Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 2878: Chaos

"You..." The face of the sixth elder Kamela changed drastically, and he turned to escape, because he knew that he was not Lin Yun's opponent now, and there was only a dead end to stay here. He had to report this news to Kamela. Holy Lord, there is such a powerful enemy.

The corner of Lin Yun's mouth raised, revealing a sneer, and then he waved the Nether Sacred Sword in his hand.

World Destroying Sword Art-fifth style!

A sword drew out, and in an instant, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked. Everyone did not see any sword energy, but a crack was cut on the ground, reaching a depth of one kilometer.

The Camelian soldiers and strange beasts along the way, without exception, were all divided into two halves.

In the end, this nano sword aura fell on the sixth elder Kamela, almost separating his body.

This is not because the power of Jian Qi is not enough, but Lin Yun deliberately left his hands.

Because he was worried that after killing the six elders of Kamela, the corpse would be directly turned into metal just like the previous killing of the quasi-holy master of Kamela.

He also needs to find the source of Camella in the memory of the six elders.

The six elders of Kamela endured the pain and still wanted to escape. The situation on the battlefield is still not optimistic. Lin Yun did not hesitate. With a wave of his right hand, the four hurricanes were released instantly, binding the card. The limbs of the sixth elders of Melah are the "wind prisoners."

Everything next became very simple, with Lin Yun's joining, it was like a **** descending from the sky.

This group of Kamela soldiers and strange beasts can show off in front of the assembled soldiers and become a violent. However, in front of Lin Yun, they could only become victims.


The assembled army is full of morale, and under the leadership of Lin Yun, it is even more advanced.

They seized the enemy's weapon, seized the enemy's armor, pierced and pulled out, all in one go.

The huge Camelian army was eventually eaten up by the assembled army bit by bit, until the last strange beast was killed, the blood had already stained the entire valley.

The soldiers were cheering, tears filled their eyes, and their entire bodies were shaking with excitement. It seemed that this first battle had already wiped out Camella.

Today, the desert within a radius of ten miles is full of corpses, countless, of which some belong to Camelah and some belong to humans.

But on the whole, this is the first battle between the assembled army and Camella. They won a huge victory without any doubt.

It seems that even God has been infected by this battle that is enough to go down in history, and the sun is not so vicious.

After a long time, some people in the crowd dropped their weapons and hid their faces and wept, and then more people, whether they were men or women, old or young, started crying loudly.

This is not because of sadness, but the emotions they have suppressed for five thousand years, and finally they can burst out.

Five thousand!

This is the first time in five thousand years that mankind has defeated Camella.

Lin Yun walked to the front of the Sixth Elder Kamela and looked at his horrified expression.

The Sixth Elder Camelah did not expect that this group of slaves really succeeded in resisting, and he felt an inexplicable threat, and all this came from the young man in front of him.

"Who are you!" Camel Six Elder roared, his voice mixed with deep fear.

Lin Yun hadn't answered yet, someone among the soldiers answered instead of Lin Yun.

"Moon God!"

One person calls, a hundred people respond, and a million people respond!

The three words "Moon God" almost resounded through the entire Camelah world.

Lin Yun was a little bit dumbfounded, but he hadn't had such a passionate time for a long time. He accepted his identity frankly, looked at the sixth elder Kamela coldly, and said, "I am the Moon God."

"Moon God...Impossible..." The six elders of Camelah didn’t know Camel’s history, but he knew that these slaves believed in the Moon God, and they believed in the Sun God and Ka Mela Lord.

Lin Yun ignored him, put his hand directly on his head, and then injected divine consciousness into it.

In a short while, the memories of the six elders of Camelia appeared one after another in Lin Yun's mind like walking a horse.

Lin Yun saw how they have treated humans over the years, using four words to describe it-cruel and inhumane.

And he also saw the appearance of the Holy Lord Kamela in his memory, but he looked like a human being. This surprised Lin Yun a little. He thought that the Holy Lord Kamela would be a monster, but he did not expect it to be like this.

Afterwards, Lin Yun directly explored the depths of the memory of the sixth elder Kamela. Finally, five thousand years ago, he saw the sixth elder Kamela and a large number of Kamela soldiers crawling out of the cave. Come out, which also includes the Lord Kamela.

Next, will be the source of Camelah, where did this strange race come from?

Lin Yun was extremely curious, so with strong curiosity, he continued to look at the memories of the sixth elder Kamela.

The next thing surprised him.


The memory of the Sixth Elder Kamela before he crawled out of the cave was a chaos, and there was no memory at all.

No birth, no growth, the beginning of the memory of the six elders of Camelah is to crawl out of the cave.

What kind of strange race is this?

Before climbing out of the cave, there was no memory.

Since the sixth elder of Camella had lost its value, Lin Yun did not hesitate to execute him.


Suddenly, a powerful aura burst out of Lin Yun's body. Killing so many soldiers, Lin Yun's strength increased again, reaching the middle stage of a fourth-level martial sage.

This made Lin Yun a little surprised. The energy absorbed by killing these Kamela soldiers and alien beasts was converted into a higher proportion of cultivation than human beings!

You should know that when Lin Yun killed people in the Three Realms, the Demon God Core Crystal could only convert 5% of their energy into Lin Yun's own cultivation base after absorbing the energy of the dead.

It is equivalent to killing a first-level martial master, but only able to convert 5% of the Wu Zun's fairy qi cloud content into cultivation base.


The conversion rate of energy absorbed in Camelia is as high as 10%.

If Lin Yun is in the Three Realms, he needs to kill two martial arts to increase his realm, but in the world of Kamela, he only needs to kill one martial arts to increase his realm.

The first battle ended with a big victory of the assembled army. Everyone was extremely excited and thrilled.

But Lin Yun understood that this was only the beginning, and what they had to face in the end was an army of millions of Camillas, and only hoped that they could continue to weaken Camella's forces before then.