Eschatology: He Came From the Grave

Chapter 44

As Chu Huai expected, the death of Zhai Kun and others caused a sensation in the base and the attention of the above.

Although these people are not big people, they have a very important identity, that is, they are supernatural beings.

Under the jurisdiction of the base army, the death of so many abilities in Zone A overnight is definitely not as simple as a cat and a dog.

Even if these people are not too important to the government, they are killed silently. The above must give an explanation to appease the masses.

The death of Zhai Kun and his gang attracted the attention of the base, for which reason the base launched a lot of movement.

Chu Huai was not worried about this.

As soon as they did this matter secretly, there was an array cover in the room when the incident happened, and no one could notice it at all.

Secondly, the materials and energy of the base are still being restored. The monitoring equipment in most communities is useless, and there are insufficient personnel and equipment for investigation. It is impossible for the base to put down everything and focus on this in a chaotic world.

Therefore, the movement of the base is actually just loud thunder and little rain, which is shown to the supernaturalists in Zone A.

However, the momentum of the army's investigation is still very strong. For three days, the army members have been conducting door-to-door investigations and inquiries in Area A.

They didn't miss it, and the people who came to check on it were acquaintances.

"Mr. Xian, you live here!"

Qin Baifei knocked on the door and noticed Yu Xianqing next to him before Chu Huai could deal with it.

No way, who made this guy's appearance shocking, even if he tried his best to dress up and hide his appearance that day, there are really few men in the base who can look better than him.

Standing in the crowd, this guy was shining like the grandfather Mao that fell on the ground, and the innocent army eldest brother who was dressed in a military uniform was blushing and his heartbeat was stuttering.

The few soldiers in the back also blushed and scrambled to look.

A pair of soldiers completely forgot how they were beaten into pigs by the beauty last time.

When Chu Huai saw this, they silently shut up and left the battlefield to the family's troubles to deal with.

Yu Xianqing looked at the group of soldiers who did bad things with good intentions last time and treated themselves as women, but he was very upset, but he was not someone who didn't understand the situation.

Suppressing his unhappiness, he went into battle and approached the leader Qin Baifei, with a fierce tone, "Yes, I live here, why? Find fault?"

I have to say that what this good-looking person can do can be beautified by the face value filter.

It would be really fierce if it was replaced by a person who was so fierce, but if it was replaced by a beauty, the effect would be completely different.

Yu Xianqing thought that she was full of imposing and vicious look, but Qin Baifei had the illusion that a arrogant beauty would send him to the door to invite him to kiss...I really want to kiss him, is it swollen? !

Qin Baifei's little heart was beating, standing straight, and talking a little nervously.

"No, no, we are here to do a door-to-door investigation. Don’t get me wrong, sir. Soon, what’s your name? How many people are there? If you have hobbies, you can also register..."

The handsome tall soldier blushed a little.

Yu Xianqing looked a little impulsive to beat him, "I want to check my hobbies?"

"Yes, for the happiness index of the base people, we will carry out many caring activities in the future!"

Qin Baifei nodded earnestly, staring at the beauty with extremely expectant eyes.

The soldiers behind him also nodded fiercely, with a positive and enthusiastic smile like a male's flattering expression to a female.

Yu Xianqing is kind and on the verge of rage...

"A few military brothers have worked hard, so please help me to register."

Chu Huai had no choice but to work hard in the end.

Yuan Haolin and a few hurriedly helped to bring back the teammates who were about to be angry. It turns out that not only the pig teammates are terrible, but the pig opponents are also very annoyed. The team of patrolmen in front of them completely looks beautiful...

Fortunately, even though the leader Qin's EQ is not very high, he is serious and responsible in handling affairs.

While sneaking to see the beauty that I missed, he checked the ID card according to the procedure, and asked Zhai Kun and others about their actions on the day of their death to record and investigate.

The process is not cumbersome, it is just a few words. After all, it is only an investigation rather than a review. The military has no right to hold on like a criminal.

The attention of Qin Baifei and others was mostly on Yu Xianqing, and the focus was all on understanding the information about the names of beauties. Chu Huai and others looked ordinary and honest, so they would be suspicious.

After the investigation was completed, Qin Baifei reminded him with surprise when he saw that they had written in their information column.

"It turns out that you know how to martial arts and ancient martial arts. It's just that the base is recruiting talents in this area. The treatment is very good. You can go..."

