Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 851: I know Lin Zhen

Hearing the arrogant words of the person in front of him, a demon warrior raged into his forehead.

"Insane! Since you insist on looking for death, then it will fulfill you!"

Leaping up, a black spear in his hand turned into tens of thousands, and it attacked like a long dragon.

The human warrior on the opposite side suddenly shook his body and turned into a huge beast that was more than fifty meters long and nearly twenty meters high!

This wild beast has a five-colored wild mane, a colored hard scale with golden light, antlers, dragon head, lion tail tiger claws, and huge fangs that are daunting.

It seems to be a unicorn, but the colors of unicorns are red, white, black, and cyan. This is the first time I have seen this colorful one, and I don’t know what kind it is.

The huge mouth opened, and the demon warrior who was charging couldn't dodge, and was swallowed by this giant beast!

Between the opening and closing of the fangs, the black spear of the Mozu warrior was directly bitten into scrap iron and spit out.

"The smell of the demon martial artist is really smelly, it's too unpalatable!"

The beast showed disgust on his face, but didn't stop under his feet, suddenly pounced on it!

The mature super galaxy beast definitely has the strength not inferior to the **** change!

The two demon races who had become spiritually minded were the first to bear the brunt, brandishing their swords in their hands to resist, but they were slapped into flesh by the giant beasts!

The sword attacked the opponent's claws, making a metal collision sound, not hurting the beast at all.

After killing two more people, the tail of the giant beast swept out like lightning, and directly cut the driver who drove the last car into two pieces!

Between the gestures, the four martial artists who changed their minds died tragically on the spot!

After killing four people, the giant beast didn't stop its movements, and slapped the Hellhound pulling the cart to death with a paw, and there was no one outside the car.

Slowly came to the car window, the giant beast's eyes as big as a water tank looked into the car.

Inside the carriage, the demon warriors Nani and Bai Susu each shrank in a corner.

Just now, Nani saw the situation outside the carriage, but Bai Susu didn't see it because of the angle problem. He just heard the roar of giant beasts and the tragic death of several demon warriors.

Both of them held their breath and dared not make any sound.

It is definitely not a pleasant thing to encounter a mature galaxy beast in the starry sky, especially this big guy looks very strong, even Nani, dare not say that he can easily kill the four spiritual changes. But the monster did it, it had to be afraid.

Bai Susu's tears rolled in his eyes. Although Nani had not taken advantage of her, her dignified Emperor Ji had fallen to this point, and the pain in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Well, it's better to be eaten than to be defiled. I hope that giant beast will look down on me, a little fox with no meat."

While Bai Susu secretly prayed, suddenly the carriage began to shake violently!

The giant beast stretched out its two huge paws, clicked, and broke the carriage alive!

Roar~~~! ! !

Bai Susu and Nani were exposed in the void.

"Hoho, sure enough, there are two little mice here, let's eat them together!"

Nani can easily feel that this five-color unicorn has a strong power, and that power is absolutely above him.

There was no time to think about anything else, Nani turned and ran!

The five-color unicorn has a huge mouth, and a string of energy bullets roars out!

Every second, hundreds of thousands of bullets blast out, this is a real rain of bullets!

Nani was beaten up in an instant, dodged and twisted desperately in the air, still being hit by bullets, and his body quickly became riddled with holes.

"Beast! I fought with you!"

Nani took out his long knife and launched a final charge against the behemoth!

The behemoth's mouth opened again, a huge beam of light came from its mouth, and a shining star blasted over!

"Drive me!"

As a master of the God Realm, Nani also has considerable strength desperately, wielding a long knife, and slashed with a space-breaking attack, hitting this star!

There was a trace of sarcasm in the eyes of the giant beast, and when the long knife hit the star, an explosion happened!

Bai Susu in the distance saw such a scene.

There was a loud sound of trembling starry sky, a fierce fire, a mushroom cloud rising in place, and nothingness after the explosion!

The explosion was comparable to the destruction of a star, and after a loud noise, the shock wave directly withdrew her body for 100,000 miles!

She knew that Nani was dead.

When Nani is dead, she is not in danger of being defiled, but Bai Susu is not at all relaxed at this time, she doesn't want to be the belly of this giant beast.

Although his body was not confined by the diamond ring, and his mind was dizzy at this moment, Bai Susu still stood up firmly and flew towards the depths of the starry sky.

She believes that as long as she can escape farther, the more chances she has to encounter people of endless races, as long as she is found by people of endless races, she can be sent back to Qingqiu Mountain.

Long waist-length hair was flying in the air, and she pressed her small mouth firmly, rushing at her fastest speed, hoping that the terrifying behemoth would not come after her.

However, most things in the world are unsatisfactory. After running out for tens of thousands of kilometers, a huge shadow strikes behind him.

Bai Susu looked back, and saw that the five-color unicorn beast was walking here at a leisurely pace.


Bai Susu exclaimed, using all his strength to accelerate.

But no matter how she escaped, the distance between the behemoth and her was getting closer and closer.

It is the first time that Bai Susu has been so embarrassed since childhood.

