Eternal Country

v2 Chapter 2128: Never Wishing

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He did not reach the Hundred Yuan Realm, and he was not a true saint. Even if he forcibly evolved the Altar of the Heavenly Emperor with his avatar and cooperated with the seal, the ultimate goal was still aimed at the Dark Moon Demon Lord. Any change will trigger the seal ban to prevent it from going out of the abyss, and if other ordinary monsters are to come out, the seal will not be touched. It can be said that once there are a large number of monsters in the abyss, it is destined that the entire dark realm will still not be peaceful. It needs to face the invasion of monsters, and stationing the army is not only in case, but also imperative.

Before the Dark Moon Demon Lord is completely resolved, it must be prepared for a long time to contend with the monster.

The dark realm has been brought under the control of Dayi, so there is absolutely no reason to give in. War, sometimes, is not necessarily a way to become stronger. The army of Dayi needs the baptism of blood and fire even more. Here, it is destined to become a battlefield and a place where Dayi trains troops.

The war with the evil spirits of the night has never stopped.

In the underworld, Da Yi guards a devil's cave.

The emperor sat in his own hands, and the major legions of the Dayi all took turns to go through enough wars.

To be sure, the Dark Moon Demon Lord will definitely not watch Da Yi feel better, and will definitely set off a counterattack.

"The Dark Realm is at hand. This time, it is considered to have a relationship with the hundreds of forbidden areas in the field. They will eventually owe you and owe Dayi a relationship. According to this palace, this one If the friendship is well maintained, it will be an extremely important help in the future. Today’s fairy banquet can send them an invitation. I believe they will not refuse."

The Queen Mother said after a little deep contemplation.

"Well, it's time to send them invitations."

Yi Tianxing nodded his head and nodded his head. The fairy feast was in Dayi. That became a practice. For many forces and even the strong outside of Dayi, it was already heard. However, the Xianzhen Banquet is very rare for monks other than Dayi. Only a few can participate. Every time, before Xianzhen Banquet, some invitations will be released.

These invitations are anonymous.

There are a total of three thousand copies, which are spread. No matter who it is, as long as the invitation is presented at the Xianzhen Banquet, you can enter the banquet and participate in the supreme feast of the Xianzhen Banquet. Every year, these three thousand invitations are the goals that countless monks and strongmen are fighting for.

You should know that in every Xianzhen feast, there are all kinds of Xianzhen Lingguo that cannot be found outside. For many monks, it is quite attractive, and Da Yi's cuisine is also famous. Not only is it delicious, it has a lot of benefits to eat, it improves cultivation, strengthens the body, and refines the flesh. The most important thing is that this is a gathering of high-level officials of Dayi.

When these senior executives communicated, any sentence may contain various important messages. Joining them and having a little friendship can have huge benefits. Today's Da Yi Shengting, in the eyes of surrounding monks, is not of ordinary importance.

When faced with it, he was born with a head down. I don’t know how envious I am. As long as I have the opportunity, who doesn’t want to join Dayi, become a people of Dayi, and enjoy the enviable treatment.

The most important thing is that Dayi has a great future.

It is still a holy court, and news has spread that Dayi already has the most important conditions for promotion to Xianting. Once promoted to Xian Ting, how many monks wouldn't be able to do it.

Therefore, the preciousness of the invitation, for many outside monks, that is not a general meaning.

"According to the view of this palace, it is better to take this precious fairy peach and other precious fairy peach as this fairy peach feast. As a fairy peach event, the masters of all the forbidden areas can feel a sense of importance. Out of the details of my Da Yi. Even, Xiantao grand event can be held regularly. Promote my name of Da Yi. To recruit more talents."

Cai Yan also suggested.

There was an Xiantao grand meeting that year, but that grand occasion, but unprecedented, who accepted the invitation, it was all top-level powerful players. Xianzhen Lingguo of that level, naturally, is only eligible for enjoyment by the powerful of the powerful level. Since we are going to send invitations to hundreds of forbidden zone owners, there is no doubt that the level should be higher and the level should be improved. The Xianzhen Banquet is a bit inadequate. Only top-level banquets like the Xiantao Festival can show the details of Dayi and pay attention to them.

"Well, Xianzhen Banquet and Xiantao Grand Event can be held together. One inside and one outside can also make Dayi lively."

The Western Queen also agreed.

Why the heaven of the last epoch could be well-known and deeply rooted in people's hearts. Among them, the flat peach event held by the heavenly court is an important reason. Speaking of the flat peach event, who can not think of the heavenly court, who can not know, the powerful background of the heavenly court For this reason, how many talents have been recruited.

