Eschatology: He Came From the Grave

Chapter 46

Qin Baifei's background is very unfamiliar to ordinary people, and the comrades who work with him are not clear, but they are very familiar to the ears of the high-level people on the base.

The eldest grandson of the Qin family of the military power family, and the grandson of the Qin family's elder son, is not one of them.

Before the end of the world, the Qin family was a family that stomped three trembling feet in China. After the end of the world, the regime was in vain, the army was in power, and the status of the Qin family can be imagined.

However, although the Qin family is powerful, the family members are thin and heirs are thin. When it comes to Qin Baifei, he is not counted as a side branch. He is the only one left in the direct line, and there is not even a sister in the family.

As the only grandchild in the family, he has excellent abilities since he was a child, and coupled with the inter-generational relationship, the old man naturally likes his grandson in every possible way, and his sons have to stand aside.

Therefore, Qin Baifei's identity is simply that of the ancient emperor's grandson, who was particularly favored.

However, Qin Baifei is different from the generations of celebrities and officials who enjoy the glory of his family.

This product belongs to the kind of "emperor grandson" who has super high IQ, super ability, but super low EQ, and is especially close to the people who like to find hard work and experience the folk life.

From a young age, Qin Baifei did not do half of a disaster because of his family status. He was obedient and motivated as the children of other people's parents envied by his parents, and the object of envy and hatred by his peers in the compound.

When he became an adult, he didn't rely on his family background and ran to the army by himself, and at the speed of a rocket, he was promoted from ordinary Qin Xiaobing to major general Qin.

But as the saying goes, no one is perfect. What makes a group of neighbors of the military and political compound gloat after the prodigal son is born. Such an excellent grandson of the Qin family is a man who loves men.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you like men. Now that science is advanced, the offspring can be done manually.

But the problem is that Qin Baifei is a negative EQ!

To put it bluntly, it is a genius in IQ, an idiot in EQ, and a second in love.

However, this duo still has a sacred spiritual pursuit, unswervingly looking for the true love of life, how can he not answer the application of scientific methods to give the old man another great-grandson, saying that it is tarnishing the love he has not found yet.

When he became impatient, the servant gave his dad medicine directly, and the righteous family was **** to the neighbor Aunt Zhang, who had a crush on his dad for a long time, and left the responsibility of inheriting the family to his dad. It was logical to find a stepmother for himself. .

Afterwards, looking at his chest and feet crying and sorry for his deceased wife’s heartbroken son, Father Qin frightened and returned to his own late festival, and only then did he accept the reality sadly...

But in spite of this, the grandson that Qin loves most is his grandson.

When I saw the rare grandson coming home in the evening, I immediately left behind what I wanted to share with the people and the masses, and ordered the nanny to be the big fish and meat on the table. Be sure to enjoy the grandson’s family happiness while still not dead. .

His grandfather’s thoughts, Qin Baifei, who was a grandson, didn’t know, and didn’t pretend to be too corrupt in the end of the world. His own family was too corrupt to satisfy the old man’s wishes. After the devastation was finished, he brought up the plague that Chu Huai reminded.

In fact, the base also knows that there are concerns about this problem. It is just the chaos in the early end of the world. It has to deal with the zombies and manage the base. The corpses of the zombies cannot be cleaned up, and many other things are intentional and powerless.

"Grandpa, I remember that there are not many mutated soldiers in the army, and enough people have survived. With the previous preparations, there is no shortage of manpower. Did something else happen?"

In terms of military power, the father and son of the Qin family were in charge. Qin Baifei had been outside and went home less, and some news was a little late.

"Well, the people of State K sent out a distress message to the global government, and the sender claimed that he was the leader in researching the zombie virus..."

Hearing his grandson's question, the smile on Grandpa Qin's face disappeared, and he changed into a serious sink.

The zombie virus has not given up research in various countries. From the time the virus just started spreading before the end of the world, everyone was looking for the source.

Because the mutated virus has no way to start, only when the initial pathogen is found, can we start to study the antidote.

But there is still no clue until the end of the world.

It wasn't until State K sent a distress signal to governments around the world not long ago that everyone knew that the so-called zombie virus was not a mutation of nature at all, but a man-made disaster!

A private scientific research institution in K country conducted illegal biological research, which led to the birth of the zombie virus.

At present, with the exception of a few large countries in the world, as well as countries that have been prepared in advance with China, the rest of the small countries have basically been wiped out, and even if there are survivors, they are still dying.

The situation in Country K, where the virus first spread, is naturally not much better. Before the end of the world, the government has existed in name only, and those who can run have fled to other countries long ago.

After the end of the world comes, country K can be said to have almost no livelihood.

But not long ago, the surviving governments received satellite distress signals at the same time. The sender said that he was the leader in the study of zombie viruses and shocked everyone.

