Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 860: The last hit!

Lin Zhen dared to one-to-three thousand. It was definitely not that he was crazy, but that he had planned.

In a normal battle, there is no chance of victory for one person against three thousand people. The person in front of you is not a rookie, at least in the Sanhua realm, and even many people are gods.

To gain an advantage in this situation, black hole swallowing is necessary.

The mad resistance of the clone, to fight for the body to use the black hole, is Lin Zhen's plan.

Under the cover of Lin Zhen's various methods, this trick finally achieved a miraculous effect!

These warriors who densely surrounded in front of Lin Zhen encountered the baptism of the black hole for the first time in their lives.

A hole was opened in the space, and the surrounding death ripples spread to the end of the line of sight. Except for the people on both sides who were not within the scope of the hole, all the rest were killed!

Whether it is Sanhua Realm, Divine Mind Realm, or super master of God Realm stage.

As long as his star power does not exceed 700 million, he cannot stop Lin Zhen from being swallowed by the black hole!

Before Lin Zhen, hundreds of cavalry and a large number of Baihutang gladiators gathered together more than two thousand people, preparing to carry out a powerful blow against Lin Zhen.

After this move, this area was directly vacuumed!

Empty, nothing!

Three thousand people, after being swallowed by a black hole, the remaining number is less than three hundred!

Standing far away, Fu Qingfeng only felt cold in his hands and feet.

As the ace gladiator of Baihutang, he originally intended to command from a distance and then look for a fighter, but he didn't expect that it was because of this behavior that he saved him and saved him from being swallowed by the black hole.

He couldn't imagine, how could there be such a terrifying talent skill in the world?

If he could choose, he didn't want to split up with Lin Zhen, but there was not much time before the last high tide, and Fu Qingfeng had no choice.

"Don't be afraid, this is the talent swallowing skill of the Black Hole Beast, and he can only use it once, and his clone has been crippled, and now we are no longer in danger."

Fu Qingfeng wanted to stimulate the confidence of the remaining gladiators, but these gladiators hesitated.

Fu Qingfeng's face showed anger: "What are you waiting for? The tide is coming up in a while. If Lin Zhen is not defeated, we will all be drowned. If we lose in the virtual battlefield, we just return to the arena and continue to be gladiators. That's it, afraid of a bird!"

His words were still very provocative, and the remaining two hundred gladiators gathered again.

Without the threat of being swallowed by the black hole, their courage returned.

Lin Zhen held the Emperor Tianhua Yun double swords in his hands, knowing that the real battle was about to begin.

He couldn't deal with three thousand people, but there were fewer than three hundred people. He wanted to try.


Fu Qingfeng roared, and the remaining gladiators stormed up.

"God's Burial!"

Lin Zhen's two swords came out together, and the oncoming four warriors were cut in half on the spot!

Jingle bells!

A series of attacks hit Lin Zhengaihua's body. After the gold was attached, his body was pitted, but only the surface was injured.


The body jumped up to avoid the shock of the gladiators, and Lin Zhensen Luo's swordsmanship finally appeared.

With a sword cut out, the sharp sword energy dashed across the space, bringing up a fragment of limbs and arms.

Another series of attacks hit Lin Zhen, knocking his body in the air several times, a lotus flower appeared on the surface of his body, once again blocked some fatal attacks, and his body landed.

"Sen Han!"

Seven or eight gladiators fell under Lin Zhen's sword.

Swish~~! !

The two halberds stabbed like a poisonous snake, and Lin Zhen's two swords came out together, and he could not cut off the two halberds in the first blow.

When Lin Zhen made the second sword and brought the two gladiators down, Fu Qingfeng, who had been waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

"Lin Zhen! Today I want to let you know what an Ace Gladiator is!"

A fierce sword light burst out from the crowd and went straight to Lin Zhen.

Fu Qingfeng, as a powerhouse in the middle of the God Realm, the power of this sword is amazing. Even if Lin Zhen's whole body is armored with gold, he does not dare to resist, and can only block with two swords!

Sword Qi left a blood trough on Lin Zhen's body, and the wound saw bones.

This is the heaviest injury Lin Zhenkai has suffered after being able to attach gold.

Lin Zhen raised his eyebrows, and Xinjian fought back!

Om~! ! !

The invisible sword net shrouded, but Fu Qingfeng seemed to be prepared and quickly dodged. Lin Zhen's heart sword did not hit him, but cut the three or four gladiators behind him into pieces.

"Lin Zhen, time is still enough, I will play with you slowly!"

Fu Qingfeng's body turned into a streamer, moving quickly among the crowd, looking for the next opportunity to shoot at any time.

The gladiators behind were still struggling desperately. Lin Zhen didn't have time to chase Fu Qingfeng. When the bayonet saw red right now, he would not let any White Tiger Hall gladiator pass the mountain.

The long fight began.

This time, there was no black hole swallowed, no avatar to help, Lin Zhen relied on the strength of his body to fight these fierce gladiators life and death.

Beside him, corpses piled up continuously, and gradually piled into walls.

It is difficult for ordinary gladiators to threaten Lin Zhen, and the most threatening to him is to pay the wind.

