Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 1008: Dominate the Six Powers of the Divine Re

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"The Divine Realm is the battlefield of the gods, the battle between the gods, the division of the heroes, the situation is turbulent, and the battle is endless all year round. Therefore, this kind of bone-filled battlefield is common in the divine realm." Zhu Liya immediately introduced to everyone.

"Is this hell-like battlefield common in the realm of God?" Everyone could not help but take a breath when they heard the words.

But after everyone inhaled the cool air, they found that the vitality inhaled in the abdomen was richer and purer than the vitality inhaled in the Tianwu continent.

"Is this the legendary fairy? It just feels like you just take a few sips, and your body is full of strength." Zhang Wei said with a little excitement. A year and a half ago, he would never even dream that he could have a chance. , Sucked a breath of the immortality of the **** domain.

"Why do I feel that my movements have slowed down after I got here? Do you also feel this way?" Shang Guan Xia Yan was moving his body and asked a little puzzled.

Everyone heard their words and moved their bodies one after another, and then they were astounded to find that there was a powerful force that was pulling their bodies down, making their actions slow.

Prince Nangong also sprinted and found that he was able to move at a speed of half a sound at ordinary times. At this time, he could only move at a speed of twenty meters per second, as if returning to his speed during the time of the warrior.

"Is it gravity?" Prince Nangong asked curiously.

Zhu Liya nodded and replied: "The mass of the Divine Land is one hundred times greater than that of the Tianwu continent, so the gravity is also one hundred times that of the Tianwu continent."

"So your movement speed here will be much slower than in Tianwu continent. People who can move at supersonic speed in Tianwu continent can only move at a speed of tens of meters per second."

"That's it, no wonder I'm here and I feel so heavy." Shangguan Xia Yan suddenly realized.

Lin Yun also tried to move his body and feel the gravity of the realm again.

Indeed, as Zhu Liya said, Lin Yun, who can move at supersonic speed in the Tianwu continent, can only move tens of seconds per second here, and the speed has decayed by a full ten times.

Even when the third form of the demon core crystal is turned on, it can only move at three times the speed of sound.

And in places like Divine Realm, there are still a lot of powers that can move at several times the speed of sound, even dozens of times the speed of sound, which is enough to kill Lin Yun in the third form of the demon core crystal.

After slightly adapting to the environment of the Divine Realm, Lin Yun would meditate in situ with his knees on the ground, so that the **** could recognize the current position.

The consciousness after the trick is not limited by physical laws, but just flew out of the realm of God in a matter of thoughts. From the perspective of God, Lin Yun determined the specific location of his current realm.

Divine Realm is a blue planet with 70% of its surface covered by the ocean. The main structure is composed of four oceans and two continents.

The four oceans are: the Promise Ocean, the Tongtian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Antarctic Ocean.

The two continents are: the Eastern continent dominated by the "Four Emperors" and the Western continent ruled by the "Sanctuary Alliance".

Regardless of whether the "Sanctuary Alliance" rules the western continent or the "Emperor" dominates the eastern continent, its area is several times larger than that of the Tianwu continent.

The "Sanctuary Alliance" rules the western continent and is divided into four major regions: the Western Sacred Region, the Southern Territory, the Kaiser Region, and the Chaos Region.

The area of ​​any of these areas is equivalent to the area of ​​a Tianwu continent.

The current location of Lin Yun and others is exactly a desert in the northern area of ​​Chaos Zone.

The area covered by this desert is larger than the entire area of ​​the Nanxia Kingdom, but it is as small as a drop in the ocean for the entire chaotic domain.

If the chaos area is regarded as a square made of countless slabs, then this desert, which is larger than the Nanxia Kingdom, is just a certain slab in this square.

After determining the current position, Lin Yun took out a note to contact Yasuo.

After receiving the news from Lin Yun, Yasuo was very excited and immediately said that he would come to pick up Lin Yun.

Lin Yun didn't let Yasuo come over because he was in trouble. Instead, he let Yasuo tell him where he was, and Lin Yun took everyone directly to find him.

Fortunately, Yasuo is also in the chaos area, and not far from Lin Yun's location, only a few thousand miles away. For the power of the Divine Realm, this is the distance scattered.

Although the speed was attenuated by a total of ten times after the crowd came to the realm of God, it took only one day to reach Yasuo's destination.

Yasuo has always been alone and has no power in the Divine Realm and does not run errands with his class, so the place to settle is very simple, just a dilapidated palace affected by the fire and abandoned by the owner.

Lin Yun didn't mind this at all. After he and Yasuo entered the palace, they led the people to discuss the matter with Yasuo.

"I want your information to inquire, how are you doing?" Lin Yun asked Yasuo.

However, Yasuo shook his head helplessly: "The assassination of the assassination society is doing a good job, and they will change the location of each mission. So I have not found the location of their headquarters, nor have they detected anything related to Lin Tianyang. I only know that they had a recent major operation, and I do n’t know what the operation was. "

Hearing Yasuo's answer, Lin Yun is no exception.

After all, even the headquarters of the assassination society, even Zhu Liya and Yang Zhaochan, did not know where they were.

Because each time they take the task, they are not in the assassination club headquarters, or even in the same place, but randomly distributed in each location of the chaos area.

How vast is the chaos area?

That is the vast area equivalent to the entire Tianwu continent. To find the assassination club headquarters in such a large area is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Not to mention let Yasuo come to find, even if you call the Nanhai Demon King, it will be difficult to find within a few months.

"So what is the current situation in the God Realm, you can probably tell me about it." Lin Yun has not been in the God Realm for a hundred years, so he is really not clear about the current situation in the God Realm.

Like that assassination meeting, it started to rise after his death. If it hadn't been for this life in the Tianwu continent, he really didn't know that there was an assassination in the realm of God.

"Okay." Yasuo nodded, then took out a map and placed it on the shabby table.

Yasuo pointed his finger at the map and began to introduce Lin Yun in detail: "The situation in God's Land has now become turbulent and has entered a brand-new era of division."

"In this new era of the division of men and women, the forces of various parties balance each other and form a delicate balance."

"And among the forces that maintain this balance, the status of the six parties is extremely important. They are known as the six forces that dominate the realm of the gods today."

"Oh? All six major forces, all said to listen." Lin Yun asked curiously.

Yasuo went on to say: "The six major forces are:" Four Emperors "," Five Deities "," Seven Demon Sects "," Skyfall Legion "," Holy Alliance "," Anti-Alliance Holy Religion ". "