Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1308: A blessing in disguise!

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Among the three forbidden places in the universe, the Beastmaster Prison is the most dangerous place.

There are countless monsters in that place, many of them even dominate level, and even dominates can fall, which shows the horror.

And the body of this golden dragon, even in the Beastmaster Prison, is estimated to be a very powerful existence.

When the huge dragon head approached Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen's muscles were contracting instinctively, and could explode at any time.

But he couldn't move, because he was already breaking through and could not be interrupted.

"The breakthrough can be over in a few minutes, I hope my Chaos Qinglian can hold it!"

Chrissy was also very nervous at this time, and said to Lin Zhen: "Master, there are a hundred seconds left, your breakthrough will be completed, and then you will be able to contend with this giant dragon."

Lin Zhen didn't move, this hundred seconds was not easy to get through.

Fortunately, this dragon seemed to be cautious too, facing Lin Zhen's chaotic green lotus space, it hesitated.

As a monster beast of the dominance level, his wisdom is not simple, the chaotic aura in the chaotic green lotus makes him feel a little scared, if this is not where the cultivation point is 100 times, it may be entrenched in another place.

But it can't, the monster beast of the dominance level should be here unless it is eliminated.

After hesitating for about twenty seconds, the dragon decided to try the depth here.

Stretching out a huge dragon claw, it tried to touch this space.

Space is space, and there is no boundary floating around. This kind of touch cannot destroy this Qinglian space.

After a few touches to no avail, the dragon finally waved its huge claws and swung it down at this flower bone!


The space cracked under a claw of the dragon!

Five bottomless space cracks went straight to Qinglian and attacked!

Lin Zhen, who was breaking through, knew that if he was concentrated by the giant dragon, his own space would definitely collapse, and he couldn't wait to die.

I evacuated my Qinglian space urgently, and the lotus opened!

The huge petals are blooming one after another. This green lotus is what Lin Zhen hopes to be. All his skills are already well-known, but only this green lotus, Lin Zhen has not yet grasped its effects.

However, Qing Lian's defense and magical use were no longer under her own Hunyuan Armor, and even worse.

The petals of the lotus flower opened, and the attack route of the dragon's claws was changed in a clever way.

The giant dragon's big claws seemed to have hit the butter, and he slashed directly from above, hitting the ground heavily.

There was a loud bang, and a huge pit was hit next to it.

The giant dragon was also taken aback by this, and looking at Qinglian, a person was sitting cross-legged.

Inside the lotus flower is Lin Zhen. Above the sky, a huge whirlwind gathering heaven and earth vitality is madly injecting into him. This scene of wonder is also very shocking.

One side is a long dragon, and the other is a tornado that runs through the world.

This scene gave the dragon a certain psychological shock, but at the same time it also angered it.

As a monster beast of the dominance level, the giant dragon has always been accustomed to rampant dominance, how can he tolerate a human who is not in the dominance realm in front of it, even though this human is not simple.


He yelled at Lin Zhen a few times, and the dragon slapped his mouth, and masses of energy **** erupted towards Lin Zhen!

flame! Thunder! flash! Ice and snow!

The dragon is proficient in a lot of elemental energy, and it will blow Lin Zhen to death!

This time, Lin Zhen didn't evade, letting these energy bombard over.

The energy exploded on his body, not only did not affect him, Lin Zhen, who is proficient in the true essence of energy, is not afraid of any kind of energy attack!

After these attacks, Lin Zhen was only ten seconds away from breaking through.

The dragon seemed to be irritated at this time, and it instinctively felt the danger. It might be detrimental to this tiny human being to break through.

Abandoning all other methods, the dragon directly used its body, opened its mouth like a mountain, and bit down Lin Zhen fiercely.

At the moment of life and death, a huge black hole beast phantom suddenly appeared on Lin Zhen's head!

Although it is a phantom, it looks extremely real, and the mountain is entrenched there, opening its blood basin to the dragon!

The dragon shrank back fiercely, and the black hole in the opponent's voice made it feel a little frightened.

When it could tell that it was just a ghost, another five seconds passed.

The dragon, who had miscalculated many times, was annoyed, and he ate it in spite of it!

At this time, a pulling force came from behind.

The dragon looked back and saw that behind it, a small black hole appeared out of thin air, pulling its body into the black hole.

This is not an illusion, but a real existence. The dragon is scared.

Regardless of biting Lin Zhen again, he swung his huge body to break free.

But this black hole was not as powerful as it thought, it was rid of it at once, and did not have a strong attraction.

This is the mini black hole that Lin Zhen emits, and it is also one of its unique abilities. It can emit such a black hole in the but it can absorb the power of the divine power under him.

The giant dragon is the master of the monster beast, not among the ranks he swallows.

This was his last move, just to delay time, the dragon was delayed by this, and another three seconds passed.

After getting rid of the black hole, the dragon bit over again fiercely!

At this time, there is only one second left!

One second late, the breakthrough was successful.

"Damn Dragon King, even if I don't break through, I will kill you!"

Lin Zhen was also ruthless. At the moment when he was about to break through, Lin Zhen sent his own real black hole to the dragon!

The consequence of this is to cause the divine power in the body to plummet, and if it cannot be supplemented, it may fail.

But if you don't kill the dragon, you won't even have a breakthrough. This is also a helpless choice.


A huge black hole appeared, and the Dragon King slammed into it so straight!

Originally, Lin Zhen thought that the breakthrough might fail this time, and the divine power in his body began to decrease sharply due to the eruption of the black hole, but unexpectedly, the dragon ran into it!

This dominant-level monster king has a body of approximately 90 million, or 88 million.

Lin Zhen's maximum power of 44 million is just enough to swallow the Golden Dragon!

The Golden Dragon was directly swallowed by Lin Zhen's black hole, completely transformed by an energy body, unable to leave the scope of the black hole, and these energy directly poured into Lin Zhen's body!

The divine power that had been drastically reduced, instead received an extremely huge energy supplement, which helped Lin Zhen directly break through the hurdle from the upper stage to the peak!

The divine power rushed like chicken blood, and the growth rate was beyond Lin Zhen's imagination!

Lin Zhen never expected that there would be such a dramatic change at the last moment, a blessing in disguise!

{Old Rail, please remember New Bayi Chinese Website}