This ace gladiator has a very strong attack force, and the angle of each shot is extremely tricky, making people hard to defend against. Every shot can bring deep wounds to Lin Zhen, fully demonstrating the strength of the ace gladiator.

In the forty-minute death fight, the three hundred gladiators present had fallen to nearly two hundred people!

Below the island, the tumbling tide is surging, and the last high tide is already coming.

As the tide fluctuated, these gladiators were even more crazy.

No matter how strong Lin Zhen is in front of them, they must knock him down. If they can't break through Lin Zhen's defense line, they will be swallowed by the tide.

Fu Qingfeng raised his arms behind him and shouted: "Brothers! The last moment has come, and Lin Zhen is already on the verge of dying. Let's work harder and completely kill him!"

The gladiators in Baihutang all beamed their eyes, and the crazy scene in front of them did not scare them, but became even more excited.

A tall gladiator stepped on his companion's corpse and jumped over, swept over with a double battle axe in his hand and bow left and right!

The gladiator at the pinnacle of spiritual mind, the heavy weapon of Lingbao, even Lin Zhen could not resist head-on.

The double sword scored one point, the speed of light shot, and the second shot first cut off the arms of the gladiator, but the body of the warrior hit Lin Zhen heavily.

Lin Zhen took a step back, before he could throw away the body of the warrior, a spear pierced the lower abdomen of the warrior and directly pierced Lin Zhen's abdomen!

I grabbed the spear with one hand and wanted to throw it away, and there were three or four long swords on the left and right with lightning strikes!

He bowed his head and blocked the long sword with the armor on his shoulders.

At this time, Fu Qingfeng seized the opportunity to make another move!

The sword light of horse training came like lightning, breaking through the space, centering Lin Zhen's arm!

The timing and angle were perfect, and Lin Zhen didn't expect this sword to be so sudden that a left arm would be cut off!

Losing an arm and losing his balance, Fu Qingfeng yelled from behind, "It's now, brothers!"

Everything was a little out of control, the remaining hundred or so warriors howled, and swooped forward!

Lin Zhen staggered when the first person hit, the second hit the first one, making him lose his balance, and the arrival of the third person made Lin Zhen almost fall!

The fourth, fifth and sixth!

Ten people and twenty people!

The beam of light formed by countless star forces rushed into the sky, and Lin Zhen finally stood unstable and was overwhelmed on the spot!

"Go! He is down!"

"Work together, kill him, tear him apart!"

One by one, the warriors screamed and rushed forward, and the people behind suppressed the people in front, even if there was no way to attack, they would also press them up, resolutely not giving Lin Zhen any chance to turn over, forming a meat mountain.

It seemed that Lin Zhen could not stand up.

Fu Qingfeng let out a long sigh from behind. Thanks to the courage of these gladiators, it was impossible for Lin Zhen to resist so many people coming together.

Now no one can stop him from going to the top of the mountain, Fu Qingfeng stepped forward.

Just took a step, suddenly the time and space in front of me was distorted, and the stars appeared!

Galaxy Realm!

A piece of planet squeezed against each other, and the powerful gravity acted on the pile of people, and hundreds of warriors were instantly crushed into flesh!

The dark red blood flowed into a river, and more than a hundred people died under the gravity of the planet!

After a burst of stars, Lin Zhen's body suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

One of his arms hadn't recovered, but it didn't affect his speed, and he was in front of Fu Qingfeng in an instant.

Fu Qingfeng's eyes were also blood-red at the moment, and it seemed that with a thought to die, the long sword pierced Lin Zhen's chest!

Lin Zhen didn't evade, he had an immortal spirit body, and his heart wouldn't die if he was pierced. He waved with one hand, the sword appeared in his palm, and the same sword pierced Fu Qingfeng's chest!

At this moment, a huge wave is set off high, and the final high tide has arrived. This will be a blow to determine the outcome!

Puff~~! !

The sword enters the body, blood bursts!

The hearts of two people are penetrated by the opponent at the same time!

Fu Qingfeng thought that Lin Zhen would fall, but Lin Zhen did not fall. Lin Zhen thought that Fu Qingfeng would fall, but he did not fall either.

Lin Zhen's face was astonished, with an unbelievable look. Not only did his Jian Gang pierce the opponent's chest, it also smashed it into pieces. How could he not die?

"Haha, Lin Zhen, I wonder if you have heard of the Duotian Clan? The heart of our clan is naturally on the right side. Your sword just pierced my lung lobe!"

Fu Qingfeng is extremely convinced that Lin Zhen has been unable to stop him, losing an arm and being penetrated through his heart, no matter how strong his body is, his combat effectiveness will be extremely weakened.

Once again he wanted to give Lin Zhen a backhand sword, suddenly the sound of water came from below.

Wow~~! ! !

The huge waves are surging, and the waves are swept in.

At this moment, Lin Zhen suddenly grabbed Fu Qingfeng's arm, "Want to go? Stay together!"

Fu Qingfeng's face changed drastically, but he didn't expect that Lin Zhen actually wanted to die with him!

He was already looking forward to victory, how could he die with Lin Zhen, and then he would take the strongest blow in his life.

"Dangtian Sword Technique!"

"Destroy Thunder Light!"

Three thunder lights flashed between Lin Zhen's eyebrows, and he also made the final blow against Qingfeng!