
Chapter 135: To him, Nine Fang Changming is a unique

No matter how good Yun Weisi's memory is, he doesn't remember exactly how he got along with Zhou Shiqi at this age.

After all, at that time, he didn't do any serious things every day, relying on the protection of his family background to live a chic and happy life, he didn't have to think about what would happen the next day, he had a martial artist at home, and there were people in the capital who looked at him favorably The Taoist priest wanted to take him as an apprentice. Yun Weisi's talent allowed him to learn everything quickly, but he refused to calm down, and he couldn't calm down to study seriously. I don't know why, I have learned a few spells, and I have a little bit of kung fu. It's okay to deceive ordinary people, but it's not enough for real masters. But he didn't care, because cultivating immortals was still too far away from him at this time, and he didn't want to let go of his doting parents and rich clothes and food to go to some inexplicable place to suffer.

At this time, the rule of the imperial court was already not so stable. Outside the capital, there were uprisings and constant wars. Only the heavily armed defense of the capital area was able to maintain the prosperity and peace on the surface. It was just that Yun Weisi had been influenced by his ears and eyes, and he often learned about the imperial court from his father. Severe strife, elimination of dissidents, today's day is not a wise king, everyone is just a monk hitting the clock for a day, earning as much as possible, only his father Yun Chang'an is not willing to join forces, he is obviously from a noble family and does not worry about food He can also conspire with those big families to take power, but he wants to be a stern censor, saying things the emperor doesn't want to listen to all day long.

Although Yun Weisi doesn't remember what he did today, he clearly remembers that just three days later, the internal officials colluded with the foreign ministers to launch a rebellion and almost hacked the emperor to death. After narrowly escaped death, the emperor A major cleansing has begun, and none of the rebels will be able to escape.

His father, Yun Chang'an, had originally received the decree from an outsider to demote officials, and had already told the whole family to pack up. Not only did the young Yun Weisi not think it was a bad thing, but he also looked forward to going outside in the future to be more free and at ease. When preparing to leave, someone reported the rebellion and involved Yun Weisi's mother Cong's natal family. The Cong family was ordered to be executed by the furious emperor. The Cong family was already married and could have survived, but the Yun family was worried that they would be implicated. , ordered Yun Changan to reconcile with his wife, Yun Changan naturally refused, but he had offended many people by his blunt admonitions for many years as an official. Included in the scope of beheading, the Yun family and his wife have become dead souls under the sword. The only son, Yun Weisi, has grown from a **** to an orphan overnight without a father or a mother.

In fact, he wasn't considered an orphan. In fact, his uncles and relatives were all still there, but at that time, the Yun family was afraid of being implicated and becoming the next unlucky ghost, so how could they dare to reach out to rescue him? On a stormy night, Yun Weisi knocked all over the houses of Yun Changan who had good friends or relatives, but got no response, either the official position was too small to help him sigh, or the door was closed and he was not even allowed to enter.

This was Yun Weisi's first taste of the warmth and coldness of human relationships in the world. He had never realized that this kind of feeling was so unbearable.

On the day his parents went to the execution ground, Yun Weisi was still fantasizing about robbing the execution ground. Fortunately, he was knocked unconscious by a loyal servant, so he didn't follow him to die, but when he woke up, he found that the execution ground was already gone The building is empty, and even the blood from the parents' heads has been washed away by the rain.

In the end, the head of the Yun family, who was also an official in the capital, came forward to take him in, but the misfortune of the young Yun Weisi did not end there. In the next two years, the political opponents who were not used to Yun Changan wanted to eradicate the grass, and did not want to leave the spring breeze behind. Because of his future troubles, he designed to have him isolated by the Yun family, and set up an ambush on his way back to his hometown, intending to kill him. Unexpectedly, Yun Weisi had grown a lot in those two years. The Taoist master learned some superficial spells, and single-handedly broke out a way out. Although he was bruised, he still made it to the Jade Emperor Temple alive.

Now time goes back, everything returns to the starting point that could have been redeemed, his parents can survive, his family can be complete, there is a lot he can do.

Yun Weisi lowered her head, looking at her tender and callous-free palm.

As long as the tragedy is prevented, he will set off to visit the Jade Emperor immediately, and everything will be the same as before, and there will be no change in the slightest.

