Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 857: Title king

The matter of Lin Zhen tearing Bai Yunfei with both hands alive caused an uproar in the Tianfang City.

Before Bai Yunfei was a well-known gladiator anyway, he had many supporters. Every time he participated in a battle in the arena, many fans would come to support him.

But such a strong man in the God Realm stage was actually torn apart by Lin Zhen's hands!

Such a situation can happen, besides some of Lin Zhen's proper tactics, it also fully proves the strength gap between the two people.

Kill Bai Yunfei in seconds, only those ace gladiators can do it!

It turns out that there is still such a figure in the Baihutang Arena, who has the strength of an ace gladiator, isn't it equivalent to a five-star fighter?

Lin Zhen's information began to be picked up by people.

From the moment he entered the Metaverse, Lin Zhen's actions were as if he were being studied under a microscope.

These experiences gave people a full insight into the rise of a genius.

Lin Zhen experienced that, except for the word genius, he couldn't find any other adjectives. If he insisted on adding an adjective, he would be the genius among the geniuses.

It's okay to say that it's just martial arts, but people are surprised to find that in addition to being a martial artist in the Sanhua period, Lin Zhen is also a holy alchemist!

Becoming a saint-level alchemist is even more difficult than becoming a three-flower warrior. It’s hard to imagine how Lin Zhen could achieve these two points at the same time at the age of more than 1,100 years. not scientific.

But existence is the truth. I can only say that this is called Lin Zhen's New Territories kid, and his talent is really a powerful pervert!

After Lin Zhen's experience was exposed, his fans also increased. Many warriors began to regard Lin Zhen as an idol, thinking that his potential was endless and he would definitely become a **** in the future.

The situation a few days after the virtual battlefield also made people more fully aware of Lin Zhen's strength.

Following Chen Yuan, some warriors who were still attracted by the rewards of the three tigers launched endless attacks and assassinations on Lin Zhen.

But these attacks had no effect at all. Lin Zhen used his powerful strength time and time again to prove that he was almost invincible.

The next day, at a position of 30,000 meters, Lin Zhen once again killed Yang Qingzhi, one of the four martial artists of Baihutang Fu Qingfeng.

In the night of the next day, a group of gladiators with two other heavenly kings under Fu Qingfeng and the Velociraptor attacked Lin Zhen at night.

At Lin Zhen's request, Chen Yuan didn't make a move in this battle. Lin Zhen fought against the three great masters of the God Realm alone with one against three. The battle was extremely fierce. From midnight to dawn, Lin Zhen repeatedly Injured, but its incredible resilience is impressive, and he insisted on it under the attack of the three masters.

At the last moment, Lin Zhen appeared as a clone, and the three-on-one turned into three-on-two. The three masters suffered a big loss by surprise and were killed on the spot.

The last speed dragon rider wanted to escape, but Lin Zhen cloned a unicorn cannon to his death.

After this battle, Lin Zhen's fame has resounded everywhere in Tianfang City.

You don't need to know anyone, but you can't help but know Lin Zhen, the hottest martial artist.

Although the Tianfang City is nothing in the entire endless battlefield, the dimensional universe is interconnected, and the news about Lin Zhen gradually leaked out.

People in various places in the endless battlefield occasionally open the Dimensional Universe, and when they see the Tianfang City Forum, they will be surprised: "Oh! There seems to be a pretty good gladiator in the Tianfang City."


On the third day of the virtual battlefield, a new situation emerged.

Sanhu's speech was spread.

Sanhu, Fu Qingfeng and others have reached the summit of the island. On the summit, Sanhu directly announced that he will be here to wait for Lin Zhen to arrive and clear the door for Baihutang!

At the beginning, Sanhu had said to clean up Lin Zhen, but Lin Zhen was slaying him on the road, which was tantamount to slap Bai Hutang in the face, Sanhu couldn't swallow this breath.

But he himself did not dare to fight Lin Zhen one-on-one, and finally found Fu Qingfeng.

Fu Qingfeng also promised that the three tigers would teach Lin Zhen a lesson and get rid of him.

In addition to the two of them waiting on the top of the mountain, there are also many warriors in the White Tiger Hall who are also gathering on the top of the mountain, wanting to have a complete break with Lin Zhenlai.

It is conceivable that the final battle on the virtual battlefield will never be peaceful.

But this time, not many people are optimistic about Baihutang, because Lin Zhen has Chen Yuan next to him. Chen Yuan represents the powerful force of the Sanxia Guild. If they intervene at the last moment, maybe Sanhu and Fu Qingfeng don’t have much arrangement. use.

So most people think that Lin Zhen can get the chance to go to the eye of the storm even lying down.

Lin Zhen alone didn't think so.

His Chen Yuan and Klinsmann were rushing to the top of the island.

It is now late at night on the third day, and it is less than three hours before the end of the day.

Below the island, Taotao’s tide had risen sixty-nine times, and when the seventieth came, it was only two hours away.

