Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 888: Destiny

As the intelligent life form of the dimensional universe, Kris, of course, knew that the form could not be adjusted.

She just couldn't accept this cute image of herself, and now she had no choice but to admit her fate.

Sitting angrily on the side, Chrissy said to Lin Zhen: "Master, your bad taste will not have any good results. Do you know what level of intelligent life can be transformed?"

"What level?"

"Only the intelligent beings who have received the inheritance of the gods, or simply those who have become gods, can their intelligent life be transformed. Generally speaking, the intelligent life that can be transformed can only appear in the hall of fame or even the gods. , It is basically impossible for other people to have the opportunity to obtain transformed intelligent life."

With that, Kris raised her hand and drew a water mirror for Lin Zhen to watch.

"Look, how awesome and domineering other people's lives are..."

Lin Zhen looked over, and it was so.

A vague virtual figure appeared one after another. The figure is the owner. It does not matter who it is, but the intelligent life.

There are mighty orcs, golden angels, demons, dragons, elves, and golden armored gods, all of which are extremely gorgeous.

Even with the intelligent life of women, they are all stunning, charming and enchanting, or pure and beautiful.

There has never been anyone's intelligent life, like a little bun Lolita wearing a princess dress like Lin Zhen.

Seeing this, Lin Zhen couldn't help covering his face: "Compared with others, your intelligent life looks really weak!"

"Huh! It's not you yet, you wretched uncle, you have to get a little loli out of it. When those strong people with transforming life communicate, the life form will often appear on their shoulders, and it is not me who is ashamed. It's you!"

At this point, Lin Zhen simply stubbornly said: "It's nothing, the strength of a warrior is not determined by the shape of an intelligent life. I think your image is very good and very suitable, so be it."

Chrissy also lowered her head in resignation, and a chubby little hand fell on Lin Zhen's shoulder.

"Well, I can't adjust it anyway, I will adapt intelligently in the future."

"Let's talk about Kris, what new benefits have this successful upgrade brought to you?"

"There are many benefits. First of all, I have basically mastered everything about the eye of the storm. Except for Fenglei Valley, I know everything in my palm. You can ask me about things here in the future, and in the outside world, I also It's almost a jack of all trades, after all, it has inherited the memory of a god."

"Oh! So amazing, what good skills do you have now that you can pass on to me?"

"There really is one that you particularly need, Master, I admire you very much now. You pressured the realm and did not break through immediately. This is an extremely correct choice, because there is a big opportunity for the change of Sanhua."

"What opportunity?" Lin Zhen asked curiously.

"Divine transformation is the first step for a martial artist to evolve into a god, and martial artist is divided into two types: martial artist and spiritual teacher. What I want to talk about now is the part about spiritual teacher."

Chris was holding a small Lolita face, and her serious look also felt very cute, making Lin Zhen couldn't help but want to laugh.

Chrissy looked at Lin Zhen's depressed and somewhat distorted face, gritted her teeth and said, "Master, if you look like this, then we'll be cut off forever!"

"Okay, I'm not smiling anymore, you continue to say." Lin Zhen scowled.

"Huh..., believe you once."

Chrissy continued: "The gods have a unique skill, called Divine Mighty Destiny, which is to condense the spiritual power into bundles. According to the strength of the spiritual power, the distance of exposure can be increased thousands of times, even if separated by hundreds of millions of kilometers, it can kill in one blow. Dead enemy!"

"Ah! So powerful? Doesn't it mean that killing is invisible." Lin Zhen was stunned. He didn't expect such a powerful technique in the world.

"Yes, killing is invisible, but to put it bluntly, it is an enhanced version of the mental impact, super long distance."

"What does such a powerful trick have to do with my breakthrough?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Of course there is a relationship. All gods must have the mighty destiny, but those who know the mighty destiny do not necessarily have to become gods. There are two prerequisites."

Chrissy raised two chubby fingers: "The first warrior must be proficient in space decree. Master, you have a deep understanding of the laws of space. You can come and go freely with Luo Tianyao. This condition is yours. It's done."

"What about the second one?"

"The second condition is that the spiritual power of the martial artist must break through to the azure level, because the minimum requirement of the divine destiny is that the martial artist must have the spiritual power of the azure level. Master, you are now the spiritual power of the diamond peak, if you make it again The breakthrough is Azure, so the most important thing for you now is to have Azure-level spiritual power when you break through to the change of divine consciousness. I will give you the magic of divine destiny and let you learn this super combat technique!"

Lin Zhen's eyes lightened a little: "How powerful is the divine destiny?"

