Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 793: resurrection

After Lin Zhen was tied down and fell to the ground silently, this period of time can be said to be a time of celebration for the people of Qin.

Especially when a warrior said that Lin Zhen was dead, the people of Qin were even more excited than winning the New Year.

The posts on the forum celebrating the screen refreshing were not clear at all, and moved up quickly with a blurry picture.

In any city in Qin State, you can hear huge cheers.

Those merchants who sell everything must be celebrated in the name of celebration.

It appeared in just ten seconds, killing Lin Zhen brand pulling rope, killing Lin Zhen brand mask and so on.

There are even the top ten master biography, even no one knows who it is. Some poets and scholars have already begun to write. Whoever writes first will sell well.

This is more than a minute, is the heavenly time of Qin people.


After three consecutive people confirmed that Lin Zhen was dead, the Sanhua Warrior who took the lead came over.

"Oh! Lin Zhen is a bit overestimated. Five beast-bound spirit locks are not needed to deal with him. This time, there are some anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes. They are overkill. No matter how genius they are, they are just a realm king. "

"There is no way, everyone is dead, take them away, and then report to the holy master."

"Come on, untie these ropes. The 50 billion ropes are the most expensive ropes in the Yuan Realm. Please be careful, don’t break them. Maybe the sage will use him to tie them in the future. Bound other galaxy beasts."

Ten people worked in pairs and began to untie Lin Zhen's rope.

These beast-bound spirit locks are in a virtual state before they appear, and they cannot be found at all. After they appear, a light golden rope will be revealed. It is said that the material comes from the endless star sea. A beast-bound spirit lock is enough to bind anything. The Galaxy Beast, to deal with Lin really just in case, only used five of them.

Unlocking the beast-bound spirit locks on Lin Zhen's hands, feet and neck, the warrior who took the lead said, "I will take away the body of Lin Zhen, and I will show it to the sage myself."

Several warriors have no different meanings, but a single person sighed: "This battle is a bit too simple, it's not addictive at all."

"Indeed, Lin Zhen was a bit silly, and didn't take his life seriously, so he died like this."


The people of the fire unicorns were distraught in the distance, and the newly promoted patriarch died like this. This is what they would never want to see. All the fire unicorns were transformed into human forms, and some even cried and almost fainted.

Elder Li and others also pretended to wipe their eyes a few times and said to the people present: "Don’t be sad. Although the patriarch has gone, our life will continue. These people are not aimed at us, we are There is no danger."

"Yes, now is not the time for grief. The most important thing for us right now is to elect a new patriarch and lead everyone to continue to gain a foothold in the Metaverse."

"Right, right, right, choose a new patriarch, old and talented, recommend Elder Sima."

"I think Elder Wang is the pillar of our clan. There is no problem in being elected as the patriarch."

"Elder Li can be called the jade pillar of the sky, the golden bridge of the sea, the character and martial arts are second to none in our clan, and only he can be the head of the clan!"

Some people of the older generation quarreled on the spot, vying for the position of patriarch.

However, the choice of a new patriarch cannot be decided by a few of them. It requires the consent of the majority of the whole clan. The proportion of young people is very large.

Lin Chuang said at this time, "Don't quarrel, whoever can bring back the patriarch's body will we agree to him being elected as the new patriarch. If this is not possible, you are not worthy!"

This sentence immediately got the approval of all the young people. The patriarch's body will be taken away. They are still fighting for power, which is really chilling.

And several elders immediately lost their voices. How could it be possible to capture Lin Zhen's body at this time?


The warrior who took the lead held five beast-binding spirit locks in one hand, and grabbed Lin Zhen in the other.

"Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen, your patriarch is really sad. You may be the shortest-lived patriarch in the history of the fire unicorn. You have just died here and you are fighting for a position over there. You have truly failed in your life."

As he said, he was about to pull Lin Zhen's clothes, but before he tried hard, he felt his hands sink.

"Um...what's going on? Who pulls my beast-bound spirit lock? Let go quickly, this thing is expensive."

A voice said: "It's not yours whether you are expensive or not. What are you worried about? You should worry about your own life!"

A surge of force came, and the five beast-bound spirit locks were robbed by the opponent!

"What are you doing...? Ah! Lin Zhen!"

His pupils dilated instantly, and Lin Zhen suddenly opened his eyes when he saw it on the ground.

His shout came too late, and Lin Zhen's body shot, and the Lantis spear in his hand suddenly appeared, the spear lay across his shoulders, and his body suddenly rotated like a windmill!

The spear is coated with a faint golden glow. This is Lin Zhen's unique knowledge, with gold!

The martial artists around are not cats or dogs, they are all super masters in the Sanhua realm, although they are not holy land martial artists, they are all extraordinary.

Lin Zhen's spear rolled up and attacked. Although they had no time to escape, they still instinctively set up their weapons to defend.

Among these weapons, there is no shortage of Lingbao level treasures.