For everyone to believe, the person who sent the distress signal also attached a laboratory research screen to confirm his identity.

The other party claimed that no one but himself could make a virus rescue potion, and shamelessly coerced the governments of various countries to rescue!

This news made everyone angry and angry, but after calming down, countries had to implement it.

Because now the scientific research teams of various countries are working day and night to research and share information and discuss, but they have not been able to decipher the mystery of the zombie virus.

Regardless of whether the helper can actually make medicine, the other party is the virus developer, who knows the virus best, and is currently the only breakthrough.

Therefore, even after knowing the truth and wishing to slash it, after the video conference, the presidents of the various countries decided to send troops there for this hope.

China is currently the best in all countries, so it is naturally the first.

Qin Baifei was also very angry after hearing this. He really didn't expect that the source of the world that almost killed the whole world was actually a kind of self-interest.

Now they shamelessly threaten everyone to beg him, but everyone can only obediently and obediently, which is really annoying.

"But grandpa, even if we go to the rescue, we won't be able to send many people together, so how come there is a gap in mobilization?"

Qin Baifei's EQ was low, but his IQ was super high, and he quickly found the loopholes in the matter.

In fact, if it hadn't been for this guy to stubbornly search for his love, the father and son Qin would have retired and enjoyed the blessings a long time ago.

Hearing his grandson's question again, Qin's brows were almost frowned, and he sighed.

"There is also a big problem in the East China Sea..."

"what's the situation?"

"The big earthquake that night before the end of the world shook the bottom of the East China Sea into a crack. Our investigators detected a very strange energy expansion under the crack."

“It’s not clear what exactly it is, but if this energy continues to expand, the entire Asian plate will be impacted and cause crustal movement.”

"Fortunately, according to calculations, the swelling energy of the seabed can be channeled. The surviving countries of Asia West have already been contacted and the troops have been deployed together."

The content of the words is not complicated, but Father Qin's voice is extremely heavy.

Humans are as fragile as ants in the face of disasters. Nature only needs to change a little bit to make humans die instantly.

Now all mankind faces not only the zombies caused by the death of the same kind of themselves, but also various natural disasters. The last century is the biggest survival test in human history.

To survive the past, the future will be beautiful; if not, humans may become legends and fossils like the dinosaurs that once dominated the world.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Where the people of the base do not know, the leaders of the governments and military of various countries have long been burnt.

Thinking of so many headaches, and looking at the grandson who ran to become a patrolman with the title of major general all day long, Grandpa Qin felt distressed and indulged, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit of hatred for iron and steel.

See Mantang, an old man from another family, is too leisurely, so he has to stick to his post and continue to worry about it, and his mentality is very unbalanced.

"Anyway, all countries are suffering from headaches, and there are messes everywhere. If your kid is really worried, you should come back to help quickly. I can't get a rest when I die. It's both you and your dad who are unfilial children and grandchildren!"

“Grandpa’s health is absolutely no problem for serving the people for decades. Mastering the overall situation depends on your elders. Lord, don’t underestimate yourself. There is no shortage of me. The internal management and security of the base are also very important. Patrol team This is a good place for grandchildren to use their talents."

Qin Baifei heard the cocoon in his ears when he said that, and continued to flatter him without getting in.

Father Qin stared at the table with angrily, "Fart, it's obviously a fake concubine selected by the public economy!"

"Hey, grandpa, you are so smart..."

Qin Baifei smiled.

The old man was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and he patted the table without turning away.

It was precisely because he hadn't looked back that he didn't see the scene waiting for him to turn around, otherwise he would definitely be **** off.

Because his beloved eldest grandson is taking out the information form filled out by Zhang Tiantian inspecting the base, doing research secretly with relish, and his expression looks like a peerless idiot...


In the East China Sea, the army is temporarily stationed in a camp.

A group of soldiers who were covered in mud and had not even had time to take off their diving suits hurried back to the camp, carrying a stretcher with a body bag in a panic.

The body bag was tightly sealed and covered with a black cloth. Apart from guessing it was a corpse, there was no way to see what was inside.

After seeing the top commander of the camp, the soldiers reported with a flustered expression.

"Reporter sir, a large number of human bones suddenly floated out of the cracks in the seabed, the number is extremely large, and the bones are all blue..."

Following the soldier's report, the body bag opened, revealing the human bones that were about to emit a faint blue light, strange and terrifying.

The commanding officer took a deep breath, "Any other special circumstances?"

"No, it's just that the bones are very... very much."

"Estimated how many?"

"No, it is impossible to estimate, there are too many, densely popping out from the cracks, there are many ancient life utensils and weapons such as swords, spears, and shields..."

Recalling the scene of the crack in the sea bottom, the soldier's face was pale.