Eschatology: He Came From the Grave

Chapter 42

Yu Ke followed Zhai Kun into the house, his expression seemed unprepared and simple and coaxing, but in reality he was a ghost.

With the youth's ‘lively’ temperament, he bounced around when he entered the house, looking around curiously, and at the same time took the opportunity to throw the spells of the formation on the sofa, table, etc. and hide it.

During the whole process, Zhai Kun didn't let Zhai Kun touch one of his fingers and took the slightest advantage.

This made Chu Huai's body cool in the dark a little bit. If Zhai Kun touches a piece of Xiao Ke's hair, he doesn't know if he can hold back and cooperate with the plan.

On the other side, Zhai Kun was irritated by this kind of detached attitude.

In his own place, he was even more vigilant against loosening. He didn't notice what the tender and delicious young man in front of him did when he wandered around the house. He was just thinking about how to eat the fat.

"Little brother, take a break and drink some water. Uncle will go get the meat and exchange it with you..."

Zhai Kun arrived at a glass of water, skillfully put some ingredients, and continued to coax.

Ordinary people don't need to spend so much effort, but a teenager is a supernatural person, even if he is young, he must be careful. Although it is fun to struggle and play, it is too fun to suffer if it is too much.

It's better to get dizzy, or else the noise will become louder, and the soldiers patrolling the security will be annoying to death. Yesterday's stunner is so missed, so there can be no more trouble!

The little brothers in the room probably knew that their boss was going to do something bad, and all the wise guys hid in the room listening to the corner of the room and did not dare to say anything.

"Uncle, do you have Coke? I want to drink Coke, not white water."

Yu Ke has been paying attention to his movements, how can he not know that he is doing hands and feet, and leisurely deal with him.

I wondered how to make good use of this opportunity to shake his firm heart of Chu Huaijun and tell Chu Huaijun to eat him quickly!

Thinking of the person he liked, Yu Ke couldn't help showing a happy look on his face, looking even more attractive in the dim light at night.

Such a fresh and tender young man like Zhai Kun could not resist such a lustful person.

The monkey was so anxious that he wanted to reach out to catch someone and pour the medicine, "You can't be picky eaters when you eat. Drink the water. Uncle asks you to drink Coke another day..."

How could Yu Ke make him succeed, he stood up flexibly and avoided it.

"White water is not good to drink, so I don’t drink it. Uncle, you are so stingy. You can eat meat. Why don’t you have no Coke? It must be a lie to me. I will look for it. I will not eat you for nothing. Just change it."

Turning his head and blinking to finish speaking, the young man looked briskly in the room.

The whole person was slippery like a loach, so Zhai Kun couldn't grasp it, and he was violent.

But whenever he couldn't help but want to be strong, the boy would turn his head back and smile at him sweetly. The tender and beautiful boy was really tempting, and he was like a cat scratching in his heart.

And Chu Huai, who was seen through surveillance upstairs, looked as dark and dark as he was, with low air pressure all over his body.

Dean Jiang and the others were a little unbearable by the ice at home, so they poked Yu Xianqing into battle to appease and reassure them.

"Brother Chu, hold back, don't you just sell a laugh, and never touch it, the overall situation is more important, the overall situation is more important..."

The partial student Yu Xianqing is a poisonous person, and the surrounding air pressure instantly becomes ice in a single sentence.

"Who are you talking about making laughs?" Chu Huai's face turned black into ink.

"Brother Chu, look, Xiao Ke ran into that bastard's room!"

Yu Xianqing quickly stepped back and stayed away, turned around, and quickly changed the subject.

Chu Huai hummed at him, and then he continued to look at his boy, ready to take action at any time.

From the beginning to the end, I didn’t feel that I was very partial...

Below 0173 room.

After Yu Ke placed all the jade and spells of the formation, he led people into Zhai Kun's bedroom.

The formation has been formed to wrap the 0173 house. Even if there is an explosion in their house at this moment, the people outside will not be awakened and noticed.

What he has to do now is to solve Zhai Kun, let the rest of the room relax their vigilance, and then activate the formation to annihilate in one fell swoop!

How did Zhai Kun know that the youth who looked harmless in front of him was wondering how to chop him. Seeing that the prey was hooked into the house, he quickly locked the door, saying what he wanted to do.

Yu Ke didn't puncture him, waited until he finished setting up the formation in his room, then looked back at him suspiciously.

"Uncle, what are you doing when you close the door?"

do what? Of course I eat you! Zhai Kun was excited and smiled wickedly, "Hey, of course Uncle has a baby to show you..."

"Really? I also have a baby to show to the uncle!"

Yu Ke's eyes were gleaming, and he looked so innocent and harmless to the extreme.

Ordinary people will feel good and like it when they see such a pure young man, but people like Zhai Kun only want to destroy and satisfy their own desires.

"What baby can you have, let's look at your uncle first. Uncle promises you will like it..."

Zhai Kun was already **** in a hurry.

"Uncle, come over, I'll make you a magic..."

