Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 911: Divine Stone Competition

When Xiao Cangsheng entered the cave, they saw the huge divine stone in the distance at first sight!

Laughing Cangsheng's eyes suddenly squinted. Anyone who sees this sacred stone will be moved by it!

He is also at the level of the Hall of Fame, and he also has a sacred stone in his body, but the sacred stone in his body is barely comparable to the size of this broken sacred stone in a complete state.

This shows that the original owner of this sacred stone is still above the laughing commons.

No longer caring that the three kings around him were still staring at him, laughing at the common people and shooting away towards the **** stone!

The three kings of endless races were not to be outdone at this time. Facing such wealth, even if they were in the Hall of Fame, they dared to fight, and immediately followed and rushed towards the **** stone together.

Just entering the 100-meter range, several people screamed almost simultaneously and fell on the spot!

"What a strong mental shock!"

"Ah! Old man's head, who is it!?"

Fortunately, these people are strong, and their mental powers have reached the Azure level. They didn't die after taking such a blow, but tried to get up, but never dared to charge rashly.

Soon, several of them got the answer from their intelligent life, the news about the remnant soul.

Xiao Cangsheng's face was gloomy, and the blue veins on his forehead were still jumping with pain, but his eyes fell on a figure in the distance.

"Who is that?"

"Lin Zhen!"

The kings of several endless races also quickly discovered the traces of Lin Zhen.

I saw Lin Zhen really sitting 30 meters away from the **** stone, meditating and adjusting his breath.

"Damn it! Why is this guy here?"

"After the battle with King Ruqing and King Chilian, Lin Zhen disappeared, but how did he get here? We are almost the first to exchange defense treasures."

"It seems that he has been here for a while, and he is so close to the **** stone."

The eyes of several kings turned around, trying to attack Lin Zhen.

"Laughing Cangsheng, you are a strong man in the Hall of Fame, but you can't beat the world. If we deal with Lin Zhen, can you not interfere? Then we just have a fair competition to determine the ownership of the **** stone."

Laughing Cangsheng sneered: "Lin Zhen and I still have grudges, you are free."

With the words of Xiao Cangsheng, a powerful king made a shot on the spot.

A flying sword is like a Changhong going through the sun, bringing up an electric glow!

It is a pity that this sword light only flew out a few meters, still relying on the inertia of the first shot, and then fell down.

This powerful king fell to the ground with his head in his hands, rolling his eyes all over the floor with pain, "Ah! This **** mental shock is coming again!"

Laughing Cangsheng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "This is the internal world of other people. If you act rashly, it will cause the remnant soul to be vigilant and think that there is a threat, so it will naturally attack you."

The kings of the other two endless races also understood, and at the same time they took a breath.

With a member of the Hall of Fame like Xiao Cangsheng, several kings are under great pressure, and now everyone can't take action, but it's easy, and there is no need to worry about being killed at any time.

As for Lin Zhen, the few of them haven't paid too much attention to those who were killed by the Ruthless King, Shura King and others. What is there to care about?

The death of King Chilian in Lin Zhen's hands was his carelessness. Those of the rank of kings absolutely did not admit that Lin Zhen had the strength to rival them.

"In this case, it's easy. This huge sacred stone depends on who can take the lead. Although Lin Zhen is now ahead, we should work harder and we should be able to catch up."

"That's right, then don't be idle, let's go over there."

The kings of the three endless races went to another direction, meditated on the spot, adjusted their breath, restored the nourishing spirit, and were ready to run the next ten meters at any time.

Xiao Cangsheng also found a place to sit down, temporarily unable to see the planet of the gods, and the legacy of this hall of fame became sweet and delicious.

The huge divine stone gleamed, attracting everyone's attention.

This place is like a tree-counting tree ring, the sacred stone is the center of the tree ring, and then Lin Zhen is in a position close to the center, and Xiao Cangsheng and the three major kings are on the outermost layer.

About five minutes later, Xiao Cangsheng stood up and stepped into the range of 90 to 80 meters.

After the mental shock, he did not fall, but shook a bit, and then sat down slowly.

When Lin Zhen saw this scene in the distance, he couldn't help but be speechless.

Just this one hand was enough to prove Liao Cangsheng's formidable strength. You must know that when Lin Zhen went from 90 meters to 80 meters, he was overthrown by a mental shock.

But Lin Zhen didn't worry either. He was now in the forty to thirty position and was not worried about being overtaken. He had taken these sacred stones.

Soon, the two kings rushed over a distance of ninety meters and entered between ninety and eighty.

Only the king who had taken the initiative before had a slower recovery rate and had not passed this level yet.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, and other warriors arrived one after another.

Having obtained the treasure of defense, some demigods even came to Fenglei Valley.

Seeing the situation here, these warriors did not panic or leave, but sat in one position one after another and began to compete with Lin Zhen and others.