But Yun Weisi still felt something was wrong.

Deep in his heart, a trace of vigilance quietly poked his head, as if trying to block his thoughts.

If you change the original direction ahead of time, will other things also change?


He tried to call Changming in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The answer to him was silence, and Jiufang Changming seemed to have completely disappeared.

From the moment Yun Weisi wanted to save his parents' lives, he had almost cut off the bond with Jiufang Changming, because at this moment they had never met, let alone knew each other.

One is a talented monk with a bright future, and the other is a **** who is full of mischief in the capital. The two should never have any intersection in their entire lives.

Zhou Shiqi was startled when he saw Yun Weisi suddenly covered his heart and bent down.

"What's wrong with you? Hey, you just fell off the tree by yourself, I didn't touch you! Don't try to blackmail me!"

Yun Weisi's complexion was pale, he was sweating profusely, he gritted his teeth and did not speak.

Zhou Shiqi was scared, he turned his head and was about to shout: "Come on—"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Weisi grabbed his arm tightly.

"It's okay, I just..."

Just thinking about the possibility that he will not meet Jiufang Changming in this life, he feels heart-piercing pain. Obviously, he is just going back to the past now, and the memory and experience are still there, so it is impossible to forget the other party.

"What happened to your hand!" Zhou Shiqi exclaimed.

Yun Weisi looked down, and saw red cracks suddenly appeared on the smooth back of his hand, like burn scars, which could not be wiped away, and it was terrifying to look at.

Zhou Shiqi felt inexplicably scared, and couldn't help taking a few steps back, but Yun Weisi knew very well that it was fox poison.

Earlier, he crossed half of the fox poison on the other party, which was equivalent to sharing the pain of the other party's poisoning. He also said to Jiufang Changming that the fox poison is good at charm, and it is the easiest to seduce emotions. Only when two people are in love, The most emotional, and the most empathetic.

Yun Weisi leaned her back against the wall and slowly breathed out.

"I'm fine." He said again, his voice hoarse.

Zhou Shiqi felt that Yun Shiro seemed to be a little different.

This kind of change is hard to describe, but the little friends who get along day and night are the most sensitive. Yun Shiro in front of him has lost that pretentious mature uninhibitedness, and the whole person has become very stable, so stable that he is even a little depressed. Send until you meet an old man.

"May I ask you young gentlemen, have you ever seen my grandson?" The old man gestured a few times with an anxious expression on his face, "It's about this tall, with an upturned braid and a round face. He just got lost with me, and I was going everywhere. Find him!"

"I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it, you can look elsewhere!" Zhou Shiqi waved impatiently.

According to Yun Weisi's age, he should have been so impatient in the first place, but he felt that this old man was inexplicably familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, this feeling prompted him to stop and chat with him for a few more words.

"What does your grandson look like?"

The old man's face was full of valleys, but his eyes were very deep.

It was so deep that Yun Weisi looked at the other party for a moment, and felt that the whole person was sucked into the vortex.


He subconsciously knew there was a problem, but his thirteen-year-old immature body was far behind the reaction.

"My grandson looks like you!"

The other party laughed strangely, raised Yun Weisi with one hand, thought for a while, and grabbed Zhou Shiqi who had no time to escape with the other hand, pinching both of them in his hands.

"You young man is a bit interesting. You obviously have no cultivation base, but your spiritual consciousness is a little abnormal. You are suitable for me to use as a furnace for cultivation!"

The old man's gloomy voice exploded in his ears, and Yun Weisi suddenly remembered!

This person is the famous Demon Cultivator Lou Sheng!

He is cruel and easy to kill. He especially likes to refine human brains into alchemy, imprisoning the soul and using them to refine alchemy to improve his cultivation. Regardless of good or evil, as long as you provoke him, anyone he takes a fancy to will be doomed. At first, he only treats ordinary people and people Sanxiu started, and later, even the disciples of Shenxiao Xianfu and Donghai School could not escape, and they should finally die under the sword of Jiufang Changming eight years later.

Yun Weisi couldn't remember whether he passed Lou Sheng when he was thirteen years old, but when he thought about it carefully, there seemed to be a few murders in the capital at the beginning, but no one was able to find out who they were, and then they all disappeared. .

