Eternal Country

v2 Chapter 1507: Meteor like rain

The large bed crossbow carried from Dayi was installed on the city wall for the first time, and various war materials were continuously placed in the most suitable areas for handling. All the crossbows brought this time were rebuilt from yin and yang steel. They are more than several times stronger than the original, and even more powerful than the crossbow crossbow. It is an enlarged version of the cricket crossbow.

All the bed crossbow has been installed with crossbow arrows, one huge crossbow, shining with cold mans, seems to carry the cold breath of death, and will bring death messages at any time.

A large number of generals settled down in the first time, completely treating the entire White Crow City as a giant military camp.

Baicun City is flying in the sky, moving, and under the city, the huge white bone crow carries the ancient city on its back. Naturally, although the speed of the movement is not fast, it is not slow. Standing on the city wall, you can enjoy it naturally. To various scenery along the way. Even saw battle cities standing on the battlefield.

"Every major force has begun to settle in various battle cities. This time, the number of tens of thousands of people entering the battlefield is much more than the first time."

Yi Tianxing and Zhuge Liang stood on the wall together, Zhuge Liang waving the fan, said slowly.

White Crow City is suspended in mid-air, and a layer of dark clouds condenses around it. When viewed from below, only a large cloud can be seen. Others are difficult to see. Unless it has special abilities, it is difficult to detect easily. To the presence of White Crow.

From above, however, the situation on the battlefield below can be clearly seen.

It can be seen that battle cities have been occupied by various ethnic groups. Stay in it, and start to defend the first time. Of course, there are many battle cities, where many races are stationed together. This time, there is no scene of fighting and killing each other. Even if there are, it is a minority. Countable, because, this time, everyone knows that the biggest enemy facing is still the world of night.

In the face of threats from outside invaders and alien demons, the original internal grievances can be completely set aside and ignored for the time being. Even, in the following, the original enemy will become interdependent on the battlefield. Comrade. Just that. All races are extremely restrained.

Even if several races enter a battle city together, they will negotiate with each other for the first time, how to defend together and resist the demon.

It can be seen that the Goblin and the Goblin gathered together, and the vampire was in the same city as the Angel tribe. There are still many strong men of all races who do not have power, but their own strength is strong, so they have participated in the battlefield of gods and demons, and they want to fight and fight with Yong Ye on the battlefield. In this regard, we can see that in front of foreign enemies, the strong in the eternal world has never flinched and feared.

Right and wrong before. No one is holding back.

The death of a war on the battlefield of gods and demons, even if it is dead, is a kind of glory, the most glorious moment for each participant. There is no moment that can be compared to that moment.

"This also means that the strength of our eternal world is increasing day by day. I believe that as long as we wait for hundreds, thousands of years, our eternal strength will be several times, dozens, or even hundreds of times stronger than now. more than."

Yi Tianxing nodded and said.

"So, Emperor, this time the battlefield of gods and demons will open, I am afraid it will be very tragic. We are very clear that as long as the eternal world is given enough time to develop, we can continue to produce a large number of powerful people. Nearly stable, the strong will spring up like mushrooms. At that time, my eternity will become more and more stable and stronger, and if Yongye wants to invade eternity, we must carefully consider what will happen if we invade. What a tragic consequence. "

There was a dignified color on Zhuge Liang's face.

This is the first formal battle between Yongye Eternity. This is undoubtedly the weakest moment in the eternal world. Perhaps Ye Ye also has a trance, but it still occupies a dominant position, always in their offensive and defensive positions.

Once eternally defeated this time, that night will truly invade the entire battlefield of Gods and Demons, occupy the battlefield first, completely stabilize the entrance of the two realms, and will continuously impact the battlefield, or even directly occupy the eternal world, and launch an impact on eternity. This is like a base on the battlefield, like a bridgehead. The importance can be imagined.

A world that knows that it will continue to grow stronger. No enemy will be willing to see them grow stronger quickly, let alone an eternal world. This world, in the last era, and even the last era, has been fighting and fighting with Yong Ye, entangled for several times, until now, it has never been captured by Yong Ye and completely occupied. This already illustrates some issues.

Yong Ye's losses in the eternal world are not small. Then it is even more urgent for them to occupy the eternal heart, and even, it is bound to be obtained, the purpose is not achieved, and they will never give up.

