons were originally super galaxy beasts, and the light dragons were extremely rare, not to mention the mutant light dragons, the strength of this dragon was very strong.

His realm has also reached the peak of the three flowers, with the three flowers looming on his head, the power of qi and blood is extremely full, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.