Escape from Marriage 100 Days: Sweet Wife Steals a Treasure

Chapter 20: He is my uncle

On the road.

"Little Joe."


"I am busy these days and may not be available to accompany you."

Gong Xiaoqiao naturally knows what he is going to do, but he hears from his mouth, hears a lie, and his heart is like a lead.

"Don't care, calling today is purely for revenge for playing me that day!"

"is it……"

Yes, she can't hold the sand in her eyes, and there are hatreds, no matter how long it will take.

Gu Xingshen loves Gu Yurou so much that she can hardly imagine what consequences she will do.

But she had to do it and could not control herself.

In these years, she has been pretending not to care, let hate rot in her heart to sprout, the longer it grows, finally break the wall in her heart, and sway...

There was no class in the morning and Tuesday, and Han Yingnai and Yin Xixi were too bored to sing in that place.

Han Yingnai is a Xizi holding heart, "Imperial, do you still remember Xia Yuhe on the shore of Daming Lake?"

Yin Xizhen was shocked and sighed with sighs and gaze at Han Yingnai, excitedly holding her hand.

"I only remember the tolerance of Daming Lake!"

Gong Xiaoqiao just came back to see that this is a scene of God.

Han Ying Nai sees Xiao Qiao back, and immediately sticks to the past. "Little Joe Xiao Qiao, you are finally back! Last night, the legendary super beauty is your relative?"

"Ah? Who said it!"

"Xiao Jing tells us! Xiao Qiao, you are too kind! There are beautiful teenagers who should come out and share it with everyone!" Han Yingnai was dissatisfied.

Last night, a few of the 303 bedrooms were also watching the lively in the window. They saw that Xiao Qiao ran down, and dragged away the guys like a wolf, so they all asked how cool Xiao Qiao and the handsome guy are, calm. Helplessly had to say that it was Xiao Qiao’s relatives.

Gong Xiaoqiao smoked his mouth and said, "What a beautiful boy! He is my uncle! A lot of age!"

Hearing here, calmly expressed deep sympathy to Gu Xingshen again.

"Rely! Your uncle can grow like that? Don't be jealous!" Yin Xiyi didn't believe it.

In fact, Gong Xiaoqiao is not too exaggerated, Gu Xingshen is 29 years old this year, and will be running for three days.

Gu Xing's birthday is Christmas. This guy is actually born with **** one day.

"No! I really can't see it!" Han Yingnai was eager to return to the computer. "They are only interested in Xiaozhengtai and the beautiful youngsters."

"Hey? Isn't the nightmare? It seems that I rarely see her these days!" Gong Xiaoqiao shifted the topic and ended the discussion about Gu Xing.

Yin Xiyi said while he was doing yoga. "Many people are busy! You can't see normal. After that, you will definitely not see it after you become famous. Now you can take a look!"

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