Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 897: The Battle of Fame (Part 1)

Everyone is paying attention to the situation on the battlefield of Linda planet.

Lin Zhen, the sage master of the Tianfang City, turned out to be born, and directly reversed the situation that had been defeated.

Those people of endless races backed away, looking at Lin Zhen as if they saw a ghost.

If you want to give a genius the most intuitive definition, then Lin Zhen in front of him is definitely a genius among geniuses.

The strength shown by a divine mind change peak is simply shocking!

The judge held the judge and pointed straight at Lin Zhen, "Lin Zhen, don't be arrogant, do you think you are going to win?"

Lin Zhen sneered: "Not bad!"

"I don't think it is necessary, please don't panic! No matter how powerful he is, he is just a person. Follow me!"

As the judge said, and the judge waved his pen, some gloomy breath of death came out silently, invisibly inspiring the courage of the endless race.

Gradually, the eyes of the warriors of the endless races turned red, like bloodthirsty wolves, roaring like a beast in their throats.

"Go! The Great Emperor is watching you from behind!"

With the call of the strong with the realm of the gods and stones, with the name of the spiritual leader of the Great Emperor, these endless races of warriors once again mustered the courage.

Just now I was a little unprepared, this time Lin Zhen won't have such good luck!


A bull demon clan at the pinnacle of the gods rushed up first.


The sword light emitted from Lin Zhen and fell from the bull demon, directly splitting the first charge of the warrior in half!

But this didn't stop the attack of other endless races, and the undermined crowd came from all over.

Lin Zhen laughed loudly, put away the sword in his hand, and replaced it with the most precious purple golden gun.

"Children of endless races, from now on seeing Uncle Lin Zhen's spear, they will give me refuge!"


Ten thousand rays of light rose from the crowd, and Lin Zhen rushed forward with a spear. No one could match the spear wherever he went!

There is no fancy offense, just a simple thrust!

Spike! Spike! Spike again!

Whenever those of the endless race attacked by Lin Zhen think that they can avoid this shot, Lin Zhen’s gun will always have a very weird acceleration, so that the opponent has no time to react, it will be in the center of the face. Leave a blood hole.

Once the spear stabbed and the energy surged once, the opponent's mental consciousness and brain would be completely shredded and completely killed!

"Puff puff puff~~~~~~!!!"

The purple golden gun is like a long snake coming out of its hole, and the strange python turns over and turns into purple flashes, because it is swung too fast, it looks like a purple light net from a distance.

As the light flickered, the warriors of the endless race fell one after another, and there was no enemy of Lin Zhen's one.

The judge stretched his arms and hovered constantly in the air. He could not find a chance to attack for the time being, but the judge pen in his hand was still waving continuously, emitting a black unknown aura.

The breath seemed to make people violent and bloodthirsty. Although the spirits of the endless race knew that they were not Lin Zhen's opponents, they absorbed the black breath, and none of them retreated. Instead, they grew more and more. Furious attack!

The judge stared at Occupy with piercing eyes, he was looking for a chance to kill Lin Zhen.

Puff puff~~! !

After the spear swayed from side to side and assassinated the impermanence of the two ghost races, Lin Zhen touched the ground, and one quickly dashed forward. The spear pierced the three demons with a single hand force!

These three demon martial artists are all extremely tall and tall in the God Realm stage. They are considered good trophies, and they are very rare in a row. How can Lin Zhen let it go? Lightning shot, a hit!

But these three tall demon martial artists seemed to be prepared long ago. Lin Zhen spears into his body, and the three of them grabbed the purple golden spear at the same time, and refused to let Lin Zhen get rid of!

Lin really wanted to forcefully shatter the bodies of the three of them, and dozens of figures rushed up crazy!

A green evil spirit rushed over, Lin Zhen waved with one hand, and Jian Gang killed him!

The two horse-mian warriors of the ghost race brandished the death sickle and slashed at Lin Zhen from the side!

Lin Zhen slashed again, killing again without suspense.

Then three bullheads descended from the sky, and Lin Zhen swung his sword and cut again, killing the three bullheads.

However, in the fourth wave of attack, two earth demons strung out from the ground, and their hands clung to Lin Zhen's feet tightly!

The warriors of the ground race who watched the battle from behind suddenly exclaimed!

In this kind of melee, if the spear is caught, and the feet are restrained and unable to move, it is almost a dead end!

And the warriors of these endless races suddenly screamed in excitement, and countless attacks came like storms!

The attack was incredibly dense, the warriors in the front attacked close, and the warriors in the back attacked far. Every gap was filled, and some attacks even hit their companions.

Ding Dang Dang Dang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ~ ~ ~ ~! !

Kaka Kaka boom~~~! ! !

Bursts of gunpowder sparks, earthquakes and tremors, and the dazzling stream of smoke and dust makes people unable to open their eyes.

A happy smile appeared on the faces of the warriors of endless races.

