Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1339: test

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Following a group of children, Lin Zhen entered the academy.

There were ten children in each group, and these children deliberately squeezed Lin Zhen at the end, which was obvious.

Lin Zhen was also happy to be free, not fighting with these children, and following behind.

Parents also flocked in, came to the test site, automatically surrounded the surroundings to watch their children's performance.

Seeing that this group has a word side by side king, when the prime minister and the marshal of soldiers and horses, the deputy dean of the college came to preside.

"Master Lin, Kong Xiang Hu Shuai, it's polite."

A few people also paid the courtesy, and the position of the deputy dean was also very high. I was a Meteor 8th-level super strong, and even taught them, I can't ignore it.

"Dicuifeng College of Civil and Martial Arts has been established for more than 100 years and has cultivated countless talents for Dahua. For example, Kong Xiang and Hu Shuai are proud students of our college going out."

Kong Fang Hu Zheng also smiled and gestured. Strictly speaking, the deputy dean is still their teacher.

"We must understand the test rules of our civil and martial arts college, but I still want to explain it to the children."

The deputy dean came to the front of the ten children. Behind him, there were two test props.

The prop on the left is a human-shaped percussion tool, which is slightly taller than the children. There is a mercury column and a display screen on it. It is used to test the speed of the percussion and the final score.

"This item is a tester for warrior apprentices. It can test your punching speed and strength. When you start, you can fight here with the fastest and greatest strength. When you finish, it will end. When the tester comes, You will be scored based on your performance during the test, with a full score of 100. Those with a score of more than 50 are eligible to become warrior apprentices and can practice martial arts in the future!"

The children's faces were filled with excitement, and becoming a warrior was a road to heaven.

Not to mention the great power and benefits of becoming a warrior, it is enough to make people crazy just to prolong one's life.

Hu Feng said gruffly: "President, what if I break this thing with a punch?"

Before the deputy dean could answer, Hu Zheng had already scolded his son over there.

"What nonsense is this silly boy, this tester is enough to withstand the attack of the pinnacle warrior. Just go back and practice for ten or eight years with the three-legged cat and brag. Don't interrupt indiscriminately."

"It's okay, it's childish."

The deputy dean waved his hand, not minding Hu Zheng's interruption, but continued to introduce the prop on the right, which was a round crystal ball.

"This is called a spiritual force sensing sphere. I think some of you have the potential to learn to be a teacher. Your family has also told you how to infuse spiritual power. You can inject spiritual power. Only if you have the potential to be a teacher, the sphere will glow and change color. , Showing one's mental power and elemental sensitivity."

"At that time there will also be scores. Those who are above 50 points are qualified. Remember, if you use your full strength, the higher the score, the greater your future potential. Do you understand?"


A group of little kids shouted loudly, all excited.

They all know that today's test will determine their future destiny.

Success, the future is bright, failure, being abandoned by the family, and becoming a useless person is possible.

"Okay, I'm done, I hope you can achieve good results."

After finishing speaking, the vice president got up and left, and went to chat with a few people under the forest.

The instructor responsible for monitoring came up from behind and started to say the name with a straight face.

"Extent, soldier test."

A slightly fat boy came over tremblingly.

"Use your full strength to attack this rubber man, count ten seconds, start!"


The boy yelled, and a pair of small fists slammed on the rubber man.

Bang bang bang...!

The far-away father frowned slightly, his son's performance did not satisfy him.

Lin Zhen watched for a while, and shook his head slightly. The boy was a little nervous, probably because of the official test, and he didn't perform his best.

The mercury column jumped with the degree of attack, but the amplitude was small.

Ten seconds have elapsed, to the extent that he has sweated all over, using his maximum strength to attack frantically for ten seconds is indeed enough to burden a child.

Soon the score appeared above.

"Speed ​​score 21, power score 29, composite score 50, pass!"

"Yeah! I'm qualified, hahaha, dad, I'm qualified!"

The little fat man ran over happily, and his father hugged his son excitedly.

If you can become a fighter apprentice, you can practice martial arts in the future, and you can inherit your family business.

"Next, Li Xian, start testing."

A slightly thin boy walked over and started his test.

The speed was a little bit higher, but the power was much smaller, and his fists were a little soft. In the end, he scored only 41 and was eliminated.

Although the child was disappointed, he did not feel deeply. His father also looked lonely and simply took Li Xian away. It is estimated that this child will be an ordinary person in the future.

As Li Xian was eliminated, several more children tested one after another. One test fighter apprentice succeeded with a score of 55, but the rest failed.

"Hu Feng, warrior apprentice test, start!"

The son of Marshal Hu Zheng began the test.

Hu Zheng watched his son come on stage with a hint of pride on his face.

Hu Zheng himself is a strong As his son, his genes cannot be too bad.

Even if compared with the Lin family of the current royal family, he is confident that his genes are better. Although the Lin family has the ancestral blood, after all, it has been passed down for thousands of years, and the power of blood has been extremely weak.

Hu Feng walked to the tester, gave a sigh, and started his attack.

With flexible footwork, quick punches, and at a young age, he has shown great potential.

"Boom boom!"

A series of bean-like sounds were very dense. When it was over, Hu Feng closed his fists and backed away, only panting slightly.

"Thirty-eight for speed, forty-two for strength, and 80 for combined score. Excellent!"

A score of eighty is excellent.

Hu Feng jumped up with excitement, but didn't run back to his father's side for the first time, but walked to Lin Zhen with an aura.

"Lin Fan, have you seen what a real man is? The legends of your green lotus body guards are just rumored by some boring people. You will never know what the real power is."

Lin Zhen smiled faintly: "Your grades are not bad, but if you don't become a teacher, you are at best in the early stage of the star realm. You can't even compare to a little girl. What can you be proud of?"

There was a burst of cheers behind, and Hu Feng turned his head, it turned out that Kong Qianqian had just received the test.

"The mental strength score is 43, the element induction score is 40, and the comprehensive score is 83!"

An 83-point spiritual teacher is worth more than an 80-point soldier!

Hu Feng's face changed a bit, but he didn't get very angry. He sneered at Lin Zhen: "You will only practice what you don't do. The next one will come to you. If you have the ability, let us see you. Don’t cry for a while."

{Old Rail, please remember New Bayi Chinese Website}