And they also climbed to a height of more than 71,000 meters, not far from the top of the mountain.

Klinsmann held the banner and walked in the darkness. The darkness had no effect on warriors of their level. Everyone was a spiritual teacher, and both eyes had night vision capabilities.

Lin Zhen and Chen Yuan walked behind.

"Boss, now in the entire virtual battlefield, the remaining number of gladiators is only over 13,000." Klinsmann reported loudly in front.

"Understood, continue on the road, rest assured, we will definitely have our place within the last 10,000."

Klinsmann stopped speaking, raising the flag and moving forward, occasionally a figure flashed past in the darkness, but no one dared to approach.

Lin Zhen still ranked first in the number of slaughters. By this time, not many people dared to come and find death.

At this time, Chen Yuan said to Lin Zhen: "Junior Brother, it is definitely not a problem to qualify this time. As long as you have a word, our gladiators of the Three Heroes will definitely help each other. Bai Hutang's little power is not in my hands. In the eyes."

Lin Zhen smiled: "Then thank you brother."

"Hey! Why are you polite with me? We came out of the same holy place. They were all brought out by the five senior brothers. We should help each other. Tell you, in the endless battlefield, the warriors of all holy places often hug together. Let's fall into the star lake. If the people are not united with each other, they will be bullied in the future."

Lin Zhen nodded: "Senior Brother is right, but this time, I hope Senior Brother will not interfere. Baihutang people, I will solve it myself."

"No, brother! I won't say anything to others, but Fu Qingfeng is definitely not so easy to deal with. Even if I deal with him, it will cost a lot of money, and I am worried that he will win over the Velociraptor Hill. Man, if these two people join forces, even if I are added to this battle, I am afraid there is not much chance."

"Oh! Is it possible for the Velociraptor to join?"

"Yes, Hillman is the ace gladiator of the Velociraptors. I have played against him before. It was only a narrow move. He was only slightly injured. And this person is only profitable. If he pays the price offered by Qingfeng and Sanhu High enough, he really might be in the game."

Lin Zhen said slowly: "If this is the case, I would like to ask the seniors to contain the speed dragon riders and prevent them from interfering in this matter, as long as the seniors do this."

Chen Yuan gritted his teeth: "No problem! I put on a posture to participate in the war, Hillman must not dare to act rashly, but then, your pressure will be too great."

Lin Zhen waved his hand: "Well, let's not talk about this, brother tell me about the external situation."

"Okay, let's talk about the outside. In fact, Tianfang City is one of the rear bases of the ground race in the endless battlefield. The real masters generally would not bring activities to this edge, if it were not for Qingqiu Mountain some time ago. After missing important people, there are not so many endless races here."

"In the real battlefield, a five-star warrior like me is just a good one. The six-star warrior can barely stand up. The seven-star warrior is the main force, and the person who really dominates the endless battlefield is the hall of fame members of both sides. "

Lin Zhen looked at Chen Yuan: "I have heard many times about the Hall of Fame. What is the origin of this Hall of Fame?"

"The backing of the Hall of Fame has grown. Let me tell you this. The so-called Hall of Fame is a list of the strongest masters of both sides below the gods. Whether it is a ground race or an endless race, each of them has a hundred tops. The masters, these one hundred people, are members of the Hall of Fame. They are the invincible powerhouses on the endless battlefield. Every time they hear a Hall of Fame member appear, everyone else on the battlefield basically evades."

"Then how can I enter the Hall of Fame?" Lin Zhen had a yearning for the Hall of Fame.

"That's very difficult. Normally, if some of the hundred people become gods or die, a place in the Hall of Fame will be vacated, so that the talents in the back will have the opportunity to compete. Otherwise, they will have to face the challenge. But if you challenge the Hall of Fame head-on, it is basically impossible to win."

Lin Zhen was a little surprised: "Since they are all below the gods, the strongest person in your hall of fame is a demigod, right? Can a demigod be invincible?"

Chen Yuan waved his hand: "The demigod is certainly a strong, but I tell you, you normally want to be a member of the Hall of Fame, there is a prerequisite. If you don't complete this condition, you don't even have the qualification to challenge. "

"What conditions?"

"The title is king!"

"What is the title and title?" Lin Zhen asked in a daze.

Chen Yuan’s face showed a look of yearning: “Getting a title is to gain fame in the endless battlefield. Everyone will give you a title based on your characteristics, which is also commonly known as a nickname. For example, Master Fu Qingfeng laughs at the common people, he once won The title is the Blood Hand King, and his full name in the Hall of Fame is the Blood Hand King Smiling Everyone."

"How can I get it?"

"There are two hardware conditions, one is the seven-star warrior, the other is to kill the demigod independently, complete these two, and have a certain fame, you can almost be king. Junior brother, too few people in the Hall of Fame, the endless battlefield is basically You can’t see it, be the king! It is the symbol of your strength and fame on the endless battlefield. If you are interested in joining the Hall of Fame, you should fight for the king!