Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 878: Nourish the treasure hunt!

Lin Zhen and Lu Tianhua had a two-day break, then turned and left the team. *WWW.suimeng.lā

Lu Tianhua asked Lin Zhen not to go too far, but Lin Zhen didn't even intend to listen to him.

Moren Teng is a big guy, and there must be a lot of movement in his cultivation, and staying on this dilapidated land will definitely be exposed.

Lin Zhen flew away directly and flew to a meteorite that had already been explored in the distance.

Behind him, Lu Tianhua and others saw Lin Zhen go deep into the starry sky and returned to the back, only then withdrew their gazes.

Lu Tianhua still had some worries. He was worried that Lin Zhen would leave a few of them and go looking for the sacred stone alone. Since he went to the rear, he didn't have to worry about anything.

But he was not very relieved, and told Mu En, "You go to see Lin Zhen's situation every other time to see if he has left the meteorite?"

"Captain rest assured, there is no way to leave a few of us alone, grandma's, enjoy our care, ensure safety, and dare to chirp, so why don't you go to the soul chaser and the others if you have the ability? Would you like to take you in!"

Lu Tianhua frowned slightly: "Be quiet, Lin Zhen has made a contribution to us, let alone Chen Yuan is still there, and their relationship is also good."

Mu En curled his lips, said nothing, and continued to search for the **** stone.

After Lin Zhen fell to the back of the meteorite, his figure shook, and his clone appeared.

The clone sits crouched on the meteorite and cultivates, instead of the main body, continuing to comprehend the stele of the shadowless step.

Lin Zhen called Chrissy immediately.

"Chrissy, check the map of the eye of the storm, find the most suitable place for me, and calculate the approximate direction."

Each of them copied a copy of the map of the eye of the storm, and it happened to be used now, and Chrissy immediately checked it.

"Master, the way you enter the Eye of the Storm is the Asteroid Transfer Station No. 76. This side is the direction of the ground races, and on the opposite side of the Eye of the Storm is the direction of the endless races. If you want to find one If you have a good place for cultivation, I suggest you go east or west."

Lin Zhen pondered for a moment: "The East should be an intersecting continent, and the West should be a planetary graveyard, right?"

"Yes, these people are now looking for the sacred stone on this small battlefield, and when there is nothing to look for here, they will continue to go to these two directions, which is the important production area of ​​the sacred stone."

"Will there be anyone in those two places now?"

"There should be, Master, all the people who came to the Eye of the Storm this time are masters. Your strength is here. Even the medium is not enough. You should be inferior. There are many people who can use the escape method. , There must be a master who has gone directly to the two core areas through the escape method."

Then Chrissy's conversation changed: "I suggest that the master go to the planet cemetery first. The planet cemetery is huge. The master can find a safe place to practice first. If you can grab a good place, the master will lead everywhere. "

"Okay, then go to the planet cemetery, hope the chaotic space coordinates here will not have much impact."

Lin Zhen checked the coordinates and found that there was no bottom line in his mind. His Luo Tian escape method had not yet reached its full potential, and he couldn't guarantee the location when he crossed the turbulence of space.

He can only hope that it will not be too far off.

One point with both hands, the speed of light shot!

Space torn!

The figure flashed, Lin Zhen had already entered the space crack.

The impact caused by the turbulent flow of space rushed Lin Zhen back several steps.

Walking forward again under the turbulent flow, and walking for a while according to the coordinates in the plan, Lin Zhen felt that his actions had been deviated.

But if there is a deviation, he has to bite the bullet and go on, even if he can't go to the planet cemetery, it is better to find a place at random than here.

After splitting his hands and tearing the space apart, the scenery in front of Lin Zhen changed.

Just now it was still a void, and now he has come to a continent!

There is hard sand under the feet, showing a dark golden color, and it is unusually hard to step on.

"Good guy..... The hardness of these sands is as hard as constant crystals. I have been in Tianfang City for so long, and I have never seen such a planet or continent. Where have I been?"

"Chrissy, come and analyze it for me."

Chrissy quickly replied: "Master, how long have you been walking when you first entered the space crack?"

"I didn't calculate it clearly, it should be wrong. In order to resist the turbulence of space, it seems to have gone a long way, and the direction is a bit wrong."

"It's not just wrong, you are simply wrong, you entered the eye of the storm in the north, here is the south, you should be on the territory of endless races."

Lin Zhen was shocked when he heard: "I actually came here."

"Yes, you should hurry up and find a place to practice, don't walk around, if you run into a warrior of endless races, then you are in danger."

Lin Zhen nodded. Safety is still the top priority here, but it takes a lot of effort to tear the space and he can't use it continuously. He needs to find a place to rest and practice.

"I think there are very few people on this continent under my feet. There should be a sacred stone. Instead of looking for it, it is better to settle down and just stay here."