Understand the powerful potential of eternity, once there is an opportunity, it will inevitably find ways to stifle in the cradle.

After the First World War, they had the most advantageous advantages.

Therefore, the intensity of the war will be quite intense and terrible.

This battle is bound to be difficult. It is tragic.

"The battlefield is too quiet. This should be the tranquility before the storm. This kind of tranquility will probably be broken if it doesn't last long."

Yi Tianxing sighed.

Although bones can be seen everywhere on the battlefield, it seems very desolate. In fact, compared with the real war, all races entering the battlefield hope that this tranquility can last longer.

In major battle cities, you can also see that the human race is infested, and some are immortal disciples, gathered in groups. The number of these disciples is not large in each of them. Naturally, it cannot be compared with the number of troops. Obviously, cultivation is stronger than most human races. This is obvious. After all, the cultivation of Xianmen is often different from the self-growth in the world.

In the eternal world, the powers of various ethnic groups have known for many years that the power of a power is often not the power of itself. Many forces naturally let go of the control of cultivation. Of course, instead of opening it to ordinary people, they opened it in the army. For the people, they only hold a disapproval and no objection. If you have the ability to get the Dharma, then you can cultivate by yourself. What step you can take depends on your own fortune.

Because it is impossible for them to have such huge resources to provide training to the people of the world, and it is very difficult to support the training in the army. Furthermore, if we support the cultivation of ordinary people, it is obviously beyond the scope of their abilities, and even many people will feel a faint apprehension.

Of course, the army that can bring the battlefield of gods and demons is naturally cultivated.

If there is no repair, it is to die, not even cannon fodder.

For many forces, the number of troops they can bring out is not too much. Moreover, the lieutenant generals are not very high. As in Dayi, they have deployed more than 10 million soldiers. It's almost impossible to reach the life map.

No one knows how big the battlefield is.

It is also difficult to calculate how many battle cities you have.

The number of strong fighters of various ethnicities entering the battlefield this time is countless.

Densely dense, it has long been inestimable.


Time is quietly passing. Unconsciously, it is already night time from the daytime to the arrival and then to the present tense. The tranquility of the day did not let the many soldiers entering the battlefield feel relaxed, but became more vigilant. After all, no one knows when the night demon will come, and once it comes, it will be thunderous.

"The night sky here is a bit cold."

In Baichou City, in the back garden, Yi Tianxing is accompanied to invite Yueyue to eat spiritual fruit and taste food together. Look up at the void.

In the void on the battlefield, all you can see is the cold moonlight, and the others cannot even see the stars.

"If you see the stars on the battlefield of gods and demons, that's not a good thing."

Yi Tianxing smiled indifferently.

"Fu Jun, look, meteor shower."

Just then, Zhu Qing pointed to the void and whispered softly.

Swipe! !!

Suddenly, in the night sky, a hidden space-time tunnel appeared, and no meteor appeared. These meteors come together like a mighty meteor shower. In the night sky, it becomes extremely dazzling. Before the sweep of the cold, the meteors flickered and the stars were bright.

However, it is strange that these meteors did not fall from the sky, but hovered continuously in the night sky. It seemed irregular. Let the void intertwine a mysterious picture. Like the brightest scenery.

"Meteor shower, the army of Yong Ye is finally coming." Yi Tianxing's face showed a dignified color.

I saw a meteor shower on the battlefield that year, but that meteor shower brought an endless army of eternal night like the ocean. Moreover, the meteors at that time fell directly into the earth and turned into cross-border star gates. Open the two circles channel.

This meteor is not a good sign ~ ~ Yueyue, you guys rest here first, I will take a look at the wall. This time, I am afraid that there may be war at any time. "

Yi Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"Fu Jun, we're going with you. This time when we came to the battlefield, we didn't intend to stand by and really want to start a war. We can also do our best. Don't forget, we are not weak women."

Aunt Gongsun said without hesitation.

"Yes, these sisters are now promoted to Yuan Shenjing. They are not weak on the battlefield."

The Queen of the Snake also nodded.

"Yeah, we are not weak now. On the battlefield, we can also help the husband."

Nie Xiaoqian also said.

If they come to the battlefield and do not participate in the war, then they will not have to come.