No one can survive such intensive attacks, let alone the peak of divine consciousness, even a demigod.

But when the smoke dissipated, these people almost dropped their jaws.

The lotus flower bloomed on Lin Zhen's body, the star power was surging, and the man was completely armored, and there was a layer of golden light flowing and surging on the scale armor, setting off his whole person like a god.

Although those attacks were intensive, they did not break Lin Zhen's defenses at all.

He stretched out his hand and patted the dust on his body: "The tactics are good, they are indeed beyond my expectation, but it is a pity that the tactics are only useful when the strength is comparable. Now your tactics are simply worthless to me!"

"Go and die!"

Suddenly, Lin Zhen issued a sword gang with both hands at the same time, volleyed!

God burial!

The burial of the gods is to deal with the tricks of the gods, and now Lin Zhen's action is more suitable, the invisible sword gun has come to a big cut without any barriers, and the corpses are all over the field!

The number of people at this moment was too dense, giving Lin Zhen the best chance. This move killed hundreds of people on the spot!

At this moment, Lin Zhen showed a smile on his face.

What a powerful warrior the God Transformation period is, almost no God Transformation on the ground of the Metaverse, all have come to the endless battlefield, but at this moment, under Lin Zhen's eyes, the general God Transformation is already vulnerable!

The penance of more than a thousand years was not in vain.

But at this moment, his thoughts also relaxed a little, and there was such a slight pause in his movements.

And just in this almost imperceptible shooting gap, the judge shot!

The black magistrate's pen reached Lin Zhen's neck silently!

Puff~~~~! !

The indispensable skill of a sacred stone expert broke out, the judge succeeded, a wound appeared on Lin Zhen's neck, and black blood flowed out, and a black death breath immediately enveloped Lin Zhen's body!

But the judge did not take advantage. Lin Zhen's power was much stronger than him. He grabbed the purple golden gun with one hand and pierced the judge's chest with a lightning bolt!

The judge knelt down on the spot. This shot almost completely destroyed his heart, making it very difficult to survive.

But the judge still smiled happily: "It's worth it to exchange my life for the life of Saint Master Lin Zhen, hahaha!"

"What is this?"

Lin Zhen's body was also retreating, and he could feel the horror of this lifelessness, and he quickly deprived him of vitality, causing his body to decline rapidly, and death was beckoning him.

"I'm ignorant, the death power of the ghost race is concentrated on the judge's pen. Even if the king is attacked by such an attack, it will definitely die. Lin Zhen, you are still too tender!"

The judge smiled extremely proudly, and the vomiting of blood did not affect his laughter in the least.

Lin Zhen glanced at the judge, touched it, took out a pill and swallowed it directly.

"What are you?" The judge was taken aback.

"Rank Nine Golden Core, even the dead can be pulled back. It has a miraculous effect to restrain the dead spirit. It's not a problem to get rid of your dead spirit."

Lin Zhen couldn't help but sneered: "It seems that you have underestimated a holy grade alchemist, and you want to use it to deal with me when you die. It's naive, you deserve it!"

The judge's long-simmering attack failed, and he became a little bit irritated, and he had to refute Lin Zhen when he died: "Your holy alchemist is a fart! Our ghost tribe elder, that is the real holy peak, wait until he comes. At the time, let you feel his true death aura, and it will surely make you dead!"

Lin Zhen's heart moved slightly: "Where is he? Let him come, and I will sign with him!"

The judge hadn't waited for an answer, his heart was completely broken, and he fell to the ground softly and died.

Lin Zhen drew out the purple golden gun, feeling a little regretful.

This is the second living saint-level alchemist he knows. He used to be Qian Tong, but now he has become himself. In addition, he is the great elder of this ghost race.

"The alchemist of endless races, don't know what is outstanding?"

Lin Zhen temporarily put this thought aside, brandished his spear, and slew the remaining endless race warriors like a sheep!

After this battle, the 400 people of the endless races have only more than 100 people left.

And these people deeply understood a truth, that is, Lin Zhen is definitely not a low-level warrior who can deal with it by relying on more people.

Seeing Lin Zhen kill again, these endless race warriors completely lost their desire to resist.

Without the judge's release of the black air current, they gradually became sober and began to flee frantically one by one.

As Chrissy said these are points, how can Lin Zhen let it go easily, he must chase after him.


Wen Tao was in the distance and caught Lin Zhen about to set off to hunt down endless races.

Lin Zhen's speed reached the speed of light, and he even felt Wen Tao pressing to shoot, so he turned around in time and gestured a scissor hand to Wen Tao.

The scene of Lin Zhen's bloody, blood-stained robe, and hand-held spear gesturing with scissors hands is a classic scene of Lin Zhen.

Behind him, there is an endless race running wildly, this is the perfect background.

Wen Tao intends to put this photo in the dimensional universe and make a big publicity. This is a ready-made cover.

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