Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 3664: Unlucky underground king!

Chapter 3664 Unlucky Underground King!

Facing the "Slow Magic Light" of the Exterminator.

Everyone is helpless.

After all, this trick.

Instead, the "light element" was used.

The speed reaches the speed of light.

It's hard to guard against.

Even if it is "elementalization".

It is also difficult to avoid.

Unless the thunder element or the light element is used.

Move at the speed of light.

Only then was able to avoid it.


The "slow magic light" of the Demon Slayer is not the whole effect.

It only acts on Senluo Red Scorpion and Shenwuluo alone.

For a time.

The speed of Shenwu Luo and Sun Luo Red Scorpion slowed down.

This is for the anti-celestial alliance.

Not a good thing.

The reason why they were able to resist these half-step martial emperors.

In addition to the number of Wu Zun, far superior.

There is also part of the reason.

It is the assimilation physique of the elements from Shenwuluo.

Can resist most of the attacks of this group of half-step martial emperors.


Lei Yun Tianzun suddenly shot.

"Sink in the thunder!"

I saw Leiyun Tianzun's hands forming a seal.

His eyes turned into a terrifying thunder.

Next second!

Following his divine thoughts moved.

The god-level martial spirit "Thunder Cloud Prison" originally on top of his head.

An astonishing thunder energy burst out unexpectedly.

This is a thundercloud with a diameter of 10,000 meters.

Very scary.

Not only that!

Coupled with the suction of the Thunder itself.

There is also the power of heavenly attraction of god-level exercises.

For a time.

Numerous martial arts of the anti-celestial alliance.

All were swept into it by this thundercloud.

And that powerful thunder suction.

So that everyone can't get out of the thundercloud at all.

Only a few Wu Zun who was far away, and who could be elementalized, escaped this catastrophe.

"Lei Lao!"

Next moment!

Endless high voltage current.

Suddenly broke out from the thundercloud prison.

Dense thunder energy.

Unscrupulous bombardment on everyone's body.

It's just a moment!

Among the Wu Zun of the Anti-Sky Realm Alliance, many people were injured.

Body numbness.

It was scorched to black.

In the area around this thundercloud.

The ground was shattered.

In the thundercloud.

No one is spared.

Even Shen Wu Luo was affected by the slow magic light.

In a short time.

Can't escape from the thundercloud.

If Shen Wu Luo is not affected by the slow magic light. .

Relying on one's own physique.

Can greatly weaken the suction power of Thunder.

You can bring them all out of the thundercloud through the giant arm of Shenwu.


Sovereign Demon Slayer and Thunder Cloud Heavenly Venerable cooperate like this.

It means to all of them.

Lore here.

"Condensed enchantment!"

Raksha Ghost King hurriedly said.

Wu Zun present, one after another released immortal energy.

Condense the enchantment.

Used to resist the thunder energy coming from all directions.

"This is the spirit ability of Leiyun Tianzun!"

"He can directly envelop us with the Martial Spirit Thunder Cloud Prison, and continuously release high-voltage currents to us."

"We are trapped in the martial soul and cannot escape, and we have been subjected to continuous lightning attacks in the thundercloud prison."

Shenwu Luo explained.

Everyone looked horrified.

Moreover, everyone can see the outside world through thunderclouds.

The head of Guangming and the heavenly sovereign of the sky.

All are condensing moves.

By the time!

The moves of the three half-step Wudi came together.

I'm afraid they condensed the enchantment.

Can't resist it at all!

at the same time.

The whole sky changed.

Dark clouds are all over.

Within a radius of thousands of miles.

Has been covered by dark clouds.

Thunder and lightning.

The endless thunder energy above the nine heavens.

All gathered above this thundercloud.

After gathering the thunder energy above the nine heavens.

That piece of sky has already burst out with an astonishing light.

The whole heaven is illuminated extremely brightly.

When seeing this scene.

Shenwu Luo's face changed drastically.

Exclaimed: "Could it be "Heaven's Fury and God Punishment"? "

He is very familiar with this trick!

At the beginning, the Thunder Lord used this trick to severely injure him.

But why does Leiyun Tianzun actually perform "Heaven's Fury and Divine Punishment"?

Leiyun Tianzun in the distance heard the words.

Can not help showing a smile.

"Feng Wuhen called it "Heaven Wrath and God Punishment", and this seat called it-God's Scourge! "

There is no doubt that.

Both of these moves are the same.

Only the name is different.

Everyone's face changed drastically!

The ultimate moves of the three half-step martial emperors are about to come.

"How are you doing now?"

General Evil Tiger looked at Sun Jun with horror.

The current situation.

If three half-step Wudi's ultimate moves come together.

Not only the enchantment they condensed will be destroyed.

All Wu Zun present will die.


The ghost king of Rakshasa in the underworld calmly said: "First stop these thunders!"

Everyone looked at the ghost king of Rakshasa.

I don't know what method he will use to force these thunders falling from the sky to a stop.

Next second.

Raksha Ghost King released his god-level martial spirit.

It is a giant made up entirely of quicksand!

That is his god-level martial arts spirit-quicksand ghost general!

"Quicksand type!"

Accompanied by the voice of Raksha Ghost King.

The whole ground trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw a diameter of one hundred meters appeared on the ground.

The vortex of quicksand spinning.

Next moment!

The quicksand in this vortex rushed up into the sky.

Just like a giant cone, it shot directly towards that giant thundercloud.

Along the way.

This cone of quicksand was bombarded by thunder.


Its bottom.

The ground is constantly turning into quicksand.

It is constantly being patched.

It was just a blink of an eye.

This quicksand cone has already pierced into the thundercloud.

"Horse noodles, metalize it!"

Raksha Ghost King shouted immediately.

Underworld horse face and heart understand.

A metal scepter appeared in his hand.

It is his god-level martial arts spirit-"transformation scepter".

"A little stone becomes gold!"

I saw a metal scepter on the right side of the horse in Hades.

Hit directly on this quicksand cone.

In an instant!

The whole quicksand cone instantly turns into a metal cone.

It is at this time!

The thunder that originally shot out from the thundercloud.

They all gathered towards the metal cone.

And through the cone, the thunder released from these thunderclouds.

All poured into the underground world at a depth of one hundred thousand meters.

Only for a short time.

Everyone can feel it.

There was a violent vibration on the ground.

There is also a constant roar.


There is also a lot of violent thunder energy.

Directly shook the ground with cracks.

Electricity is everywhere.

"What a wonderful cooperation! Directly use the electrical conductivity of the metal to introduce all the thunder into the ground!"

When everyone saw the ghost king of Rakshasa and Hades, they directly dismantled the immediate crisis.

Immediately, his face showed joy.

It’s just that they don’t know.

Now in the underground world.

A certain Wudi was swearing.

First is the "Sword of the Empress" not long ago.

Now it is such a "violent thunder."

This Wudi in the underground world.

I don't know who I provoke.