Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 816: Imperial Decree 1004

After slaying the **** change 100,000 kilometers away, the turbulent star power on Lin Zhen gradually calmed down.

Killing Ji Tiru was not the hand of the clone, but the body shot. Although Ji Tiru was far away from Lin Zhen's body, it was still within Lin Zhen's field of vision. At the moment he teleported, Lin Zhen could He has been locked, the second naked singularity has been launched, and the distant space has already killed him.

"Nine Spirits, let's go and take a look."

The nine lions have killed three hellhounds, and the three hellhounds have nine heads, but he was restrained by him. At this moment, he was eating Zhengxiang. Hearing Lin Zhen's call, his mouth became the boss. Two mouthfuls swallowed three hellhounds. Down.

Consecutively devouring Hydra and Hellhound, the Nine Spirits are now fat and strong, carrying Lin Zhen to the direction of the prison wagon.

When the body arrives, the clone will automatically return to the body world.

After strolling around in front of the prison car, Lin Zhen came to Qin Emperor Zhu Ziheng.

"Emperor Da Qin, don't come here unharmed!"

"Ah....cough...! Lin Zhen, help me!"

"Lin Zhen, come here to rescue me."

"I am the Emperor of the Golden King, Lin Zhen is coming to save me."

"I am willing to treat you as the master of the country, Lin Zhen come to my great Zhao, and save me quickly!"


Lin Zhenzhi felt his head as big as a fight, pressed his hands, and yelled, "Stop it all!"

Feeling the master's unhappiness, the nine lions also roared, and the breath of the fierce beast in the transition period made everyone silent.

"You better keep me back. Don't let me and our noisy people be annoying to death. Remember your current identities. You are just prisoners, not the emperor. Don't put on the emperor's stink in front of me. ."

These emperors frowned slightly, but Lin Zhen dared to reprimand them.

Even if you are a sacred place student, you are not staying at the sacred place after all. As the emperor of a great country, you really don't take the identity of a sacred place student too seriously.

Of course Lin Zhen saw the thoughts of these emperors and snorted: "It seems that you still can't see the situation. This is the endless star sea and the ground buffer zone of the Metaverse. Your country's surveillance system can't see your situation, and Let me see....."

Lin Zhen glanced around: "Many countries here have even wanted me Lin Zhen, such as the Emperor Wei, you and Liang are allies, you wanted me to have your share, you said, I Should I save you?"

The Emperor Wei's lips moved, and he didn't know what to say. If he knew that, why did he want Lin Zhen for Nan Liang?

"Emperor Qin, your Da Qin's hostility towards me is not small. As the emperor, shouldn't you be responsible for this? Am I going to let you go back and continue to make your Qin hostile to me?"

Zhu Ziheng felt a little wronged, and said that Lin Zhen had offended the people of Qin before he took office. How could it be blamed on him.

But at the moment they were all in the prison car. After recognizing the situation, no one dared to confront Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen looked around and nodded in satisfaction when seeing the arrogance of these emperors faded.

"It's not impossible to let me let you go, but I, Lin Zhen, have never been a good man and believer. If you want to be free, you must agree to my terms."

"What are the conditions? As long as you say it,, I agree."

Zhu Ziheng was the first to respond.

Lin Zhendao: "It's very simple. Everyone has to announce to your citizens that I, Lin Zhen, will become a permanent honorary citizen of your country and enjoy free access to all public facilities in your country and your dependent countries. Enjoy priority in all public places. It’s not difficult at all."

"It's not difficult, it's too simple!"

"I...I agreed, Mr. Lin Zhen, you are definitely an honorary citizen in our Daikin, and you enjoy the treatment of a guest of honor. The royal family is responsible for all your expenditures in our country!"

"I also promised that the same is true for our Da Ming. I can add honorary national status to your Dimensional Universe. Our Da Ming and our four subordinate countries will always be your friends."

"I will declare to the Daqin people that anyone who dares to be hostile to Lin Zhen will be treated as the same party as the endless sea of ​​stars. It is not clear that this is a scum who misses the emperor. I absolutely cannot forgive it!"

"Yes, yes! I will announce when I go back!"

The emperors in the surrounding prison cart were talking babbledly, and Lin Zhen nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, and someone Lin has been shy recently. I believe your Majesty can support one or two." Lin Zhen finally revealed his true purpose. These are all emperors, super fat sheep, if they don't knock well. For the last stroke, I am sorry for this great opportunity.

"No problem, it's just that we are now imprisoned and the Dimensional Universe cannot be opened. As long as Mr. Lin Zhen lets us out, I personally would like to transfer 100 billion to you as a reward!"

"I am also a hundred billion!"

"I am also a hundred billion!"

These emperors are still smart, no one made a high profile on this price, lest they become the target of public criticism.

But Lin Zhen waved his hand gently. Too much money would cause people to be jealous. One hundred billion is not a small number for anyone. Everyone is 10 billion. There are 14 trillion of the 1,400 emperors here. .