But these treasures were actually like paper paste before Lin Zhen's gun of Lantis.

The Gun of Lantis itself is the best in Lingbao, and it is indestructible after being attached with gold.

A cloud of golden light bursts up, like a new born in the red sun, ten thousand rays of light disperse all the haze and darkness!

Wherever the spear passed, the weapon was broken and flesh and blood flew!

In the top ten three-flower realm, nine people were directly cut into two parts by Lin Zhen with one blow!

Only the warrior who took the lead dodged a bit, and was swept across his chest by the spear light, but still cut his breastbone open, revealing the squirming internal organs, and it seemed that he would not survive.

The warrior who took the lead staggered back a few steps, knelt down with a weak body, and pointed at Lin Zhen with one finger: "Aren't are not dead?"

Lin Zhen laughed, holding a Lantis spear in one hand and five beast-binding spirit locks in the other. "Who told you that I was dead? I'm alive and well, but you people have no eyes, even people are dead. I can't tell the life."

As he said, he suddenly bowed his head and approached the leader of the warrior: "You idiots, do you think that the beast-binding spirit lock is my nemesis? It's okay to tell you, I'm a clone at all, originally there is no life, you bind him again What's the use? I can make the clone show no signs of life at any time, and I can make him come alive at any time, pretending to be dead just waiting for you to come to the door stupidly, so that I can catch it all!"

Shaking the Beast Bound Spirit Lock in his hand, Lin Zhen smiled: "These things are good, I laughed at it, thank you for the gift,! It should be Qiantong, I believe Qian Tong must be watching the situation here through the Dimensional Universe at this time, but it is a pity that he can't hear what I'm talking about, so let him go in a hurry!"

After speaking, Lin Zhen raised his head and shouted to the outside: "Qian Tong! After I go back to the Holy Land, we will do a good job of calculating the ledger!"

At this time, the warrior leader suddenly realized, it is no wonder that Lin Zhen has no aura of life without nostalgia, it turns out that this is a clone!

But according to their investigation, isn't Lin Zhen's avatar gone? Why another one?

It was a great irony to grab a lifeless and meaningless clone after exhausting the arrangement!

He was not reconciled, but Lin Zhen would not give him any more chances, and he drew a spear across his hand, completely ending the life of this warrior leader.

At this point, all the top ten three-flower warriors were killed, and there were still some sporadic longevity periods floating in the surrounding air, and now they were awake from the effect of the medicine. Seeing this situation, they immediately turned and ran without stopping.

It doesn't matter whether the five people of Optoelectronics can kill Lin Zhen, it has nothing to do with them. They will definitely not stay here for more. This kind of battle is not something they can participate in.

In the Holy Land, Qian Tong smashed the table fiercely, ruining a bottle of newly refined medicine on it.

"Lin Zhen! Don't be too complacent. The five of them are the main force this time. My ten Keqings are just three-flower warriors from the non-sacred land, and the three-flowers of the Holy Land are completely two concepts. Even if you defeat them, Don’t even want to escape under the five people of Optoelectronics!"

Lin Zhen's shout just now put him on the cusp of the storm, and I believe the fifth son will make trouble for himself.

Now Qian Tong can only hope that Optoelectronics will kill Lin Zhen as soon as possible. At this point, he can no longer look back.

The Kirin tribe was dumbfounded at this moment. UU reading

The change of things was too sudden. Lin Zhen, who had thought he had been dead, suddenly lived. There was nothing at all, and he made a bold move, killing ten Sanhua Warriors with the Spear of Lantis.

The joy and compassion of life are too exciting. After a brief consternation, the Qilin clan burst out with a loud shout!

The fire unicorns who had just changed into human form once again turned into galaxy beasts, shouting for their patriarchs with the loudest voice they could make!

Lin Chuang and others rushed out excitedly, trying to express their joy to the patriarch, but Lin Zhen waved his hand to stop it.

"My people, I can understand your feelings now, but please don't get excited, because the battle is not over yet."

"Patriarch! Let's help. The other party has only five people. Can we still see how many of them can't do anything in our Huoqilin clan?" Lin Chuang shouted.

Indeed, even if the five people of Optoelectronics are very strong, the fire unicorns can't resist them.

When the photoelectric people heard this, they suddenly changed their color, their eyes rolled around, wondering if they wanted to run away immediately.

Lin Zhen chuckled, "Just stay calm, and I promise you will definitely be able to help in this battle. You only need to listen to my orders."

Lin Chuang and the others stopped moving. At this moment, Lin Zhen's words were like imperial decree in their hearts, with absolute authority.

Lin Zhen glanced over, and Elder Li did not dare to look up.

Finally, his eyes fell on the five people of Optoelectronics.


With a pointed spear, Lin Zhen said to the optoelectronic five people: "Don't worry too much, I promise you will not die today, but...maybe you will not be so free in the future!"

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