Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 916: 4 positions

Lin Zhen didn't brag. After resting on the spot for half an hour, Lin Zhen felt that his condition had recovered and moved forward again, entering the 90-meter circle.

Within ninety meters, the thunderstorm in the sky struck again.

The sixteen thunder and lightning are divided into four waves, one of which is more violent than one!

Lin Zhen, who has a certain degree of lightning resistance, originally thought that he could easily pass the first two or even the first three levels, but it was only when he got here that he realized that he was wrong.

The lightning of 90 meters was more than twice as strong as the lightning of 100 meters. Lin Zhen almost vomited blood when he was hit by the huge impact. When he survived 16 lightning, his body was convulsed a little!

Especially when Lin Zhen wanted to use a black hole to swallow thunder and lightning, and to ensure that the black hole would not be broken up, it would be even more difficult. Lin Zhen could bear more than other warriors.

"It seems that I am a little blindly optimistic. Even if I am resistant to thunder and lightning, even if I have an immortal body, it is not a simple matter to swallow thunder and lightning. Others can pass as long as they resist, but I am different. It requires a lot of endurance and toughness. Compared with others, I have no advantage at all."

Lin Zhen sat up, surrounded by a few demigods and a few powerful kings. Seeing Lin Zhen wake up, they turned and left.

At this point, the people in the front are basically powerful kings. Lin Zhen knows that compared with these people, he is not excellent in star power. Lin Zhen's rich fighting skills did not have to face these thunder and lightning. What's the use.

Moreover, within Lin Zhen’s dantian, the devoured lightning is not so easy to digest. The first lap of thunder and lightning only has nine, and the power is not strong, while the second lap has 16 lightning, and the power is directly doubled. Especially when Lin Zhen controlled the black hole and didn't assimilate it, these lightnings were as uncomfortable as eating indigestible things.

Looking at the demigods and kings who had left, and looking at the bodies that were a little damaged by the lightning power, Lin Zhen knew that his idea of ​​rushing forward quickly fell through.

"Every time I move forward, I must digest the lightning in my body so that they don't mess around, otherwise the lightning in my body resonates with the thunder and lightning from the outside world, which would be bad."

"My three destructive gods of mine should also be cultivated slowly. These heavenly mines are all great tonic."

Rumble~~~! !

The fierce thunder around him blasted down again, and a demigod powerhouse who just broke in was turned into coke in the thunder light.

The surrounding warriors rushed forward, and Lin Zhen didn't grab it this time, because his body hadn't recovered yet, his movements were slow, it was useless to grab it, and he couldn't grab anything.

Lin Zhen closed his eyes and rested without seeing the gains of the people around him.

"Haha! Let me see who this guy is? Isn't this Lin Zhen, the arrogant boy of the ground race? Why don't you keep going?" Suddenly a voice sounded.

Lin Zhen opened his eyes and saw that in front of him, between eighty and seventy, a tall endless race king was looking back at him.

King Shura!

After the Battle of the Planet Cemetery, Lin Zhen hadn't seen King Shura. He didn't expect to meet him here.

Lin Zhen snorted from his nostrils, "Don't be anxious, it won't take a long time to overtake you."

"You're not ashamed! You don't know how much effort you need to make for each level. With your strength, you can never surpass me."

Lin Zhen said disdainfully: "Let's see, when I surpass you, don't be too embarrassed as the king."

King Shura glanced at Lin Zhen fiercely: "Don't play tricks, when things here are over, it's your death date!"

No longer quarreling with Lin Zhen, King Shura turned and continued to practice.

At this moment, suddenly there was an uproar in the crowd.

"Someone went to break the 70-meter aperture!"

"It's so strong. Before, only Xueying entered the range of 70 to 60 meters. This is the second one. I don't know if he can survive the thunder calamity here!"

"Who is this guy? Is it the Ruthless King?"

"It's him. People say that the Ruthless King has the strength close to the Hall of Fame. I didn't believe it before. Now it seems that the rumor should be true."

Lin Zhen raised his head and watched the white-clothed man walk into the seventy-meter range against the thunder of thunder.

Thirty-six thunder and lightning went down in a series. Even if they were twenty meters apart, Lin Zhen could still feel the great power, which he could not resist at present.

The Ruthless King was full of star power, resisting a series of thunder and lightning abruptly until the end.

When the last glimmer of thunder and lightning disappeared, the knocked down ruthless king sat up with his arm supported.

His white clothes had turned into black clothes, but he was still alive.

The blood shadow of the Hall of Fame warrior of endless races frowned and looked at the Ruthless King. He didn't expect that someone could keep up with him.

"Bloodshadow, don't think that the title of the Hall of Fame represents everything. You are only a Hall of Fame that has a good chance. If I have that opportunity, I can do it too!"

The blood shadow glared at the Ruthless King: "Boy, don't think that if you keep up with me temporarily, you will be qualified to compare with me. You never know how powerful a Hall of Fame level powerhouse is."