He has been busy practicing recently, and he doesn't have much time to make money through alchemy, so he saves a lot of time.

When he said that everyone only needed 10 billion, these emperors who had been so painful were actually a little grateful to Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen waved the sword in his hand and cut off the prison cars, letting the emperors come out.

Those who can achieve the position of emperor of a country are basically Sanhua warriors, who have strong recovery methods, and there will definitely be no shortage of medicines.

So after Lin Zhen released them, these emperors swallowed medicines, meditated and practiced, and soon recovered.

Lin Zhen sat on the back of Nine Spirits and looked at these emperors wearing dragon robes, feeling very strange.

After a while, the first emperor transferred money to Lin Zhen.

Announcing his Dimensional Universe account, all the emperors added Lin Zhen’s friends, and a huge sum of tens of billions of dollars was transferred.

The prompt messages kept ringing, and soon, Lin Zhen had a huge amount of up to 14 trillion in his account!

"Haha! Your Majesty, money is something outside of your body after all. You must not forget Lin's life-saving grace. You just promised Lin to do it as soon as possible."

Qin Emperor Zhu Ziheng was the first to leave a message in the Dimensional Universe and on the Qin Forum.

"I am Emperor Zhu Ziheng of the Great Qin Empire. I am now declaring the imperial decree. From now on, I am the four major vassal states of the Great Qin Empire, the Eastern Qin, the Western Qin, the Southern Qin, the Northern Qin, and I am currently Lin Zhen, the martial artist of the sacred land of Starfall Lake, the head of the fire unicorn, and the elder of the Alchemy Association Mr. Lin is an honorary citizen of the State of Qin. All public facilities in our country are free of charge by Mr. Lin Zhen and enjoy the right of priority."

"I, the citizens of Qin, must not be hostile to Mr. Lin Zhen. Otherwise, I will be guilty of colluding with the endless Xinghai race. For all our allies of the Qin State, public facilities should not charge Mr. Lin Zhen. All the expenses required are covered by the Great Qin Empire. Royal family reimbursement, thank you!"

This command shook the metaworld, which had become a mess of porridge.

More than a thousand emperors have disappeared, something that Yuanjie has never seen before.

You must know that these emperors are extremely noble. Everyone leads a huge empire, and there are four vassals underneath, managing hundreds of millions of people.

Just one missing, but one thousand and four hundred missing at the same time, this caused the Yuanjie to burst.

The disappearance of each emperor is not accidental. Close to them will disappear with them. This is obviously a premeditated action.

No one can do this except the endless star sea.

Countless armies have begun to move, trying to track down the whereabouts of the emperor, but the other side has been arranged for so long, how can they easily catch up.

Everyone knows that the other party fled to the starry sky, but the starry sky is too big to find.

Just when people thought that Metaverse would face a round of regime change, Qin Emperor Zhu Ziheng issued such a decree.

Everyone knows the contradiction between Lin Zhen and Qin State, but Zhu Ziheng announced Lin Zhen as an honorary citizen at this moment. This is incredible!

Could it be that Zhu Ziheng was kidnapped by Lin Zhen? Is such a decree promulgated as a last resort?

Before their shock was over, the second imperial decree appeared.

This time the imperial edict was issued by Emperor Zhao.

The content of the imperial decree is exactly the same as the one issued by Zhu Ziheng, that is, replacing Qin State with Zhao State and Zhu Ziheng's name with his own name.

If it is possible that Zhu Ziheng was kidnapped by Lin Zhen, it makes no sense for Emperor Zhao to be kidnapped.

Qin and Zhao were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, how could Lin Zhen kidnap two people at the same time.

But this is just the beginning.

Following the Kingdom of Qin and Zhao, the emperors of the Han, Daming, Dajin, Daliao, and Dawei...the emperors of the important countries in the Yuanjie successively issued imperial edicts.

The content of the imperial decree is the same, and it is completely based on Zhu Ziheng's imperial decree, and has not changed at all.

The emperors of 1,400 countries, there are more than 5,600 vassals underneath them, plus their allies, each country has dozens of allies, so they are involved in each other, in an instant, Lin Zhen has ten The privilege of tens of thousands of countries!

People were shocked at first and then they became numb.

In the end, some people even wonder if their dimensional universe system is broken.

Some people suspect that this is a prank, how could so many emperors announce such shocking news at the same time? This Lin Zhen is not currency, how can anyone love it?

You must know that what Lin Zhen has obtained is not a simple honorary citizenship. No one can even offend, otherwise he will be treated as the endless star sea chaos party. This is where the country is, it is simply the ancestor!

Many people immediately went to check the emperors' identities, but the results of the checks were no surprise. Those who can issue imperial edicts in their own national forums in the dimensional universe, except for the emperor, absolutely have no such ability.

This is real!

All of this is true!

Not an illusion!

There were countless people all over the Metasphere who couldn't close their mouths for a long time, and they couldn't understand what was going on.