Not only this place, but in the entire Fenglei Valley, hundreds of warriors have entered, and these warriors have shown their magical powers, and have also discovered several treasures.

The situation in every place is similar. Everyone has to experience the spiritual impact of guarding the remnant soul to pass the test, and fierce competition is everywhere.

It is not a fight, it is better than a fight. This is a competition of mental power, willpower, endurance and perseverance. Those who win will win rich returns.


Dozens of people have gathered in the cave where Lin Zhen is.

Some of them saw the situation here and chose to turn around and leave, because Lin Zhen was too close to the divine stone, they could not see hope, and chose to go to other places.

There are also many warriors who are reluctant to bear this huge sacred stone and chose to stay.

"Don't leave. This kind of sacred stone is the core of the world. It cannot be collected all at once, and it is extremely hard and difficult to damage. It takes time for anyone to collect it. We may not be too late."

Under the encouragement of some people, there are still many warriors who stayed behind and continued to compete.

On the fifteenth day, Lin Zhen stood up again.

Behind him, the other warriors were already very close, among them Xiao Cangsheng had reached a position between fifty and forty meters.

Several powerful kings were also close to a distance of fifty meters.

In people's eyes, Lin Zhen's first position is no longer guaranteed.

Lin Zhen got up and walked forward a few steps. When he crossed the 20-meter line, a mental shock struck him.

Lin Zhen shook his body for a while and fell down. After a while, he got up and continued to adjust his interest after crossing the 20-meter line.

In the past half month, Lin Zhen only advanced ten meters, and laughed at 70 meters.

Laughing Cangsheng still had three steps to the end, and Lin Zhen had one more step, and it seemed that he would catch up soon.

But Lin Zhen was not worried at all.

It is normal for the front speed to be fast, with only the last few steps. The further you go, the harder you move forward.

Those who travel a hundred miles are half and ninety, which is the most profound manifestation here.

At twenty-three days, Xiao Cangsheng entered a distance of thirty to twenty.

At the twenty-ninth day, Xiao Cangsheng forcibly entered again but to a distance of ten meters, which was equal to Lin Zhen.

Those few powerful kings of endless races also forcibly caught up with Lin Zhen.

Resist mental shock is not necessarily faster than other warriors if you are in the Hall of Fame. This is not a competition of star power. It includes many factors. It is also possible that the Hall of Fame loses to the Shenshi period.

But none of this affected Lin Zhen's progress. One month later, Lin Zhen stood up and took the last step.

A powerful mental shock came out, causing a shock in the air, and it hit Lin Zhen's spiritual consciousness like a ripple.

Lin Zhen's Spiritual Consciousness Sea was almost broken by this blow, but after all it did not disperse. Not only did it not, but the Spiritual Consciousness Sea was tempered in this shock, and it officially reached 50% of the sky blue. .

Lying on the ground for a full hour, Lin Zhen got up and stumbled to the front of the Shenshi.

Reaching out his hand, he touched the cold surface of the **** stone.

This sacred stone is the core of the world, closely connected with the world in the body, and cannot be collected all at once.

A long sword spit was spit out from the palm, and he cut it down at the divine stone!


A large piece composed of hundreds of sacred stones was directly cut by Lin With one sword cut, all of them are shining sacred stones, just like a large piece of caviar. It feels unparalleled. !

Lin Zhen took away this piece of sacred stone directly as soon as he raised his hand to attract gravity.

The sword light waved again, and the second blow was issued!

Another big piece of sacred stone fell into his hands!

Seeing that Lin Zhen was already collecting the sacred stone, someone finally couldn't help it.

At the beginning, the endless race leader who broke into the guarded area of ​​the remnant soul forcibly broke through again, without making complete preparations, crossing the ten-meter line from a distance of 20 meters!

He immediately drew the Guardian Remnant Soul’s attack. As long as the world hadn’t collapsed, the Remnant Soul’s attack was invincible. Under a single blow, this powerful king was killed on the spot and fell within ten meters.


People die for money and birds die for food, even if it is a warrior, even if it is a king, facing a large number of sacred stones, facing the crazy collection of other people, he could not help doing things beyond his strength and did not resist. Spiritual shock, dead!

The kings of the other two endless races showed grief on their faces.

"Brother! After I adjust to cross the ten-meter line, I will collect your body and let you go into the soil for safety."

Regarding the statement of the two kings, the people laughed and sneered, and everyone is dead. I am afraid that what you feel distressed is the sacred stone in the body of this companion. If it is not blocked by the ten-meter line, I am afraid that you will now break through his inner world and collect the sacred stone. Out.

The time was delayed for a long time, and the inner world of the seal king collapsed, and there was no **** stone.

But no one thought that Lin Zhen, who was also within the ten-meter line, would actually attack this dead king.

Lin Zhen cloned directly into his body and was about to make money!

This move made the kings of the two endless races furious, but helpless!