Escape from Marriage 100 Days: Sweet Wife Steals a Treasure

Chapter 535: Have been waiting for me here?

Jin Mu: "Hey!"

Xiao Qiao groaned, "I just don't want you to worry about me again!"

Jin Mu said to himself in a low voice, "I understand..."

Xiao Qiao was a little surprised. When was the second brother so reasonable?

Jin Mu actually understood it earlier. She didn't want him to do too much for her, because she could give her all the benefits and could not return.

She can't take it, so she has always refused his giving and help.

However, this is exactly where he appreciates her. Even if she refuses to be a person, she will be clean and neat.

He has a clear stand but is smart enough to use some small means to speculate on his psychology and carefully maintain that the friendship between them does not break.

The kind of cherished and protected mentality made him unable to blame her.

"Go, I will send you back! Where do you live now?"

"My grandfather is there."

"Don't you live with Gu Xing deep?"

"Oh... I can’t do it for the time being, there is still something to be solved at home."

"Hey! You ask for more blessings! I want to marry your two brothers at the beginning to save more!" Jin Mu squats, but the tone is relieved.



Jin Mu Dafa sent her to her home less than twelve o'clock, and she was always a soft and temperament.

I don't know if Xiao Ning has slept. When he took him halfway through the game, he suddenly left. Xiao Qiao has been very embarrassed.

I don't know how many times I ignored him.

But no longer in the future, she will pay more attention to him, compensate him, give him a complete family, complete love.

At the thought of this, the tired body was refreshed.

Xiao Qiao was about to enter the courtyard door and suddenly found someone nearby, and the man was actually approaching behind her.

Xiao Qiao was taken aback and turned quickly. He was going to raise his fists.

"it's me!"

"Gu Xingshen..." Xiao Qiao rushed to the situation and looked even more surprised. "You have been waiting for me here?"

I thought he was really relieved! The result did not sound like a rush to wait for her, do not know how long it took.

Gu was deeply stunned because of her fierce reaction. "What happened?"

Xiao Qiao sighed and smiled. "I thought you were a bad person! I am allergic and I can't adapt to it for a while."

This is a deep feeling of distress.

"Why don't you go in and see the little thoughts?" Xiao Qiao pulled the subject.

Gu Xing's voice suppressed thoughts and concerns. "Next time! It's very late."

Xiao Qiao sighed, the real reason is afraid of disturbing Grandpa, afraid that his old man is too excited and stimulated!

"Don't think of Grandpa as so terrible. You have come to see him often in the past three years, and you have to visit with a little thought. He doesn't have such a rejection of you in his heart. It's just that there is no way to change the concept immediately!"

"I know. Did Jin Mu get it?" Gu line asked.

Xiao Qiao nodded. "It's all right now. I was angry at the beginning. I almost rushed to the company to find me, but I was rushed to the crew to find him."

"What have you talked about?"

"There is nothing, it is my current situation in the past three years, hehe...and...I have also said about Huo Yandong! Sorry! I should not disclose your business, but,...the two brothers help I am very busy, I can't bear to deceive my friends." Xiao Qiao groaned.

She didn't care about her life, but it also involved the secrets of Gu Xingshen, so she was still awkward, worried that he would be unhappy outsiders know.

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