Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 882: Planet cemetery

Although Lin Zhen thought that both of them would be notified, he didn't expect it to be at the same time. This really coincided with each other.

"Lin Zhen's location is north of the eye of the storm, the coordinates 88745-239901, I am Moon."

Lu Tianhua's words were basically the same as those of Mu En, except that he changed his name.

As soon as their words fell, Lin Zhen had a warning sign that the ruthless king was coming!

With a wave of his hand to Chen Yuan, Lin Zhen suddenly split his hands and directly tore through the space and entered the space crack.

Just as Lin Zhen disappeared, the Ruthless King appeared.

The surrounding temperature dropped a lot in an instant, and a cold man like an ice sculpture appeared.

Knife-like eyes swept across, and finally fell on Lu Tianhua and Mu En who had just arrived.

"Where is Lin Zhen?" Ruthless Wang asked indifferently.

Lu Tianhua and Mu En almost tore their faces, and they both reported at the same time, so who are these five hundred sacred stones?

Lu Tianhua felt that he should be counted, but Mu En would not give in just because the opponent was the captain, and it cost him 20 sacred stones to buy a small speaker.

When the ruthless king asked, the two of them looked around, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Chen Yuan, Arudi, where is Lin Zhen?" Lu Tianhua said eagerly.

Chen Yuan snorted and didn't speak, while the upright Arudi glanced at Lu Tianhua with disdain: "People have left, and there are teammates like you. Will you stay here and die if you don't leave?"

"He left? How did he go?"

Arudi gestured: "That's it.....ripped the space and left."

The expressions of the two changed drastically. They didn't even know that Lin Zhen had such an ability. If they knew, even if Lin Zhen was stunned and **** first, they couldn't betray so hastily.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything, and the ruthless Wang's cold eyes swept over the two of them.

"Wasting my energy, **** it!"

Lu Tianhua had a bad heart, and turned around and ran out in two directions.

As soon as the Ruthless King raised his hand, the Ice Sword's two swords without fancy, Lu Tianhua had no resistance at all, and were killed on the spot!

The sword light flew by, and the body was frozen, crushed, and finally turned into ice slag. This process only took less than 0.1 second.

Killing two people seems to be as common as breathing for the Ruthless King.

Withdrawing the sword in his hand, the ruthless king closed his eyes slightly.

"I can even escape from space, Lin Zhen...I really underestimate you, but do you think that you can escape my want? I will continue to want you. If five hundred do not work, one thousand, one If a thousand can't do it, two thousand, three thousand! Three thousand sacred stone is a sacred crystal, I will let you completely hide in the eye of the storm, and I will catch you sooner or later!"

With a twist, the Ruthless King went directly into the space crack and disappeared.

Over there, Chen Yuan and Arudi didn't dare to let out the atmosphere, until the Ruthless King disappeared, they could be regarded as breathing out.

"Junior Brother Lin...?" Arudi hesitated.

Chen Yuan shook his head slightly: "Don't worry about anything, I think Lin Zhen will be safe and sound."

After speaking, Chen Yuan added: "I have seen his performance on the virtual battlefield of Tianfang City, I know this kid is amazing, he is only over 1,100 years old this year!"

Arudi was stunned for a while, and suddenly said: "The fifth brother is going to be liberated."


After Lin Zhen left, all the warriors of the ground races received a small speaker notification from the Ruthless King again.

Lin Zhen offered a reward of up to 1,000 sacred stones, but he had to make sure to catch the living Lin Zhen.

This amount of money makes many warriors crazy about it. If you see people, you must carefully see if it is Lin Zhen. If Lin Zhen encounters a warrior from another ground race, he will be attacked immediately.

Many people believe that someone will continue to inform the Ruthless King of Lin Zhen's position, but Lin Zhen seems to have disappeared, and no one will issue a notification in the dimensional universe anymore.

People are very surprised. Could it be that Lin Zhen just disappeared alive?

However, most people think that Lin Zhen's avoidance is only temporary, and the number of sacred stones in the outer areas is scarce. After all, he still has to go to areas such as the planetary cemetery, unless he wants to make a trip.


After entering the space cracks, Lin Zhen found himself lost again.

The spatial turbulence here is strong, and standing is a very difficult thing. Although Lin Zhen is not afraid of the elemental turbulence, he still cannot completely avoid the impact.

Lin Zhen felt that without a billion star power, he couldn't calmly stand in this kind of space crack.

Only relying on his own impression, Lin Zhen walked for a while, feeling that his mistake became even more ridiculous.

"No, it might go somewhere like this. Since it's wrong, it's better to choose a better place."

"Go to the planet cemetery!"

Lin Zhen recalled the coordinates of the planetary cemetery and turned resolutely.