The ruthless king snorted coldly: "I don't need to know, I only know that I beat you, I am the Hall of Fame, and the things here are over, I will challenge you, so prepare!"

The surging star power surged on his body, shocking Xueying's heart secretly.

The Ruthless King's power is actually very close to him. You must know that in the master duel, the star power with a small difference is not the key to victory. Just looking at the star power level, the Ruthless King is already qualified to challenge him.

Blood Shadow was shocked, and he did not expect that after the ground race had laughed, another strong man comparable to the Hall of Fame appeared!

"You...your strength has improved again!"

The Ruthless King sneered, his eyes swept to Lin Zhen behind.

In the battle with Lin Zhen, King Ruthless almost killed Lin Zhen with a single sword, and that sword also vented a lot of grievances in his heart, which raised his mood and made another breakthrough.

The Ruthless King now is much stronger than when he fought Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen also saw the disdainful and murderous look in Wang Ruqing's eyes, and he knew that the two of them would eventually have to settle.

Slowly closing his eyes, Lin Zhen didn't think about these things. All he had to do right now was to cultivate, calm the amount of lightning in his body, and then prepare to make the next lap.

Within Thor's Star, it began to enter a relatively stable period.

Every warrior is racing against time to practice, trying to get ahead.

At the beginning, many people made wrong judgments about their own strength, and forced to move forward. In the end, they all ended up in smoke. After a long time, the warriors are also smart. Instead of rushing forward, they wait until they are fully confident. Act again when

At this time, another shocking news came.

The four gods who dominate the Storm's Eye galaxy announced a news.

Four people can participate in the battle for each god's treasure.

Each huge sacred stone has a seat on the four edges of the east, west, south and north, all within a ten-meter aperture. As long as there are people sitting on the four seats, the sacred stone can begin to be collected.

Before that, there was a protective film on the sacred stone, and no one could collect even the slightest.

This news immediately caused an uproar among the warriors.

Regarding the battle for the sacred stone, every warrior has no confidence in his heart. They are very worried, worried that they have been working hard for many years, and in the end they still have a bad move and are preempted by others.

There are actually four positions now, so the opportunity for competition is much greater.

If the four positions are not full, and the Divine Stone cannot be opened yet, then just enter the top four in the competition.

This news is like a shot of a strong heart, which has penetrated into the uneasy hearts of the warriors, so that they all mustered their courage and started another round of cultivation frenzy.


And Wen Tao, a reporter from Dimension Universe, also issued the latest report on the situation here.

"Dear viewers, the situation of the eye of the storm has entered a critical stage. It is now the seventh year since the eye of the storm has been opened. The many masters who came to the eye of the storm have gathered in the Fenglei Valley and started the final competition."

"The treasures of the two great gods are there, and now I have photographed the arrival of many masters."

"Thor's Star can be described as a gathering of masters. The Ruthless King challenged the Hall of Fame powerhouse blood shadow. At present, the two are in a leading position. After them, we can still see many powerful masters such as King Shura."

"And Lin Zhen, who I have been following, has now entered a position between 90 and 80 meters. I will continue to pay attention to him to see where he can finally go."

"Who can win the treasure battle? Who are the top four on each planet? When the Gemini treasure battle is over, there must be another battle between the ground race and the endless race. Wen Tao will continue to report on the situation here. !"

Time flows slowly Half a month after Lin Zhen came here, he crossed the 80-meter line and swallowed twenty-five divine thunders.

Two months later, he leaped over the 70-meter line, swallowed thirty-six divine thunders, and reached the position of the original blood shadow.

But at this time, the first group has formed, including Blood Shadow, Ruthless King, Shura King, and five other powerful kings.

It is about the battle for the treasure of the gods, all the warriors have begun to compete desperately. In the past, some people did not show up, but now they have burst out, making people dizzying. There are so many strong people hidden.

The eight masters of the first group have now entered the 50-meter line.

When entering sixty meters, there are seven to seven forty-nine divine thunders, and when entering fifty meters, there are eight, eight, sixty-four divine thunders, and the power of the divine thunders is almost doubled every time.

Half a year later, Lin Zhen crossed the 60-meter circle, and the first group still stayed at the 50-meter circle.

A year later, when Lin Zhen came to the 50-meter circle, the first group had already crossed the 40-meter position.

There were ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one divine thunders in the 40-meter circle, and the thunderstorms were earth-shattering. In this process, two kings were eliminated again, and the first group only had six people left.

Although Lin Zhen was at the fifty-meter position, he was not at all impatient.

Fighting for the treasures of the gods is not a 100-meter race, but a marathon. Lin Zhen has enough patience to go to the end.

And his main energy now is on suppressing the thunderstorm group in his body.

Nine, sixteen, twenty-five, thirty-six, forty-nine, sixty-four...

Lin Zhen has passed six levels, and these thunder and lightning have entangled into a powerful ball of thunderstorms within the black hole!