Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 2256: End of regional match

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Wu Gu!

At the same time, Chen Lai was holding the hammer of the wind, which had ten times the gravity, and it had fallen from the sky. It was exactly Xia Houxuan's thin body.

Now, this scene doesn't look like Chen Lai is holding the hammer of the wind, but it is like the hammer of the wind is falling down with Chen Lai.

Everyone at the scene closed their eyes. After all, no one wanted to see such a beautiful woman, and turned into a pool of meat in an instant.

"Jiang Yun!" Xia Houyang just wanted to give in for Xia Hou Xuan, but Lin Yun stopped him. At this moment he was looking at Lin Yun anxiously.

Lin Yun's face did not change color, looking directly at everything that happened on the platform.

The next second, the hammer of the wind had fallen.


Accompanied by a horrifying loud noise, and a scream of utter screaming, a figure passed through the night instantly and fell directly under the ring.

At this moment, the entire Huantai was like an earthquake, but it was sunken downward. Endless smoke and dust were mixed with the powder, and it went up to the sky, covering the entire Huantai in an instant.

Everyone present was stunned, showing an incredible expression.

Because at this moment, they saw a figure lying on the edge of the platform, and that figure was not Xia Houxuan, but Chen Lai!

Today, Chen Lai, Qiqiao bleeds, the entire chest completely collapsed into it, and even some scenes, squeezed out from the wound in his abdomen, blood bleeds all over, and looks very embarrassed.

"How ... how is that possible!"

"What happened?"

"Why is Chen Lai hurt? That girl!"

The crowd looked at the platform with astonishment. At this moment, the smoke on the platform had dispersed, and a deep pit with a diameter of 50 meters and a depth of several meters appeared in the center of the platform.

In the deep pit, there was a weak, thin figure, his arms drooping, his face pale, and blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. Although he was trembling, he still gritted his teeth and did not let himself fall.

The examiner looked at the strong figure, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then smiled and announced: "The tenth main peak, the fourth round of the regional competition, the last three-person melee, Xia Houxuan won!"

Until the examiner announced the result, the whole scene was still silent.

Xia Houyang rushed to the ring, and Lao tears and hugged his daughter, only to discover that Xia Houxuan's arms were almost broken.

Xia Houxuan's consciousness at this moment was already very vague, and she was struggling to support it with only an obsession.

After Lin Yun stepped onto the ring, he said to her: "Xuaner, you are great."

After hearing this sentence from Lin Yun, Xia Houxuan closed her eyes with satisfaction and passed out.

At this moment, the whole scene was uproar and boiled.

"How it was done! Who told me how it was done!"

"One move can threaten the sixth-level Emperor Wu's killing. How was she stopped?"

"Not only was it blocked, how did Chen Lai get hurt? Who can tell me."

The disciples present did not see exactly what happened in the end.

At this time, Chen Meiming, who was sitting on the throne, held a scroll in his hand, which contained all the information of Xia Houxuan.

"Holy Martial Spirit, Kinetic Necklace ..." Seeing this, Chen Meiming also smiled and said with certainty: "A female generation can have such perseverance, it is not easy.

"A small alliance Wufu can have two disciples enter the top 100 at the same time. It seems that this year's general league conference will be very interesting."

Having said that, Chen Meiming couldn't help looking at Lin Yun, who seemed to feel her gaze and looked at her without fear.

In fact, the last hammer from Chen could definitely threaten the sixth-level emperor.

However, Xia Houxuan's Wuhun Kinetic Necklace, the stronger the impact force, the stronger the rebound impact will naturally be.

Although Lin Yun knew that even if Xia Houxuan blocked this move, he would be hit hard. He had thought of the best outcome, which was to lose both.

Lin Yun saw from the moment Chen Lai pasted the ten-time gravity symbol on the hammer of the wind, and Chen Lai had no way to grasp this power.

Because of this, the impact of the rebound of the kinetic energy necklace, Chen Lai could not bear it at all, coupled with his poor defense, it must be hit hard.

Under the influence of the impact force, Chen Lai will take the lead in falling off the ring and lose his combat power, all of which will first appear in the eyes of everyone.

Even if Xia Houxuan finally lay on the ring, but Chen Laixian lost her combat power, so Xia Houxuan won.

However, Lin Yun did not expect that even with a fractured arm and a serious injury, Xia Houxuan still stood on the ring, waiting for the moment to announce her victory.

At this moment, Qingyi also ran up. Although she congratulated Xia Houxuan and Lin Yun, she was still a bit lost.

After all, he is also a disciple of the Alliance Wufu. Now only he has not entered the top 100, and he needs to participate in the resurrection competition in order to have a chance.

Gradually, the sky was completely dim, and the regional race lasted for a whole day, and it was announced that it was over.

At this time, the deans of the formations also brought the disciples who came to the competition to take them to a hall in the formations.

At this moment, the hall is basically filled with people. In addition to the disciples of the formation, there are also the disciples of the Alliance Wufu, and the disciples who are participating in the battle almost today.

After seeing Lin Yun and his party, everyone turned their heads, and their eyes fell on Lin Yun and Xia Houxuan, whispering.

After all, the reality of Lin Yun and Xia Houxuan's watches today is too amazing.

A female streamer, a fifth-grade martial arts emperor, defeated the inner disciples of the lineup, and advanced into the promotion candidates.

And Lin Yun, even more horrified, took three seconds to defeat a core disciple of a seventh-level Wu Huang in the formation.

Lin Yun and his party did not bother the discussion of these people, but came to a room under the leadership of the deacon.

A dimple chair carved out of purple wood was placed in the room, and the deacon also introduced: "This is a nursery chair made of Ziheng wood, which can supplement the scent, as well as the body. You are here now. To restore status. "

"Thank you!" Xia Houyang thanked the deacon.

These chairs are also prepared by the Holy Alliance for this general league conference.

After all, after every event, almost all the participating disciples will be exhausted.

And these chairs can not only make these participating disciples regain their faintness, but also allow them to adjust their physical injuries, so that their strength can be restored to the best state and welcome the next game.