
Chapter 62: Pian Ran Jing Hong, feet do not touch th

Feng Suhuai was startled, and subconsciously raised her hand to block her temple. The next moment, she felt a sharp pain in her palm!

She took advantage of the situation to avoid it sideways, and stared squarely at her opponent.

a man.

She doesn't show her age, and she can't tell how old she is at a glance. It may be in her twenties, or her thirties, or even a hundred years old.

Cultivators are like this, they can't tell their real age until the time when Shouyuan is about to cross the robbery.

But even among the handsome monks, this man can be considered outstanding.

Mingming and Qing are like immortals, but there are years in the eyes. These years are reflected everywhere in the eyes, and they will disperse into stars in an instant, adding to their charm.

Feng Suhuai's attention is not on the other person's appearance, but a person's cultivation experience can be seen from his gestures, gestures, frowns and smiles.

In just a blink of an eye, Feng Suhuai fought back, and the opponent took it with ease.

At that moment, Feng Su's heart sank, she felt that the opponent was a stubborn one, and she might not be easy to deal with.

The heart moves at will, the qin is in his arms, Feng Suhuai does not stop for a moment, and starts to play the qin.

She was talking about "The Wind in the Pine and the Bright Moon".

This is a piece that celebrities like to play nowadays. It is not complicated, but the artistic conception is lofty, and it can best reflect the heart of dust.

The bright moon shines among the pines, the clear spring stones flow upwards, and the stones are played while resting on the pillow, and the cranes listen.

But the originally light and elegant piece became impassioned in Feng Suhuai's hands.

A golden and iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger!

This is not like playing the piano under the moon, but rather like riding a horse in armor and preparing to fight for three hundred rounds.

She contained spiritual power in the music, and expressed it through the strings, like a metal stone falling to the ground, with a clanging sound, turning from an invisible sound into a tangible blade, slashing at the opponent in all directions!

The sound of the big voice is like a broken bamboo!

Feng Suhuai never goes down the mountain easily.

As the name suggests, Zhuhai Lingyin is a sect that is almost reclusive. At the same time, this sect is also very famous, because a hundred years ago, Zhuhai Lingyin had a strange woman, that is Feng Suhuai's master.

Feng Suhuai's master had only two disciples, namely Feng Suhuai and her senior brother Lu Zhiyuan.

Senior brothers and sisters are not Taoist couples, but their relationship is like biological brothers and sisters. Later, Lu Zhiyuan traveled far away and settled in Qingbei Mountain. Ask her to come out of the mountain to help, **** the envoy of You country to Luo country, and explain clearly the things that may need to be done. Feng Suhuai does not want to get involved with worldly fame and fortune, but she can't refuse her brother's request.

Until now, when fighting this mysterious man, Feng Suhuai suddenly felt a little regretful.

He regretted that he agreed to his senior brother's request too easily. If she died, Zhuhai Lingyin would probably have no successors from now on.

As soon as this idea came up, she knew she had lost.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

If you have no fighting spirit, then victory or defeat is only an instant away!

Feng Suhuai flew out.

The banjo in his hand came out and broke into several pieces in mid-air.

She knocked over a table and fell to the ground, without her previous fairy demeanor.

On the other hand, Changming is graceful and startled, and his feet are not dusty.

Everyone was stunned by this hand.

Only Song Nanyan became excited, and shouted out in fear that others would not know.

"Master, you old man is here!"


Chang Ming glanced at him, but said nothing.

Xie Chunxi and Yue Chengbo made moves, and naturally stopped in front of the Queen Mother, blocking Lu Zhiyuan.

With the strength of the two of them, it is not difficult to subdue Lu Zhiyuan.

What's more, Ku He who arrived later also subdued all the monks brought by King Hui.

King Hui did not expect that Chang Ming and Ku He would appear in time, completely turning the situation around.

Originally, he was not prepared to act so hastily. If the queen mother is well prepared today and has the upper hand, he will stand still. If something happens to the queen mother, he might as well take advantage of it. fisherman.