"Also, the master can start now, you first find a hidden place to stay, and then start immediately."

Lin Zhen nodded and looked left and right. Dark red land was everywhere around him, and there were several mounds in the distance.

He immediately came to the back of the mound and removed the Emperor Heaven Divine Sword.


A sword light fell, and the ground cracked under Lin Zhen's blow. He immediately jumped into the ground.

The quicksand falling on the ground quickly restored the ground to its original state.

After hiding underground, Lin Zhen immediately entered the inner world.

Arriving in front of the huge Moyun Teng, Lin Zhen thought, and the land in the dark star space began to roll.

In the inner world, the owner is the **** here. He can move the mountains and rivers at will, and let the rivers flow backwards. With Lin Zhen's thought, the mud began to surging, forcibly squeezing out the more buried in the mud.

Moren Teng's roots penetrated almost the entire Dark Star. If Lin Zhen weren't the owner of the Dark Star, it would be impossible to pull out this vine.

Nevertheless, it took a full hour before Morenteng fully revealed his true body.

"Master, the length of Moreenteng has been calculated. The length is 150,000 meters! The diameter is 50 meters!"

"Good fellow, if it weren't for you to find out, this guy is really going to cause a disaster for me."

After Morenteng was pulled out, the dark star space returned to its original state. As the owner of the dark star, Lin Zhen could feel that the dark star was declining, but Morenteng was gone, but his breath was slowly recovering.

There are also star fruit trees whose leaves are wilting, and now they are gradually showing new green.

Even Lin Zhen could see a little star crystal quietly appear, and the star fruit tree came alive.

Lin Zhen grabbed Moyun Teng, driven by mental power, and pulled this thing directly into the sky.

The length of hundreds of thousands of meters directly penetrated into the starry sky of the inner world.

"Master, use the fastest sword to cut the surface of Moreenteng and absorb the juice inside. Those are great tonics and can also dissolve the erysipelas in your body."

"it is good!"

Lin Zhen picked up the Emperor's Divine Sword, made two gestures, and suddenly slashed it out!

A flash of lightning fell, and the more than ten thousand meters of Moren Teng was immediately cut from it!

But it didn't cut off, just cut the surface, and the green, vibrant liquid rushed out like a river.

Black hole beast transformed!

Lin Zhen twisted in the air and turned into a huge black hole beast, and immediately sucked down Moren Teng's juice!

Controlling the power of the black hole not to swallow Moren Teng, the death ripples only reach the place where the juice is. With this bite of juice, Lin Zhen's eyes lit up like two searchlights.


The elixirs that were suppressed in his body were not resolved, but at this moment they were melted by the juice!

"It's done!"

"Master, don't be busy advancing to the middle stage of the Sanhua, put a heavenly spirit fruit in Moreenteng, and then inject it with your blood, so that it can quickly restore its strength, can Moreenteng evolve to the holy rank and become you Part of it becomes a treasure hunter, it’s now."


Lin Zhen didn't pause at all, and immediately put a Heavenly Spirit Fruit into Moreenteng's wound.

Tian Lingguo is worthy of being a treasure of the gods, and the powerful vitality immediately restored the damage of Moren Teng, and the huge wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Zhen bit his broken finger again, letting blood be injected into Moren Teng's body.

"Master, you can meditate and practice. Note that you can also use those heavenly spirit fruits. When you feel that your blood has been drained too much and you can't support it, you can take a heavenly spirit fruit. At that time, it will be a part of you, and I hope you can succeed once."

Lin Zhen nodded, allowing the blood to pour into Moren Teng.

Lin Zhen is a black hole beast with a super sacred body. The blood concentration in his body is very high. When a drop of blood drops, the area more than ten meters long will turn dark red.

But Moyunteng is more than 100,000 meters long, and Lin Zhen needs at least tens of thousands of drops of blood!

Drops of blood fell, and Morenteng's color began to change.

Lin Zhenren is in the is grounding in the sky, like a thread soaked in blood, changing from top to bottom.

"Huh~~!! This is so hard!"

As the blood continued to flow, Lin Zhen felt that he was gradually dizzy.

Even with the powerful resilience of his immortal spirit body, he couldn't help Moring Teng being swallowed like this.

A full hour passed, and half of Morenteng was completely red.

And Lin Zhen finally couldn't stand it anymore. If this goes on, he will be absorbed by Mo Yun Teng, but he is already riding a tiger, so he takes out a heavenly spirit fruit and swallows it.

A powerful spiritual energy rose from his dantian, and the blood power that Lin Zhen had lost was instantly replenished.

The state is actually better than ever!

"What a heavenly spirit fruit, it has completely recovered me, then come again, this time I must nurture the treasure hunt!"