After walking for a while, Lin Zhen felt almost done.

"I hope I won't be wrong again this time."

Coming out of the crack in the space, the light and shadow flickered in front of him, and Lin Zhen came to a brand new place.

After coming out, Lin Zhen was stunned.

There is an endless continent in front of you!

A continent in the general sense is nothing more than a large piece of land, such as the Eurasian and African continents on the earth.

But the continent in front of you is different from the traditional continent.

This is a continent composed of countless planets, spreading beyond human imagination.

A huge mountain bag is a bulging planet!

A sunken depression is the gap between two planets!

And the planets here are different from circles in the general sense. Many of them are oval or deflated basketballs, showing irregular distortions.

"These... these are dead planets!"

Standing in the void, Lin Zhen looked at this boundless continent, spreading to an infinite distance beyond his vision.

"This continent is probably tens of thousands of light years away! It's incredible."

With Lin Zhen's knowledge, he was really shocked for a while.

After finally slowing down, Lin Zhen immediately called Chrissy.

"Chrissy, show me, is this a planetary graveyard?"

Chris seemed to calculate for a while before hesitatingly said: "It should be the master. According to the data, the planetary cemetery is an almost infinite piece of land. Hundreds of thousands of planets are crowded together and hit each other. It's like a series of car accidents, eventually forming a barren land of death."

"Car accident..... It is really a apt description. These planets really feel like they have collided with each other, but why does this happen?"

"I checked the information about the eye of the storm. Fifteen million years ago, the armies of the two gods fought fiercely. This planet's cemetery is the place with the largest scale of battle and the largest number of deaths. Seven out of ten armies of the two gods Eight of the people died here."

"The fighting situation was very fierce. When charging with each other, each warrior controlled a planet, holding the planet as a mount, which can increase the impact of the battle. When one person does this, the other warriors They all imitated each other and found all the planets in the nearby starry sky, and finally formed a planet cemetery. The owner can look around. Within a hundred light years outside this planet cemetery, you may not find anything else. The planet."

After listening to Chris' introduction, Lin Zhen couldn't help but clicked twice.

Just thinking about such a scene will feel extremely shocking.

Hundreds of thousands, millions of warriors stepped on the planet to charge and collided with each other. That kind of scene can no longer be described as the collapse of the earth.

The collapse of the sky and the earth generally only describe the doomsday scene on a planet, but what about these hundreds of thousands of planets colliding?

Lin Zhen thought for a while, but couldn't think of a suitable word to describe the scene.

It can only be shocked and shocked again!

"Master, this should be a planetary graveyard. The eye of the storm was opened twice at the beginning. When it was opened for the first time, not many people came. The second time there were many more people, but such a huge land. I believe that the people in front may not even find one-tenth of the treasure in the planet cemetery. The master has taken root here, looking for it, and the harvest will be high."

Chrissy's voice is like a lively little money fan. Lin Zhen is still immersed in the great battle 15 million years ago. She is already thinking about the treasures here.

"Don’t worry, you won’t be missing your inheritance crystal Lin Zhen is also heartened at this time. With the treasure hunting vine, he has a cheat device. The endless continent in front of him is A piece of treasure.

"Where should I start?"

"Master, I suggest you start searching from the marginal zone, and don't go north and south."


"It's very simple. The north and south directions are the only way for the ground race and the endless race to come. If someone comes here first, then these two directions must be the first to bear the brunt. And now the eye of the storm has not been opened for long, and those who can come first , Must be the strong among the strong. It’s not my master’s prestige. Until you have enough power to protect yourself, it’s better not to contact other people. After all, you are still worth a thousand sacred stones. "

Lin Zhen nodded slightly: "You're right, I can't give others a chance now, and in the marginal area, the number of people should be relatively small, walking in both east and west directions, the chance of encountering enemies is also small."

"Yes, let the master hurry up and start, your treasure hunting vine is already hungry and thirsty!"

Chris' performance was really anxious for Billin.

"Wait a minute, I have one more thing to do."

As Lin Zhen said, he took out twenty divine stones from the world in his body.

"What is the master doing?" Kris asked.

"Huh! The Ruthless King wanted me just now. Anyway, twenty sacred stones can't do anything. I don't disgust him, and let him think that Lin is really a bully."

After speaking, Lin Zhen exchanged a small golden speaker from the reward panel.

"Listen to all the warriors of the ground races, I am Tianfang City Lin Zhen. I want to provide the Ruthless King with two thousand sacred stones, cut off five hundred sacred stones in one hand, cut off a thousand sacred stones in one leg, and cut off his head three. Thousand God Stone, cut a piece of meat and pay according to the market price of pork!"