Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 873: The eye of the storm

Lin Zhenyiyan came to 77 Queen Street. As soon as he arrived at the door, the door opened, and Chen Yuan and a few others greeted him at the door. [Please remember the city\'wen\'study


"Haha! Brother brother is here, hurry up, brother brother will introduce you to you."

Chen Yuan took Lin Zhen's hand and pointed at the three people behind him: "These three people are not outsiders. They all come from our sacred place in Starfall Lake. They are Lu Tianhua, Mu En and Arudi."

Lu Tianhua was a sharp and intrepid man, standing there like a straight spear, full of vigor, and at first glance, he had a strong accomplishment in long weapons.

Moon is a man with brown hair, using a sword.

Arudi is a tall and strong man, strong and almost non-human.

Among them, Chen Yuan, Mu En, and Arudi are all late stage gods, while Lu Tianhua is the pinnacle of the gods, and it seems that he is about to enter the realm of gods.

Lu Qi, I really don’t know that our sage master Lin Zhen, who is famous in Fangcheng, is actually from the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake. After hearing this news, I will ask Chen Yuan to contact you immediately. In any case, let Junior Brother Lin join our team. , Come from the same family, know the roots and know the bottom, everyone can take care of each other! "

Mu En said: "Junior Brother Lin is here, I am finally not the bottom of the team."

Lu Tianhua smiled: "That's not necessarily true. Junior Brother Lin is a saint-level alchemist, and he can refine the Nine-Rank Golden Core back to life. In a sense, he is the most important person."

When Moon heard this, his face was slightly ugly.

Arudi patted his chest: "Junior brother! Even if there is danger in the future, even if I hide behind me, I will block you, but if I am killed, you will be responsible for reviving me."

Lu Tianhua gave Arudi a punch: "You think the resurrection is a waste of resurrection. Junior Brother’s Nine Rank Gold Pill is also costly. I’ll just say here first. If someone in our team really dies in the future, Junior Brother will be responsible for the resurrection. , But the sacred stone obtained in the eye of the storm, Junior Brother will also get an extra share.

Lu Hao, to avoid disputes later.

Lin Zhen also smiled: "Then I'm not welcome."

At this time, Mu En squinted his eyes and said: "It's better to have some craftsmanship. Get some herbs and burn them on fire. It will make more money than others who work hard. Brother Lin, I really admire you alchemists."

Lin Zhen was stunned, and then laughed: "Whether it is alchemy or martial arts, it is all for better practice. It takes hard work to do it. If Senior Brother Mu is envious, he can also take it out. Let’s burn some herbs."

Hearing Lin Zhen's words, Mu En's face suddenly became hard to look, but Lin Zhen dared to confront him.

I just want to continue to say something. With this, Junior Brother Lin is able to make alchemy. That is his ability. Who can guarantee that there will be no danger in the eye of the storm? Maybe you will need Senior Brother Lin's pill to save your life, but don’t Makes Junior Brother Lin unhappy. "

Hearing this, Mu En finally chose to shut up, knowing that everyone needs Lin Zhen and he cannot offend him easily.

Several people did not continue the topic, and entered the room with a smile.

Sitting indoors, Lu Tianhua said: "Since everyone has agreed to be together, then some things will be said in the front. I am the leader of this team. Don't act alone when you reach the eye of the storm. You must advance and retreat together. After harvesting the sacred stone, everyone will be divided equally. What do you think?"

Chen Yuan shook his head slightly: "Brother Lu, you are the captain and the number one combat power in the team. You should get more."

Lin Zhen also said: "Yes, if you are strong, you should take more, otherwise, even if I use the golden core to save people, I will not be embarrassed to ask for more divine stones."

"Okay, I'll take one more, and if Junior Brother Lin takes out the golden core, he will also take an extra divine stone. That's it."

Several people did not express different opinions, and Moon opened his mouth, but did not say anything.

After deciding on the allocation, Lu Tianhua took out a map.

"This is a map of the eye of the storm, marking the internal conditions of the eye of the storm."

"Everyone knows that there was a divine battle in the eyes of the storm. Two powerful gods died here. One of them was called the **** of hurricanes and the other was called the **** of thunderstorms. It is said that these two are among the gods. He is also a strong man. There are countless powerful men under him. After a battle, he basically destroyed a galaxy."

"In that battle, millions of powerhouses have fallen, including tens of thousands of demigods. Some of them have even been crowned kings. It is said that there are hall of fame level."

"We went to the Eye of the Storm to collect the treasures lost by these people, the most important of which is the God Stone."

"The four gods have set up a redemption platform here. Everyone in the eye of the storm can use the **** stone to exchange for treasures and improve their strength. Everyone here is a competitor, so we have to form a team to protect ourselves."

Mu En opened the mouth and said: "Demigods are forbidden to enter the God Stone Battlefield. The five of us advance and retreat together. There shouldn't be much risk, right."