Behind Yu Ke's hands, the delicate face was red with shame and shyness.

Zhai Kun was immediately bewildered by this shy expression.

I didn't even notice why the young man in front of me was so calm. No matter how simple a teenager was, he couldn't even have the slightest sense of danger, right? How can you be so coaxing with a few years old?

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that men are animals thinking in the lower part of the body. At present, Zhai Kun is already full of mud.

"Little boy, what kind of magic did you do at night? Uncle teaches you to play more fun games..."

Zhai Kun walked over in a hurry and was about to eat a big meal.

However, the next moment, he never smiled again.

I saw the harmless young man in front of him suddenly violent, leaving a shadow on the spot, rushing to him.

With a horizontal swing, his tongue was cut off.

"Hmm!" Zhai Kun blinked, covering his mouth in pain and speechless.

"Uncle, have you seen the magic of red and white knives? I'll perform it for you..."

But the suddenly violent boy did not stop, still with a sweet smile on his face, and continued to attack mercilessly.

The white knife came in, the red knife came out, and a knife slammed into his chest, splashing blood.

But Zhai Kun is not dead. The body structure of the supernatural person is different from that of ordinary people, the position of the heart is deviated, and the vitality is extremely strong, and a single knife injury cannot be fatal.

But Yu Ke wounded himself seriously with only two strokes, which was enough to shock Zhai Kun.

If he were a Level 2 ability player in normal times, he would never have almost no resistance like this.

But just now when Yu Ke entered the room, he manipulated the room, sealing the aura in the room, delaying the use of his powers.

Therefore, Zhai Kun could only discover in horror that the use of the ability was blocked, and was passively beaten.

He couldn't make a sound in his mouth to call people, and his abilities couldn't be used. Zhai Kun didn't dare to fall in love with him, and after he didn't want to avoid him, he immediately turned around and wanted to escape and ask the brothers outside for help.

Encountered an enemy!

Zhai Kun guessed Yu Ke's identity almost instantly, desperately trying to escape the room.

But how could Chu Huai, who had been waiting for a chance, give him a chance.

Almost at the same time that Yu Ke started, Chu Huai turned out from the window of 0183, and then entered the room where they were at 0173 at the moment.


Stabbing the sword, picking it horizontally, retracting the sword, his head falls to the ground.

The power of speed can make Chu Huai's movements incredibly fast, fully expressing the four words ‘only fast and not broken’.

Rely on... Yu Xianqing upstairs swallowed in awe, feeling like they were watching a movie.

"Mr Chu Huai is amazing!"

Yu Ke idolizes like a fan, holding his small fist with eyes full of obsessiveness, can his Chu Huai Jun be so handsome (≥◇≤)

Chu Huai's gaze was very popular with the young man, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he stretched out his hand to draw the person in front of him.

Gently covered the boy's mouth, and shook his head to signal not to make a sound, "Shhh."

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the door, Yu Ke understood, the chick nodded and stretched out his hand to hug him intimately.

Then he stretched out his little tongue to lick the palm of his hand, and his thorough eyes showed a sly smirk.

The palm of his hand was licked by the warm little tongue, and Chu Huai's heart throbbed, almost unsteady.

"Old, boss, what's the matter with you? Can't it be done..."

At this moment, a few younger brothers who seemed to be moved outside to hear their boss's room walked to the door and asked cautiously.

Although the boss was not in a good mood to disturb the boss, just now they heard that there was a fight in the room, and they didn't care.

Zhai Kun has a very difficult temper.

As the master was dead and unable to answer, Chu Huai was about to speak out instead, and Yu Ke quickly reached out his hand to cover his mouth, turned his head to the side of the room, and shouted in a terrified and pitiful voice.

"Ah, uncle, you, what are you going to do? Don't come over, oooo, I will do it, I, I will also be supernatural, oooo..."

The sound of horror was vivid.

But the owner of the actual voice was naughty holding his man's face and smiling happily.

The little brothers at the door couldn't see and heard the sound, thinking that their boss should have succeeded.

One by one followed with a wretched smile, "Boss, you will be refreshed for the brothers after you have finished playing..."

Although Zhai Kun has a bad temper and is difficult to serve, and is very fierce to everyone, he is very generous when giving benefits to his younger brother, and he knows the means to win over people.

Whether it is food or people, as long as he eats enough, he will never treat the people below him badly.

So even if Zhai Kun was fierce, there were still many people following him. Everyone did everything in prison to pick up the rest of Zhai Kunshuang to play, so the boys at the door dared to ask like this.

A group of people have no idea how to write the word ‘morality’.

Inside the room, Chu Huai's eyes darkened and his murderous aura was exposed.

However, Yu Ke quickly grabbed his hand, pushed him onto the bed, rolled over and lay down on his chest, and continued to shout.

"Oh, no, help..."

The naughty boy yelled pitifully, but he acted in the opposite direction.

With a sly smile on his face, he lay on the man he likes, with his feet tightly bound, his hands clasped, and his tongue sticking out proudly.

Chu Huai was crushed underneath:...