At present, the situation is very good, just as the secret news from Zhaoyue Kingdom said, the emperor and the queen mother really have problems.

Not only did the mother and son have problems, but even Ku He, who was supposed to be by their side and was the most powerful behind them, disappeared.

God help him too.

King Hui no longer hesitated, and directly cooperated with the envoys of You Kingdom to show his cards.

But who would have thought that Ku He came back in time, and there was another more difficult person.

The people of Zhaoyue Kingdom clearly promised that these two people would be trapped in the Babao Langhuan Pagoda, and even if they escaped by chance, it would be three days and three nights later.

Three days and three nights, when the dust settles, is enough to accomplish many great things.

King Hui couldn't help but glared at Zhao Yue's envoy, furious.

The Queen Mother looked excitedly and hopefully at Chang Ming and Ku He.

Ku He seemed to know what she wanted to ask, and shook his head slightly.

The queen mother's heart suddenly became cold.

What Ku He meant was that they did not find the living soul of the emperor.

If there is no Eight Treasures Langhuan Pagoda, where can I find the emperor?

Could it be that her son was like this, turning into a fool for no apparent reason?

The envoy of You Country forced himself to be calm, trying to save the situation.

"Skills are not as good as people's. We have nothing to say. It's just a good state banquet. If His Majesty takes care of everything, it's fine if he doesn't attend. Why did you change a paper man to fool us? I really think that You Chao and Zhaoyue are weak Bullying?!"

Song Nanyan sneered: "Just now you did not succeed in hurting others, but I have not yet settled the account, and your envoy started to act first? I would like to ask why Lord Feng Yin attacked the Queen Mother. Is it possible to think about it?" Save our empress dowager? Also, your court and Hui Wang sang together, and Hui Wang obviously came prepared, did the two of you know that there would be such a change today?!"

King Hui immediately dismissed himself. "I brought troops into the palace because I was afraid that Youchao and Zhaoyue would be unfavorable to His Majesty. Just in case, something happened suddenly, and His Majesty suddenly turned into a piece of paper. Anyone would find it strange. I asked the Queen Mother out of public interest. , and Prime Minister Song please speak carefully!"

They were still arguing, but Chang Ming ignored him and went straight to Feng Suhuai.

Feng Suhuai is also looking at him.

"Thank you, Brother Dao, for your mercy, I'm in Xiazhuhai Lingyin Fengsuhuai."

She suffered internal injuries and her spiritual power meridians were damaged, but the other party did not kill her, she only thought that Chang Ming did it on purpose, but in fact Chang Ming was also at the end of his strength and wasted too much in the Luanghuan Pagoda. Although his cultivation was advanced, his body was still damaged , Every shot means more energy is consumed, and powerful spiritual power will intensify physical consumption.

Feng Suhuai thought that the other party was a gentleman, so it was a beautiful misunderstanding.

Chang Ming stopped.

"Zhuhai Lingyin? I know your master, Ning Wuwu, he is a very interesting person."

It is really interesting to be able to be commented by Chang Ming that it is very interesting.

Feng Suhuai's eyes darkened: "I have fallen into the prestige of my predecessor."

Chang Ming was not polite, and said indifferently: "Your talent is very promising, and now you have to enter the world of mortals without permission, and it will take another ten years to waste your time."

Feng Suhuai didn't doubt that the other party was an old friend of the master, and respectfully said: "Thank you for the lesson, senior. After the junior goes back, he will definitely not be able to retreat and never pay attention to the worldly affairs. Since the senior is an old teacher and old friend, will the junior be lucky enough to have a good time?" Do you know your first and last name?"

Chang Ming walked towards Princess Zhaoyue who was not far away, and lightly dropped a word.

"Your master stole my dog ​​and was hunted down by me for three days and three nights. She walked so fast that she only survived. Remember, my name is Jiufang Changming."

Feng Suhuai: ...

If she knew it was such a source, she still didn't ask.