Era of Universal Evolution

~: Oolong

Remember Dameng birthday, it turned out to be tomorrow, Hei Tu got it wrong.

What's more, the card is going to die today, and I have been entangled until now. I am always dissatisfied with writing and deleting, and my head is big.

This feeling is very strange, it is almost impossible to write what I am satisfied with, and the follow-up and the front are not connected well, as if a layer of window paper cannot be pierced in front of my eyes.

Old book friends all know that the black soil is not a lazy person. The main reason is that this bottleneck has not been broken. There are many designs in the future, but it is stuck in front of you. You can only think about it before sending it.

What I said hasn't been realized, and I am depressed, and I will make up for it when the black soil has the idea.

Oh, by the way, I wish Dameng happy birthday, every day there is a girl day, every year there is a present.

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