The huge fear of being eaten shrouded her heart, how much she wished someone could save her at the moment.

But in the vast void, only she and this giant beast, obviously no one can count on, she ran quickly with her silver teeth, and did not know how long she ran, until a huge meteorite sliding in front appeared.

Bai Susu exhausted his last strength and ran to the meteorite in one breath, and then quickly hid on the back of the meteorite, leaning against the meteorite tightly, not even daring to breathe.

"Don't chase over, you must not see me, you must not see me!"

She lay in a depression, her eyes closed tightly.

After a while there was no movement, Bai Susu's courage was a little bit bigger, and she quietly opened her eyes.

This one opened her eyes and almost made her soul frightened, because she saw that the giant beast was right in front of her!

The huge fangs are staggered up and down, the long tongue licks its lips humanely, and the giant beast utters words.

"Tsk tusk! What a small fox with fine skin and tender meat. The fragrant taste must be very good. I just ate a demon stinky guy a little nauseous, and I just used you to fight the tooth."

Bai Susu's face was pale as paper, and she took a deep breath: "You can't eat me."

The giant beast was shocked: "Why?"

"I know, you galaxy behemoths wandering in the starry sky are still a bit uncivilized, but you must have heard of the imperial clan?"

The giant beast nodded slightly: "I heard it."

"I’ve heard it, I’m Qingqiu Mountain Bai Susu, now the fiancee of the Emperor Juetian, our endless race will rule the earth sooner or later. At that time, I will be the most noble woman in the universe. If you eat me, absolutely Emperor Tian will not let you go, nor will the endless races let you go."

Bai Susu said this with confidence. Although she and Juetian are not familiar with each other, it does not prevent her from naming his name at this time. In her opinion, few people would not give the emperor clan leader. Face.

But after she finished speaking, the behemoth opened his mouth and laughed as if he had heard something funny.

"Roar~~! What is absolutely heavenly, we wandering galaxy beasts never pay attention to your struggles for power and profit. It is what I need to consider to eat. Juetian is so powerful, why not come to save you now! "

After grinding its teeth twice, the giant beast seemed to be about to speak.

Bai Susu hurriedly said: "No! Even if you don't know Juetian, our Qingqiu Mountain is also very powerful. My sister Bai Xue is a demigod. She loves me very much and will definitely avenge me."

The giant beast even more dismissed it: "Little fox, it seems that you have not figured out the situation at all, whether it is Juetian or Baixue, if you can save you, you will not fall to this point. Those are all mirrors. You can't count on it at all, because in my eyes, they are not strong enough and not worthy of awe at all, so you just accept your fate."

"I still know a lot of strong people, among them there are even gods, they are all..."

The little fox Bai Susu began to say the names of the strong men she knew as many as she knew, and she hoped that this savage behemoth would have some scruples.

But she was quickly disappointed. The giant beast in front of her was very arrogant. It didn't give any face to anyone, and it was useless to say anyone.

"Enough! Little fox, I have had enough of your verbosity. These people are nothing more than that. They can't have any potential at all, and I still have unlimited growth possibilities in the future. Why should I be afraid? They? So go and die!"

With a roar, the giant beast's big mouth snapped at it.

Bai Susu closed her eyes tightly in fright, but suddenly came out a sentence: "I still know Lin Zhen!"

She yelled this sentence, originally holding the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse The gods don’t work, can Lin Zhen do it?

But the miracle just happened!

The five-color unicorn stopped!

It took a long time for the open mouth to close, and a worried look appeared in the five-colored Qilin's eyes.

Bai Susu opened his eyes and saw this scene.

"Who do you know you know?" Five-color Qilin said.

"Lin Zhen."

"But the one who came from the New Territories, known as the first genius in the New Territories, became a holy alchemist at a young age, won the championship in the star of the gods, and entered the sacred place of Falling Star Lake. He is known as the successor to the sacred place. Is Lin Zhen the strongest genius in the world?"

Bai Susu was stunned when she heard that, she knew that Lin Zhen seemed to be good at it, but she didn't know much about Lin Zhen, and she really didn't know that he had such a great reputation and so many nicknames.

But at this moment, if she doesn't know how to say it is a fool, as a sly little fox, she knows how to watch her words and colors.

"Yes, that's right, it's him. Our relationship is very good. He is nearby and will come to rescue me soon."

After speaking, Bai Susu even shouted Lin Zhen's name openly.

Before the words fell, a stream of light came quickly from the sky in the distance!

With the photoelectric pedals, Lin Zhen appeared on the stage like a god!

After seeing Lin Zhen, the five-color unicorn trembled all over, "It's broken, I'm not afraid of it, but I'm afraid this guy, little fox, today you tell the big fortune, I withdrew, we will have no future!"

The five-color unicorn spread its paws and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky in a blink of an eye.

With warmth coming, Lin Zhen fell in front of Bai Susu.

After suffering so much grievance and injury, and still being imprisoned, walking before the ghost gate, at this moment, Bai Susu's tears from the rest of his life finally rolled down uncontrollably.