Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 2341: A violent meal! (For Maxima Plus)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Wu Gu!


A bite of blood spurted from Wei Shen's mouth, and his body was already up late.

Just in the blink of an eye, Wei Shen has already appeared above a thousand kilometers.

At the same time, Lin Yun's figure had come over his head and launched a severe offensive towards him.

Boom boom boom boom!

The bursts of sound burst, endless, like storms.

Either palm, fist, leg, or finger.

Between each move, an unparalleled horror energy erupted. Every punch, every palm, every attack of Lin Yun hit the body of Wei Shenmo accurately.

Everyone in the audience was stunned and staring at each other. They looked intently at the high altitude on the platform, looked at the residual image of Lin Yun, watched Wei Shenmo's body fly upside down, watched a lot of blood, since Wei Shenmo's body shot out.

At this moment, their three views are destroyed!

An awakened "Hellfire", "Hell Chain", possessing the god-level martial spirit "Soul Whip", the **** tribe's arrogant son, was treated like this at this moment!

The moment they saw "Hellfire", they thought that Lin Yun had already lost, and might even have died at the hands of Wei Shenmo.

What they didn't expect was that things would look like this.

"This ... is this true? Who slaps me and tells me it's not true!"

"Too ridiculous, is this really a fourth-grade late emperor? Why didn't Hellfire hurt him at all? "

"Absolutely hell!"

Everyone was shocked to the point of incoherence. On the Eastern throne, Wei Yan's face was green and white, his fists clenched.

Every punch of Lin Yun seemed to hit his face.

Chen Meiming's face was also very ugly. She vowed in the last second that this "hell fire" would kill Lin Yun, and the next second, Lin Yun hit her face severely with actual actions.

Finally, at a certain moment, everyone could clearly see the figures of Wei Shenmo and Lin Yun in the midair of that platform.

At this time, Lin Yun did not hesitate, exhausted all his strength, and punched directly in Wei Shenmo's chest.


Suddenly, Wei Shenmo, like a meteor falling, landed at a very high speed from a height of 100 meters and hit the floor of the platform severely.

Accompanying by a terrifying violent sound, the whole ringing platform suddenly shook violently.

The floor collapsed and turned into a large amount of smoke and dust, soaring up the sky and covering the sky.

The audience was silent. After a while, when the smoke and dust disappeared, everyone saw that there was a deep pit in the center of the platform that was 10 meters deep and nearly 100 meters wide.

In the deep pit, Wei Shen finally fell inside, and Lin Yunzheng stepped on his chest, standing high, looking down at him like a king.

One second!

Everyone in the gladiatorial are just stagnation for a second, and then, like a drop of water into the oil pan, the whole scene boiled completely.

"Hell! Hell! Why is this the case?"

"It's terrific, this kind of disciple disciple, the **** tribe's arrogant son, was actually trampled by Jiang Yun."

"Look, the" **** fire "on Lin Yun's body hasn't gone out yet. It seems to him that there is no harm at all. "

In the voice of everyone's discussion, Lin Yun asked in a light tone: "Don't you admit defeat?"

In fact, just now he had a hundred ways to kill Wei Shenmo easily.

However, he knows that this is only a game. If he kills Wei Shenmo, it will definitely cause the anger of the senior members of the Sanctuary Alliance.

He came here only for the championship, not for killing.

"Dare to treat me this way, I'm going to kill you!" Wei Shenmo's eyes flushed, and he yelled at Lin Yun.

He worked hard for ten years for the championship of the General League Conference!

"Hellfire" and "Hell Chain" are the killing tricks that he only got in the past 10 days and nights.

He didn't believe that he would pass on his disciples to the **** family, and the proud son of the **** family would be defeated by a disciple of the Alliance Wufu.

With Wei Shenmo's voice, the "hell fire" on his body erupted instantly, turning into an endless flame, and it shot out from every pore in his body in an instant.

Seeing this, Lin Yun didn't hesitate, and hurriedly pulled back 100 meters.

In just one tenth of a second, these black flames formed a hollow flame enchantment, enveloping the entire person at the end of Wei Shen.

Hellfire enchantment!

This is what the **** family claims to be the most powerful defense move!

After seeing this scene, Lin Yun did not dare to approach Wei Shenmo easily.

These "hell fires", which are known as 'never extinguished', do not seem to have any impact on Lin Yun, but if they are contaminated on his head, they will still bring a lot of trouble.

"Even the hellfire enchantment, such terrible defensive moves can be performed. Wei Shenmo is indeed a genius of the **** family."

"That's right! Jiang Yun was just contaminated with fists by hellfire. If these hellfires contaminated his head, I'm afraid Jiang Yun would have trouble coping."

"In this way, Jiang Yun can no longer attack Wei Shenmo any closer, and the situation will be reversed!"

Seeing the retreating Lin Yun, Wei Shen laughed recklessly at the end and said proudly, "Why, aren't you terrific? Now come and attack me again and try! As long as you get close to my body, you will definitely be me Hellfire devours. "

"Jiang Yun, you will never be able to defeat me. My Wei Shen end is the first genius of Sanctuary Alliance!"

"Really?" Lin Yun raised a brow, raised his right hand to the sky, the light flashed, a lot of immortality condensed in his palm, and a blue translucent energy sphere was formed in a blink of an eye.

This energy sphere, under the control of Lin Yun, is constantly shrinking to become smaller, and soon shrinks to a level invisible to the naked eye.

At the same time, there was a stir in the entire gladiatorial arena.

"This could be ... this could be ..."

"My God! Jade nuclear bomb! Absolutely a jade nuclear bomb. This is the" Jade nuclear bomb "that can only be used by Wu Sheng. "

"Even with such geniuses as the sword, he can't comprehend the jade nuclear bomb in the realm of Wuhuang. This Jiang Yun can use jade nuclear bombs. He is just a fourth-level Wuhuang!"

It is said that these audiences, even Ren Renxing, together with everyone on the throne of the East, showed a shocked expression.

An Emperor Wu of the fourth grade was able to use the "Jade Nuclear Bomb", which was an unprecedented event.