Eschatology: He Came From the Grave

Chapter 10

On June 7, 20XX, the famous Institute of Medical Biology in K country was suspected of being maliciously poisoned by terrorists, causing all research doctors and staff to be hospitalized in a coma, major research work was stopped, and huge losses...

On June 10th, Malaysia flight MH280 to Los Angeles suffered an accident, the plane crashed and all the people were killed...

On June 15th, a small town in P city, H province, China was hit by a mudslide at 3 am, killing 569 people and 38 missing...

This year is destined to be an eventful year. Major news events have been reported in June.

It was already half a month since Chu Huai returned to China.

After returning, he did not rush to find a safe city to settle down, but went to Yunnan again to purchase the fruits and vegetables that he had agreed with the fruit farmers before.

There are still a few months before the end of the world, and I am not in a hurry to determine my residence.

He still has a lot of materials that have not been hoarded. In addition, he wants to read the government's response and trends in the anonymous letter before making a decision.

In order to convince the government of the content of the anonymous letter, he deliberately disclosed many major events that will happen in the near future.

Although he had no freedom in prison at this time in his previous life, he was not quite clear about the situation outside.

But considering humanitarianism, the inmates in the prison are not completely detained, and there is one hour a day to go out and watch TV.

Of course, watching TV is not really entertaining. It's all news and various ideological education programs.

It is precisely because of this that he remembers the major events broadcast on the news of previous lives very clearly.

If he has achieved this level, he still does not believe the prophecy of the end-time government, and he can only sigh heavily.

Fortunately, his adventure is worth it.

At first, the government did not believe it when it received this anonymous letter. The prediction of a doomsday catastrophe is simply absurd.

But there is Yuan Haolin who has been paying attention to this matter.

After finishing the transaction with Chu Huai, Yuan Haolin began to feel uneasy, and then paid attention to the people around him.

In the end he realized that his undercover identity had long been exposed, his boss had given up on him, and the boss of the Golden Triangle was preparing to take him as a scapegoat for revenge.

So Yuan Haolin really abandoned the mission and quietly fled back to China, and since then has been paying attention to the content of the anonymous letter that Chu Huai said.

When the news of several major events was broadcast in June, he no longer doubted Chu Huai's words at all.

If it is said that the research institute of country K has poisoned, the prediction of the crash of flight MH280 can be man-made, but the mudslide disaster in the small town of P city in H province is absolutely impossible to fake.

Because Chu Huai even said the number of dead and missing accurately!

This is not something that can be controlled by cheating, all signs indicate that what Chu Huai said is true.

Next year there will be a catastrophe in this world, which will cause the world to fall into a desperate end...

After reacting, Rao Yuan Haolin, a person with special training in psychological quality, was frightened in a cold sweat.

After calming down, Yuan Haolin discussed with his lover Tan Xiaojie and decided to send an anonymous warning letter to the government to make the government take it seriously.

Then he packed his things and left to hide.

Although Tan Xiaojie's hacking skills are superb, there are people outside the world and there are outsiders, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be no more powerful computer technicians to find them.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing, and Yuan Haolin doesn't want to cause trouble.

At first, he felt that Chu Huai could predict the end of the world, so the other party must be a mysterious expert, and the other party asked them to send anonymous letters because they obviously didn't want to be known.

If he talks nonsense and reveals the whereabouts of the expert, how can the expert be angry with him as an ordinary person?

Secondly, although Yuan Haolin's character is upright, he is not stupid. He is willing to take the risk of being an undercover agent for the sake of the high bonus. After retirement, he will have a better life with his lover. There is no need to get involved in the complex rights center.

The government finally took it seriously after receiving the second warning letter.

That night, several top leaders of the government held a meeting overnight to discuss.

After re-examining the previously ignored anonymous prophecy letter and researching it, like Yuan Haolin, everyone has the same idea.

They all feel that the poisoning of K country and the plane crash can be man-made, but natural disasters and the number of deaths in them cannot be controlled by humans.

However, the prediction of the end of the world is too absurd and sudden, and it is still unacceptable, and careless handling will even cause national turmoil.

In addition, Chu Huai didn't reveal much about the end-time prophecy in anonymous letters, pretending to be more like divination and fortune-telling.

I only said that the end of the world will come next year, when mankind will face punishment from nature, and hope that the country will be prepared to deal with disasters and manage the troubled times...

Such ambiguous predictions make people wonder where to start preparations.

Therefore, after some discussion, several top leaders made a unified decision.

The current information is temporarily concealed. First, let the computer technicians track down the "mysterious prophet" who sent the anonymous letter, hoping to find an expert to get more and more detailed information about the end of the world.

But it is a pity that Tan Xiaojie, who was able to hack into the government network over and over again, did enough hidden homework and couldn't find any clues at all.