Dayi has a variety of top-level spirit roots, fully qualified and capable to create top-level events like the Flat Peach Festival. At that time, the intangible benefits brought were endless.

"This is possible. Since that is the case, today the Xianzhen Banquet will be held together with the Xiantao Festival. For the invitation, Zhaoji and Yaochi will discuss it with you and send it out at another date." Yi Tianxing nodded and nodded, finally determined. .

Hundreds of powerful people in the dark realm are absolutely necessary.

As long as there is a part of getting close to it, the intangible benefits that it brings are not imaginable by ordinary people, especially in the face of the battle of the slaughter of the sky, and the face of the nine heavens and the eyes of the tiger, this is consolidating its own foundation.

"Then what the husband will do next."

Cai Yan asked.

"Continue to rest and recuperate. Things in the dark realm are not over. Although they are easily occupied by us, they are only a flying leader. There are no iron-blooded Great Walls around the realm. Once the surroundings are changed, the enemy can directly drive in. Connected, only the domain gate, in the abyss, the Dark Moon Demon Lord, will not be willing to dormancy. It will inevitably stir up the situation and make trouble, there is a land of four wars. We can easily use this to support the war. It is not suitable for any longer. Continue to expand and fly to lead. After all, it is not a long-term strategy. If you have a chance, you should completely include the dark realm within the scope of the Dayi territory. The key is to deal with the battle of the Tu Tian."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

This matter in the dark realm was an accident in itself. If something had happened, I had no intention of starting the dark realm, but if I had already done so, I would not regret it. Flying collars have disadvantages and benefits. As long as the domain gate does not go wrong, everything is trivial.


Dark realm.

Inside the Abyss Maze.

The Dark Moon Lord sat gloomy on the throne.

Looking inside the hall, the original Hydra leader, black and white, has long disappeared. What remains is only the heirs that he has developed over the years, such as the Dark City Lord, no fewer than dozens. Each one is not inferior to the Lord of the Dark City, and some are slightly worse. But it is also a top powerhouse.

What he left behind is definitely not weak.

"Demon Lord, what should we do now, the group of Hydra, is a group of mice, as soon as they see that the wind is not right, they immediately escape, which is really disgusting."

The Dark City Lord asked.

"This abyss has been sealed, and Yi Tianxing is really not simple. The mainstream way in the era of the eternal world, the method of the dynasty, is really nothing short of it, and there is no way to prove it. The method is really outrageous. Even if this level of seal is not a sage level, it has actually reached that level. The devil is reincarnated and rebuilt. After all, he did not fully restore the practice of the previous era."

"This time, I was crushed by Yi Tianxing's mythical treasure, the Dark Moon Demon Wheel, and the injury was even more serious. Now I can't help the seal. Even if I can break it, I will be bullied even if I go out now. Maybe he will be fooled again by a child named Yi."

The Darkmoon Lord took a deep breath and was very clear about the situation in front of him. He knew that he was the target that Yi Tianxing targeted. As long as he broke the seal, he would immediately be hit. He had come before, he already knew that it was not a deity at all, just a doppelganger.

However, a doppelganger could suppress him. If the deity came, what would happen.

Absolutely dare not imagine.

Moreover, before smashing the Dark Moon Demon Wheel, he had a very familiar feeling. The breath of the law was clearly the breath of Pangu in the previous era. That is the qi machine of the law of force, and that feeling, he will never forget it, enough to impress.

Only the law of power can be overbearing to crush his destiny.

Of course, there are also cracks that the Dark Moon Demon Wheel was crushed by Pangu that year, and the reasons for not being completely repaired are included.

If not, even if the Yimeng Operation Hongmeng Tiandi Pagoda, do not want to easily break the dark moon magic wheel.

Of course, UU reading is broken. There is nothing to say.

"It is better to break the seal and leave the dark realm directly to go to other realms. After all, there is room for it."

A strong man full of death said.

"Yes, we can completely open the passage from eternity to Yongye, and follow the passage to Yongye."

Said another strong man with an unknown breath.

Inside the hall, sounds continued to sound, and various suggestions were made. After all, there is a retreat.

"Okay, needless to say, this seal, the devil master already knows, only for the devil master. As long as I don’t go out, the seal will not be touched. If it does not reach a certain level, it will not touch, but those monsters, It is free to enter and exit. Dayi wants to occupy the dark realm. It is not so easy. What is the monster to be cleaned? How many such monsters are there. This demon is mainly Dayi.

Darkmoon Lord sneered.