At this time, Lu Tianhua said a little heavy: "Here I want to tell you a bad news. Three days ago, a demigod tried to pass through the eye of the storm and found that this restriction has disappeared."

"Ah! Can the demigods enter?" Arudi also opened his mouth wide.

"Yes, this matter is said to have a little cause. It seems that there is a **** who has a close relationship with Futian City, a hall of fame came out of Futian City, and several powerful kings who jointly asked the gods. I hope that the prohibition can be lifted so that the demigod has a chance to enter the eye of the storm, and that **** is one of the gods who set the reward of the eye of the storm. With his efforts, this prohibition is lifted."

Hearing this, Lin Zhen's heart moved.

Futian City, isn't that the city where the Ruthless King I've seen in the auction house is located?

Could it be that the lifting of the demigod prohibition by the eye of the storm has nothing to do with yourself?

At this time, Lin Zhen remembered what Ruqing Wang had said to himself when he left the auction house. Now that he got the misty divine clock, he should keep it well and don't lose it in the eyes of the storm.

Thinking about it now, this sentence seems to have some profound meaning. If the Ruthless King did it with someone, then the degree of danger in the eyes of the storm would definitely double.

However, this kind of speculation is not yet in the mouth, and can only take one step at a time.

Lu Tianhua continued to introduce the situation of the eye of the storm.

"Because of the entry of demi-god powerhouses, we must be more careful. Never provoke those real powerhouses. Try not to go deep into the danger zone. Everyone has experienced battles and knows that only if you live In the future, don't ruin yourself because of temporary greed, such as the most core of the eye of the storm, the valley of wind and thunder, where no one can enter."

"Senior Lu, where is Fenglei Valley? Is it on a certain planet?"

"No, Fenglei Valley is where hundreds of planets collided together, forming a ruin resembling an incomparably huge valley shape. There is the place where the two gods finally fought. It is said that the two gods and several Hall of Fame level masters The legacy is there, and there is also the core of the eye of the storm. Anyone who tries to enter will not be able to come out alive."

Mu En said at this time: "Then we should stay away. I am afraid that such a place will be taken over by those demigods. We used to die in the past, so we can just fight the autumn wind on the periphery."

Lu Tianhua nodded: "In addition to Fenglei Valley, which is the largest forbidden area, there are also two places, the planetary cemetery and the intersecting continent. These two places are the places where a large number of strong men died. Among them, the number of warriors who died in the planetary cemetery The most, but the strength is relatively weak."

"The number of deaths in the intersecting continents is relatively small, but most of them are the death places of **** stones, demigods, and even kings and demigods. The quality of the treasures is high."

"If we go in, the primary goal is to go to the planet cemetery, which is the area where low-level warriors are mixed. If we rush to the intersecting continent, we will be scummed by those half gods."

Lu said a bunch of words, and paused for a while and said: "This is almost the case. If you encounter people from the ground race in the eye of the storm, try to exercise restraint. Our main enemy is the endless race. If you encounter it, there will be battle. , Everyone should be careful."

Chen Yuan smiled: "Understood, our team's positioning in the eye of the storm is a silk team, don't rashly go to the rich and handsome area, otherwise you don't know how to die."

Lu Tianhua laughed: "Although this description is not very pleasant, it is quite appropriate."

Chen Yuan said: "Captain, when shall we leave?"

"The eye of the storm will be opened in less than a If everyone is ready, we will go now. It will take at least five days to reach the eye of the storm from here."

"Ready, ready!" Everyone answered.

"Okay, let's get ready to go, take my car."

As soon as Lu Tianhua raised his hand, a dragon cart pulled by a blue dragon appeared.

"Get on the bus, we first go to the city lord's mansion to get the number plate. When we get to the eye of the storm, we need to check it. Except for the successfully registered warriors, other wandering warriors are not allowed to enter."

Several people got on the dragon cart, Qinglong let out a dragon chant, soared up to the sky, and headed towards the city lord's mansion.

A few minutes later, the dragon cart landed in front of the gate of the city lord's mansion, and the five people got off the car one by one.

A long line has been lined up at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and warriors who want to go to the Eye of the Storm must first register at the City Lord's Mansion and receive a number plate.

It took six hours to wait in line for a full shot before being counted as Lin Zhen's team.

"This is your number plate, Tianfang City Team 88026, five members, captain Lu Tianhua, team members Chen Yuan, Arudi, Moon, and Lin Zhen, is there any error in the verification?"

"There is no error."

"Everyone's Dimensional Universe has been opened. Once you reach the Eye of the Storm, you can enter through inspection. You can check the God Rewards panel through the Dimensional Universe. All the rewards are listed on it and clearly marked."

Several people nodded in agreement, turned and left the city lord's mansion.

"A few juniors, let's get up and go to the eye of the storm. I hope everyone will cheer up and don't lose our reputation as the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake!"

Lu said and waved his hand, the Longcheer started.

"Go!" 1

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