On the other hand, it immediately issued a policy, under the pretext that the country wants to develop agriculture, to vigorously plant high-yield and durable crops such as rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. throughout the country.

Food is the foundation of human existence. No amount of food is too much. Even if the end of the world does not come, the impact will not be too great. On the contrary, if the troubled times come, it will be a life-saving thing.

At the same time, it quietly dispatched troops to station in major cities, and asked experts to strengthen the detection and research of natural disasters, and guess whether there will be any major natural disasters.

Because only the forces of nature can destroy the world overnight.

In this kind of suspicion, this is the biggest action the government can do at present.

If it comes directly at random without hesitating to influence, then the end times will not come, but it will be staring.

When Chu Huai saw the news that the country wants to vigorously develop agricultural products, he knew that the anonymous letter had worked.

I breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how much people above can believe, as long as the government is vigilant and prepared, everyone will be better off in the end times.

Chu Huai didn't care about the next government, and he had to prepare for a safe residence fortress after the end of the world.

To be honest, there is no absolutely safe place in the last days, you can only pick tall ones from short ones.

After carefully recalling the memories of the previous life, Chu Huai finally chose City C.

In fact, the best choice should be City B. After all, as the capital of the country, the guards will never break the city until the end.

However, although City B is good, the rights of personnel are complicated. Therefore, after careful consideration, Chuhuai decided that City C is the most suitable.

Although not comparable to the capital, City C is not small in size, and military districts are stationed around it.

I remember that in his last life, he had heard people say that the cleaning up and base construction of City C would be faster than the capital when the end of the world came.

In the later period, because the army was in power, although there were disputes within the base, it was much better than the capital, and the security life was much better than other bases, making it a very ideal base.

And there is the most practical problem, that is, with the money in his hand, he can't afford to buy a house in City B now!

Before entering the end times, normal society needs money everywhere.

Of course Chu Huai also thought about renting a house to save money, but this is too much trouble.

In his previous life, he heard people say that the base was very user-friendly at the beginning of its establishment, and the real estate certificate was a bit efficient, allowing the head of the household to keep the original house when the house was allocated.

The rest of the rental houses, hotels, shopping malls and other buildings are all vacated for recycling, and the personnel are arranged to live in a unified manner.

Regardless of the time, the class division of human beings is very serious, and at the beginning of the end of the world, a serious hierarchy has been formed.

There is no way. After the end of the world, resources are limited and it is impossible to achieve fair distribution.

And even if you are lucky to be allocated a good living room at the beginning, you still have to see if you have the strength to keep it in the later stage. The end of the world is so helpless.

In addition, he has to make some renovations to the house, so renting a house is absolutely impossible, he must buy it.

After summing up the funds on hand, and carefully studying according to the map of City C, Chuhuai finally selected the North Gate area of ​​City C and started running real estate agencies one after another.

The development prospects of this area are not as good as other places in the city, but it is not important after the end of the world.

The advantage of the Beimen area is that housing prices are relatively cheap and the population is not that dense.

The real estate agent in the north gate of C city ran back and forth for a week, and the agent was almost impatient to pick the agent, and Chu Huai only started buying a house.

The house is in a new community that has just opened.

A set of three large units, the kind with a gift garden on the ground floor, sells for only 800,000.

Chu Huai was a little surprised to hear this price for the first time. According to the current housing prices in various cities in China, it is too difficult for 800,000 to buy such a large finished house.

However, he quickly saw the surrounding environment of the community and knew why it was so cheap.

Because there is a garbage disposal station not far behind this community, the winter is good, and the smell environment around the community can be harsh in the hot summer.

The surrounding residents have gone to make trouble many times, but to no avail. The government has planned the garbage dump a long time ago. If everyone is to blame, the developer is concealing it.

In the later period, a large radiation factory will be built here, and a good elementary school was not built here because of various problems.

Therefore, due to multiple reasons, the occupancy rate here has plummeted, and house prices have also fallen sharply. The house simply cannot be sold.

If Chu Huai hadn't been too picky, blindly demanding low prices and large squares of the house, the intermediary would never introduce him to this place.

But Chu Huai didn't care about any of these problems.

The low occupancy rate means that there are fewer zombies after the end of the world, and the speed of cleaning up is fast; the radiation factory that is expected to be built in the later period will be even more distant after the end of the world.

As for the garbage station, after the base is established, the people above will definitely clear up this large open space for use, so there is no need to worry.

After seeing the house and filtering the advantages and disadvantages in his heart, Chu Huai made the decision on the spot and signed the contract with ease.

Although the real estate intermediary felt that he would be a bit idiot to buy the house if it was not good, but he didn't bother anyone with money, so he hurriedly contacted the landlord to complete the transfer procedures with a smile on his face.