"You can kill people whose mental power is not as good as yours, but it takes time to cultivate spiritual power to condense. This requires a gradual process, but the master must not underestimate this trick, the sooner you learn the divine destiny, the future achievements The higher you are, if you can learn the majesty and destiny when you first enter the divine mind change, then...I’m not sure, anyway, there is no such precedent, because no one can master the sky at this stage. The minimum mental power must be in the God Realm stage."

Lin Zhen’s mental power has gone through many adventures, and it can be said to be very strong. Now he has encountered the spiritual consciousness stage, the spiritual realm stage, and the highest achiever is equal to himself. If he wants to have the azure spiritual power, the lowest is also Shenshi period.

At this time, Lin Zhen suddenly realized.

It's no wonder that when he was practicing, he always felt that something hadn't been completed, and he didn't want to break through.

Now it is thought that his mental power is not strong enough!

Divine Mind Change Divine Mind Change, what you cultivate is spiritual power, and spiritual power transforms Divine Mind, which is the power of divine thought. After changing the name, Lin Zhenyi was blind to Mount Tai.

"I see, thank you Kris."

Lin Zhen raised his hand and pulled Chrissy down on his shoulders, holding her bun and kissing her face fiercely.

Chris was transformed, but it was not a real body, but a highly concentrated energy body, but holding it was no different from a real child.

Chris was kissed by Lin Zhen without any resistance, and her face turned red.

"Master! Although I look like a child, my psychology is based on the adult's setting. Do you think it is appropriate to do this?"

"Good! I will pay attention next time!"

Lin Zhen said sincerely.

"Huh! ... I believe you again."

Chris wiped her face: "Then you can start quickly. After mastering the azure mental power, immediately break through to the spiritual change. It is estimated that at that time, the planetary cemetery will usher in a large force."

Lin Zhen nodded and his eyes lit up again.

If he learns the majesty and destiny, he will be almost innocent in the planet cemetery.

At the very least, he can kill people invisible, and in this way, his martial artist star will increase rapidly.

After making up his mind, Lin Zhen temporarily stopped all other cultivation.

There is really his unique way to cultivate spiritual strength.

That is to condense the stars inside the black hole!

Lin Zhen acquired the planetary mountains at the beginning, and after his continuous improvement, he already has a basic condition for the formation of stars.

Lin Zhen needs to continuously drive energy elements, mainly light and fire, with mental power, to continuously drive them into the stars, so that they will one day become a real star.

Don't forget, Lin really has a trick to burst the stars.

Only when a real star is used to explode is Lin Zhen's most powerful trump card, but this trick is basically a one-off, condensing a star, at Lin Zhen's current speed, there is no three or five hundred years of thinking. Don't think about it.

At the beginning, Lin Zhen simply stopped temporarily because it took too much time to condense stars.

But today, in order to cultivate spiritual power, Lin Zhen picked up this foolish plan of moving mountains again and practiced again.

"Condensing stars with spiritual power can greatly exercise spiritual power. With my spiritual power pill, I may be able to achieve something within three months."

" Three months later, it will be my breakthrough time!"

Six times the time deceleration is 18 months for Lin Zhen.

The main body condenses stars in one room, while the clone is practicing Raksha in another room.

These two tasks are a long way to go, and if you change to someone else, you won't have any achievements even if the eye of the storm is over.

However, Lin Zhen used his great perseverance and wisdom to start a long cultivation process again.

For him, cultivation is a kind of happiness, a kind of growth realization.

Being able to use the gods to change the initial stage and learn the gods and destiny was also very attractive to Lin Zhen.


In the firmament of the universe, streams of light flashed from afar.

The speed of these streamers was extremely fast, rushing directly to the sky above the planet's graveyard at a state close to the speed of light.

Boom~~! !

Heavy footsteps sounded, and the three warriors landed on the planet cemetery.

The light dissipated, and several sturdy warriors showed their true faces.

"Hahaha! Arrived! Finally came to the planet cemetery, this time our three brothers from Garan City are finally ahead!"

"Yes, we are finally one step ahead, but we can't stay there yet. We must go deep into the planet's graveyard as soon as possible, and the people behind will also come up. We can take a step first, and we can gain more opportunities."

"Walk around, if we encounter those trivialities of the endless race, we just kill them directly.

The three warriors set off again, and dots of light behind appeared in the universe.

This is not only true on the ground race, but also on the endless race.

At least 800,000 of the millions of warriors who entered the eye of the storm came to the planet cemetery, and the peaceful days here are about to end.

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