"We only know the basics. We can't get out of the base to fight zombies. Do we have to go?"

Chu Huai asked calmly, this time is different from the previous life, I don't know if the base plans to change the talents in this area.

"This is not mandatory, but anyone who understands can report and help, and there is no need to go out of the base to fight zombies. I heard that the above is to make formations on the fence. We don't understand these mysterious things. You can go to the lobby of the central square. learn."

The previous prophecy letter reminded that the government now attaches great importance to the talents of profound arts.

Although they did not find them who issued the prophetic letter, they found a lot of other experts, and painted a protective formation on the base wall, which was proposed by one of the Taoist masters who was proficient in the formation of talisman.

However, the area of ​​the base in City C is too large, and it is not difficult to draw the project covering the entire base formation in the age of the prosperous magic, but nowadays, the age of the decline of the magic requires a lot of people to work together.

Everyone is watching the evolution of zombies. Who knows how long the walls of the base will be able to withstand them, and the base will be destroyed in a short time without other measures.

No one wanted to lose this last piece of human survival, and so did Chu Huai and others.

"Okay, let's go tomorrow, then Captain Qin, when will the base clear the empty space at the garbage station behind our community?"

Chu Huai nodded, and continued to bring the topic to the garbage dump at the back of their community.

Before, he guessed that the base would definitely be cleared and vacated for use, but the base has not taken any action until now. He didn't know if it was because of too much delay or what.

But this garbage station must be disposed of as soon as possible, not only because the smell affects their living environment, but to avoid the plague!

The plague is easy to cause after a major disaster, which is simply a matter of common sense.

Even if the weather is now cool and the growth of germs is slow, how many people have died in the city in this zombie outbreak? How much **** is left in the chaos of the city? The garbage dump behind their community is just the tip of the iceberg.

He doesn’t know whether there was a plague at the base of City C in the previous life, but these problems must not be underestimated.

He originally thought that the above should be able to think of it, but now it seems that the base's attention is all on the zombies.

The army is actively working to deal with the corpses of zombies, but ignores the simplest environmental problems. Failure to deal with the garbage shipped out of the base in time will definitely cause more serious consequences.

Qin Baifei clearly understood this, and his expression instantly became serious.

"These governments will deal with it as soon as possible. You can wait for the notice with peace of mind and cooperate with the base management. If you find something wrong, you can report it to the lobby of the central square at any time."

"Well, we will cooperate."

Chu Huai nodded. When everyone is negligent, the base can't count on the government and the army for everything. Everyone's contribution is indispensable for the longevity of the base.

After their investigation is done, there is still a lot to wait.

Qin Baifei didn't have time to talk to them more. Regrettably, he glanced at Yu Xianqing foolishly for a few times, then stuffed the beauty with a business card with a shy red face, and then reluctantly left and continued his investigation.

This kind of flattering pursuit shows that Yu Xianqing has not rarely met, and the number of business cards received is not one thousand and eight hundred.

If he hadn't had the unpleasant experience before, he might still be in the mood to talk to Qin Baifei, after all, Qin Baifei's tough guy appearance still fits his appetite.

But in view of the not-so-good deal last time, Yu Xianqing has no good feelings for these innocent soldiers who treat him as a woman.

Just like this, I still want to chase him, huh, how far you go!

The irritable Yu Meiren threw the business card into the trash can very mercilessly, and then went back to the house to sleep, seeing Chu Huai and others want to laugh.

"Hey, he definitely can't get married..."

Yu Ke showed sympathy. As a member of his family, he said he was very worried about Brother Yu.

He has never seen a violent tribe like Brother Yu. They are obviously very gentle. Why is Brother Yu so fierce? Is this a genetic mutation in modern times?

Chu Huai smiled, "I guess Xianqing may have to marry someone back."

Dean Jiang and the others nodded sharply, agreeing very much.

"Then what about me? Chu Huai Jun, I don't seem to be able to get married..."

Yu Ke began to resent again, only to remember that he seemed to be even more sad.

Chu Huai looked at him, her thin lips pulled up a small smile, raised her hand to caress the boy's face, his eyes were drowning and gentle, and asked.

"How long is your birthday?"

When the words fell, Yu Ke's eyes suddenly brightened, and he jumped up in seconds.

"Today today! That's today! Jun Huai, I'm an adult!"

Dean Jiang covered his face and didn't want to listen, the child had already gone crazy.

Tan Xiaojie is very envious, he is still a few months away...