According to his temperament when he was a teenager, on this day, he should have long been unable to restrain his desire to go out and mess around. He would sneak out with Zhou Shiqi before school was over, and he would never meet Lou Sheng, let alone become a The unlucky ghost who was photographed by Lou Sheng.

If Lou Sheng took action, there would be no survivors at all. Yun Weisi never thought that he wanted to change the fate of his parents' tragic death, but before he could implement it, he was stillborn.

As the hand on the neck became tighter and tighter, Yun Weisi's body had no way of resisting, so he could only grab the opponent's fingers with both hands, hitting the stone with an egg, and using his arms as a cart.

Zhou Shiqi’s groaning for help gradually faded away, they were about to die here, and all the movements of the outside world receded like a tide. At the moment when death was approaching, all the happiness, ups and downs, and suffering fragments of life flashed away, and what stayed in the end was It was Jiufang Changming who entered Wanshen Mountain and went to Liuhe Zhutian Formation for an appointment. He stood on a certain peak of Wanshen Mountain and watched the figure gradually go away and blur, as if half of his heart had been dug out.

"Don't worry, everything is in time."

Jiufang Changming's voice resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, Yun Weisi only felt that the Lingtai was suddenly cleared, and a steady stream of power poured into his body, causing him to suddenly generate a huge force, violently flipping Lou Sheng away, and throwing him to the ground.

He gave himself all his cultivation?

Yun Weisi suddenly realized all the truth.

Although Jiufang Changming has broken through the realm and can freely come and go between the past and the future, he has already surpassed everyone in the world, but he can't intervene in sudden changes, so Jiufang Changming chose to transfer his cultivation to Yun Weisi to save him Life also allows him to withstand all upcoming storms in advance.

With his cultivation base and his own experience and knowledge, Yun Weisi no longer needs Jiufang Changming.

Nine Fang Changming will disappear completely.

What Luomei wanted all his life was to break through the void and ascend to immortality, but he had participated in it all his life and managed it all his life, but he still couldn't break through it. Such details, changing those details, will also create countless futures. His original parents and the old days can never go back. Breaking out of reincarnation and mastering the mysteries of heaven, but that would not be his former parents.

He wanted to change the past, so Jiufang Changming fulfilled him, with his own cultivation, with the realm he had just broken through, and with the possibility of eternal life, to fulfill him and help him turn the world around, turn the sun and the moon upside down, deceive the way of heaven, and make him happy. He started all over again.

At the land of Wanlian Buddha, Sun Buku obtained the real body of the Buddha, and what he realized was the way that I am the Buddha.

And Jiufang Changming, from having no self to having me, and then to the fact that I am him, the realm is obviously a hundred times higher than Sun Buku.

However, such a demigod is willing to give up everything for Yun Weisi.

He doesn't want to change anymore.

He is willing to accept all established facts.

In his life, although he was carefree as a teenager, at the moment his parents died, all the heartlessness in the past turned into whipping and condemnation of himself. In the few years of Jade Emperor Temple, only in front of Jiufang Changming, there was a moment of joy, even if it took decades to be tortured in Jiuchongyuan, and lived like a walking corpse for fifty years, waiting for a The hope of never knowing life and death, in exchange for those trivial joys, he is willing to accept it!

Yun Weisi slowly opened his eyes.

What he saw was neither Lou Sheng nor Zhou Shiqi, but Jiufang Changming.

Jiufang Changming, who was a little pale, sat cross-legged beside him, leaning against the bed, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was in a deep sleep.

Without even thinking about it, Yun Wei rubbed him into his arms, lowered his head and covered his cold and trembling lips.

There is no lust, only cherishment, and careful confirmation for fear of illusion.

He waited for a long, long time, from forbearance to suspicion, from outburst to forbearance again, the sea of ​​clouds hidden in his body, which is exaggerated and exaggerated, is the embodiment of his pain for so many years, but now Yun Weisi understands enough, his teacher My lord, although my heart is concerned with the mysteries of the way of heaven, it is absolutely impossible to treat anyone except Yun Weisi with such dedication in this life.

Just as Jiufang Changming is a unique and precious existence in heaven and earth to him, Yun Weisi is also undoubtedly special to Jiufang Changming.

